Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 J. Patrick Meyer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.cmh; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ChiSquaredDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * * See the article below for details: * * Zwick, R., & Thayer, D. T. (1996). Evaluating the magnitude of differential item functioning in polytomous items. * Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 21, 187-201. * * @author J. Patrick Meyer <meyerjp at> */ public class CochranMantelHaenszel { /** * Computes the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics and related quantities. * * TreeMap contains the k, R X C tables. * Each table is a strata indexed by an ordinal number that is the TreeMap key. * The TwoWayTable allows for R X C tables, but this use is based on 2 X C tables. * */ private TreeMap<Double, CmhTable> strata = null; private String focalCode = ""; private String referenceCode = ""; private VariableAttributes groupVariable = null; private VariableAttributes itemVariable = null; private StandardDeviation combinedGroupsSd = null; private StandardDeviation focalSd = null; private StandardDeviation referenceSd = null; private boolean etsDelta = false; private double validSampleSize = 0.0; private Double cmhChiSquare = null; private Double comOddsRatio = null; double[] ci = null; public CochranMantelHaenszel(String focalCode, String referenceCode, VariableAttributes groupVariable, VariableAttributes itemVariable, boolean etsDelta) { strata = new TreeMap<Double, CmhTable>(); this.focalCode = focalCode; this.referenceCode = referenceCode; this.groupVariable = groupVariable; this.itemVariable = itemVariable; this.etsDelta = etsDelta; combinedGroupsSd = new StandardDeviation(); focalSd = new StandardDeviation(); referenceSd = new StandardDeviation(); } /** * * @param strataScore mathing score i.e. raw score, decile, or quintile * @param groupValue examinees group membership * @param itemScore examinees response to item */ public void increment(double strataScore, String groupValue, double itemScore) { if (groupValue == null || "".equals(groupValue.trim()) || Double.isNaN(itemScore)) return; CmhTable temp = strata.get(strataScore); if (temp == null) { temp = new CmhTable(focalCode, referenceCode); strata.put(strataScore, temp); } temp.increment(groupValue, itemScore); combinedGroupsSd.increment(itemScore); if (groupValue.equals(focalCode)) { focalSd.increment(itemScore); } else if (groupValue.equals(referenceCode)) { referenceSd.increment(itemScore); } } public double focalTotalSize() { Set<Double> keys = strata.keySet(); Iterator<Double> iter = keys.iterator(); CmhTable table = null; double fSum = 0.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { table = strata.get(; fSum += table.focalSize(); } return fSum; } /** * * * @return Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel chi-square statistic */ public double cochranMantelHaenszel() { if (cmhChiSquare != null) return cmhChiSquare; Set<Double> keys = strata.keySet(); Iterator<Double> iter = keys.iterator(); CmhTable table = null; double focalSumOfScoresSum = 0.0; double expectedValueSum = 0.0; double varSum = 0.0; double tableVar = 0.0; double tableTotal = 0.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { table = strata.get(; tableVar = table.variance(); tableTotal =; if (tableVar > 0) { validSampleSize += tableTotal; focalSumOfScoresSum += table.focalSumOfScores(); expectedValueSum += table.expectedValue(); varSum += tableVar; } tableTotal = 0; tableVar = 0; } cmhChiSquare = Math.pow(focalSumOfScoresSum - expectedValueSum, 2) / varSum; return cmhChiSquare; } /** * Computed only for the first two rows and first two columns in each strata * * @return */ public double commonOddsRatio() { if (comOddsRatio != null) return comOddsRatio; Set<Double> keys = strata.keySet(); Iterator<Double> iter = keys.iterator(); CmhTable table = null; double numerator = 0.0; double denominator = 0.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { table = strata.get(; numerator += table.commonOddsRatioNumerator(); denominator += table.commonOddsRatioDenominator(); } comOddsRatio = numerator / denominator; return comOddsRatio; } public double commonOddsRatioVariance() { Set<Double> keys = strata.keySet(); Iterator<Double> iter = keys.iterator(); CmhTable table = null; double var = 0.0; double num1 = 0.0, num2 = 0.0, num3 = 0.0; double denomADsum = 0.0, denomBCsum = 0.0; double A = 0.0, B = 0.0, C = 0.0, D = 0.0, T = 0.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { table = strata.get(; A = table.referenceRight(); B = table.referenceWrong(); C = table.focalRight(); D = table.focalWrong(); T = A + B + C + D; if (T > 0) { num1 += (A + D) * (A * D) / Math.pow(T, 2); denomADsum += (A * D) / T; num2 += ((A + D) * (B * C) + (B + C) * (A * D)) / Math.pow(T, 2); denomBCsum += (B * C) / T; num3 += (B + C) * (B * C) / Math.pow(T, 2); } } var = num1 / (2.0 * Math.pow(denomADsum, 2)) + num2 / (2.0 * denomADsum * denomBCsum) + num3 / (2.0 * Math.pow(denomBCsum, 2)); return var; } /** * Computes 95% confidence interval for the common odds ratio. * Used in computation of ETS DIF classification for binary items. * * @param commonOddsRatio * @return */ public double[] commonOddsRatioConfidenceInterval(double commonOddsRatio) { if (ci != null) return ci; ci = new double[2]; double var = commonOddsRatioVariance(); double sigma = Math.sqrt(var); ci[0] = commonOddsRatio * Math.exp(-1.96 * sigma); ci[1] = commonOddsRatio * Math.exp(1.96 * sigma); return ci; } /** * Computes 95% confidence interval for the standardized mean difference. * Assumes SMD is distributed unit normal. * * @param standardizedMeanDifference * @return */ public double[] smdConfidenceInterval(double standardizedMeanDifference) { if (ci != null) return ci; ci = new double[2]; double moe = 1.96 * Math.sqrt(varianceSMD()); ci[0] = standardizedMeanDifference - moe; ci[1] = standardizedMeanDifference + moe; return ci; } /** * Compute variance of the standardized mean difference (SMD). This method * is described in Zwick & Thayer (1996) Equation 7. * * @return */ public double varianceSMD() { double var = 0.0; double w = 0.0; double nfk = 0.0; double nrk = 0.0; double inner = 0.0; CmhTable temp = null; for (Double d : strata.keySet()) { temp = strata.get(d); nfk = temp.focalSize(); nrk = temp.referenceSize(); if (nfk > 0.0 && nrk > 0.0) { w = nfk / focalTotalSize(); inner = 1.0 / nfk + 1.0 / nrk; var += (w * w) * (inner * inner) * temp.variance(); } } return var; } public double etsDelta(double commonOddsRatio) { double d = -2.35 * Math.log(commonOddsRatio); return d; } /** * Computes the standardized mean difference (SMD). For binary items, this method * is the same as Dorans and Kulick (1986) STD P-DIF. See Zwick and Thayer (1996) * for details. * * @return */ public double pF() { double focalTotalSize = focalTotalSize(); Set<Double> keys = strata.keySet(); Iterator<Double> iter = keys.iterator(); Double strataScore = null; CmhTable table = null; double pF = 0.0; double pR = 0.0; double focalSize = 0.0; double referenceSize = 0.0; double prop = 0.0; while (iter.hasNext()) { strataScore =; table = strata.get(strataScore); focalSize = table.focalSize(); referenceSize = table.referenceSize(); if (focalSize > 0.0 && referenceSize > 0.0) { prop = (focalSize / focalTotalSize); pF += prop * (table.focalSumOfScores() / focalSize); pR += prop * (table.referenceSumOfScores() / referenceSize); } } double smd = pF - pR; return smd; } /** * * Returns a Z test of the SMD statistic, Z_H(SMD) on page * 194 of Zwick and Thayer (1996). This rho is distributed as a standard * normal variate under the null hypothesis. * * */ public double zSMD() { return pF() / Math.sqrt(varianceSMD()); } public String etsBinayClassification(double cochranMantelHaenszel, double pvalue, double commonOddsRatio) { double[] ci = commonOddsRatioConfidenceInterval(commonOddsRatio); String difClass = "B "; if (pvalue > 0.05 || (0.65 < commonOddsRatio && commonOddsRatio < 1.53)) { difClass = "A "; } else if (commonOddsRatio < 0.53 && ci[1] < 0.65) { difClass = "C+"; } else if (commonOddsRatio > 1.89 && ci[0] > 1.53) { difClass = "C-"; } else { if (commonOddsRatio < 1.0) { difClass = "B+"; } else { difClass = "B-"; } } return difClass; } public String smdDifClass() { double MPiS = itemVariable.getMaximumPossibleItemScore(); double mPiS = itemVariable.getMinimumPossibleItemScore(); double ES = pF() / (MPiS - mPiS); //divide by item score range to limit ES to the interval from -1 to +1. double aES = Math.abs(ES); String difClass = ""; if (aES < 0.05) return "AA"; if (aES >= 0.05 && aES < 0.10) { difClass = "BB"; } else if (aES > 0.10) { difClass = "CC"; } if (ES > 0) difClass += "+"; else difClass += "-"; return difClass; } public VariableName getVariableName() { return itemVariable.getName(); } /** * From 1999 South Carolina PACT Technical Documentation * * * @return */ // public String etsPolytomousClassification(double cochranMantelHaenszel, double pvalue, double polytomousEffectSize){ // String difClass = "BB"; // if(pvalue > 0.05){ // difClass = "AA "; // }else if(Math.abs(polytomousEffectSize)<=0.17){ // difClass = "AA "; // }else if(0.17<Math.abs(polytomousEffectSize) && Math.abs(polytomousEffectSize)<=0.25){ // difClass = "BB"; // if(polytomousEffectSize>=0) difClass += "+"; else difClass += "-"; // }else if(Math.abs(polytomousEffectSize)>0.25){ // difClass = "CC"; // if(polytomousEffectSize>=0) difClass += "+"; else difClass += "-"; // } // return difClass; // } public String printTables() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(sb); Set<Double> keys = strata.keySet(); Iterator<Double> iter = keys.iterator(); CmhTable table = null; Double score = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { score =; table = strata.get(score); f.format("%n"); f.format("%n"); f.format("%n"); f.format("%45s", "Score Level: "); f.format("%-10.4f", +score); f.format("%n"); f.format("%100s", table.toString()); f.format("%n"); } return f.toString(); } public String printHeader() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(buffer); f.format("%-10s", " Item"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%10s", "Chi-square"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%7s", "p-value"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%7s", "Valid N"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%28s", " E.S. (95% C.I.) "); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%5s", "Class"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%n"); f.format("%-10s", "----------"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%10s", "----------"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%7s", "-------"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%7s", "-------"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%28s", "----------------------------"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%5s", "-----"); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%n"); return f.toString(); } /** * This method provides the results in a form that can be inserted into * a database table. * * @return */ public String getDatabaseString() { String output = ""; ChiSquaredDistribution chiSquare = new ChiSquaredDistribution(1.0); double cmh = cochranMantelHaenszel(); Double pvalue = 1.0; pvalue = 1.0 - chiSquare.cumulativeProbability(cmh); double commonOddsRatio = 0.0; double[] tempConfInt = { 0.0, 0.0 }; double[] confInt = { 0.0, 0.0 }; double smd = 0.0; double effectSize = 0.0; String etsClass = ""; if (itemVariable.getType().getItemType() == ItemType.BINARY_ITEM) { commonOddsRatio = commonOddsRatio(); tempConfInt = commonOddsRatioConfidenceInterval(commonOddsRatio); if (etsDelta) { effectSize = etsDelta(commonOddsRatio); confInt[0] = etsDelta(tempConfInt[0]); confInt[1] = etsDelta(tempConfInt[1]); } else { effectSize = commonOddsRatio; confInt[0] = tempConfInt[0]; confInt[1] = tempConfInt[1]; } etsClass = etsBinayClassification(cmh, pvalue, commonOddsRatio); } else if (itemVariable.getType().getItemType() == ItemType.POLYTOMOUS_ITEM) { smd = pF(); tempConfInt = smdConfidenceInterval(smd); confInt[0] = tempConfInt[0]; confInt[1] = tempConfInt[1]; effectSize = pF(); etsClass = smdDifClass(); } output += itemVariable.getName().toString() + ","; if (Double.isNaN(cmh)) { output += ","; } else { output += cmh + ","; } if (Double.isNaN(pvalue)) { output += ","; } else { output += pvalue + ","; } output += validSampleSize + ","; if (Double.isNaN(effectSize) || Double.isInfinite(cmh)) { output += ","; } else { output += effectSize + ","; } if (Double.isNaN(confInt[0]) || Double.isInfinite(cmh)) { output += ","; } else { output += confInt[0] + ","; } if (Double.isNaN(confInt[1]) || Double.isInfinite(cmh)) { output += ","; } else { output += confInt[1] + ","; } output += etsClass; return output; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(buffer); ChiSquaredDistribution chiSquare = new ChiSquaredDistribution(1.0); double cmh = cochranMantelHaenszel(); Double pvalue = 1.0; pvalue = 1.0 - chiSquare.cumulativeProbability(cmh); double commonOddsRatio = 0.0; double[] tempConfInt = { 0.0, 0.0 }; double[] confInt = { 0.0, 0.0 }; double smd = 0.0; double effectSize = 0.0; String etsClass = ""; if (itemVariable.getType().getItemType() == ItemType.BINARY_ITEM) { commonOddsRatio = commonOddsRatio(); tempConfInt = commonOddsRatioConfidenceInterval(commonOddsRatio); if (etsDelta) { effectSize = etsDelta(commonOddsRatio); confInt[0] = etsDelta(tempConfInt[0]); confInt[1] = etsDelta(tempConfInt[1]); } else { effectSize = commonOddsRatio; confInt[0] = tempConfInt[0]; confInt[1] = tempConfInt[1]; } etsClass = etsBinayClassification(cmh, pvalue, commonOddsRatio); } else if (itemVariable.getType().getItemType() == ItemType.POLYTOMOUS_ITEM) { smd = pF(); tempConfInt = smdConfidenceInterval(smd); confInt[0] = tempConfInt[0]; confInt[1] = tempConfInt[1]; effectSize = pF(); // etsClass = etsPolytomousClassification(cmh, pvalue, effectSize); etsClass = smdDifClass(); } f.format("%-10s", itemVariable.getName().toString()); f.format("%2s", " "); // f.format("%10s", focalCode + "/" + referenceCode);f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%10.2f", cmh); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%7.2f", pvalue); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%7.0f", validSampleSize); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%8.2f", effectSize); f.format(" (%8.2f", confInt[0]); f.format(",%8.2f)", confInt[1]); f.format("%2s", " "); f.format("%5s", etsClass); f.format("%2s", " "); return f.toString(); } }