Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2012 J. Patrick Meyer
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.measurement;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Max;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Min;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * The default implementation of the ItemScoring interface. It maintains information
 * about the item and scores examinees responses. It also includes special codes
 * for omitted and not reached responses. These types of response codes are either
 * treated as missing data or scored as zero points. Missing data retun a value of
 * Double.NaN.
public class DefaultItemScoring implements ItemScoring {

    public TreeMap<Object, Category> categoryMap = null;

     * Largest obtainable score on the item
    private Max maximumPossibleScore = null;

     * Smallest possible score on the item
    private Min minimumPossibleScore = null;

    private TreeSet<Double> scoreLevels = null;

    private SpecialDataCodes specialDataCodes = null;

    private boolean isContinuous = false;

    public DefaultItemScoring() {

    public DefaultItemScoring(boolean isContinuous) {
        this.isContinuous = isContinuous;
        categoryMap = new TreeMap<Object, Category>(new ItemResponseComparator());
        maximumPossibleScore = new Max();
        minimumPossibleScore = new Min();
        specialDataCodes = new SpecialDataCodes();
        scoreLevels = new TreeSet<Double>();

    public void addCategory(Category cat) {
        categoryMap.put(cat.responseValue(), cat);

    public void removeCategory(Category cat) {

    public void addCategory(Object categoryID, double scoreValue) {
        System.out.println(categoryID instanceof Double);
        categoryMap.put(categoryID, new Category(categoryID, scoreValue));


    public void clearCategory() {
        maximumPossibleScore = new Max();
        minimumPossibleScore = new Min();

     * Gets the number of response options.
     * @return number of response options.
    public int numberOfCategories() {
        return categoryMap.size();

    public void isContinuous(boolean isContinuous) {
        this.isContinuous = isContinuous;

    public boolean isContinuous() {
        return isContinuous;

     * Gets the number of score levels. For a polytomous item, this number will be the same as the value returned by
     * {@link #numberOfCategories()} unless the score categories are collapsed. With collapsed score categories,
     * the number of score levels will be less than the number of response options.
     * @return number of score levels.
    public int numberOfScoreLevels() {
        return scoreLevels.size();

    public double maximumPossibleScore() {
        return maximumPossibleScore.getResult();

    public double minimumPossibleScore() {
        return minimumPossibleScore.getResult();

     * Return category iterator for binary and polytomous items.
     * No categories exist for continuous items.
     * @return
    public Iterator<Object> categoryIterator() {
        return categoryMap.keySet().iterator();

    public String getCategoryScoreString(Object response) {
        Category c = categoryMap.get(response);
        if (c == null)
            return "";
        String s = c.responseValue().toString() + "(" + c.scoreValue() + ")";
        return s;

    public void setSpecialDataCodes(SpecialDataCodes specialDataCodes) {
        this.specialDataCodes = specialDataCodes;

     * Missing responses, omitted responses, and not reached responses are scored according to the value in
     * the SepcialDataCodes object.
     * @param response an item response that is either a Double or String
     * @return item score
    public double computeItemScore(Object response) {
        if (response == null) {
            return specialDataCodes.computeMissingScore(SpecialDataCodes.PERMANENT_MISSING_DATA_CODE);

        if (specialDataCodes.isMissing(response)) {
            return specialDataCodes.computeMissingScore(response);

        if (isContinuous) {
            return Double.parseDouble(response.toString());

        double score = Double.NaN;
        Category temp = categoryMap.get(response);

        if (temp == null) {
            //undefined categories scored same as missing data
            return specialDataCodes.computeMissingScore(SpecialDataCodes.PERMANENT_MISSING_DATA_CODE);//return missing score
        } else {
            score = temp.scoreValue();
        return score;

     * Creates an array of category keys and their corresponding score for the response.
     * They are stored in an array of Pairs so that the category ID and score are kept together.
     * @param response an item response
     * @return
    public Pair[] computeScoreVector(Object response) {
        Pair[] pair = new Pair[this.numberOfCategories()];
        Pair tempPair = null;
        double score = 0;
        int index = 0;
        for (Object obj : categoryMap.keySet()) {
            score = computeCategoryScore(obj, response);
            tempPair = new Pair(obj, score);
            pair[index] = tempPair;
        return pair;

     * Returns 1 if response == categoryId and 0 otherwise.
     * @param categoryId
     * @param response
     * @return
    public double computeCategoryScore(Object categoryId, Object response) {
        if (categoryId.equals(response))
            return 1.0;
        return 0.0;
        //        Category temp = categories.get(categoryId);
        //        return temp.categoryScore(response);

     * This method return the answer key for an item. the answer key is
     * the category code with the highest score values. For a multiple-choice
     * question it will return the response options with a score of, say, 1
     * where all other scores are 0. For a polytomous item it will return a
     * plus sign to indicate increasing order and a minus sign to indicate
     * reverse order. jMetrik uses this method to populate a table with
     * the answer key.
     * @return answer key
    public String getAnswerKey() {
        //        Category cat;
        double scoreValue = 0;
        double maxScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        String answerKey = "";
        if (binaryScoring()) {
            //            for(Object o : categories.keySet()){
            //                cat = categories.get(o);
            //                scoreValue = cat.scoreValue();
            for (Object o : categoryMap.keySet()) {
                scoreValue = categoryMap.get(o).scoreValue();
                if (scoreValue > maxScore) {
                    maxScore = scoreValue;
                    answerKey = o.toString();
        } else {
            //determine if polytomous item is in ascending order or reverse order
            Set<Object> keySet = categoryMap.keySet();
            Object[] obj = keySet.toArray();

            Category cat1 = categoryMap.get(obj[0]);
            Category cat2 = categoryMap.get(obj[obj.length - 1]);

            if (cat1.scoreValue() <= cat2.scoreValue()) {
                answerKey = "+";//ascending order
                double min = minimumPossibleScore();
                if (min != 1)
                    answerKey += (int) min;
            } else {
                answerKey = "-";//reverse order
                double max = maximumPossibleScore();
                if (max != numberOfCategories())
                    answerKey += (int) max;


        return answerKey;

     * Parses string from syntax file or database.
     * The original responses should be a comma delimited list
     * enclosed in paretheses, REGEX=\\((.+?(?=,|\\)))\\). The score values should also be
     * a comma delimited list enclosed in paretheses. The score rho
     * list can only contain numbers, REGEX=\\(([[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+(?=,|\\))]+?)\\).
     * Leading and trailing white spaces within each list are NOT permitted.
     * The original responses should be listed first, followed by
     * the score values. Both lists must be enclosed in parentheses. 
     * This format allows an item to have one or more correct responses, partial
     * credit assigned to any or all responses, and polytomous item
     * categories to be collapsed.
     * For example, (A,B,C,D) (0,1,0,0)
     * indicates the original responses A, B, C, and D are scored
     * 1, 0, 0, 0 (i.e. A is correct all others are incorrect).
     * As another example (A,B,C,D) (0,1,0,1) indicates
     * that the original values A and D are scored 1 but C and D are
     * scored 0. For polytomous items, (1,2,3,4) (1,2,3,4) indicates
     * that the responses 1, 2, 3, and 4 are scored 1, 2, 3 and 4.
     * A polytomous item category may also be  collapsed. For example,
     * (1,2,3,4) (1,2,3,3) indicates that responses or 3 and 4 are scored 3,
     * thereby collapsing the third and fourth categories.
     * INCORRECT: (A, B, C, D)(0, 1, 0, 0) because leading and trailing
     * spaces within the list are not permitted.
     * Original and scored lists will be forced to have equal length by
     * adding spaces or zeros to the end of a list until both lists
     * are of equal length.
    public ItemType addAllCategories(String optionScoreKey, VariableType type) {
        if (type.getItemType() == ItemType.CONTINUOUS_ITEM && optionScoreKey.trim().equals("")) {
            isContinuous = true;
            return ItemType.CONTINUOUS_ITEM;
        if (optionScoreKey.trim().equals(""))
            return ItemType.NOT_ITEM;
         * regular expression for (A,B,C,D) (0,1,0,0)
         * Careful it erroneously also matches trailing commas (A,B,C,D,) (0,1,0,0,)
         * Group 1 = original rho list, \\((.+?(?=,|\\)))\\)
         * Group 2 = score rho list. Can only include numbers, \\(([[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+(?=,|\\))]+?)\\)
         * Both lists must be enclosed in parentheses.
        String REGEX = "\\((.+?(?=,|\\)))\\)\\s*\\(([[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+(?=,|\\))]+?)\\)";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(REGEX);
        String clean = optionScoreKey.trim();
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(clean);
        int matchCount = 0;
        String original = "";
        String scoring = "";
        while (matcher.find()) {
            original =;
            scoring =;
        if (matchCount != 1)
            return ItemType.NOT_ITEM;//none or multiple matches found - should only be one match - format problem

        if (original.trim().equals("") || scoring.trim().equals("")) {
            return ItemType.NOT_ITEM;

        String[] orig = original.split(",");
        String[] scor = scoring.split(",");

        int origLength = orig.length;
        int scorLengh = scor.length;
        int maxLength = Math.max(origLength, scorLengh);
        String[] newOrig = newOrig = new String[maxLength];
        String[] newScor = newScor = new String[maxLength];

        int counter = 0;
        if (maxLength == origLength && maxLength == scorLengh) {
            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
                newOrig[i] = orig[i].trim();
                newScor[i] = scor[i].trim();
        } else if (maxLength == scorLengh) {
            //scor is longer
            counter = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
                if (counter < origLength) {
                    newOrig[i] = orig[counter].trim();
                    newScor[i] = scor[i].trim();
                } else {
                    newOrig[i] = " ";
                    newScor[i] = "0";

        } else {
            //orig is longer
            counter = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
                if (counter < scorLengh) {
                    newOrig[i] = orig[i].trim();
                    newScor[i] = scor[counter].trim();
                } else {
                    newOrig[i] = orig[i].trim();
                    newScor[i] = "0";

        for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
            Category cat = null;
            Double cScore = null;
            if (type.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE && !newOrig[i].equals("")) {
                cScore = Double.parseDouble(newScor[i]);
                cat = new Category(Double.parseDouble(newOrig[i]), cScore);
            } else {
                cScore = Double.parseDouble(newScor[i]);
                cat = new Category(newOrig[i], cScore);

            //            if(cScore==0 || cScore==1){
            //                binaryScoring+=0;
            //            }else{
            //                binaryScoring++;
            //            }

        //        if(binaryScoring==0)return ItemType.BINARY_ITEM;
        //        return ItemType.POLYTOMOUS_ITEM;
        return getItemType();

    private int charaterCount(String text, char target) {
        char[] characters = text.toCharArray();
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
            if (characters[i] == target)
        return count;

     * Determine whether the item scoring is binary or polytomous.
     * @return true if binary scoring, false otherwise.
    public boolean binaryScoring() {
        //        return binaryScoring==0;
        return getItemType() == ItemType.BINARY_ITEM;

     * An item type is defined by its scoring.
     * A NOT_ITEM has no scoring assigned to the category.
     * A BINARY_ITEM has only two score levels with values 0 and 1.
     * A POLYTOMOUS_ITEM has more than two levels and each level is an integer.
     * A CONTINUOUS_ITEM has more than two levels and each level is a real number. Or, it is an item
     * set as continuous in the constructor or parsing of a score string.
     * @return
    public ItemType getItemType() {
        //        if(categories==null || categories.size()==0){
        if (categoryMap == null || categoryMap.size() == 0) {
            return ItemType.NOT_ITEM;
        } else if (minimumPossibleScore() == 0 && maximumPossibleScore() == 1 && scoreLevels.size() == 2) {
            return ItemType.BINARY_ITEM;
        } else {
            if (isContinuous)
                return ItemType.CONTINUOUS_ITEM;
            for (Double d : scoreLevels) {
                if (d != Math.floor(d))
                    return ItemType.CONTINUOUS_ITEM;
            return ItemType.POLYTOMOUS_ITEM;

     * this method creates a String that represents the item scoring. It
     * is referred to as the score string.
     * @return
    public String printOptionScoreKey() {
        //        if(categories.size()==0) return "";
        if (categoryMap.size() == 0)
            return "";
        //        String tempCat = "";
        String catOrig = "(";
        String catScor = "(";
        String finString = "";
        Iterator<Object> iter = categoryMap.keySet().iterator();
        Object obj = null;
        Category temp = null;
        String tempCat = "";
        int nullCategory = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            obj =;
            temp = categoryMap.get(obj);
            tempCat = temp.responseValue().toString();

            if (tempCat == null || tempCat.equals(""))
            //            if(temp == null || Double.isNaN(temp)) nullCategory++;
            //            catOrig += obj.toString();
            //            catScor += temp.toString();
            catOrig += tempCat;
            catScor += Double.valueOf(temp.scoreValue()).toString();

            if (iter.hasNext()) {
                catOrig += ",";
                catScor += ",";
            } else {
                catOrig += ")";
                catScor += ")";
        finString = catOrig + " " + catScor;

        return finString;

     * this method creates a double array of all existing options scores. The
     * options themselves are not returned. Only the scores are returned.
     * @return array of options scores.
    public double[] scoreArray() {

        double[] s = new double[categoryMap.size()];
        Iterator<Object> iter = categoryMap.keySet().iterator();
        Category temp = null;
        int index = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            temp = categoryMap.get(;
            s[index] = temp.scoreValue();
        return s;

     * Sort Strings before Doubles.
    public class ItemResponseComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
        public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
            if (obj1 instanceof Double && obj2 instanceof Double) {
                return ((Double) obj1).compareTo((Double) obj2);
            } else if (obj1 instanceof String && obj2 instanceof Double) {
                return 1;
            } else if (obj1 instanceof Double && obj2 instanceof String) {
                return -1;
            } else {
                return obj1.toString().compareTo(obj2.toString());
