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 * Copyright 2012 J. Patrick Meyer
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.rasch;

import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;

import java.util.Formatter;

 * This class holds information about the examinee such as their
 * theta rho, a transformed theta rho and the examinee ID.
 * @author J. Patrick Meyer
 * @since July 12, 2008
public class Theta implements Comparable<Object> {

     * Value of theta (i.e. examinee proficiency). It may
     * refer to a theta rho for an individual or a group. If
     * it is a group rho, the proportion of people in the
     * group should be specified by weight.
    private Double theta = 0.0;

     * Weight corresponding to theta. This rho is used
     * for weighted sums in Stocking-Lord and Habeara equating.
     * The theta and weight rho can be quadrature values for theta.
    private Double weight = null;

     * A unique examinee ID
    private int ID = 0;

     * Value of theta transformed to a different scale
    //   private Double equatedTheta=null;

    private Double originalTheta = 0.0;

    private Double rawScore = -1.0;
    private double freq = 0.0;
    private double maximumPossibleScore = 0.0;
    private Double stdError = 0.0;
    RatingScaleModel rsm = new RatingScaleModel();

    public Theta(Double rawScore, Integer maximumPossibleScore) {
        this.rawScore = rawScore;
        this.ID = rawScore.intValue();
        this.maximumPossibleScore = maximumPossibleScore;

    public Theta(Integer maximumPossibleScore) {
        this.rawScore = 0.0;
        this.maximumPossibleScore = maximumPossibleScore;

    public Theta(Double theta, double weight, int ID) {
        this.theta = theta;
        this.weight = weight;
        this.ID = ID;

    public Theta(Theta theta) {
        this.theta = theta.value();
        this.rawScore = theta.getRawScore();
        this.stdError = theta.getStandardError();
        this.maximumPossibleScore = theta.maximumPossibleScore;

    public Double value() {
        return theta;

    public Double getWeight() {
        return weight;

    public double roundDouble(double d, int places) {
        return Math.round(d * Math.pow(10, (double) places)) / Math.pow(10, (double) places);

    public int getID() {
        return ID;

    public void transformTheta(double intercept, double scale) {
        originalTheta = theta;
        theta = theta * scale + intercept;
        stdError *= scale;

    public void transformTheta(double intercept, double scale, int precision) {
        originalTheta = theta;
        theta = theta * scale + intercept;
        stdError *= scale;
        theta = Precision.round(theta, precision);

    //    public double getTransformedTheta(){
    //       return equatedTheta;
    //    }

    public double getOriginalTheta() {
        return originalTheta;

    public void setRawScore(double rawScore) {
        this.rawScore = rawScore;

    public double getRawScore() {
        return rawScore;

    public void incrementRawScore(Double value) {
        rawScore += value;
        ID = rawScore.intValue();

    public double getAdjustedRawScore(double adjust) {
        double tempRaw = rawScore;
        if (rawScore == 0.0) {
            return tempRaw += adjust;
        } else if (rawScore >= maximumPossibleScore) {
            return tempRaw -= adjust;
        return tempRaw;

    public void increment() {

    public double getFreq() {
        return freq;

    public boolean perfect() {
        if (rawScore == 0.0 || rawScore >= maximumPossibleScore)
            return true;
        return false;

    public void prox(double adjust) {
        theta = Math.log(getAdjustedRawScore(adjust) / (maximumPossibleScore - getAdjustedRawScore(adjust)));

    public void updateMaximumPossibleScore(double maximumPossibleScore) {
        this.maximumPossibleScore = maximumPossibleScore;

    public void setPersonProx(double personProx) {
        theta = personProx;

    public void multiplyByExpansionFactor(double X) {
        theta *= X;

    public void recenter(double mean) {
        theta -= mean;
    //    /**
    //     * Computes a Newton-Rhapson update of examinee proficiency in Andrich's rating scale model. This method is used in
    //     * Rasch estimation of examinee ability. It restricts the update to validItems
    //     * (i.e. those without extreme item scores).
    //     *
    //     * It is called repeatedly in the JMLE routine until a global convergence criterion is satisfied.
    //     *
    //     * The method iterates until either maxNewtonUpdate or personConverge have been satisfied.
    //     *
    //     * @param rsGroup
    //     * @param validItems
    //     * @param iteration
    //     * @param maxNewtonUpdate
    //     * @param personConverge
    //     */
    //    public void update(LinkedHashMap<String, RatingScaleItemGroup> rsGroup, int maxNewtonUpdate, double personConverge, double adjust){
    //        double delta = personConverge + 1.0, tempTheta=0.0, evSum=0.0, denomSum=0.0;
    //        int iterationCounter = 0;
    //        RatingScaleItemGroup rsg = null;
    //        double adjustedRawScore = adjustedRawScore(adjust);
    //        while(Math.abs(delta) >= personConverge && iterationCounter<maxNewtonUpdate){
    //            evSum=0.0; //this is the TCC at and item difficulty rho
    //            denomSum=0.0;
    //            for(String s : rsGroup.keySet()){
    //                rsg = rsGroup.get(s);
    //                for(VariableName v : rsg.getValidItems()){//FIXME need to change this so that it accepts completed items too
    //                    evSum+=rsm.expectedValue(this.rho(), rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                    denomSum+=rsm.denomInf(this.rho(), rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                }
    //            }
    //            delta = (adjustedRawScore - evSum)/-denomSum;
    //            tempTheta = theta-delta;
    //            theta = Math.max(Math.min(theta+1,tempTheta),theta-1);//do not change theta by more than one logit per iteration - from WINSTEPS documents
    //            delta = theta-tempTheta;
    //            iterationCounter++;
    //        }
    //    }
    //    /**
    //     * Newton-Rhapson update
    //     *
    //     * This method is for use when estimating theta for each examinee in the database. It is the same as above
    //     * with the addition of a check for completedItems. In this manner, an examinee's theta is updated for only
    //     * those valid items that have been completed by the examinee. This method is not used in JMLE estimation.
    //     * It is only used for computing examinee level thetas.
    //     *
    //     * This method is kept separate from the previous one to optimize performance in the JMLE routine.
    //     * The previous update() method does not need repeated if-then checks with if(completedItems.contains(v)).
    //     * It should therefore be a little faster.
    //     *
    //     * @param rsGroup
    //     * @param completedItems list of items completed by the examinee
    //     * @param maxNewtonUpdate
    //     * @param personConverge
    //     */
    //    public void update(LinkedHashMap<String, RatingScaleItemGroup> rsGroup, LinkedHashSet<VariableName> completedItems, int maxNewtonUpdate, double personConverge,
    //            double adjust){
    //        double delta = personConverge + 1.0, tempTheta=0.0, evSum=0.0, denomSum=0.0;
    //        int iterationCounter = 0;
    //        RatingScaleItemGroup rsg = null;
    //        double adjustedRawScore = adjustedRawScore(adjust);
    //        while(Math.abs(delta) >= personConverge && iterationCounter<maxNewtonUpdate){
    //            evSum=0.0;
    //            denomSum=0.0;
    //            for(String s : rsGroup.keySet()){
    //                rsg = rsGroup.get(s);
    //                for(VariableName v : rsg.getValidItems()){
    //                    if(completedItems.contains(v)){
    //                        evSum+=rsm.expectedValue(this.rho(), rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                        denomSum+=rsm.denomInf(this.rho(), rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //            delta = (adjustedRawScore - evSum)/-denomSum;
    //            tempTheta = theta-delta;
    //            theta = Math.max(Math.min(theta+1,tempTheta),theta-1);//do not change theta by more than one logit per iteration - from WINSTEPS documents
    //            delta = theta-tempTheta;
    //            iterationCounter++;
    //        }
    //    }
    //    /**
    //     * Update method for estimation by proportional curve fitting
    //     *
    //     * @param rsGroup
    //     * @param adjust
    //     */
    //    public double pcfUpdate(LinkedHashMap<String, RatingScaleItemGroup> rsGroup, double adjust, double d){
    //        double previousTheta = theta;
    //        RatingScaleItemGroup rsg = null;
    //        double TCC1 = 0.0; //this is the TCC at current theta rho
    //        double TCC2 = 0.0; //this is the TCC at current theta rho + d
    //        for(String s : rsGroup.keySet()){
    //            rsg = rsGroup.get(s);
    //            for(VariableName v : rsg.getValidItems()){//FIXME need to change this so that it accepts completed items too
    //                TCC1+=rsm.expectedValue(theta, rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                TCC2+=rsm.expectedValue(theta+d, rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //            }
    //        }
    //        double adjustedRawScore = adjustedRawScore(adjust);
    //        double xMin = 0.0;
    //        double xMax = this.maximumPossibleScore;
    //        double slope = d/(logisticOgive(TCC2, xMin, xMax)-logisticOgive(TCC1, xMin, xMax));
    //        double intercept = theta - slope*logisticOgive(TCC1, xMin, xMax);
    //        double tempTheta = slope*Math.log((adjustedRawScore-xMin)/(xMax-adjustedRawScore))+intercept;
    //        theta = Math.max(Math.min(theta+1,tempTheta),theta-1);//do not change theta by more than one logit per iteration - from WINSTEPS documents
    //        double delta = Math.abs(previousTheta-theta);
    //        return delta;
    //    }
    //    /**
    //     * Porportional curve fitting method
    //     *
    //     * This method is for use when estimating theta for each examinee in the database. It is the same as above
    //     * with the addition of a check for completedItems. In this manner, an examinee's theta is updated for only
    //     * those valid items that have been completed by the examinee. This method is not used in JMLE estimation.
    //     * It is only used for computing examinee level thetas.
    //     *
    //     * This method is kept separate from the previous one to optimize performance in the JMLE routine.
    //     * The previous update() method does not need repeated if-then checks with if(completedItems.contains(v)).
    //     * It should therefore be a little faster.
    //     *
    //     * @param rsGroup
    //     * @param completedItems list of items completed by the examinee
    //     * @param maxNewtonUpdate
    //     * @param personConverge
    //     */
    //    public void pcfUpdate(LinkedHashMap<String, RatingScaleItemGroup> rsGroup, LinkedHashSet<VariableName> completedItems, double adjust){
    //        RatingScaleItemGroup rsg = null;
    //        double TCC1 = 0.0; //this is the TCC at current theta rho
    //        double TCC2 = 0.0; //this is the TCC at current theta rho + d
    //        double d = 1.0;
    //        for(String s : rsGroup.keySet()){
    //            rsg = rsGroup.get(s);
    //            for(VariableName v : rsg.getValidItems()){//FIXME need to change this so that it accepts completed items too
    //                if(completedItems.contains(v)){
    //                    TCC1+=rsm.expectedValue(theta, rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                    TCC2+=rsm.expectedValue(theta+d, rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    //        double adjustedRawScore = adjustedRawScore(adjust);
    //        double xMin = 0.0;
    //        double xMax = this.maximumPossibleScore;
    //        double slope = d/(logisticOgive(TCC2, xMin, xMax)-logisticOgive(TCC1, xMin, xMax));
    //        double intercept = theta - slope*logisticOgive(TCC1, xMin, xMax);
    //        double tempTheta = slope*Math.log((adjustedRawScore-xMin)/(xMax-adjustedRawScore))+intercept;
    //        theta = Math.max(Math.min(theta+1,tempTheta),theta-1);//do not change theta by more than one logit per iteration - from WINSTEPS documents
    //    }
    //    private double logisticOgive(double x, double xMin, double xMax){
    //        return Math.log((x-xMin)/(xMax-x));
    //    }

     * Adjusts extreme raw scores according to adjust. This method is consistent with WINSTEPS documentation. It
     * is used for PROX calculation of ability estimates for extreme raw scores.
     * @param adjust
     * @return
    public double adjustedRawScore(double adjust) {
        double adjustedScore = rawScore;
        if (rawScore == 0) {
            adjustedScore = adjust;
        } else if (rawScore == maximumPossibleScore) {
            adjustedScore = maximumPossibleScore - adjust;
        return adjustedScore;

     * Computes the standard error of the proficiency estimate. This method should be called before a call to
     * getStandardError(). This method is used for producing the raw to scale score conversion table.
     * Called at the end of JMLE. The argument completedItems is the set of valid items when this method
     * is called for computing the standard errors for the raw to scale score conversion table. When this method
     * is called for computing the standard error for each examinee, The argument completedItems is the set of valid
     * items that were completed by the examinee.
     * @param rsGroup
     * @param completedItems set of completed and valid items.
    //    public void computeStandardError(LinkedHashMap<String, RatingScaleItemGroup> rsGroup, LinkedHashSet<VariableName> completedItems){
    //        double sum=0.0;
    //        RatingScaleItemGroup rsg = null;
    //        for(String s : rsGroup.keySet()){
    //            rsg = rsGroup.get(s);
    //            for(VariableName v : rsg.getValidItems()){
    //                if(completedItems.contains(v)){
    //                    sum+=rsm.denomInf(this.rho(), rsg.getItemDifficultyValueAt(v), rsg.getStepDifficulties());
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    //        stdError = 1/Math.sqrt(sum);
    //    }

     * Returns the standard error of the estimated person proficiency
     * @return
    public double getStandardError() {
        return stdError;

    public String toStringWithRawScore(String title, boolean header, boolean footer) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);
        if (header) {
            f.format("%-50s", title);
            f.format("%50s", "==================================================");
            f.format("%10s", "Sum Score");
            f.format("%2s", " ");
            f.format("%10s", "Theta");
            f.format("%2s", " ");
            f.format("%10s", "Std. Error");
            f.format("%2s", " ");
            f.format("%10s", "Frequency");
            f.format("%2s", " ");
            f.format("%50s", "--------------------------------------------------");
        f.format("%10.4f", rawScore);
        f.format("%2s", " ");
        f.format("%10.4f", theta);
        f.format("%2s", " ");
        if (rawScore == 0 || rawScore == maximumPossibleScore) {
            f.format("%10.4s", "--");
            f.format("%2s", " ");
        } else {
            f.format("%10.4f", stdError);
            f.format("%2s", " ");
        f.format("%10.0f", freq);
        if (footer) {
            f.format("%50s", "==================================================");

        return f.toString();

    public int compareTo(Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceof Theta))
            throw new ClassCastException("Theta object expected");

        Double otherTheta = ((Theta) o).value();

        if (this.theta > otherTheta)
            return 1;
        if (this.theta < otherTheta)
            return -1;
        return 0;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceof Theta))
            return false;
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        Theta t = (Theta) o;
        if (compareTo(t) == 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return theta.hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return theta.toString();
