Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Port@l * Port@l 3.0 - Portal Engine and Management System * Copyright (C) 2010 Isotrol, SA. * * Port@l is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Port@l is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Port@l. If not, see <>. */ package com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules; import static; import static; import static; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.Device; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.PageKey; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.Portal; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.Principal; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.PrincipalContext; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.Route; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.component.ActionContext; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.component.Inject; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.content.ContentLoader; import com.isotrol.impe3.api.modules.Module; import com.isotrol.impe3.core.Loggers; import com.isotrol.impe3.core.config.ConfigurationDefinition; import com.isotrol.impe3.core.config.PortalConfigurationDefinition; import; import; /** * Object that encapsulates the definition of a module. * @author Andres Rodriguez. * @param <T> Module class. */ public abstract class ModuleDefinition<T extends Module> extends Definition<T> { /** Cache. */ private static final SingleValueSupport<Class<?>, Object> CACHE = SingleValueSupport.create(); /** Cast to connector provision. */ private static final Function<Provision, ConnectorProvision> TO_CONNECTOR_PROVISION = new Function<Provision, ConnectorProvision>() { public ConnectorProvision apply(Provision from) { return ConnectorProvision.class.cast(from); } }; /** Cast to component provision. */ private static final Function<Provision, ComponentProvision> TO_COMPONENT_PROVISION = new Function<Provision, ComponentProvision>() { public ComponentProvision apply(Provision from) { return ComponentProvision.class.cast(from); } }; /** * Gets a valid module definition. * @param module Module class to analyze. * @return A valid module definition. * @throws ModuleException if the module is invalid. */ public static <T extends Module> ModuleDefinition<T> of(Class<T> module) throws ModuleException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(module, "A module class must be provided"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ModuleDefinition<T> d1 = (ModuleDefinition<T>) CACHE.get(module); if (d1 != null) { return d1; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ModuleDefinition<T> d2 = (ModuleDefinition<T>) CACHE.put(module, new Valid<T>(ModuleDefinitionLoader.load(module))); return d2; } /** * Gets a valid module definition. * @param name Module class name. * @return A valid module definition. * @throws ModuleException if the module is invalid. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is not a module class. */ public static ModuleDefinition<?> of(String name) throws ModuleException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "A module class name must be provided"); try { final Class<?> klass = Class.forName(name); final Class<? extends Module> type = klass.asSubclass(Module.class); return of(type); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } /** * Returns a possibly invalid module definition. * @param module Module class to analyze. * @return The module definition which may be invalid. */ public static <T extends Module> ModuleDefinition<T> getSafe(Class<T> module) { try { return of(module); } catch (ModuleException e) { return new Invalid<T>(module, e); } } private ModuleDefinition(Class<T> moduleClass) { super(moduleClass); } /** * Returns the type of the module. * @return The type of the module. */ public abstract ModuleType getModuleType(); public ModuleException getError() { return null; } public ImmutableMap<String, Provision> getProvisions() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } /** * Returns whether the module exports only one provision. * @return True if the module exports only one provision. */ public final boolean isSimple() { return getProvisions().size() == 1; } /** * If is a connector module, return connector provision. Else, throws an illegalstate exception. * @return map of connector provision. */ public final Map<String, ConnectorProvision> getConnectorProvisions() { Preconditions.checkState(getModuleType() == ModuleType.CONNECTOR); return Maps.transformValues(getProvisions(), TO_CONNECTOR_PROVISION); } /** * If is a component module, return component provision. Else, throws an illegalstate exception. * @return map of component provision. */ public final Map<String, ComponentProvision> getComponentProvisions() { Preconditions.checkState(getModuleType() == ModuleType.COMPONENT); return Maps.transformValues(getProvisions(), TO_COMPONENT_PROVISION); } public ImmutableMap<String, Dependency> getDependencies() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } public Map<String, Dependency> getExternalDependencies() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } public Map<String, Dependency> getInternalDependencies() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } public ConfigurationDefinition<?> getConfiguration() { return null; } public PortalConfigurationDefinition<?> getPortalConfiguration() { return null; } public boolean isConfigurationRequired() { return false; } public boolean isPortalConfigurationDependencyRequired() { return false; } public boolean isConfigurationDependencyRequired() { return false; } public String getPortalConfigurationBeanName() { return null; } public String getConfigurationBeanName() { return null; } /** * Return the set of actions defined by the module. Always empty for connector modules. * @return An unmodifiable set of action names. */ public Set<String> getActions() { return ImmutableSet.of(); } /** * Return true if module required external deps. * @return true if module required external deps. */ public final boolean hasRequiredExternalDependencies() { return Iterables.any(getExternalDependencies().values(), Dependency.IS_REQUIRED); } /** * Return the required external dependencies. * @return The required external dependencies. */ public final Map<String, Dependency> getRequiredExternalDependencies() { return Maps.filterValues(getExternalDependencies(), Dependency.IS_REQUIRED); } /** * Returns a starter object for this module definition. * @return A module starter. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException If the module is invalid. */ public ModuleStarter<T> starter() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private static final class Invalid<T extends Module> extends ModuleDefinition<T> { private final ModuleException error; private Invalid(Class<T> moduleClass, ModuleException error) { super(moduleClass); this.error = error; } @Override public ModuleType getModuleType() { return ModuleType.INVALID; } @Override public ModuleException getError() { return error; } } /** * Valid. * @author Andres Rodriguez. */ private static final class Valid<T extends Module> extends ModuleDefinition<T> { private final ModuleType moduleType; private final ImmutableMap<String, Provision> provisions; private final ImmutableMap<String, Dependency> dependencies; private final ConfigurationDefinition<?> configuration; private final Dependency configurationDependency; private final PortalConfigurationDefinition<?> portalConfiguration; private final Dependency portalConfigurationDependency; private final Set<String> actions; private final DefaultListableBeanFactory registry; private Valid(ModuleDefinitionLoader<T> loader) { super(loader.getType()); this.moduleType = loader.getModuleType(); this.provisions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(loader.getProvisions()); this.dependencies = ImmutableMap.copyOf(loader.getDependencies()); this.configuration = loader.getConfiguration(); this.configurationDependency = loader.getConfigurationDependency(); this.portalConfiguration = loader.getPortalConfiguration(); this.portalConfigurationDependency = loader.getPortalConfigurationDependency(); this.actions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(loader.getActions()); this.registry = loader.getRegistry(); } @Override public ModuleType getModuleType() { return moduleType; } public ImmutableMap<String, Provision> getProvisions() { return provisions; } public ImmutableMap<String, Dependency> getDependencies() { return dependencies; } @Override public Map<String, Dependency> getExternalDependencies() { return Maps.filterValues(dependencies, Dependency.IS_EXTERNAL); } @Override public Map<String, Dependency> getInternalDependencies() { return Maps.filterValues(dependencies, Dependency.IS_INTERNAL); } /** * @return the portalConfiguration */ @Override public PortalConfigurationDefinition<?> getPortalConfiguration() { return portalConfiguration; } @Override public ConfigurationDefinition<?> getConfiguration() { return configuration; } @Override public boolean isConfigurationRequired() { if (configuration == null) { return false; } return configuration.isRequired() && configuration.hasMBPItems(); } @Override public boolean isPortalConfigurationDependencyRequired() { if (portalConfigurationDependency == null) { return false; } return portalConfigurationDependency.isRequired() && isConfigurationRequired(); } @Override public boolean isConfigurationDependencyRequired() { if (configurationDependency == null) { return false; } return configurationDependency.isRequired() && isConfigurationRequired(); } @Override public String getPortalConfigurationBeanName() { Preconditions.checkState(portalConfigurationDependency != null); return portalConfigurationDependency.getBeanName(); } @Override public String getConfigurationBeanName() { Preconditions.checkState(configurationDependency != null); return configurationDependency.getBeanName(); } @Override public Set<String> getActions() { return actions; } @Override public ModuleStarter<T> starter() { return new Starter(); } private final class Starter implements ModuleStarter<T> { private final Map<String, Object> supplied = Maps.newHashMap(); private Starter() { } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.ModuleStarter#put(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ public ModuleStarter<T> put(String name, Object value) { checkNotNull(name, "The dependency name for module [%s] must be provided", getTypeName()); checkArgument(dependencies.containsKey(name), "[%s] is not a dependency for module [%s]", name, getTypeName()); checkNotNull(value, "The value for dependency [%s] of module [%s] must be provided", name, getTypeName()); final Dependency d = dependencies.get(name); checkArgument(d.getType().isInstance(value), "Expected type for dependency [%s] of module [%s]: [%s]. Provided: [%s]", name, getTypeName(), d.getType().getName(), value.getClass().getName()); supplied.put(name, value); return this; } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.ModuleStarter#set(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Object) */ public ModuleStarter<T> set(Class<?> type, Object value) { checkNotNull(type, "The internal dependency name for module [%s] must be provided", getTypeName()); checkNotNull(value, "The internal dependency value of type [%s] for module [%s] must be provided", type.getName(), getTypeName()); for (final Dependency d : getInternalDependencies().values()) { if (d.getType().equals(type)) { supplied.put(d.getBeanName(), type.cast(value)); } } return this; } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.ModuleStarter#start(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) */ public StartedModule<T> start(ApplicationContext parent) { final Map<String, Object> suppliedDeps; if (configurationDependency == null || !configurationDependency.isRequired() || supplied.containsKey(configurationDependency.getBeanName())) { suppliedDeps = Maps.newHashMap(supplied); } else { checkState(!configuration.hasMBPItems(), "Missing required configuration for module [%s]", getTypeName()); suppliedDeps = Maps.newHashMap(supplied); suppliedDeps.put(getConfigurationBeanName(), configuration.builder().get()); } // Add portal configuration // if (portalConfigurationDependency != null) { // suppliedDeps.put(getPortalConfigurationBeanName(), portalConfiguration.builder().get()); // } final Set<String> required = Maps.filterValues(dependencies, Dependency.IS_REQUIRED).keySet(); final Set<String> missing = Sets.difference(required, suppliedDeps.keySet()); checkState(missing.isEmpty(), "Missing required dependencies %s for module [%s]", missing, getTypeName()); // Create context. final GenericApplicationContext context = new GenericApplicationContext(parent); // Feed original beans except supplied optional dependencies. for (final String bean : registry.getBeanDefinitionNames()) { if (!suppliedDeps.containsKey(bean)) { context.registerBeanDefinition(bean, registry.getBeanDefinition(bean)); } } // Feed dependencies for (final String bean : suppliedDeps.keySet()) { final Dependency d = dependencies.get(bean); final BeanDefinition bd = DependencyFactoryBean.getDefinition(d.getType(), suppliedDeps.get(bean)); context.registerBeanDefinition(bean, bd); } // Start context. context.refresh(); // Done return new Started(context); } } private final class Started implements StartedModule<T> { private final GenericApplicationContext context; private final T module; private Started(GenericApplicationContext context) { this.context = context; final Class<T> klass = getType(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T proxy = (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(klass.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { klass }, new Handler()); this.module = proxy; } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.StartedModule#getModuleDefinition() */ public ModuleDefinition<T> getModuleDefinition() { return Valid.this; } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.StartedModule#getProvision(java.lang.String) */ public Object getProvision(String name) { checkNotNull(name, "Provision name for module [%s] must be provided", getTypeName()); checkArgument(provisions.containsKey(name), "Provision [%s] not found in module [%s]", name, getTypeName()); return context.getBean(name); } public T getModule() { return module; } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.StartedModule#getAction(com.isotrol.impe3.api.component.ActionContext) */ public Object getAction(ActionContext actionContext) { checkState(moduleType == ModuleType.COMPONENT, "Module [%s] is not a component module", getTypeName()); final String name = actionContext.getName(); checkArgument(actions.contains(name), "Component Module [%s] does not provide action [%s]", getTypeName(), name); // 1 - Instantiate bean final Object bean = context.getBean(name); // 2 - Injection final Route route = actionContext.getRoute(); final Portal portal = actionContext.getPortal(); final PrincipalContext principalContext = actionContext.getPrincipalContext(); for (Method m : bean.getClass().getMethods()) { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class) && Void.TYPE == m.getReturnType()) { final Class<?>[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length == 1) { Class<?> type = types[0]; if (ActionContext.class == type) { set(m, bean, actionContext); } else if (Portal.class == type) { set(m, bean, portal); } else if (UUID.class == type) { set(m, bean, actionContext.getId()); } else if (Route.class == type) { set(m, bean, route); } else if (PageKey.class == type) { set(m, bean, route.getPage()); } else if (Device.class == type) { set(m, bean, actionContext.getDevice()); } else if (Locale.class == type) { set(m, bean, actionContext.getLocale()); } else if (PrincipalContext.class == type) { set(m, bean, principalContext); } else if (Principal.class == type && principalContext != null) { set(m, bean, principalContext.getPrincipal()); } else if (ContentLoader.class == type) { set(m, bean, actionContext.getContentLoader()); } } } } return bean; } private void set(Method m, Object target, Object value) { if (value == null) { return; } try { m.invoke(target, value); } catch (Exception e) { Loggers.core().error(String.format("Unable to inject action method [%s]", m.getName())); } } /** * @see com.isotrol.impe3.core.modules.StartedModule#stop() */ public void stop() { try { context.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } private final class Handler implements InvocationHandler { public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { return getProvision(method.getName()); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } } }