Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Kevin Day, Bruno Lowagie, et al.
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import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;

import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

 * Factory to create {@link RandomAccessSource} objects based on various types of sources
 * @since 5.3.5

public final class RandomAccessSourceFactory {

     * whether the full content of the source should be read into memory at construction
    private boolean forceRead = false;

     * Whether {@link RandomAccessFile} should be used instead of a {@link FileChannel}, where applicable
    private boolean usePlainRandomAccess = false;

     * Whether the underlying file should have a RW lock on it or just an R lock
    private boolean exclusivelyLockFile = false;

     * Creates a factory that will give preference to accessing the underling data source using memory mapped files
    public RandomAccessSourceFactory() {

     * Determines whether the full content of the source will be read into memory
     * @param forceRead true if the full content will be read, false otherwise
     * @return this object (this allows chaining of method calls)
    public RandomAccessSourceFactory setForceRead(boolean forceRead) {
        this.forceRead = forceRead;
        return this;

     * Determines whether {@link RandomAccessFile} should be used as the primary data access mechanism
     * @param usePlainRandomAccess whether {@link RandomAccessFile} should be used as the primary data access mechanism
     * @return this object (this allows chaining of method calls)
    public RandomAccessSourceFactory setUsePlainRandomAccess(boolean usePlainRandomAccess) {
        this.usePlainRandomAccess = usePlainRandomAccess;
        return this;

    public RandomAccessSourceFactory setExclusivelyLockFile(boolean exclusivelyLockFile) {
        this.exclusivelyLockFile = exclusivelyLockFile;
        return this;

     * Creates a {@link RandomAccessSource} based on a byte array
     * @param data the byte array
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
    public RandomAccessSource createSource(byte[] data) {
        return new ArrayRandomAccessSource(data);

    public RandomAccessSource createSource(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
        return new RAFRandomAccessSource(raf);

     * Creates a {@link RandomAccessSource} based on a URL.  The data available at the URL is read into memory and used
     * as the source for the {@link RandomAccessSource}
     * @param url the url to read from
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
    public RandomAccessSource createSource(URL url) throws IOException {
        InputStream is = url.openStream();
        try {
            return createSource(is);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {

     * Creates a {@link RandomAccessSource} based on an {@link InputStream}.  The full content of the InputStream is read into memory and used
     * as the source for the {@link RandomAccessSource}
     * @param is the stream to read from
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
    public RandomAccessSource createSource(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        try {
            return createSource(StreamUtil.inputStreamToArray(is));
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {

     * Creates a {@link RandomAccessSource} based on a filename string.
     * If the filename describes a URL, a URL based source is created
     * If the filename describes a file on disk, the contents may be read into memory (if forceRead is true), opened using memory mapped file channel (if usePlainRandomAccess is false), or opened using {@link RandomAccessFile} access (if usePlainRandomAccess is true)
     * This call will automatically failover to using {@link RandomAccessFile} if the memory map operation fails
     * @param filename the name of the file or resource to create the {@link RandomAccessSource} for
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
    public RandomAccessSource createBestSource(String filename) throws IOException {
        File file = new File(filename);
        if (!file.canRead()) {
            if (filename.startsWith("file:/") || filename.startsWith("http://") || filename.startsWith("https://")
                    || filename.startsWith("jar:") || filename.startsWith("wsjar:") || filename.startsWith("wsjar:")
                    || filename.startsWith("vfszip:")) {
                return createSource(new URL(filename));
            } else {
                return createByReadingToMemory(filename);

        if (forceRead) {
            return createByReadingToMemory(new FileInputStream(filename));

        String openMode = exclusivelyLockFile ? "rw" : "r";

        RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, openMode);

        if (exclusivelyLockFile) {

        try {
            // ownership of the RAF passes to whatever source is created by createBestSource.
            return createBestSource(raf);
        } catch (IOException e) { // If creation of the source throws, we must close the RAF we created.
            try {
            } catch (IOException ignore) {
            throw e;
        } catch (RuntimeException e) { // if we get a runtime exception during opening, we must close the RAF we created
            try {
            } catch (IOException ignore) {
            throw e;

     * Creates a {@link RandomAccessSource} based on a RandomAccessFile.
     * The source will be opened using memory mapped file channel (if usePlainRandomAccess is false), or opened using {@link RandomAccessFile} access (if usePlainRandomAccess is true)
     * This call will automatically failover to using {@link RandomAccessFile} if the memory map operation fails
     * If the source couldn't be opened, the RandomAccessFile will be closed
     * @param raf the RandomAccessFile to create a {@link RandomAccessSource} for
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
    public RandomAccessSource createBestSource(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {

        if (usePlainRandomAccess) {
            return new RAFRandomAccessSource(raf);

        if (raf.length() <= 0) // files with zero length can't be mapped and will throw an IllegalArgumentException.  Just open using a simple RAF source.
            return new RAFRandomAccessSource(raf);

        try {
            // ownership of the RAF passes to whatever source is created by createBestSource. 
            return createBestSource(raf.getChannel());
        } catch (MapFailedException e) {
            return new RAFRandomAccessSource(raf);

     * Creates a {@link RandomAccessSource} based on memory mapping a file channel.
     * Unless you are explicitly working with a FileChannel already, it is better to use
     * {@link RandomAccessSourceFactory#createBestSource(String)}.
     * If the file is large, it will be opened using a paging strategy.
     * @param filename the name of the file or resource to create the {@link RandomAccessSource} for
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
    public RandomAccessSource createBestSource(FileChannel channel) throws IOException {
        if (channel.size() <= PagedChannelRandomAccessSource.DEFAULT_TOTAL_BUFSIZE) { // if less than the fully mapped usage of PagedFileChannelRandomAccessSource, just map the whole thing and be done with it
            return new GetBufferedRandomAccessSource(new FileChannelRandomAccessSource(channel));
        } else {
            return new GetBufferedRandomAccessSource(new PagedChannelRandomAccessSource(channel));

    public RandomAccessSource createRanged(RandomAccessSource source, long[] ranges) throws IOException {
        RandomAccessSource[] sources = new RandomAccessSource[ranges.length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 2) {
            sources[i / 2] = new WindowRandomAccessSource(source, ranges[i], ranges[i + 1]);
        return new GroupedRandomAccessSource(sources);

     * Creates a new {@link RandomAccessSource} by reading the specified file/resource into memory
     * @param filename the name of the resource to read
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
     * @throws IOException if reading the underling file or stream fails
    private RandomAccessSource createByReadingToMemory(String filename) throws IOException {
        InputStream is = StreamUtil.getResourceStream(filename);
        if (is == null)
            throw new IOException(
                    MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", filename));
        return createByReadingToMemory(is);

     * Creates a new {@link RandomAccessSource} by reading the specified file/resource into memory
     * @param is the name of the resource to read
     * @return the newly created {@link RandomAccessSource}
     * @throws IOException if reading the underling file or stream fails
    private RandomAccessSource createByReadingToMemory(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        try {
            return new ArrayRandomAccessSource(StreamUtil.inputStreamToArray(is));
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
