Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Port@l * Port@l 3.0 - Portal Engine and Management System * Copyright (C) 2010 Isotrol, SA. * * Port@l is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Port@l is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Port@l. If not, see <>. */ package; import static; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; /** * Queries constructor helper. This class is not final and has a protected constructor to allow subclasses to extend the * provided set of helper methods in a single namespace. However, this class is not instantiable. * @author Emilio Escobar Reyero * @author Andres Rodriguez Chamorro */ public class NodeQueries { /** * Constructor. * @throws AssertionError as this class is not instantiable. */ protected NodeQueries() { throw new AssertionError(); } static String text(UUID id) { return id.toString().toLowerCase(); } /** * Prepare a search node id query. * @param nodeId Node id. * @param nodeType Node type. * @return the query. */ public static NodeQuery nodeKey(String nodeId, UUID nodeType) { return bool().must(Schema.ID, nodeId).must(Schema.TYPE, nodeType); } /** * Create a simple term query. Low level expert method. * @param field Field name. * @param text Text to search * @return The query. */ public static NodeQuery term(String field, String text) { return new NRTermQuery(NRTerm.of(field, text)); } /** * Create a simple term query. Low level expert method. * @param field Field name. * @param uuid UUID to search. * @return The query. */ public static NodeQuery term(String field, UUID uuid) { return term(field, text(uuid)); } /** * Create a simple term query. Low level expert method. * @param field Field name. * @param date Date to search * @return The query. */ public static NodeQuery term(String field, Date date) { return new NRTermQuery(NRTerm.of(field, dateToString(date))); } /** * Returns a transformation function from string values to term queries. * @param field Field name. * @return The requested function. */ public static Function<String, NodeQuery> terms(final String field) { return new Function<String, NodeQuery>() { public NodeQuery apply(String from) { return term(field, from); } }; } /** * Returns a transformation function from uuid values to term queries. * @param field Field name. * @return The requested function. */ public static Function<UUID, NodeQuery> uuidTerms(final String field) { return new Function<UUID, NodeQuery>() { public NodeQuery apply(UUID from) { return term(field, from); } }; } /** * Returns a transformation function from date values to term queries. * @param field Field name. * @return The requested function. */ public static Function<Date, NodeQuery> dateTerms(final String field) { return new Function<Date, NodeQuery>() { public NodeQuery apply(Date from) { return term(field, from); } }; } /** * Returns a transformation function from field names term queries. * @param termValue Term text. * @return The requested function. */ public static Function<String, NodeQuery> fields(final String termValue) { return new Function<String, NodeQuery>() { public NodeQuery apply(String from) { return term(from, termValue); } }; } /** * Returns a transformation function from field names to string queries. * @param termValue Term text. * @return The requested function. */ public static Function<String, NodeQuery> strings(final String termValue) { return new Function<String, NodeQuery>() { public NodeQuery apply(String from) { return string(from, termValue); } }; } /** * Create a free query with future parse. Low level expert method. * @param field Field name. * @param text Text to search * @return The query. */ public static NodeQuery string(String field, String text) { return new NRStringQuery(NRTerm.of(field, text)); } /** * Create a wildcard query if text contains '?' or '*'. Otherwise create q term query. Low level expert method. * @param field Field name. * @param text Text to search. * @return The Query. */ public static NodeQuery wildcard(String field, String text) { NodeQuery query; if (text.indexOf('?') > -1 || text.indexOf('*') > -1) { query = new NRWildcardQuery(NRTerm.of(field, text)); } else { query = term(field, text); } return query; } /** * Create a range query between lower and upper vals. Low level expert method. * @param fieldName Field name. * @param lowerVal lower value * @param upperVal upper value * @param includeLower if true include the lower value * @param includeUpper if true include the upper value * @return the query. */ public static NodeQuery range(String fieldName, String lowerVal, String upperVal, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper) { return new NRRangeQuery(fieldName, lowerVal, upperVal, includeLower, includeUpper); } /** * Create a range query between lower and upper date vals. Low level expert method. * @param fieldName Field name. * @param lowerVal lower date value * @param upperVal upper date value * @param includeLower if true include the lower value * @param includeUpper if true include the upper value * @return the query. */ public static NodeQuery range(String fieldName, Date lowerVal, Date upperVal, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper) { return new NRRangeQuery(fieldName, dateToString(lowerVal), dateToString(upperVal), includeLower, includeUpper); } /** * Create a query that gets all nodes. Low level expert method. * @return the query. */ public static NodeQuery matchAll() { return new NRMatchAllDocsQuery(); } /** * Create a boolean query. Very very low level expert method. * @return the query. */ public static NRBooleanQuery bool() { return new NRBooleanQuery(); } /** * If q is null returns a matchAll query * @param q original query * @return matchAll query ir q == null */ public static NodeQuery null2All(NodeQuery q) { return q == null ? matchAll() : q; } /** * Merges all queries with must boolean operator * @param queries NodeQuery queries * @return NodeQuery with must operator with all queries. */ public static NodeQuery all(Iterable<? extends NodeQuery> queries) { queries = Iterables.filter(queries, Predicates.notNull()); final int n = Iterables.size(queries); if (n == 0) { return null; } else if (n == 1) { return Iterables.get(queries, 0); } final NRBooleanQuery q = bool(); for (NodeQuery c : queries) { q.must(c); } return q; } /** * Merges all queries with must boolean operator * @param queries NodeQuery queries * @return NodeQuery with must operator with all queries. */ public static NodeQuery all(NodeQuery... queries) { return all(Arrays.asList(queries)); } /** * Merges all queries with should boolean operator * @param queries NodeQuery queries * @return NodeQuery with should operator with all queries. */ public static NodeQuery any(Iterable<? extends NodeQuery> queries) { queries = Iterables.filter(queries, Predicates.notNull()); final int n = Iterables.size(queries); if (n == 0) { return null; } else if (n == 1) { return Iterables.get(queries, 0); } final NRBooleanQuery q = bool(); for (NodeQuery c : queries) { q.should(c); } return q; } public static NodeQuery any(NodeQuery... queries) { return any(Arrays.asList(queries)); } public static NodeQuery any(final String term, Iterable<String> fields) { if (fields == null) { return null; } return any(Iterables.transform(fields, fields(term))); } public static NodeQuery any(final String term, String... fields) { return any(term, Arrays.asList(fields)); } public static NodeQuery anyString(final String term, Iterable<String> fields) { if (fields == null) { return null; } return any(Iterables.transform(fields, strings(term))); } public static NodeQuery anyString(final String term, String... fields) { return anyString(term, Arrays.asList(fields)); } }