Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 J. Patrick Meyer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.mixture; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularMatrixException; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation.Covariance; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.VectorialMean; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; public class MvNormalMixtureModel implements MixtureModel, Callable<MvNormalMixtureModel> { private boolean sameVarianceWithin = true; private boolean sameCovarianceWithin = true; private boolean localIndependence = true; private boolean sameCovarianceBetween = true; private boolean converged = false; private int sampleSize = 0; private int emIter = 0; private int emStarts = 100; private int emMaxIter = 500; private double emConvergenceCriterion = 0.0001; private Formatter emHistory = null; /** * Number of variables */ private int dimensions = 1; /* * Number of component distributions (i.e. number of latent classes) */ private int groups = 1; private double[] piKp1 = null; private RealMatrix data = null; private ComponentDistribution[] compDistribution = null; private InformationFitCriteria fit = null; private StringBuilder sb = null; private RealMatrix initialMean = null; private RealMatrix initialCovariance = null; private String statusMessage = "OK"; public MvNormalMixtureModel(RealMatrix data, int groups) { = data; this.sampleSize = data.getRowDimension(); this.dimensions = data.getColumnDimension(); this.groups = groups; piKp1 = new double[groups]; sb = new StringBuilder(); emHistory = new Formatter(sb); emHistory.format("%10s", "ITERATION"); emHistory.format("%5s", ""); emHistory.format("%12s", "LOGLIKE"); emHistory.format("%5s", ""); emHistory.format("%12s", "DELTA"); emHistory.format("%5s", ""); emHistory.format("%n"); emHistory.format("%50s", "=================================================="); emHistory.format("%n"); initializeComponentDistributions(); } public void estimateMean(RealMatrix x) { VectorialMean m = new VectorialMean(dimensions); for (int i = 0; i < x.getRowDimension(); i++) { m.increment(x.getRow(i)); } initialMean = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m.getResult()); } public void estimateCov(RealMatrix x) { Covariance cv = new Covariance(x); initialCovariance = cv.getCovarianceMatrix(); } private void initializeComponentDistributions() { compDistribution = new ComponentDistribution[groups]; double sum = 0.0; for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { compDistribution[g] = new MvNormalComponentDistribution(dimensions); this.estimateMean(data); this.estimateCov(data); compDistribution[g].setMean(initialMean); compDistribution[g].setCovariance(initialCovariance); if (g < (groups - 1)) { compDistribution[g].setMixingProportion(1.0 / groups); sum += 1.0 / groups; } } compDistribution[(groups - 1)].setMixingProportion(1.0 - sum);//ensure mixing proportion sums to one } public void setModelConstraints(boolean sameVarianceWithin, boolean sameCovarianceWithin, boolean localIndependence, boolean sameCovarianceBetween) { this.sameVarianceWithin = sameVarianceWithin; this.sameCovarianceWithin = sameCovarianceWithin; this.localIndependence = localIndependence; this.sameCovarianceBetween = sameCovarianceBetween; } public void setEmOptions(int emMaxIter, double emConvergenceCriterion, int emStarts) { this.emMaxIter = emMaxIter; this.emConvergenceCriterion = emConvergenceCriterion; this.emStarts = emStarts; } public double posteriorProbability(int group, int dataRow) { int index = 0; double value = 0.0; double sum = 0.0; double pi = 0.0; RealMatrix row = data.getRowMatrix(dataRow); try { for (ComponentDistribution compDist : compDistribution) { pi = compDist.getMixingProportion(); sum += pi * compDist.density(row); if (index == group) value = pi * compDist.density(row); index++; } if (sum == 0.0) return Double.NaN; } catch (SingularMatrixException ex) { statusMessage = "Singular Matrix"; } return value / sum; } public double loglikelihood() { double ll = 0.0; double sum = 0.0; try { for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) { sum = 0.0; for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { sum += compDistribution[g].getMixingProportion() * compDistribution[g].density(data.getRowMatrix(i)); } ll += Math.log(sum); } } catch (SingularMatrixException ex) { statusMessage = "Singular Matrix"; } return ll; } public void printMatrix(RealMatrix matrix) { for (int i = 0; i < matrix.getRowDimension(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matrix.getColumnDimension(); j++) { System.out.println(" " + matrix.getEntry(i, j)); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } public double mStep() { RealMatrix[] M = new Array2DRowRealMatrix[groups]; RealMatrix[] S = new Array2DRowRealMatrix[groups]; double[] T1 = new double[groups]; RealMatrix[] T2 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix[groups]; RealMatrix[] T3 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix[groups]; double pp = 0.0; RealMatrix rowData = null; RealMatrix temp = null; try { //estimate new means, covariances, and mixing proportions for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { T2[g] = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(dimensions, 1); T3[g] = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(dimensions, dimensions); for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) { pp = posteriorProbability(g, i); rowData = data.getRowMatrix(i).transpose(); T1[g] += pp; T2[g] = T2[g].add(rowData.scalarMultiply(pp)); temp = rowData.scalarMultiply(pp).multiply(rowData.transpose()); T3[g] = T3[g].add(temp); } } for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { M[g] = T2[g].scalarMultiply(1.0 / T1[g]); temp = T2[g].scalarMultiply(1.0 / T1[g]).multiply(T2[g].transpose()); S[g] = T3[g].subtract(temp).scalarMultiply(1.0 / T1[g]); } } catch (SingularMatrixException ex) { statusMessage = "Singular Matrix"; } //apply constraints if (sameVarianceWithin) setCommonVarianceWithinClass(S); if (sameCovarianceWithin && !localIndependence) setCommonCovarianceWithinClass(S); if (localIndependence) setLocalIndependence(S); if (sameCovarianceBetween) setCommonCovariance(S); piKp1 = computeMixingProportions(); //set values of new estimates for eStep (i.e. posterior probability) and computation of loglikelihood MvNormalComponentDistribution dist = null; for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { dist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[g]; dist.setMixingProportion(piKp1[g]); dist.setMean(M[g]); dist.setCovariance(S[g]); } double ll = loglikelihood(); return ll; } private double[] computeMixingProportions() { double mixSum = 0.0; double sum = 0.0; double pp = 0.0; double[] pi = new double[groups]; for (int g = 0; g < (groups - 1); g++) { sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) { pp = posteriorProbability(g, i); sum += pp; } pi[g] = sum / sampleSize; mixSum += pi[g]; } pi[(groups - 1)] = 1.0 - mixSum; return pi; } private void setCommonCovariance(RealMatrix[] cov) { RealMatrix tempS = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(dimensions, dimensions); for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { tempS = tempS.add(cov[g].scalarMultiply(compDistribution[g].getMixingProportion())); } for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { cov[g] = tempS; } } private void setLocalIndependence(RealMatrix[] cov) { for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++) { if (j != i) cov[g].setEntry(i, j, 0.0); } } } } private void setCommonVarianceWithinClass(RealMatrix[] cov) { double var = 0.0; for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { var = cov[g].getEntry(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { cov[g].setEntry(i, i, var); } } } private void setCommonCovarianceWithinClass(RealMatrix[] cov) { if (dimensions == 1) return; double value = 0.0; for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { value = cov[g].getEntry(0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++) { if (j != i) cov[g].setEntry(i, j, value); } } } } public int freeParameters() { int free = 0; //count number of means double d = (double) dimensions; int k = (int) (d * (d + 1.0) / 2.0); if (sameVarianceWithin) { free += 1; } else { free += dimensions; } if (sameCovarianceWithin && !localIndependence) { free += 1; } else if (!sameCovarianceWithin && !localIndependence) { free += (k - dimensions); } else {//local independence free += 0; } if (sameCovarianceBetween) { free *= 1.0; } else { free *= groups; } free += dimensions * groups;//count means free += (groups - 1);//count mixing proportions return free; } public int sampleSize() { return sampleSize; } public int numberOfGroups() { return groups; } public int itertaions() { return emIter; } public void fitStatistics() { fit = new InformationFitCriteria(this); } public void multipleRandomStarts() { RealMatrix[] Mbest = new RealMatrix[groups]; RealMatrix[] Sbest = new RealMatrix[groups]; double[] piBest = new double[groups]; RealMatrix[] M = new RealMatrix[groups]; RealMatrix[] S = new RealMatrix[groups]; double[] pi = new double[groups]; MvNormalComponentDistribution mvnDist = null; double llOld = Double.MIN_VALUE; try { for (int i = 0; i < emStarts; i++) { for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { mvnDist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[g]; mvnDist.generateStartValues(data, initialMean, initialCovariance); M[g] = mvnDist.getMean(); S[g] = (RealMatrix) mvnDist.getCov(); } pi = computeMixingProportions(); for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { compDistribution[g].setMixingProportion(pi[g]); } double ll = loglikelihood(); if (ll > llOld) { Mbest = M; Sbest = S; piBest = pi; } llOld = ll; } } catch (SingularMatrixException ex) { statusMessage = "Singular Matrix Exception occurred in random start"; } for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { mvnDist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[g]; mvnDist.setMean(Mbest[g]); mvnDist.setCovariance(Sbest[g]); mvnDist.setMixingProportion(piBest[g]); } } private void addToHistory(int iter, double logLikelihood, double delta) { emHistory.format("%10d", iter); emHistory.format("%5s", ""); emHistory.format("%12.6f", logLikelihood); emHistory.format("%5s", ""); emHistory.format("%12.8f", delta); emHistory.format("%5s", ""); emHistory.format("%n"); } public String printHistory() { return emHistory.toString(); } public double[] getMean(int group) { MvNormalComponentDistribution mvnDist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[group]; return mvnDist.getMean().getColumn(0); } public double[][] getCov(int group) { MvNormalComponentDistribution mvnDist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[group]; return mvnDist.getCov().getData(); } public double getMixingProportion(int group) { MvNormalComponentDistribution mvnDist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[group]; return mvnDist.getMixingProportion(); } public boolean converged() { return converged; } public MvNormalMixtureModel call() { multipleRandomStarts(); runEM(); return this; } public double runEM() { double ll = 0.0; double llOld = loglikelihood(); double delta = 1.0; while (delta > emConvergenceCriterion && emIter < emMaxIter) { ll = mStep(); delta = Math.abs(llOld - ll); llOld = ll; addToHistory(emIter + 1, ll, delta); emIter++; } fitStatistics(); converged = (delta <= emConvergenceCriterion); return ll; } public double getFitStat(String fitStat) { return fit.getFitStat(fitStat); } public String printFit() { return fit.printFitStatistics(); } public String printDelimitedFit() { String conv = "N"; if (converged) conv = "Y"; return conv + "," + statusMessage + "," + fit.printDelimitedFitStatistics(); } public String printResults() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(sb); f.format("%20s", "Number of groups = "); f.format("%-4d", groups); f.format("%n"); f.format("%20s", "Free parameters = "); f.format("%-4d", freeParameters()); f.format("%n"); f.format("%20s", "Sample size = "); f.format("%-10d", sampleSize); f.format("%n"); f.format("%20s", "Log-likelihood = "); f.format("%-12.4f", this.loglikelihood()); f.format("%n"); f.format("%20s", "Converged = "); f.format("%-5s", converged); f.format("%n"); f.format("%20s", "Status = "); f.format("%-35s", statusMessage); f.format("%n"); f.format("%n"); f.format(fit.printFitStatistics()); f.format("%n"); MvNormalComponentDistribution mvnDist = null; for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) { f.format("%n"); mvnDist = (MvNormalComponentDistribution) compDistribution[g]; f.format("%-12s", "Group " + (g + 1) + " "); f.format("%n"); f.format("%12s", "Mix Prop: "); f.format(mvnDist.printMixingProportion()); f.format("%12s", "Mean: "); f.format(mvnDist.printMean()); f.format("%12s", "Covar: "); f.format("%n"); f.format(mvnDist.printCovariance()); } return f.toString(); } }