Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *    Copyright 2015 IPC Global ( and others.
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
package com.ipcglobal.fredimport.process;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import com.ipcglobal.fredimport.item.DistinctCategoryItem;
import com.ipcglobal.fredimport.util.FredUtils;
import com.ipcglobal.fredimport.util.LogTool;
import com.ipcglobal.fredimport.xls.DistinctCategoriesSpreadsheet;

 * The Class DistinctCategories.
public class DistinctCategories {

    /** The log. */
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DistinctCategories.class);

    /** The distinct category items. */
    private Map<Integer, DistinctCategoryItem> distinctCategoryItems;

    /** The sorted distinct category items. */
    List<DistinctCategoryItem> sortedDistinctCategoryItems;

    /** The path qlik view sql scripts. */
    private String outputPathRptSql;

    /** The properties. */
    private Properties properties;

    /*** The output path. */
    private String outputPath;

    /*** The name of the Fred table. */
    private String tableNameFred;

     * Instantiates a new distinct categories.DistinctCategories
     * @param properties the properties
     * @param distinctCategoryItems the distinct category items
     * @param outputPath the output path
     * @throws Exception the exception
    public DistinctCategories(Properties properties, Map<Integer, DistinctCategoryItem> distinctCategoryItems,
            String outputPath) throws Exception {
        super(); = properties;
        this.distinctCategoryItems = distinctCategoryItems;
        this.outputPath = outputPath;
        this.tableNameFred = properties.getProperty("tableNameFred").trim();

        String outputSubdirRptSql = FredUtils.readfixPath("outputSubdirRptSql", properties);
        outputPathRptSql = outputPath + outputSubdirRptSql;
        FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(outputPathRptSql));

     * Creates the report and qlik view sql scripts.
     * @throws Exception the exception
    public void createReportAndQlikViewSqlScripts() throws Exception {
        sortedDistinctCategoryItems = new ArrayList<DistinctCategoryItem>(distinctCategoryItems.values());

     * Gzip rpt sql.
     * @throws Exception the exception
    public void gzipRptSql() throws Exception {
        String outputNameExtRptSqlGZip = properties.getProperty("outputNameExtRptSqlGZip").trim();
        String tarGzPath = outputPath + outputNameExtRptSqlGZip;
        FredUtils.createTarGzOfDirectory(outputPathRptSql, tarGzPath);

     * Creates the report.
     * @throws Exception the exception
    private void createReport() throws Exception {
        DistinctCategoriesSpreadsheet distinctCategoriesSpreadsheet = new DistinctCategoriesSpreadsheet(properties,
        List<DistinctCategoryItem> sortedDistinctCategoryItems = new ArrayList<DistinctCategoryItem>(

     * Creates the qlik view sql scripts.
     * @throws Exception the exception
    private void createQlikViewSqlScripts() throws Exception {
        final int numFilesSubDir = 100;
        FileOutputStream fop = null;
        String currCategory1Name = "";
        File fileOut = null;
        int fileCnt = 0;
        String subDir = "t2/";
        FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(outputPathRptSql + subDir));
        try {
            int xlsRow = 2;
            for (DistinctCategoryItem item : sortedDistinctCategoryItems) {
                String entry = createEntry(xlsRow, item);
                if (!currCategory1Name.equals(item.getCategory1())) {
                    if (fop != null)
                    if ((fileCnt % numFilesSubDir) == 0) {
                        subDir = "t" + xlsRow + "/";
                        FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(outputPathRptSql + subDir));
                    currCategory1Name = item.getCategory1();
                    String outPathNameExt = createPathNameExtSqlScript(outputPathRptSql, subDir, currCategory1Name,
                    fileOut = new File(outPathNameExt);
                    //"Writing to: " + fileOut.getPath() );
                    fop = new FileOutputStream(fileOut);

        } finally {
            if (fop != null)

     * Replace all characters that don't conform to file naming with an underscore
     * Creates the file name.
     * @param outputPathRptSql the output path rpt sql
     * @param subDir the sub dir
     * @param currCategory1Name the curr category1 name
     * @param xlsRow the xls row
     * @return the string
    private String createPathNameExtSqlScript(String outputPathRptSql, String subDir, String currCategory1Name,
            int xlsRow) {
        // Percent is a special case - change % to Pct
        currCategory1Name = currCategory1Name.replace("%", "Pct");
        // Slash is a special case - probably a date - change to dash
        currCategory1Name = currCategory1Name.replace("/", "-");
        final String[] searchList = { "\\", "(", ")", ".", ",", "~", "`", "!", "@", "#", "$", "^", "&", "*", "+",
                "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "'", "\"", "?", "<", ">" };
        final String[] replacementList = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
                "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", };
        //final String[] replacementList = {"_",  "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_",  "_", "_", "_", };
        String result = outputPathRptSql + subDir + "t" + xlsRow + "_"
                + StringUtils.replaceEach(currCategory1Name, searchList, replacementList);
        if (result.length() > 96)
            result = result.substring(0, 96); // 100 is max for tar
        return result + ".qvs";

     * Creates the entry.
     * @param xlsRow the xls row
     * @param item the item
     * @return the string
     * @throws Exception the exception
    public String createEntry(int xlsRow, DistinctCategoryItem item) throws Exception {
        String tName = "t" + xlsRow;
        // Note: there is always a Category1
        StringBuilder sbComment = new StringBuilder("// ").append(tName).append(" ").append(item.getCategory1());
        StringBuilder sbLoad = new StringBuilder("// [").append(tName).append("]:\n")
                .append("// LOAD category1 as [").append(tName).append(" Category1]");
        StringBuilder sbSqlColumns = new StringBuilder("// SQL SELECT category1");
        StringBuilder sbSqlWhere = new StringBuilder(" FROM " + tableNameFred + " where category1='")
                .append(item.getCategory1().replace("'", "''")).append("'");

        if (item.getCategory2() != null) {
            sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory2());
            sbLoad.append(", category2 as [").append(tName).append(" Category2]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", category2");
            sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category2='").append(item.getCategory2().replace("'", "''")).append("'");

            if (item.getCategory3() != null) {
                sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory3());
                sbLoad.append(", category3 as [").append(tName).append(" Category3]");
                sbSqlColumns.append(", category3");
                sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category3='").append(item.getCategory3().replace("'", "''")).append("'");

                if (item.getCategory4() != null) {
                    sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory4());
                    sbLoad.append(", category4 as [").append(tName).append(" Category4]");
                    sbSqlColumns.append(", category4");
                    sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category4='").append(item.getCategory4().replace("'", "''"))

                    if (item.getCategory5() != null) {
                        sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory5());
                        sbLoad.append(", category5 as [").append(tName).append(" Category5]");
                        sbSqlColumns.append(", category5");
                        sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category5='").append(item.getCategory5().replace("'", "''"))

                        if (item.getCategory6() != null) {
                            sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory6());
                            sbLoad.append(", category6 as [").append(tName).append(" Category6]");
                            sbSqlColumns.append(", category6");
                            sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category6='").append(item.getCategory6().replace("'", "''"))

                            if (item.getCategory7() != null) {
                                sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory7());
                                sbLoad.append(", category7 as [").append(tName).append(" Category7]");
                                sbSqlColumns.append(", category7");
                                sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category7='").append(item.getCategory7().replace("'", "''"))

                                if (item.getCategory8() != null) {
                                    sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory8());
                                    sbLoad.append(", category8 as [").append(tName).append(" Category8]");
                                    sbSqlColumns.append(", category8");
                                    sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category8='")
                                            .append(item.getCategory8().replace("'", "''")).append("'");

                                    if (item.getCategory9() != null) {
                                        sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory9());
                                        sbLoad.append(", category9 as [").append(tName).append(" Category9]");
                                        sbSqlColumns.append(", category9");
                                        sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category9='")
                                                .append(item.getCategory9().replace("'", "''")).append("'");

                                        if (item.getCategory10() != null) {
                                            sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory10());
                                            sbLoad.append(", category10 as [").append(tName).append(" Category10]");
                                            sbSqlColumns.append(", category10");
                                            sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category10='")
                                                    .append(item.getCategory10().replace("'", "''")).append("'");

                                            if (item.getCategory11() != null) {
                                                sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory11());
                                                sbLoad.append(", category11 as [").append(tName)
                                                        .append(" Category11]");
                                                sbSqlColumns.append(", category11");
                                                sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category11='")
                                                        .append(item.getCategory11().replace("'", "''"))

                                                if (item.getCategory12() != null) {
                                                    sbComment.append(" | ").append(item.getCategory12());
                                                    sbLoad.append(", category12 as [").append(tName)
                                                            .append(" Category12]");
                                                    sbSqlColumns.append(", category12");
                                                    sbSqlWhere.append(" AND category12='")
                                                            .append(item.getCategory12().replace("'", "''"))


        if (item.getDistinctUnits().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", units as [").append(tName).append(" Units]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", units");

        if (item.getDistinctFrequency().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", frequency as [").append(tName).append(" Frequency]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", frequency");

        if (item.getDistinctSeasonalAdj().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", seasonal_adj as [").append(tName).append(" Seasonal Adj]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", seasonal_adj");

        if (item.getDistinctLastUpdated().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", last_updated as [").append(tName).append(" Last Updated]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", last_updated");

        if (item.getDistinctDateSeries().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", date_series as [").append(tName).append(" Date]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", date_series");

        if (item.getDistinctValue().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", value as [").append(tName).append(" Value]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", value");

        if (item.getDistinctCountry().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", country as [").append(tName).append(" Country]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", country");

        if (item.getDistinctCity().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", city as [").append(tName).append(" City]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", city");

        if (item.getDistinctCounty().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", county as [").append(tName).append(" County]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", county");

        if (item.getDistinctState().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", state as [").append(tName).append(" State]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", state");

        if (item.getDistinctRegionUS().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", region_us as [").append(tName).append(" Region US]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", region_us");

        if (item.getDistinctRegionWorld().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", region_world as [").append(tName).append(" Region World]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", region_world");

        if (item.getDistinctInstitution().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", institution as [").append(tName).append(" Institution]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", institution");

        if (item.getDistinctFrbDistrict().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", frb_district as [").append(tName).append(" FRB Disctrict]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", frb_district");

        if (item.getDistinctSex().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", sex as [").append(tName).append(" Sex]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", sex");

        if (item.getDistinctCurrency().size() > 0) {
            sbLoad.append(", currency as [").append(tName).append(" Currency]");
            sbSqlColumns.append(", currency");

        String entry = new StringBuilder().append(sbComment).append("\n").append(sbLoad).append(";\n")

        return entry;
