Java tutorial
/* This file is part of the iText (R) project. Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY ITEXT GROUP. ITEXT GROUP DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText. You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you develop commercial activities involving the iText software without disclosing the source code of your own applications. These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed source product. For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this address: */ package com.itextpdf.layout.element; import com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException; import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.StandardRoles; import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils.AccessibilityProperties; import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils.DefaultAccessibilityProperties; import com.itextpdf.layout.Document; import com.itextpdf.layout.borders.Border; import; import; import; import; import com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.IRenderer; import com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.TableRenderer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A {@link Table} is a layout element that represents data in a two-dimensional * grid. It is filled with {@link Cell cells}, ordered in rows and columns. * <p> * It is an implementation of {@link ILargeElement}, which means it can be flushed * to the canvas, in order to reclaim memory that is locked up. */ public class Table extends BlockElement<Table> implements ILargeElement { protected DefaultAccessibilityProperties tagProperties; private List<Cell[]> rows; private UnitValue[] columnWidths; private int currentColumn = 0; private int currentRow = -1; private Table header; private Table footer; private boolean skipFirstHeader; private boolean skipLastFooter; private boolean isComplete; private List<RowRange> lastAddedRowGroups; // Start number of the row "window" (range) that this table currently contain. // For large tables we might contain only a few rows, not all of them, other ones might have been flushed. private int rowWindowStart = 0; private Document document; private Cell[] lastAddedRow; private Div caption; /** * Constructs a {@code Table} with the preferable column widths. * <br> * Since 7.0.2 table layout algorithms were introduced. Auto layout is default, except large tables. * For large table 100% width and fixed layout set implicitly. * <br> * Note, the eventual columns width depends on selected layout, table width, * cell's width, cell's min-widths, and cell's max-widths. * Table layout algorithm has the same behaviour as expected for CSS table-layout property, * where {@code columnWidths} is <colgroup>'s widths. * For more information see {@link #setAutoLayout()} and {@link #setFixedLayout()}. * * @param columnWidths preferable column widths in points. Values must be greater than or equal to zero, * otherwise it will be interpreted as undefined. * @param largeTable whether parts of the table will be written before all data is added. * Note, large table does not support auto layout, table width shall not be removed. * @see #setAutoLayout() * @see #setFixedLayout() */ public Table(float[] columnWidths, boolean largeTable) { if (columnWidths == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The widths array in table constructor can not be null."); } if (columnWidths.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The widths array in table constructor can not have zero length."); } this.columnWidths = normalizeColumnWidths(columnWidths); initializeLargeTable(largeTable); initializeRows(); } /** * Constructs a {@code Table} with the preferable column widths. * <br> * Since 7.0.2 table layout algorithms were introduced. Auto layout is default, except large tables. * For large table 100% width and fixed layout set implicitly. * <br> * Note, the eventual columns width depends on selected layout, table width, * cell's width, cell's min-widths, and cell's max-widths. * Table layout algorithm has the same behaviour as expected for CSS table-layout property, * where {@code columnWidths} is <colgroup>'s widths. * For more information see {@link #setAutoLayout()} and {@link #setFixedLayout()}. * * @param columnWidths preferable column widths, points and/or percents. Values must be greater than or equal to zero, * otherwise it will be interpreted as undefined. * @param largeTable whether parts of the table will be written before all data is added. * Note, large table does not support auto layout, table width shall not be removed. * @see #setAutoLayout() * @see #setFixedLayout() */ public Table(UnitValue[] columnWidths, boolean largeTable) { if (columnWidths == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The widths array in table constructor can not be null."); } if (columnWidths.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The widths array in table constructor can not have zero length."); } this.columnWidths = normalizeColumnWidths(columnWidths); initializeLargeTable(largeTable); initializeRows(); } /** * Constructs a {@code Table} with the preferable column widths. * <br> * Since 7.0.2 table layout algorithms were introduced. Auto layout is default. * <br> * Note, the eventual columns width depends on selected layout, table width, * cell's width, cell's min-widths, and cell's max-widths. * Table layout algorithm has the same behaviour as expected for CSS table-layout property, * where {@code columnWidths} is <colgroup>'s widths. * For more information see {@link #setAutoLayout()} and {@link #setFixedLayout()}. * * @param columnWidths preferable column widths, points and/or percents. Values must be greater than or equal to zero, * otherwise it will be interpreted as undefined. * @see #setAutoLayout() * @see #setFixedLayout() */ public Table(UnitValue[] columnWidths) { this(columnWidths, false); } /** * Constructs a {@code Table} with the preferable column widths. * <br> * Since 7.0.2 table layout algorithms were introduced. Auto layout is default. * <br> * Note, the eventual columns width depends on selected layout, table width, * cell's width, cell's min-widths, and cell's max-widths. * Table layout algorithm has the same behaviour as expected for CSS table-layout property, * where {@code columnWidths} is <colgroup>'s widths. * For more information see {@link #setAutoLayout()} and {@link #setFixedLayout()}. * * @param pointColumnWidths preferable column widths in points. Values must be greater than or equal to zero, * otherwise it will be interpreted as undefined. * @see #setAutoLayout() * @see #setFixedLayout() */ public Table(float[] pointColumnWidths) { this(pointColumnWidths, false); } /** * Constructs a {@code Table} with specified number of columns. * The final column widths depend on selected table layout. * <br> * Since 7.0.2 table layout algorithms were introduced. Auto layout is default, except large tables. * For large table fixed layout set implicitly. * <br> * Since 7.1 table will have undefined column widths, that will be determined during layout. * In oder to set equal percent width as column width, use {@link UnitValue#createPercentArray(int)} * <br> * Note, the eventual columns width depends on selected layout, table width, * cell's width, cell's min-widths, and cell's max-widths. * Table layout algorithm has the same behaviour as expected for CSS table-layout property, * where {@code columnWidths} is <colgroup>'s widths. * For more information see {@link #setAutoLayout()} and {@link #setFixedLayout()}. * * @param numColumns the number of columns, each column will have equal percent width. * @param largeTable whether parts of the table will be written before all data is added. * Note, large table does not support auto layout, table width shall not be removed. * @see #setAutoLayout() * @see #setFixedLayout() */ public Table(int numColumns, boolean largeTable) { if (numColumns <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The number of columns in Table constructor must be greater than zero"); } this.columnWidths = normalizeColumnWidths(numColumns); initializeLargeTable(largeTable); initializeRows(); } /** * Constructs a {@code Table} with specified number of columns. * The final column widths depend on selected table layout. * <br> * Since 7.0.2 table layout was introduced. Auto layout is default, except large tables. * For large table fixed layout set implicitly. * <p> * Since 7.1 table will have undefined column widths, that will be determined during layout. * In oder to set equal percent width as column width, use {@link UnitValue#createPercentArray(int)} * <p> * Note, the eventual columns width depends on selected layout, table width, * cell's width, cell's min-widths, and cell's max-widths. * Table layout algorithm has the same behaviour as expected for CSS table-layout property, * where {@code columnWidths} is <colgroup>'s widths. * For more information see {@link #setAutoLayout()} and {@link #setFixedLayout()}. * * @param numColumns the number of columns, each column will have equal percent width. * @see #setAutoLayout() * @see #setFixedLayout() */ public Table(int numColumns) { this(numColumns, false); } /** * Set fixed layout. Analog of {@code table-layout:fixed} CSS property. * Note, the table must have width property, otherwise auto layout will be used. * <p> * Algorithm description * <br> * 1. Scan columns for width property and set it. All the rest columns get undefined value. * Column width includes borders and paddings. Columns have set in constructor, analog of {@code <colgroup>} element in HTML. * <br> * 2. Scan the very first row of table for width property and set it to undefined columns. * Cell width has lower priority in comparing with column. Cell width doesn't include borders and paddings. * <br> * 2.1 If cell has colspan and all columns are undefined, each column will get equal width: {@code width/colspan}. * <br> * 2.2 If some columns already have width, equal remain (original width minus existed) width will be added {@code remainWidth/colspan} to each column. * <br> * 3. If sum of columns is less, than table width, there are two options: * <br> * 3.1. If undefined columns still exist, they will get the rest remaining width. * <br> * 3.2. Otherwise all columns will be expanded proportionally based on its width. * <br> * 4. If sum of columns is greater, than table width, nothing to do. * * @return this element. */ public Table setFixedLayout() { setProperty(Property.TABLE_LAYOUT, "fixed"); return this; } /** * Set auto layout. Analog of {@code table-layout:auto} CSS property. <br> * Note, large table does not support auto layout. * <p> * Algorithm principles. * <br> * 1. Column width cannot be less, than min-width of any cell in the column (calculated by layout). * <br> * 2. Specified table width has higher priority, than sum of column and cell widths. * <br> * 3. Percent value of cell and column width has higher priority, than point value. * <br> * 4. Cell width has higher priority, than column width. * <br> * 5. If column has no width, it will try to reach max-value (calculated by layout). * * @return this element. */ public Table setAutoLayout() { setProperty(Property.TABLE_LAYOUT, "auto"); return this; } /** * Set {@link Property#WIDTH} = 100%. * * @return this element */ public Table useAllAvailableWidth() { setProperty(Property.WIDTH, UnitValue.createPercentValue(100)); return this; } /** * Returns the column width for the specified column. * * @param column index of the column * @return the width of the column */ public UnitValue getColumnWidth(int column) { return columnWidths[column]; } /** * Returns the number of columns. * * @return the number of columns. */ public int getNumberOfColumns() { return columnWidths.length; } /** * Returns the number of rows. * * @return the number of rows. */ public int getNumberOfRows() { return rows.size(); } /** * Adds a new cell to the header of the table. * The header will be displayed in the top of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipFirstHeader(boolean)}. * * @param headerCell a header cell to be added * @return this element */ public Table addHeaderCell(Cell headerCell) { ensureHeaderIsInitialized(); header.addCell(headerCell); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received blockElement as a content to the header of the table. * The header will be displayed in the top of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipFirstHeader(boolean)}. * * @param blockElement an element to be added to a header cell * @param <T> any IElement * @return this element */ public <T extends IElement> Table addHeaderCell(BlockElement<T> blockElement) { ensureHeaderIsInitialized(); header.addCell(blockElement); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received image to the header of the table. * The header will be displayed in the top of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipFirstHeader(boolean)}. * * @param image an element to be added to a header cell * @return this element */ public Table addHeaderCell(Image image) { ensureHeaderIsInitialized(); header.addCell(image); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received string as a content to the header of the table. * The header will be displayed in the top of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipFirstHeader(boolean)}. * * @param content a string to be added to a header cell * @return this element */ public Table addHeaderCell(String content) { ensureHeaderIsInitialized(); header.addCell(content); return this; } /** * Gets the header of the table. The header is represented as a distinct table and might have its own properties. * * @return table header or {@code null}, if {@link #addHeaderCell(Cell)} hasn't been called. */ public Table getHeader() { return header; } /** * Adds a new cell to the footer of the table. * The footer will be displayed in the bottom of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipLastFooter(boolean)}. * * @param footerCell a footer cell * @return this element */ public Table addFooterCell(Cell footerCell) { ensureFooterIsInitialized(); footer.addCell(footerCell); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received blockElement as a content to the footer of the table. * The footer will be displayed in the bottom of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipLastFooter(boolean)}. * * @param blockElement an element to be added to a footer cell * @param <T> IElement instance * @return this element */ public <T extends IElement> Table addFooterCell(BlockElement<T> blockElement) { ensureFooterIsInitialized(); footer.addCell(blockElement); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received image as a content to the footer of the table. * The footer will be displayed in the bottom of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipLastFooter(boolean)}. * * @param image an image to be added to a footer cell * @return this element */ public Table addFooterCell(Image image) { ensureFooterIsInitialized(); footer.addCell(image); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received string as a content to the footer of the table. * The footer will be displayed in the bottom of every area of this table. * See also {@link #setSkipLastFooter(boolean)}. * * @param content a content string to be added to a footer cell * @return this element */ public Table addFooterCell(String content) { ensureFooterIsInitialized(); footer.addCell(content); return this; } /** * Gets the footer of the table. The footer is represented as a distinct table and might have its own properties. * * @return table footer or {@code null}, if {@link #addFooterCell(Cell)} hasn't been called. */ public Table getFooter() { return footer; } /** * Tells you if the first header needs to be skipped (for instance if the * header says "continued from the previous page"). * * @return Value of property skipFirstHeader. */ public boolean isSkipFirstHeader() { return skipFirstHeader; } /** * Skips the printing of the first header. Used when printing tables in * succession belonging to the same printed table aspect. * * @param skipFirstHeader New value of property skipFirstHeader. * @return this element */ public Table setSkipFirstHeader(boolean skipFirstHeader) { this.skipFirstHeader = skipFirstHeader; return this; } /** * Tells you if the last footer needs to be skipped (for instance if the * footer says "continued on the next page") * * @return Value of property skipLastFooter. */ public boolean isSkipLastFooter() { return skipLastFooter; } /** * Skips the printing of the last footer. Used when printing tables in * succession belonging to the same printed table aspect. * * @param skipLastFooter New value of property skipLastFooter. * @return this element */ public Table setSkipLastFooter(boolean skipLastFooter) { this.skipLastFooter = skipLastFooter; return this; } /** Sets the table's caption. * * If there is no {@link Property#CAPTION_SIDE} set (note that it's an inheritable property), * {@link CaptionSide#TOP} will be used. * Also the {@link StandardRoles#CAPTION} will be set on the element. * * @param caption The element to be set as a caption. * @return this element */ public Table setCaption(Div caption) { this.caption = caption; if (null != caption) { ensureCaptionPropertiesAreSet(); } return this; } /** * Sets the table's caption and its caption side. * * Also the {@link StandardRoles#CAPTION} will be set on the element. * * @param caption The element to be set as a caption. * @param side The caption side to be set on the caption. ** @return this element */ public Table setCaption(Div caption, CaptionSide side) { if (null != caption) { caption.setProperty(Property.CAPTION_SIDE, side); } setCaption(caption); return this; } private void ensureCaptionPropertiesAreSet() { this.caption.getAccessibilityProperties().setRole(StandardRoles.CAPTION); } /** * Gets the table's caption. * * @return the table's caption. */ public Div getCaption() { return caption; } /** * Starts new row. This mean that next cell will be added at the beginning of next line. * * @return this element */ public Table startNewRow() { currentColumn = 0; currentRow++; if (currentRow >= rows.size()) { rows.add(new Cell[columnWidths.length]); } return this; //TODO when rendering starts, make sure, that last row is not empty. } /** * Adds a new cell to the table. The implementation decides for itself which * row the cell will be placed on. * * @param cell {@code Cell} to add. * @return this element */ public Table addCell(Cell cell) { if (isComplete && null != lastAddedRow) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.CannotAddCellToCompletedLargeTable); } // Try to find first empty slot in table. // We shall not use colspan or rowspan, 1x1 will be enough. while (true) { if (currentColumn >= columnWidths.length || currentColumn == -1) { startNewRow(); } if (rows.get(currentRow - rowWindowStart)[currentColumn] != null) { currentColumn++; } else { break; } } childElements.add(cell); cell.updateCellIndexes(currentRow, currentColumn, columnWidths.length); // extend bottom grid of slots to fix rowspan while (currentRow - rowWindowStart + cell.getRowspan() > rows.size()) { rows.add(new Cell[columnWidths.length]); } // set cell to all region include colspan and rowspan, except not-null cells. // this will help to handle empty rows and columns. for (int i = currentRow; i < currentRow + cell.getRowspan(); i++) { Cell[] row = rows.get(i - rowWindowStart); for (int j = currentColumn; j < currentColumn + cell.getColspan(); j++) { if (row[j] == null) { row[j] = cell; } } } currentColumn += cell.getColspan(); return this; } /** * Adds a new cell with received blockElement as a content. * * @param blockElement a blockElement to add to the cell and then to the table * @param <T> IElement instance * @return this element */ public <T extends IElement> Table addCell(BlockElement<T> blockElement) { return addCell(new Cell().add(blockElement)); } /** * Adds a new cell with received image as a content. * * @param image an image to add to the cell and then to the table * @return this element */ public Table addCell(Image image) { return addCell(new Cell().add(image)); } /** * Adds a new cell with received string as a content. * * @param content a string to add to the cell and then to the table * @return this element */ public Table addCell(String content) { return addCell(new Cell().add(new Paragraph(content))); } /** * Returns a cell as specified by its location. If the cell is in a col-span * or row-span and is not the top left cell, then <code>null</code> is returned. * * @param row the row of the cell. indexes are zero-based * @param column the column of the cell. indexes are zero-based * @return the cell at the specified position. */ public Cell getCell(int row, int column) { if (row - rowWindowStart < rows.size()) { Cell cell = rows.get(row - rowWindowStart)[column]; // make sure that it is top left corner of cell, even in case colspan or rowspan if (cell != null && cell.getRow() == row && cell.getCol() == column) { return cell; } } return null; } /** * Creates a renderer subtree with root in the current table element. * Compared to {@link #getRenderer()}, the renderer returned by this method should contain all the child * renderers for children of the current element. * * @return a {@link TableRenderer} subtree for this element */ @Override public IRenderer createRendererSubTree() { TableRenderer rendererRoot = (TableRenderer) getRenderer(); for (IElement child : childElements) { boolean childShouldBeAdded = isComplete || cellBelongsToAnyRowGroup((Cell) child, lastAddedRowGroups); if (childShouldBeAdded) { rendererRoot.addChild(child.createRendererSubTree()); } } return rendererRoot; } /** * Gets a table renderer for this element. Note that this method can be called more than once. * By default each element should define its own renderer, but the renderer can be overridden by * {@link #setNextRenderer(IRenderer)} method call. * * @return a table renderer for this element */ @Override public IRenderer getRenderer() { if (nextRenderer != null) { if (nextRenderer instanceof TableRenderer) { IRenderer renderer = nextRenderer; nextRenderer = nextRenderer.getNextRenderer(); return renderer; } else { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Table.class); logger.error("Invalid renderer for Table: must be inherited from TableRenderer"); } } // In case of large tables, we only add to the renderer the cells from complete row groups, // for incomplete ones we may have problem with partial rendering because of cross-dependency. if (isComplete) { // if table was large we need to remove the last flushed group of rows, so we need to update lastAddedRowGroups if (null != lastAddedRow && 0 != rows.size()) { List<RowRange> allRows = new ArrayList<>(); allRows.add(new RowRange(rowWindowStart, rowWindowStart + rows.size() - 1)); lastAddedRowGroups = allRows; } } else { lastAddedRowGroups = getRowGroups(); } if (isComplete) { return new TableRenderer(this, new RowRange(rowWindowStart, rowWindowStart + rows.size() - 1)); } else { int rowWindowFinish = lastAddedRowGroups.size() != 0 ? lastAddedRowGroups.get(lastAddedRowGroups.size() - 1).finishRow : -1; return new TableRenderer(this, new RowRange(rowWindowStart, rowWindowFinish)); } } @Override public boolean isComplete() { return isComplete; } /** * Indicates that all the desired content has been added to this large element and no more content will be added. * After this method is called, more precise rendering is activated. * For instance, a table may have a {@link #setSkipLastFooter(boolean)} method set to true, * and in case of large table on {@link #flush()} we do not know if any more content will be added, * so we might not place the content in the bottom of the page where it would fit, but instead add a footer, and * place that content in the start of the page. Technically such result would look all right, but it would be * more concise if we placed the content in the bottom and did not start new page. For such cases to be * renderered more accurately, one can call complete() when some content is still there and not flushed. */ @Override public void complete() { assert !isComplete; isComplete = true; flush(); } /** * Writes the newly added content to the document. */ @Override public void flush() { Cell[] row = null; int rowNum = rows.size(); if (!rows.isEmpty()) { row = rows.get(rows.size() - 1); } document.add(this); if (row != null && rowNum != rows.size()) { lastAddedRow = row; } } /** * Flushes the content which has just been added to the document. * This is a method for internal usage and is called automatically by the document. */ @Override public void flushContent() { if (lastAddedRowGroups == null || lastAddedRowGroups.isEmpty()) return; int firstRow = lastAddedRowGroups.get(0).startRow; int lastRow = lastAddedRowGroups.get(lastAddedRowGroups.size() - 1).finishRow; List<IElement> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (IElement cell : childElements) { if (((Cell) cell).getRow() >= firstRow && ((Cell) cell).getRow() <= lastRow) { toRemove.add(cell); } } childElements.removeAll(toRemove); for (int i = 0; i < lastRow - firstRow; i++) { rows.remove(firstRow - rowWindowStart); } lastAddedRow = rows.remove(firstRow - rowWindowStart); rowWindowStart = lastAddedRowGroups.get(lastAddedRowGroups.size() - 1).getFinishRow() + 1; lastAddedRowGroups = null; } @Override public void setDocument(Document document) { this.document = document; } /** * Gets the markup properties of the bottom border of the (current) last row. * * @return an array of {@link Border} objects */ public List<Border> getLastRowBottomBorder() { List<Border> horizontalBorder = new ArrayList<>(); if (lastAddedRow != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lastAddedRow.length; i++) { Cell cell = lastAddedRow[i]; Border border = null; if (cell != null) { if (cell.hasProperty(Property.BORDER_BOTTOM)) { border = cell.<Border>getProperty(Property.BORDER_BOTTOM); } else if (cell.hasProperty(Property.BORDER)) { border = cell.<Border>getProperty(Property.BORDER); } else { border = cell.<Border>getDefaultProperty(Property.BORDER); } } horizontalBorder.add(border); } } return horizontalBorder; } public Table setExtendBottomRow(boolean isExtended) { setProperty(Property.FILL_AVAILABLE_AREA, isExtended); return this; } public Table setExtendBottomRowOnSplit(boolean isExtended) { setProperty(Property.FILL_AVAILABLE_AREA_ON_SPLIT, isExtended); return this; } public Table setBorderCollapse(BorderCollapsePropertyValue collapsePropertyValue) { setProperty(Property.BORDER_COLLAPSE, collapsePropertyValue); if (null != header) { header.setBorderCollapse(collapsePropertyValue); } if (null != footer) { footer.setBorderCollapse(collapsePropertyValue); } return this; } public Table setHorizontalBorderSpacing(float spacing) { setProperty(Property.HORIZONTAL_BORDER_SPACING, spacing); if (null != header) { header.setHorizontalBorderSpacing(spacing); } if (null != footer) { footer.setHorizontalBorderSpacing(spacing); } return this; } public Table setVerticalBorderSpacing(float spacing) { setProperty(Property.VERTICAL_BORDER_SPACING, spacing); if (null != header) { header.setVerticalBorderSpacing(spacing); } if (null != footer) { footer.setVerticalBorderSpacing(spacing); } return this; } @Override public AccessibilityProperties getAccessibilityProperties() { if (tagProperties == null) { tagProperties = new DefaultAccessibilityProperties(StandardRoles.TABLE); } return tagProperties; } @Override protected IRenderer makeNewRenderer() { return new TableRenderer(this); } private static UnitValue[] normalizeColumnWidths(float[] pointColumnWidths) { UnitValue[] normalized = new UnitValue[pointColumnWidths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < normalized.length; i++) { if (pointColumnWidths[i] >= 0) { normalized[i] = UnitValue.createPointValue(pointColumnWidths[i]); } } return normalized; } private static UnitValue[] normalizeColumnWidths(UnitValue[] unitColumnWidths) { UnitValue[] normalized = new UnitValue[unitColumnWidths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < unitColumnWidths.length; i++) { normalized[i] = unitColumnWidths[i] != null && unitColumnWidths[i].getValue() >= 0 ? new UnitValue(unitColumnWidths[i]) : null; } return normalized; } private static UnitValue[] normalizeColumnWidths(int numberOfColumns) { UnitValue[] normalized = new UnitValue[numberOfColumns]; return normalized; } protected java.util.List<RowRange> getRowGroups() { int lastRowWeCanFlush = currentColumn == columnWidths.length ? currentRow : currentRow - 1; int[] cellBottomRows = new int[columnWidths.length]; int currentRowGroupStart = rowWindowStart; java.util.List<RowRange> rowGroups = new ArrayList<>(); while (currentRowGroupStart <= lastRowWeCanFlush) { for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; i++) { cellBottomRows[i] = currentRowGroupStart; } int maxRowGroupFinish = cellBottomRows[0] + rows.get(cellBottomRows[0] - rowWindowStart)[0].getRowspan() - 1; boolean converged = false; boolean rowGroupComplete = true; while (!converged) { converged = true; for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; i++) { while (cellBottomRows[i] < lastRowWeCanFlush && cellBottomRows[i] + rows.get(cellBottomRows[i] - rowWindowStart)[i].getRowspan() - 1 < maxRowGroupFinish) { cellBottomRows[i] += rows.get(cellBottomRows[i] - rowWindowStart)[i].getRowspan(); } if (cellBottomRows[i] + rows.get(cellBottomRows[i] - rowWindowStart)[i].getRowspan() - 1 > maxRowGroupFinish) { maxRowGroupFinish = cellBottomRows[i] + rows.get(cellBottomRows[i] - rowWindowStart)[i].getRowspan() - 1; converged = false; } else if (cellBottomRows[i] + rows.get(cellBottomRows[i] - rowWindowStart)[i].getRowspan() - 1 < maxRowGroupFinish) { // don't have enough cells for a row group yet. rowGroupComplete = false; } } } if (rowGroupComplete) { rowGroups.add(new RowRange(currentRowGroupStart, maxRowGroupFinish)); } currentRowGroupStart = maxRowGroupFinish + 1; } return rowGroups; } private void initializeRows() { rows = new ArrayList<>(); currentColumn = -1; } private boolean cellBelongsToAnyRowGroup(Cell cell, List<RowRange> rowGroups) { return rowGroups != null && rowGroups.size() > 0 && cell.getRow() >= rowGroups.get(0).getStartRow() && cell.getRow() <= rowGroups.get(rowGroups.size() - 1).getFinishRow(); } private void ensureHeaderIsInitialized() { if (header == null) { header = new Table(columnWidths); UnitValue width = getWidth(); if (width != null) header.setWidth(width); header.getAccessibilityProperties().setRole(StandardRoles.THEAD); if (hasOwnProperty(Property.BORDER_COLLAPSE)) { header.setBorderCollapse((BorderCollapsePropertyValue) this .<BorderCollapsePropertyValue>getProperty(Property.BORDER_COLLAPSE)); } if (hasOwnProperty(Property.HORIZONTAL_BORDER_SPACING)) { header.setHorizontalBorderSpacing( (float) this.<Float>getProperty(Property.HORIZONTAL_BORDER_SPACING)); } if (hasOwnProperty(Property.VERTICAL_BORDER_SPACING)) { header.setVerticalBorderSpacing((float) this.<Float>getProperty(Property.VERTICAL_BORDER_SPACING)); } } } private void ensureFooterIsInitialized() { if (footer == null) { footer = new Table(columnWidths); UnitValue width = getWidth(); if (width != null) footer.setWidth(width); footer.getAccessibilityProperties().setRole(StandardRoles.TFOOT); if (hasOwnProperty(Property.BORDER_COLLAPSE)) { footer.setBorderCollapse((BorderCollapsePropertyValue) this .<BorderCollapsePropertyValue>getProperty(Property.BORDER_COLLAPSE)); } if (hasOwnProperty(Property.HORIZONTAL_BORDER_SPACING)) { footer.setHorizontalBorderSpacing( (float) this.<Float>getProperty(Property.HORIZONTAL_BORDER_SPACING)); } if (hasOwnProperty(Property.VERTICAL_BORDER_SPACING)) { footer.setVerticalBorderSpacing((float) this.<Float>getProperty(Property.VERTICAL_BORDER_SPACING)); } } } private void initializeLargeTable(boolean largeTable) { this.isComplete = !largeTable; if (largeTable) { setWidth(UnitValue.createPercentValue(100)); setFixedLayout(); } } /** * A simple object which holds the row numbers of a section of a table. */ public static class RowRange { // The start number of the row group, inclusive int startRow; // The finish number of the row group, inclusive int finishRow; /** * Creates a {@link RowRange} * * @param startRow the start number of the row group, inclusive * @param finishRow the finish number of the row group, inclusive */ public RowRange(int startRow, int finishRow) { this.startRow = startRow; this.finishRow = finishRow; } /** * Gets the starting row number of the table section * * @return the start number of the row group, inclusive */ public int getStartRow() { return startRow; } /** * Gets the finishing row number of the table section * * @return the finish number of the row group, inclusive */ public int getFinishRow() { return finishRow; } } }