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 * Copyright 2014 J. Patrick Meyer
 * <p/>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.estimation;

import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.distribution.DistributionApproximation;
import com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.model.ItemResponseModel;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ChiSquaredDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean;

import java.util.Formatter;

 * Computes the generalized S-X2 statistic developed by:
 * Kang, T., and Chen, T., T. (2007). An investigation of the performance of the generalized
 * S-X2 item-fit index for polytomous IRT models. ACT Research Report Series 2007-1. ACT: Iowa City, Iowa.
 * For a test of all binary items, this statistic is identical to Orlando and Thissen's S-X2 statistic
 * that is descrined in:
 * Orlando, M., and Thissen, D. (2000). Likelihood based item-fit indices for dichotomous item
 * response theory models. Applied Psychological Measurement, 24(1), 50-64.
 * This implementation differs from that described in Kang and Chen (2007) in one major way.
 * The table is collapsed across rows only. No collapsing is done over response categories.
 * Any row with an average expected value less than 1 will be collapsed (see Orlando and Thissen, 2000).
public class ItemFitGeneralizedSX2 extends AbstractItemFitStatistic {

    private double SX2 = 0;

    private double dfSX2 = 0;

    private double pvalueSX2 = 0;

    private int nPoints = 0;

    private int maxItemScore = 0;

    private int maxTestScore = 0;

    private int[] validColumnIndex = null;

    int end = 0;

    int numberOfCombinedCategories = 0;

    private DistributionApproximation latentDistribution = null;

    private IrtObservedScoreDistribution irtObservedScoreDistribution = null;

    private IrtObservedScoreDistribution irtObservedScoreDistributionWithoutItem = null;

    public ItemFitGeneralizedSX2(IrtObservedScoreDistribution irtObservedScoreDistribution,
            IrtObservedScoreDistribution irtObservedScoreDistributionWithoutItem, ItemResponseModel irm,
            int maxTestScorePlusOne, int minExpectedCellCount) {
        this.irtObservedScoreDistribution = irtObservedScoreDistribution;
        this.irtObservedScoreDistributionWithoutItem = irtObservedScoreDistributionWithoutItem;
        this.irm = irm;
        this.numberOfBins = maxTestScorePlusOne;
        this.numberOfCategories = irm.getNcat();
        this.minExpectedCellCount = minExpectedCellCount;
        this.latentDistribution = irtObservedScoreDistribution.getLatentDistribution();
        this.nPoints = latentDistribution.getNumberOfPoints();
        this.maxItemScore = (int) irm.getMaxScoreWeight();
        this.maxTestScore = numberOfBins - 1;
        end = maxTestScore - maxItemScore;

        validColumnIndex = new int[numberOfBins];


     * Increment fit statistic assuming there is a table row for each possible summed score.
     * ItemFitChiSquare(ItemResponseModel irm, int numberOfBins, int minExpectedCellCount)
     * @param summedScore summed score value.
     * @param theta estimate of examinee ability.
     * @param itemResponse an item response.
    public void increment(int summedScore, double theta, int itemResponse) {
        if (itemResponse != -1) {

    private double expectedValue(int summedScore, int itemScore) {
        double theta = 0;
        double prob = 0;
        double probScore = 0;
        double probScoreWithout = 0;
        double density = 0;
        double numerator = 0;
        double denominator = 0;
        int withoutScore = summedScore - itemScore;

        for (int k = 0; k < nPoints; k++) {
            theta = latentDistribution.getPointAt(k);
            density = latentDistribution.getDensityAt(k);

            prob = irm.probability(theta, itemScore);
            probScore = irtObservedScoreDistribution.getProbabilityAt(k, summedScore);
            probScoreWithout = irtObservedScoreDistributionWithoutItem.getProbabilityAt(k, withoutScore);

            numerator += prob * probScoreWithout * density;
            denominator += probScore * density;

        if (denominator <= 0)
            return 0;
        return numerator / denominator;

    private void initializeExpectedFrequencies() {
        expectedValues = new double[numberOfBins][numberOfCategories];

        for (int i = 1; i < table.length - 1; i++) {
            validRow[i] = true;//initialize to true

            if (i < maxItemScore) {
                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                    //expectedValue*rowMargin because using expected frequency, not expected proportion
                    expectedValues[i][j] = expectedValue(i, j) * rowMargin[i];
            } else if (i > end) {
                for (int j = i - end; j <= maxItemScore; j++) {
                    //expectedValue*rowMargin because using expected frequency, not expected proportion
                    expectedValues[i][j] = expectedValue(i, j) * rowMargin[i];
            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCategories; j++) {
                    //expectedValue*rowMargin because using expected frequency, not expected proportion
                    expectedValues[i][j] = expectedValue(i, j) * rowMargin[i];


    //    private void collapseColumns(int i){
    //        if(numberOfCategories==2) return;
    //        boolean collapsed = false;
    //        for(int j=0;j<(numberOfCategories-2);j++){
    //            if(expectedValues[i][j]<minExpectedCellCount){
    //                //bump up
    //                expectedValues[i][j+1] += expectedValues[i][j];
    //                expectedValues[i][j] = 0;
    //                table[i][j+1] += table[i][j];
    //                table[i][j] = 0;
    //                collapsed = true;
    //            }
    //        }
    //        if(expectedValues[i][numberOfCategories-1]<minExpectedCellCount){
    //            expectedValues[i][numberOfCategories-2] += expectedValues[i][numberOfCategories-1];
    //            expectedValues[i][numberOfCategories-1] = 0;
    //            table[i][numberOfCategories-2] += table[i][numberOfCategories-1];
    //            table[i][numberOfCategories-1] = 0;
    //            collapsed = true;
    //        }
    //        if(collapsed){
    //            //shift everything left
    //            int index=0;
    //            for(int j=0;j<numberOfCategories;j++){
    //                index=j;
    //                while(expectedValues[i][j]==0 && index<numberOfCategories){
    //                    expectedValues[i][j] = expectedValues[i][index];
    //                    expectedValues[i][index] = 0;
    //                    table[i][j] += table[i][index];
    //                    table[i][index] = 0;
    //                    index++;
    //                }
    //                if(expectedValues[i][j]>0){
    //                    validColumnIndex[i]++;
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }else{
    //            validColumnIndex[i]=numberOfCategories;
    //        }
    //    }

    protected void condenseTable() {
        validRow[0] = false;
        validRow[numberOfBins - 1] = false;
        int midpoint = (int) (numberOfBins / 2);

        //        for(int i=1;i<maxTestScore;i++){
        //            if(i<maxItemScore || i>end){
        //                validRow[i] = false;
        //            }else{
        //                validRow[i] = true;
        //            }
        //            //Collapse columns
        //            collapseColumns(i);
        //        }

        double sum = 0;

        //Collapse lower rows toward middle
        for (int i = 1; i < midpoint; i++) {//skip first row
            validRow[i] = true;
            //            if(validColumnIndex[i]==0) validRow[i] = false;

            //            for(int j=0;j<validColumnIndex[i];j++){
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCategories; j++) {
                sum += expectedValues[i][j];
                //                if(expectedValues[i][j]<minExpectedCellCount){
                //                    validRow[i] = false;
                //                    break INNER;
                //                }
            //            System.out.println(meanEv.getResult());
            if (sum < numberOfCategories || i < maxItemScore)
                validRow[i] = false;
            sum = 0;

            if (!validRow[i]) {
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCategories; j++) {
                    expectedValues[i + 1][j] = expectedValues[i + 1][j] + expectedValues[i][j];
                    table[i + 1][j] = table[i + 1][j] + table[i][j];
                rowMargin[i + 1] = rowMargin[i + 1] + rowMargin[i];
                rowThetaSum[i + 1] = rowThetaSum[i + 1] + rowThetaSum[i];
        } //end lower condense

        //Collapse upper rows toward middle
        for (int i = numberOfBins - 2; i >= midpoint; i--) {//skip last row
            //            if(validColumnIndex[i]==0) validRow[i] = false;

            //            for(int j=0;j<validColumnIndex[i];j++){
            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCategories; j++) {
                sum += expectedValues[i][j];
                //                if(expectedValues[i][j]<minExpectedCellCount){
                //                    validRow[i] = false;
                //                    break INNER;
                //                }
            if (sum < numberOfCategories || i > end)
                validRow[i] = false;
            sum = 0;

            if (!validRow[i]) {
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfCategories; j++) {
                    expectedValues[i - 1][j] = expectedValues[i - 1][j] + expectedValues[i][j];
                    table[i - 1][j] = table[i - 1][j] + table[i][j];
                rowMargin[i - 1] = rowMargin[i - 1] + rowMargin[i];
                rowThetaSum[i - 1] = rowThetaSum[i - 1] + rowThetaSum[i];
        } //end upper condense


    public void compute() {
        int validRowCount = 0;

        //For debugging
        //        System.out.println(this.printMirtFormatTable(false));


        //For debugging

        //Compute statistic.
        double d = 0;
        for (int x = 1; x < numberOfBins - 1; x++) {
            if (validRow[x]) {
                for (int h = 0; h < numberOfCategories; h++) {
                    if (expectedValues[x][h] > 0) {
                        d = table[x][h] - expectedValues[x][h];
                        SX2 += (d * d) / expectedValues[x][h];
                    //                    else{
                    //                        numberOfCombinedCategories++;
                    //                    }

        //        System.out.println("  VALROW: " + validRowCount + "  NPAR: " + irm.getNumberOfEstimatedParameters() + "  COMBINED: " + numberOfCombinedCategories);

        //Compute degrees of freedom
        double K = maxTestScore - 2.0 * maxItemScore + 1;
        dfSX2 = maxItemScore * validRowCount - irm.getNumberOfEstimatedParameters() - numberOfCombinedCategories;
        try {
            ChiSquaredDistribution chiSquaredDistribution = new ChiSquaredDistribution(dfSX2);
            pvalueSX2 = 1.0 - chiSquaredDistribution.cumulativeProbability(SX2);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            pvalueSX2 = Double.NaN;

    public double getValue() {
        return SX2;

    public double getDegreesOfFreedom() {
        return dfSX2;

    public double getPValue() {
        return pvalueSX2;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);
        f.format("%5s", "SX2  ");
        f.format("%8.4f", getValue());
        f.format("%2s", "");
        f.format("%4d", (int) getDegreesOfFreedom());
        f.format("%2s", "");
        f.format("%1.4f", getPValue());
        return f.toString();
