Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 J. Patrick Meyer * <p/> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.estimation; import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.distribution.UserSuppliedDistributionApproximation; import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.histogram.*; import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.model.IrmType; import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.model.ItemResponseModel; import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.uncmin.DefaultUncminOptimizer; import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.uncmin.UncminException; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Computes starting values for binary item response models. It begins with PROX estimates of * item difficulty and person ability (theta). It then maximizes the marginal likelihood for * each item using observed counts obtained from the PROX estimates. This class is based on the * Start3PL.h class in Brad Hanson's ETIRM library. */ public class StartingValues { private ItemResponseVector[] responseVector = null; private ItemResponseModel[] irm = null; private int nResponseVectors = 0; private int nItems = 0; private int[] ncat = null; private double[] theta = null; private Histogram hist = null; private EstepEstimates estepEstimates = null; private int binaryItemCount = 0; private ArrayList<EMStatusListener> emStatusListeners = new ArrayList<EMStatusListener>(); /** * Default constructor takes an array of item response vectors and an array of item response models. * * @param responseVector * @param irm */ public StartingValues(ItemResponseVector[] responseVector, ItemResponseModel[] irm) { this.responseVector = responseVector; this.irm = irm; nResponseVectors = responseVector.length; nItems = irm.length; theta = new double[responseVector.length]; ncat = new int[nItems]; for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { ncat[j] = irm[j].getNcat(); if (ncat[j] == 2) binaryItemCount++; } } /** * The public method for computing start values. Starting values for item discrimination are constrained to * the interval 0.3 to 3.0. Lower asymptote (guessing) values are constrained to the interval 0.05 to 1.0. * No constraints are applied to item difficulty values. * * This method first computes PROX estimates for item difficulty and person ability. It then finds the * item parameters that maximize teh marginal likelihood using observed counts. * * @return */ public ItemResponseModel[] computeStartingValues() { if (binaryItemCount == 0) return irm;//DO not compute prox estimates if data only have polytomous items DefaultUncminOptimizer optimizer = new DefaultUncminOptimizer(); ItemLogLikelihood itemLogLikelihood = new ItemLogLikelihood(); double[] initialValue = null; double[] param = null; //compute prox estimates of item difficulty and person ability prox(0.01, 10); //summarize the prox values computeEstepEstimates(); //The histogram will return frequencies, but relative frequencies are needed for the latent distribution. //Create a new latent distribution with relative frequencies. UserSuppliedDistributionApproximation latentDistribution = new UserSuppliedDistributionApproximation(); double sum = hist.getSumOfValues(); for (int k = 0; k < hist.getNumberOfPoints(); k++) { latentDistribution.increment(hist.getPointAt(k), hist.getDensityAt(k) / sum); } for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { //Compute start values for binary items only if (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L4) { int nPar = irm[j].getNumberOfParameters(); // initialValue = irm[j].getItemParameterArray(); initialValue = irm[j].nonZeroPrior(irm[j].getItemParameterArray()); try { //Using observed counts, find the item parameters that maximize the marginal likelihood itemLogLikelihood.setModel(irm[j], latentDistribution, estepEstimates.getRjkAt(j), estepEstimates.getNt()); optimizer.minimize(itemLogLikelihood, initialValue, true, false, 100, 2); param = optimizer.getParameters(); } catch (UncminException ex) { fireEMStatusEvent( "UNCMIN exception: Starting values nonlinear regression failed. Using defaults instead."); ex.printStackTrace(); } // setParameters(j, param, initialValue); //Make sure start values have nonzero density double[] finalStarts = irm[j].nonZeroPrior(param); setParameters(j, finalStarts, initialValue); } } //For debugging // for(int j=0;j<nItems;j++){ // System.out.println("START VALUES: " + irm[j].toString()); // } return irm; } private void setParameters(int j, double[] param, double[] initialValue) { int nPar = irm[j].getNumberOfParameters(); if (nPar == 4) { if (param != null) { irm[j].setDiscrimination(param[0]); irm[j].setDifficulty(param[1]); irm[j].setGuessing(param[2]); irm[j].setSlipping(param[3]); } else { irm[j].setDiscrimination(initialValue[0]); irm[j].setDifficulty(initialValue[1]); irm[j].setGuessing(0.1); irm[j].setSlipping(0.9); } } else if (nPar == 3) { if (param != null) { irm[j].setDiscrimination(param[0]); irm[j].setDifficulty(param[1]); irm[j].setGuessing(param[2]); } else { irm[j].setDiscrimination(initialValue[0]); irm[j].setDifficulty(initialValue[1]); irm[j].setGuessing(0.1); } } else if (nPar == 2) { if (param != null) { irm[j].setDiscrimination(param[0]); irm[j].setDifficulty(param[1]); } else { irm[j].setDiscrimination(initialValue[0]); irm[j].setDifficulty(initialValue[1]); } } else { if (param != null) { irm[j].setDifficulty(param[0]); } else { irm[j].setDifficulty(initialValue[0]); } } } /** * Creates a histogram of the latent values (theta) computed from the PROX procedure. The number of histogram * bins is computed by the Sturges method by default. This method counts the number of examinees in each bin to * get the nk values and it also computes the number of correct responses for examinees in each bin to get * pjk. The actual counts and actual number of correct responses at each theta level are the "E step" estimates * used by the optimizer to compute starting values. * * This method assumes that each examinee completes at least one binary item. * */ private void computeEstepEstimates() { //create histogram hist = new Histogram(HistogramType.FREQUENCY); for (int l = 0; l < theta.length; l++) { //weighted analysis hist.increment(theta[l], responseVector[l].getFrequency()); } double[] freq = hist.evaluate(); int nBins = hist.getNumberOfBins(); estepEstimates = new EstepEstimates(nItems, ncat, nBins); //compute number of examinees at each theta level for (int t = 0; t < nBins; t++) { estepEstimates.incrementNt(t, freq[t]); } int x = 0; int value = 0; //count number correct at each theta level for each binary item for (int l = 0; l < nResponseVectors; l++) { for (int w = 0; w < responseVector[l].getFrequency(); w++) { for (int t = 0; t < nBins; t++) { if (hist.getBinAt(t).inBin(theta[l])) { for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { x = Byte.valueOf(responseVector[l].getResponseAt(j)).intValue(); if (x != -1) { if (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L4) { for (int k = 0; k < ncat[j]; k++) { value = 0; if (x == k) value = 1; estepEstimates.incrementRjkt(j, k, t, value); } } } } } } } } //For debugging //System.out.println(estepEstimates.toString()); } /** * Compute the sum score and maximum possible test score from the binary items only. * * @param responseVector an examinee's response vector. * @return a pair reresenting teh sum score and maximum possible test score. */ private Pair<Double, Double> computePersonScores(ItemResponseVector responseVector) { double maxScore = 0.0; double sumScore = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { if (responseVector.getResponseAt(j) != -1 && (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L4)) { maxScore += irm[j].getMaxScoreWeight(); sumScore += responseVector.getResponseAt(j); } } Pair<Double, Double> valuePair = new Pair<Double, Double>(new Double(sumScore), new Double(maxScore)); return valuePair; } /** * Computes normal approximation estimates (PROX) of item difficulty and person ability * in a way that allows for missing data (Linacre, 1994). It is an iterative procedure. * * Linacre, J. M., (1994). PROX with missing data, or known item or person measures. * Rasch Measurement Transactions, 8:3, 378, * * @param converge convergence criterion as the maximum change in person logits. * @param maxIter maximum number of iterations. About 10 iterations works well. */ private void prox(double converge, int maxIter) { double delta = 1.0 + converge; int iter = 0; double pProx = 0; double pScore = 0; double maxTestScore = 0; double maxChange = 0; double logit = 0; Mean personGrandMean = new Mean(); StandardDeviation personGrandSd = new StandardDeviation(); double iProx = 0.0; double iMean = 0; theta = new double[nResponseVectors]; Mean[] mPerson = new Mean[nItems];//Item difficulty mean for those examinees completing item j StandardDeviation[] sdPerson = new StandardDeviation[nItems];//Item difficulty standard deviation for those examinees completing item j double[] Si = null; double[] Ni = null; Mean[] mItem = new Mean[nResponseVectors]; StandardDeviation[] sdItem = new StandardDeviation[nResponseVectors]; while (delta > converge && iter < maxIter) { Si = new double[nItems]; Ni = new double[nItems]; //Compute descriptive statistics for persons and items double resp = 0; double freq = 0; for (int l = 0; l < nResponseVectors; l++) { freq = responseVector[l].getFrequency(); for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { //initialize arrays if (l == 0) { mPerson[j] = new Mean(); sdPerson[j] = new StandardDeviation(); } if (j == 0) { mItem[l] = new Mean(); sdItem[l] = new StandardDeviation(); } if (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L4) { resp = responseVector[l].getResponseAt(j); //increment item and person summary statistics if (resp != -1) { //incorporate weights - crude workaround for (int w = 0; w < freq; w++) { mItem[l].increment(irm[j].getDifficulty()); sdItem[l].increment(irm[j].getDifficulty()); mPerson[j].increment(theta[l]); sdPerson[j].increment(theta[l]); Si[j] += resp; Ni[j]++; } } } } //end item loop } //end summary loop //Compute item PROX for binary items only iMean = 0; double pSd = 1e-8; double ni = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { if (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L4) { pSd = sdPerson[j].getResult(); //adjust extreme item scores if (Si[j] == 0) Si[j] += 0.3; if (Si[j] == Ni[j]) Si[j] -= 0.3; logit = Math.log(Si[j] / (Ni[j] - Si[j])); iProx = mPerson[j].getResult() - Math.sqrt(1.0 + pSd / 2.9) * logit; irm[j].setDifficulty(iProx); iMean += iProx; ni++; } } iMean /= ni; //center difficulties about the mean item difficulty for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { if (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L4) { iProx = irm[j].getDifficulty(); irm[j].setDifficulty(iProx - iMean); } } //Compute person PROX maxChange = 0; personGrandMean.clear(); personGrandSd.clear(); Pair<Double, Double> personScores = null; for (int l = 0; l < nResponseVectors; l++) { personScores = computePersonScores(responseVector[l]); pScore = personScores.getFirst(); maxTestScore = personScores.getSecond(); //adjust extreme person scores if (pScore == 0) pScore += 0.3; if (pScore == maxTestScore) pScore -= 0.3; logit = Math.log(pScore / (maxTestScore - pScore)); pProx = mItem[l].getResult() + Math.sqrt(1.0 + sdItem[l].getResult() / 2.9) * logit; maxChange = Math.max(maxChange, Math.abs(theta[l] - pProx)); theta[l] = pProx; personGrandMean.increment(pProx); personGrandSd.increment(pProx); } delta = maxChange; iter++; fireEMStatusEvent(iter, delta, Double.NaN); } //end while //Linearly transform theta estimate to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. //Apply the same transformation to item difficulty values. double A = 1.0 / personGrandSd.getResult(); double B = -A * personGrandMean.getResult(); for (int l = 0; l < nResponseVectors; l++) { theta[l] = theta[l] * A + B; } double a = 1; double b = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { if (irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3 || irm[j].getType() == IrmType.L3) { b = irm[j].getDifficulty(); irm[j].setDifficulty(b * A + B); //Adjust discrimination parameter for scaling constant. //PROX assumes a logit scale. This conversion is to convert to the normal metric. a = irm[j].getDiscrimination(); irm[j].setDiscrimination(a / irm[j].getScalingConstant()); } } //For debugging // System.out.println("ITER: " + iter); // for(int j=0;j<nItems;j++){ // System.out.println("PROX: " + irm[j].toString()); // } } public String printItemParameters() { String s = ""; for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) { s += irm[j].toString() + "\n"; } return s; } //===================================================================================================================== // METHOD FOR HANDLING THE EMSTATUS LISTENER // These methods have nothnig to do with estimation. They only pertain to the publication of intermediate results. //===================================================================================================================== public void addEMStatusListener(EMStatusListener listener) { emStatusListeners.add(listener); } public void removeEMStatusListener(EMStatusListener listener) { emStatusListeners.remove(listener); } public void fireEMStatusEvent(String message) { for (EMStatusListener l : emStatusListeners) { l.handleEMStatusEvent(new EMStatusEventObject(this, message)); } } public void fireEMStatusEvent(int iteration, double delta, double loglikelihood) { for (EMStatusListener l : emStatusListeners) { l.handleEMStatusEvent(new EMStatusEventObject(this, "PROX CYCLE: ", iteration, delta, loglikelihood)); } } }