Source code

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Here is the source code for


This file is part of the iText (R) project.
Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV
Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
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You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
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For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class PdfEncodings {


    /** The Unicode encoding with horizontal writing. */
    public static final String IDENTITY_H = "Identity-H";
    /** The Unicode encoding with vertical writing. */
    public static final String IDENTITY_V = "Identity-V";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String CP1250 = "Cp1250";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String CP1252 = "Cp1252";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String CP1253 = "Cp1253";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String CP1257 = "Cp1257";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String WINANSI = "Cp1252";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String MACROMAN = "MacRoman";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String SYMBOL = "Symbol";
    /** A possible encoding. */
    public static final String ZAPFDINGBATS = "ZapfDingbats";
    /** This is the encoding to be used to output text in Unicode. */
    public static final String UNICODE_BIG = "UnicodeBig";
    /** This is the encoding to be used to output text for Identity-H/V CMaps. */
    public static final String UNICODE_BIG_UNMARKED = "UnicodeBigUnmarked";
    /** This is the default encoding to be used for converting Strings into
     * bytes and vice versa. The default encoding is PDF_DOC_ENCODING. */
    public static final String PDF_DOC_ENCODING = "PDF";
    public static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8";

    private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";

    private static final char[] winansiByteToChar = { (char) 0, (char) 1, (char) 2, (char) 3, (char) 4, (char) 5,
            (char) 6, (char) 7, (char) 8, (char) 9, (char) 10, (char) 11, (char) 12, (char) 13, (char) 14,
            (char) 15, (char) 16, (char) 17, (char) 18, (char) 19, (char) 20, (char) 21, (char) 22, (char) 23,
            (char) 24, (char) 25, (char) 26, (char) 27, (char) 28, (char) 29, (char) 30, (char) 31, (char) 32,
            (char) 33, (char) 34, (char) 35, (char) 36, (char) 37, (char) 38, (char) 39, (char) 40, (char) 41,
            (char) 42, (char) 43, (char) 44, (char) 45, (char) 46, (char) 47, (char) 48, (char) 49, (char) 50,
            (char) 51, (char) 52, (char) 53, (char) 54, (char) 55, (char) 56, (char) 57, (char) 58, (char) 59,
            (char) 60, (char) 61, (char) 62, (char) 63, (char) 64, (char) 65, (char) 66, (char) 67, (char) 68,
            (char) 69, (char) 70, (char) 71, (char) 72, (char) 73, (char) 74, (char) 75, (char) 76, (char) 77,
            (char) 78, (char) 79, (char) 80, (char) 81, (char) 82, (char) 83, (char) 84, (char) 85, (char) 86,
            (char) 87, (char) 88, (char) 89, (char) 90, (char) 91, (char) 92, (char) 93, (char) 94, (char) 95,
            (char) 96, (char) 97, (char) 98, (char) 99, (char) 100, (char) 101, (char) 102, (char) 103, (char) 104,
            (char) 105, (char) 106, (char) 107, (char) 108, (char) 109, (char) 110, (char) 111, (char) 112,
            (char) 113, (char) 114, (char) 115, (char) 116, (char) 117, (char) 118, (char) 119, (char) 120,
            (char) 121, (char) 122, (char) 123, (char) 124, (char) 125, (char) 126, (char) 127, (char) 8364,
            (char) 65533, (char) 8218, (char) 402, (char) 8222, (char) 8230, (char) 8224, (char) 8225, (char) 710,
            (char) 8240, (char) 352, (char) 8249, (char) 338, (char) 65533, (char) 381, (char) 65533, (char) 65533,
            (char) 8216, (char) 8217, (char) 8220, (char) 8221, (char) 8226, (char) 8211, (char) 8212, (char) 732,
            (char) 8482, (char) 353, (char) 8250, (char) 339, (char) 65533, (char) 382, (char) 376, (char) 160,
            (char) 161, (char) 162, (char) 163, (char) 164, (char) 165, (char) 166, (char) 167, (char) 168,
            (char) 169, (char) 170, (char) 171, (char) 172, (char) 173, (char) 174, (char) 175, (char) 176,
            (char) 177, (char) 178, (char) 179, (char) 180, (char) 181, (char) 182, (char) 183, (char) 184,
            (char) 185, (char) 186, (char) 187, (char) 188, (char) 189, (char) 190, (char) 191, (char) 192,
            (char) 193, (char) 194, (char) 195, (char) 196, (char) 197, (char) 198, (char) 199, (char) 200,
            (char) 201, (char) 202, (char) 203, (char) 204, (char) 205, (char) 206, (char) 207, (char) 208,
            (char) 209, (char) 210, (char) 211, (char) 212, (char) 213, (char) 214, (char) 215, (char) 216,
            (char) 217, (char) 218, (char) 219, (char) 220, (char) 221, (char) 222, (char) 223, (char) 224,
            (char) 225, (char) 226, (char) 227, (char) 228, (char) 229, (char) 230, (char) 231, (char) 232,
            (char) 233, (char) 234, (char) 235, (char) 236, (char) 237, (char) 238, (char) 239, (char) 240,
            (char) 241, (char) 242, (char) 243, (char) 244, (char) 245, (char) 246, (char) 247, (char) 248,
            (char) 249, (char) 250, (char) 251, (char) 252, (char) 253, (char) 254, (char) 255 };

    private static final char[] pdfEncodingByteToChar = { (char) 0, (char) 1, (char) 2, (char) 3, (char) 4,
            (char) 5, (char) 6, (char) 7, (char) 8, (char) 9, (char) 10, (char) 11, (char) 12, (char) 13, (char) 14,
            (char) 15, (char) 16, (char) 17, (char) 18, (char) 19, (char) 20, (char) 21, (char) 22, (char) 23,
            (char) 24, (char) 25, (char) 26, (char) 27, (char) 28, (char) 29, (char) 30, (char) 31, (char) 32,
            (char) 33, (char) 34, (char) 35, (char) 36, (char) 37, (char) 38, (char) 39, (char) 40, (char) 41,
            (char) 42, (char) 43, (char) 44, (char) 45, (char) 46, (char) 47, (char) 48, (char) 49, (char) 50,
            (char) 51, (char) 52, (char) 53, (char) 54, (char) 55, (char) 56, (char) 57, (char) 58, (char) 59,
            (char) 60, (char) 61, (char) 62, (char) 63, (char) 64, (char) 65, (char) 66, (char) 67, (char) 68,
            (char) 69, (char) 70, (char) 71, (char) 72, (char) 73, (char) 74, (char) 75, (char) 76, (char) 77,
            (char) 78, (char) 79, (char) 80, (char) 81, (char) 82, (char) 83, (char) 84, (char) 85, (char) 86,
            (char) 87, (char) 88, (char) 89, (char) 90, (char) 91, (char) 92, (char) 93, (char) 94, (char) 95,
            (char) 96, (char) 97, (char) 98, (char) 99, (char) 100, (char) 101, (char) 102, (char) 103, (char) 104,
            (char) 105, (char) 106, (char) 107, (char) 108, (char) 109, (char) 110, (char) 111, (char) 112,
            (char) 113, (char) 114, (char) 115, (char) 116, (char) 117, (char) 118, (char) 119, (char) 120,
            (char) 121, (char) 122, (char) 123, (char) 124, (char) 125, (char) 126, (char) 127, (char) 0x2022,
            (char) 0x2020, (char) 0x2021, (char) 0x2026, (char) 0x2014, (char) 0x2013, (char) 0x0192, (char) 0x2044,
            (char) 0x2039, (char) 0x203a, (char) 0x2212, (char) 0x2030, (char) 0x201e, (char) 0x201c, (char) 0x201d,
            (char) 0x2018, (char) 0x2019, (char) 0x201a, (char) 0x2122, (char) 0xfb01, (char) 0xfb02, (char) 0x0141,
            (char) 0x0152, (char) 0x0160, (char) 0x0178, (char) 0x017d, (char) 0x0131, (char) 0x0142, (char) 0x0153,
            (char) 0x0161, (char) 0x017e, (char) 65533, (char) 0x20ac, (char) 161, (char) 162, (char) 163,
            (char) 164, (char) 165, (char) 166, (char) 167, (char) 168, (char) 169, (char) 170, (char) 171,
            (char) 172, (char) 173, (char) 174, (char) 175, (char) 176, (char) 177, (char) 178, (char) 179,
            (char) 180, (char) 181, (char) 182, (char) 183, (char) 184, (char) 185, (char) 186, (char) 187,
            (char) 188, (char) 189, (char) 190, (char) 191, (char) 192, (char) 193, (char) 194, (char) 195,
            (char) 196, (char) 197, (char) 198, (char) 199, (char) 200, (char) 201, (char) 202, (char) 203,
            (char) 204, (char) 205, (char) 206, (char) 207, (char) 208, (char) 209, (char) 210, (char) 211,
            (char) 212, (char) 213, (char) 214, (char) 215, (char) 216, (char) 217, (char) 218, (char) 219,
            (char) 220, (char) 221, (char) 222, (char) 223, (char) 224, (char) 225, (char) 226, (char) 227,
            (char) 228, (char) 229, (char) 230, (char) 231, (char) 232, (char) 233, (char) 234, (char) 235,
            (char) 236, (char) 237, (char) 238, (char) 239, (char) 240, (char) 241, (char) 242, (char) 243,
            (char) 244, (char) 245, (char) 246, (char) 247, (char) 248, (char) 249, (char) 250, (char) 251,
            (char) 252, (char) 253, (char) 254, (char) 255 };

    static final int[] standardEncoding = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 8217, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
            51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
            77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 8216, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
            102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,
            123, 124, 125, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 161, 162, 163, 8260, 165, 402, 167, 164, 39, 8220, 171, 8249, 8250, 64257, 64258, 0,
            8211, 8224, 8225, 183, 0, 182, 8226, 8218, 8222, 8221, 187, 8230, 8240, 0, 191, 0, 96, 180, 710, 732,
            175, 728, 729, 168, 0, 730, 184, 0, 733, 731, 711, 8212, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            198, 0, 170, 0, 0, 0, 0, 321, 216, 338, 186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 230, 0, 0, 0, 305, 0, 0, 322, 248, 339, 223,
            0, 0, 0, 0 };

    private static final IntHashtable winansi = new IntHashtable();

    private static final IntHashtable pdfEncoding = new IntHashtable();

    private static final Map<String, IExtraEncoding> extraEncodings = new HashMap<>();

    static {
        for (int k = 128; k < 161; ++k) {
            char c = winansiByteToChar[k];
            if (c != 65533)
                winansi.put((int) c, k);

        for (int k = 128; k < 161; ++k) {
            char c = pdfEncodingByteToChar[k];
            if (c != 65533)
                pdfEncoding.put((int) c, k);

        addExtraEncoding("Wingdings", new WingdingsConversion());
        addExtraEncoding("Symbol", new SymbolConversion(true));
        addExtraEncoding("ZapfDingbats", new SymbolConversion(false));
        addExtraEncoding("SymbolTT", new SymbolTTConversion());
        addExtraEncoding("Cp437", new Cp437Conversion());

     * Converts a {@code String} to a {@code byte} array according
     * to the font's encoding.
     * @param encoding the encoding
     * @param text     the {@code String} to be converted
     * @return an array of {@code byte} representing the conversion according to the font's encoding
    public static byte[] convertToBytes(String text, String encoding) {
        if (text == null)
            return new byte[0];
        if (encoding == null || encoding.length() == 0) {
            int len = text.length();
            byte[] b = new byte[len];
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                b[k] = (byte) text.charAt(k);
            return b;
        IExtraEncoding extra = extraEncodings.get(encoding.toLowerCase());
        if (extra != null) {
            byte[] b = extra.charToByte(text, encoding);
            if (b != null)
                return b;
        IntHashtable hash = null;
        if (encoding.equals(WINANSI)) {
            hash = winansi;
        } else if (encoding.equals(PDF_DOC_ENCODING)) {
            hash = pdfEncoding;
        if (hash != null) {
            char[] cc = text.toCharArray();
            int len = cc.length;
            int ptr = 0;
            byte[] b = new byte[len];
            int c;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                char ch = cc[k];
                if (ch < 128 || ch > 160 && ch <= 255) {
                    c = ch;
                } else {
                    c = hash.get((int) ch);
                if (c != 0) {
                    b[ptr++] = (byte) c;
            if (ptr == len)
                return b;
            byte[] b2 = new byte[ptr];
            System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, ptr);
            return b2;
        try {
            return EncodingUtil.convertToBytes(text.toCharArray(), encoding);
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new IOException(IOException.CharacterCodeException, e);

     * Converts a {@code String} to a {@code byte} array according
     * to the font's encoding.
     * @param encoding the encoding
     * @param ch    the {@code char} to be converted
     * @return an array of {@code byte} representing the conversion according to the font's encoding
    public static byte[] convertToBytes(char ch, String encoding) {
        if (encoding == null || encoding.length() == 0)
            return new byte[] { (byte) ch };
        IntHashtable hash = null;
        if (encoding.equals(WINANSI))
            hash = winansi;
        else if (encoding.equals(PDF_DOC_ENCODING))
            hash = pdfEncoding;
        if (hash != null) {
            int c;
            if (ch < 128 || ch > 160 && ch <= 255) {
                c = ch;
            } else {
                c = hash.get((int) ch);
            if (c != 0) {
                return new byte[] { (byte) c };
            } else {
                return new byte[0];
        try {
            return EncodingUtil.convertToBytes(new char[] { ch }, encoding);
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new IOException(IOException.CharacterCodeException, e);

     * Converts a {@code byte} array to a {@code String} according
     * to the some encoding.
     * @param bytes    the bytes to convert
     * @param encoding the encoding
     * @return the converted {@code String}
    public static String convertToString(byte[] bytes, String encoding) {
        if (bytes == null)
            return EMPTY_STRING;
        if (encoding == null || encoding.length() == 0) {
            char[] c = new char[bytes.length];
            for (int k = 0; k < bytes.length; ++k) {
                c[k] = (char) (bytes[k] & 0xff);
            return new String(c);
        IExtraEncoding extra = extraEncodings.get(encoding.toLowerCase());
        if (extra != null) {
            String text = extra.byteToChar(bytes, encoding);
            if (text != null) {
                return text;
        char[] ch = null;
        if (encoding.equals(WINANSI))
            ch = winansiByteToChar;
        else if (encoding.equals(PDF_DOC_ENCODING))
            ch = pdfEncodingByteToChar;
        if (ch != null) {
            int len = bytes.length;
            char[] c = new char[len];
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                c[k] = ch[bytes[k] & 0xff];
            return new String(c);
        try {
            return EncodingUtil.convertToString(bytes, encoding);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new IOException(IOException.UnsupportedEncodingException, e);

     * Checks is {@code text} only has PDF_DOC_ENCODING characters.
     * @param text the {@code String} to test
     * @return {@code true} if only PDF_DOC_ENCODING characters are present
    public static boolean isPdfDocEncoding(String text) {
        if (text == null)
            return true;
        int len = text.length();
        for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {
            char ch = text.charAt(k);
            if (ch < 128 || ch > 160 && ch <= 255)
            if (!pdfEncoding.containsKey((int) ch))
                return false;
        return true;

    /** Adds an extra encoding.
     * @param name the name of the encoding. The encoding recognition is case insensitive
     * @param enc the conversion class
    public static void addExtraEncoding(String name, IExtraEncoding enc) {
        synchronized (extraEncodings) {
            extraEncodings.put(name.toLowerCase(), enc);

    private static class WingdingsConversion implements IExtraEncoding {

        public byte[] charToByte(char char1, String encoding) {
            if (char1 == ' ')
                return new byte[] { (byte) char1 };
            else if (char1 >= '\u2701' && char1 <= '\u27BE') {
                byte v = table[char1 - 0x2700];
                if (v != 0)
                    return new byte[] { v };
            return new byte[0];

        public byte[] charToByte(String text, String encoding) {
            char[] cc = text.toCharArray();
            byte[] b = new byte[cc.length];
            int ptr = 0;
            int len = cc.length;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                char c = cc[k];
                if (c == ' ')
                    b[ptr++] = (byte) c;
                else if (c >= '\u2701' && c <= '\u27BE') {
                    byte v = table[c - 0x2700];
                    if (v != 0)
                        b[ptr++] = v;
            if (ptr == len)
                return b;
            byte[] b2 = new byte[ptr];
            System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, ptr);
            return b2;

        public String byteToChar(byte[] b, String encoding) {
            return null;

        private static final byte[] table = { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x23, (byte) 0x22, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x29, (byte) 0x3e, (byte) 0x51, (byte) 0x2a, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x41, (byte) 0x3f, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0xfc, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xfb, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x56, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x58,
                (byte) 0x59, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xb5, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xb6, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xad, (byte) 0xaf,
                (byte) 0xac, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x7c, (byte) 0x7b, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x54, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xa6, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x71,
                (byte) 0x72, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x75, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x7d, (byte) 0x7e, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0x8d, (byte) 0x8e, (byte) 0x8f, (byte) 0x90, (byte) 0x91,
                (byte) 0x92, (byte) 0x93, (byte) 0x94, (byte) 0x95, (byte) 0x81, (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0x83,
                (byte) 0x84, (byte) 0x85, (byte) 0x86, (byte) 0x87, (byte) 0x88, (byte) 0x89, (byte) 0x8a,
                (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0x8d, (byte) 0x8e, (byte) 0x8f, (byte) 0x90, (byte) 0x91, (byte) 0x92,
                (byte) 0x93, (byte) 0x94, (byte) 0x95, (byte) 0xe8, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xe8, (byte) 0xd8, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xc4,
                (byte) 0xc6, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xf0, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xdc,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00,
                (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 };

    private static class Cp437Conversion implements IExtraEncoding {
        private static IntHashtable c2b = new IntHashtable();

        public byte[] charToByte(String text, String encoding) {
            char[] cc = text.toCharArray();
            byte[] b = new byte[cc.length];
            int ptr = 0;
            int len = cc.length;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                char c = cc[k];
                if (c < 128)
                    b[ptr++] = (byte) c;
                else {
                    byte v = (byte) c2b.get(c);
                    if (v != 0)
                        b[ptr++] = v;
            if (ptr == len)
                return b;
            byte[] b2 = new byte[ptr];
            System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, ptr);
            return b2;

        public byte[] charToByte(char char1, String encoding) {
            if (char1 < 128)
                return new byte[] { (byte) char1 };
            else {
                byte v = (byte) c2b.get(char1);
                if (v != 0)
                    return new byte[] { v };
                    return new byte[0];

        public String byteToChar(byte[] b, String encoding) {
            int len = b.length;
            char[] cc = new char[len];
            int ptr = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                int c = b[k] & 0xff;
                if (c < ' ')
                if (c < 128)
                    cc[ptr++] = (char) c;
                else {
                    char v = table[c - 128];
                    cc[ptr++] = v;
            return new String(cc, 0, ptr);

        private static final char[] table = { '\u00C7', '\u00FC', '\u00E9', '\u00E2', '\u00E4', '\u00E0', '\u00E5',
                '\u00E7', '\u00EA', '\u00EB', '\u00E8', '\u00EF', '\u00EE', '\u00EC', '\u00C4', '\u00C5', '\u00C9',
                '\u00E6', '\u00C6', '\u00F4', '\u00F6', '\u00F2', '\u00FB', '\u00F9', '\u00FF', '\u00D6', '\u00DC',
                '\u00A2', '\u00A3', '\u00A5', '\u20A7', '\u0192', '\u00E1', '\u00ED', '\u00F3', '\u00FA', '\u00F1',
                '\u00D1', '\u00AA', '\u00BA', '\u00BF', '\u2310', '\u00AC', '\u00BD', '\u00BC', '\u00A1', '\u00AB',
                '\u00BB', '\u2591', '\u2592', '\u2593', '\u2502', '\u2524', '\u2561', '\u2562', '\u2556', '\u2555',
                '\u2563', '\u2551', '\u2557', '\u255D', '\u255C', '\u255B', '\u2510', '\u2514', '\u2534', '\u252C',
                '\u251C', '\u2500', '\u253C', '\u255E', '\u255F', '\u255A', '\u2554', '\u2569', '\u2566', '\u2560',
                '\u2550', '\u256C', '\u2567', '\u2568', '\u2564', '\u2565', '\u2559', '\u2558', '\u2552', '\u2553',
                '\u256B', '\u256A', '\u2518', '\u250C', '\u2588', '\u2584', '\u258C', '\u2590', '\u2580', '\u03B1',
                '\u00DF', '\u0393', '\u03C0', '\u03A3', '\u03C3', '\u00B5', '\u03C4', '\u03A6', '\u0398', '\u03A9',
                '\u03B4', '\u221E', '\u03C6', '\u03B5', '\u2229', '\u2261', '\u00B1', '\u2265', '\u2264', '\u2320',
                '\u2321', '\u00F7', '\u2248', '\u00B0', '\u2219', '\u00B7', '\u221A', '\u207F', '\u00B2', '\u25A0',
                '\u00A0' };

        static {
            for (int k = 0; k < table.length; ++k)
                c2b.put(table[k], k + 128);

    private static class SymbolConversion implements IExtraEncoding {

        private static final IntHashtable t1 = new IntHashtable();
        private static final IntHashtable t2 = new IntHashtable();
        private IntHashtable translation;
        private final char[] byteToChar;

        SymbolConversion(boolean symbol) {
            if (symbol) {
                translation = t1;
                byteToChar = table1;
            } else {
                translation = t2;
                byteToChar = table2;

        public byte[] charToByte(String text, String encoding) {
            char[] cc = text.toCharArray();
            byte[] b = new byte[cc.length];
            int ptr = 0;
            int len = cc.length;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                char c = cc[k];
                byte v = (byte) translation.get(c);
                if (v != 0)
                    b[ptr++] = v;
            if (ptr == len)
                return b;
            byte[] b2 = new byte[ptr];
            System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, ptr);
            return b2;

        public byte[] charToByte(char char1, String encoding) {
            byte v = (byte) translation.get(char1);
            if (v != 0)
                return new byte[] { v };
                return new byte[0];

        public String byteToChar(byte[] b, String encoding) {
            int len = b.length;
            char[] cc = new char[len];
            int ptr = 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                int c = b[k] & 0xff;
                char v = byteToChar[c];
                cc[ptr++] = v;
            return new String(cc, 0, ptr);

        private static final char[] table1 = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', ' ', '!', '\u2200', '#', '\u2203', '%', '&', '\u220b', '(', ')', '*',
                '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>',
                '?', '\u2245', '\u0391', '\u0392', '\u03a7', '\u0394', '\u0395', '\u03a6', '\u0393', '\u0397',
                '\u0399', '\u03d1', '\u039a', '\u039b', '\u039c', '\u039d', '\u039f', '\u03a0', '\u0398', '\u03a1',
                '\u03a3', '\u03a4', '\u03a5', '\u03c2', '\u03a9', '\u039e', '\u03a8', '\u0396', '[', '\u2234', ']',
                '\u22a5', '_', '\u0305', '\u03b1', '\u03b2', '\u03c7', '\u03b4', '\u03b5', '\u03d5', '\u03b3',
                '\u03b7', '\u03b9', '\u03c6', '\u03ba', '\u03bb', '\u03bc', '\u03bd', '\u03bf', '\u03c0', '\u03b8',
                '\u03c1', '\u03c3', '\u03c4', '\u03c5', '\u03d6', '\u03c9', '\u03be', '\u03c8', '\u03b6', '{', '|',
                '}', '~', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\u20ac', '\u03d2', '\u2032', '\u2264', '\u2044', '\u221e', '\u0192', '\u2663',
                '\u2666', '\u2665', '\u2660', '\u2194', '\u2190', '\u2191', '\u2192', '\u2193', '\u00b0', '\u00b1',
                '\u2033', '\u2265', '\u00d7', '\u221d', '\u2202', '\u2022', '\u00f7', '\u2260', '\u2261', '\u2248',
                '\u2026', '\u2502', '\u2500', '\u21b5', '\u2135', '\u2111', '\u211c', '\u2118', '\u2297', '\u2295',
                '\u2205', '\u2229', '\u222a', '\u2283', '\u2287', '\u2284', '\u2282', '\u2286', '\u2208', '\u2209',
                '\u2220', '\u2207', '\u00ae', '\u00a9', '\u2122', '\u220f', '\u221a', '\u22c5', '\u00ac', '\u2227',
                '\u2228', '\u21d4', '\u21d0', '\u21d1', '\u21d2', '\u21d3', '\u25ca', '\u2329', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\u2211', '\u239b', '\u239c', '\u239d', '\u23a1', '\u23a2', '\u23a3', '\u23a7', '\u23a8', '\u23a9',
                '\u23aa', '\0', '\u232a', '\u222b', '\u2320', '\u23ae', '\u2321', '\u239e', '\u239f', '\u23a0',
                '\u23a4', '\u23a5', '\u23a6', '\u23ab', '\u23ac', '\u23ad', '\0' };

        private static final char[] table2 = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\u0020', '\u2701', '\u2702', '\u2703', '\u2704', '\u260e', '\u2706',
                '\u2707', '\u2708', '\u2709', '\u261b', '\u261e', '\u270C', '\u270D', '\u270E', '\u270F', '\u2710',
                '\u2711', '\u2712', '\u2713', '\u2714', '\u2715', '\u2716', '\u2717', '\u2718', '\u2719', '\u271A',
                '\u271B', '\u271C', '\u271D', '\u271E', '\u271F', '\u2720', '\u2721', '\u2722', '\u2723', '\u2724',
                '\u2725', '\u2726', '\u2727', '\u2605', '\u2729', '\u272A', '\u272B', '\u272C', '\u272D', '\u272E',
                '\u272F', '\u2730', '\u2731', '\u2732', '\u2733', '\u2734', '\u2735', '\u2736', '\u2737', '\u2738',
                '\u2739', '\u273A', '\u273B', '\u273C', '\u273D', '\u273E', '\u273F', '\u2740', '\u2741', '\u2742',
                '\u2743', '\u2744', '\u2745', '\u2746', '\u2747', '\u2748', '\u2749', '\u274A', '\u274B', '\u25cf',
                '\u274D', '\u25a0', '\u274F', '\u2750', '\u2751', '\u2752', '\u25b2', '\u25bc', '\u25c6', '\u2756',
                '\u25d7', '\u2758', '\u2759', '\u275A', '\u275B', '\u275C', '\u275D', '\u275E', '\u0000', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
                '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\u0000',
                '\u2761', '\u2762', '\u2763', '\u2764', '\u2765', '\u2766', '\u2767', '\u2663', '\u2666', '\u2665',
                '\u2660', '\u2460', '\u2461', '\u2462', '\u2463', '\u2464', '\u2465', '\u2466', '\u2467', '\u2468',
                '\u2469', '\u2776', '\u2777', '\u2778', '\u2779', '\u277A', '\u277B', '\u277C', '\u277D', '\u277E',
                '\u277F', '\u2780', '\u2781', '\u2782', '\u2783', '\u2784', '\u2785', '\u2786', '\u2787', '\u2788',
                '\u2789', '\u278A', '\u278B', '\u278C', '\u278D', '\u278E', '\u278F', '\u2790', '\u2791', '\u2792',
                '\u2793', '\u2794', '\u2192', '\u2194', '\u2195', '\u2798', '\u2799', '\u279A', '\u279B', '\u279C',
                '\u279D', '\u279E', '\u279F', '\u27A0', '\u27A1', '\u27A2', '\u27A3', '\u27A4', '\u27A5', '\u27A6',
                '\u27A7', '\u27A8', '\u27A9', '\u27AA', '\u27AB', '\u27AC', '\u27AD', '\u27AE', '\u27AF', '\u0000',
                '\u27B1', '\u27B2', '\u27B3', '\u27B4', '\u27B5', '\u27B6', '\u27B7', '\u27B8', '\u27B9', '\u27BA',
                '\u27BB', '\u27BC', '\u27BD', '\u27BE', '\u0000' };

        static {
            for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
                int v = table1[k];
                if (v != 0)
                    t1.put(v, k);
            for (int k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
                int v = table2[k];
                if (v != 0)
                    t2.put(v, k);

    private static class SymbolTTConversion implements IExtraEncoding {

        public byte[] charToByte(char char1, String encoding) {
            if ((char1 & 0xff00) == 0 || (char1 & 0xff00) == 0xf000)
                return new byte[] { (byte) char1 };
                return new byte[0];

        public byte[] charToByte(String text, String encoding) {
            char[] ch = text.toCharArray();
            byte[] b = new byte[ch.length];
            int ptr = 0;
            int len = ch.length;
            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
                char c = ch[k];
                if ((c & 0xff00) == 0 || (c & 0xff00) == 0xf000)
                    b[ptr++] = (byte) c;
            if (ptr == len)
                return b;
            byte[] b2 = new byte[ptr];
            System.arraycopy(b, 0, b2, 0, ptr);
            return b2;

        public String byteToChar(byte[] b, String encoding) {
            return null;