Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2005-2010, Andrew McVeigh. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.intrinsarc.backbone.gwt.generators; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import*; public class StateDispatcherGenerator extends Generator { public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle(); JClassType classType = typeOracle.getType(typeName); JParameterizedType parameterizedType = classType.getSuperclass().isParameterized(); JClassType T = parameterizedType.getTypeArgs()[0]; logger.log(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Parameterised type = " + T.getName()); String packageName = classType.getPackage().getName(); String proxyClassName = classType.getSimpleSourceName() + "Dispatcher"; String qualifiedProxyClassName = packageName + "." + proxyClassName; SourceWriter writer = getSourceWriter(logger, context, packageName, proxyClassName); if (writer != null) { writeToStringMethod(logger, proxyClassName, T, writer); writer.commit(logger); } return qualifiedProxyClassName; } catch (NotFoundException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Class '" + typeName + "' Not Found", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } protected SourceWriter getSourceWriter(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String packageName, String className) { PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, className); if (printWriter == null) return null; ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className); composerFactory.addImplementedInterface("com.intrinsarc.backbone.runtime.api.IStateDispatcher"); composerFactory.addImport("com.intrinsarc.backbone.runtime.api.*"); return composerFactory.createSourceWriter(context, printWriter); } protected void writeToStringMethod(TreeLogger logger, String proxyClassName, JClassType T, SourceWriter writer) { writer.println( "private java.util.List<IEvent> dDispatch_IEventRequired = new java.util.ArrayList<IEvent>();"); writer.println( "public void setDDispatch(IEvent event, int index) { PortHelper.fill(this.dDispatch_IEventRequired, event, index); }"); writer.println( "public void addDDispatch(IEvent event) { PortHelper.fill(this.dDispatch_IEventRequired, event, -1); }"); writer.println( "public void removeDDispatch(IEvent event) { PortHelper.remove(this.dDispatch_IEventRequired, event); }"); writer.println("private ITerminal dStart_ITerminalRequired;"); writer.println("public void setDStart(ITerminal start) { dStart_ITerminalRequired = start; }"); writer.println( "private java.util.List<ITerminal> dEnd_ITerminalRequired = new java.util.ArrayList<ITerminal>();"); writer.println( "public void setDEnd(ITerminal end, int index) { PortHelper.fill(this.dEnd_ITerminalRequired, end, index); }"); writer.println("private boolean currentEntered;"); writer.println("private IEvent current;"); writer.println("private boolean primed;"); writer.println(" private void findNextState()"); writer.println(" {"); writer.println(" // possibly still in start or end?"); writer.println(" if (dStart_ITerminalRequired != null && !primed)"); writer.println(" {"); writer.println(" dStart_ITerminalRequired.moveToNextState(); primed = true;"); writer.println(" }"); writer.println(" if (dEnd_ITerminalRequired != null)"); writer.println(" for (ITerminal end : dEnd_ITerminalRequired)"); writer.println(" if (end.isCurrent())"); writer.println(" end.moveToNextState();"); writer.println(" // find the next state"); writer.println(" current = null;"); writer.println(" for (IEvent e : dDispatch_IEventRequired)"); writer.println(" if (e.isCurrent())"); writer.println(" {"); writer.println(" current = e;"); writer.println(" break;"); writer.println(" }"); writer.println(" }"); writer.println(); writer.println("public IEvent getDEvents_Provided(Class<?> required)"); writer.println("{"); writer.println(" return new " + T.getQualifiedSourceName() + "()"); writer.println(" {"); Set<JMethod> all = new LinkedHashSet<JMethod>(); getAllMethods(all, T); for (JMethod method : all) { String ret = method.getReturnType().getQualifiedBinaryName(); boolean isVoid = ret.equals("void"); writer.print(" public " + ret + " " + method.getName() + "("); int lp = 0; String params = ""; String cparams = ""; for (JParameter p : method.getParameters()) { if (lp != 0) { params += ", "; cparams += ", "; } lp++; params += p.getType().getQualifiedBinaryName() + " param" + lp; cparams += " param" + lp; } writer.println(params + ")"); writer.println(" {"); writer.println(" findNextState();"); writer.println(" if (current != null)"); writer.println(" {"); String cast = "(" + T.getQualifiedSourceName() + ")"; if (!isVoid) { writer.println( " " + ret + " v = (" + cast + "current)." + method.getName() + "(" + cparams + ");"); writer.println(" findNextState();"); writer.println(" return v;"); writer.println(" }"); if (ret.equals("boolean")) writer.println(" return false;"); else if (ret.equals("int") || ret.equals("short") || ret.equals("long") || ret.equals("float") || ret.equals("double") || ret.equals("byte") || ret.equals("char")) writer.println(" return 0;"); else if (ret.equals("long")) writer.println(" return 0;"); else writer.println(" return null;"); } else { writer.println(" (" + cast + "current)." + method.getName() + "(" + cparams + ");"); writer.println(" findNextState();"); writer.println(" }"); } writer.println(" }"); } writer.println("\n public String toString() { return \"State dispatcher: current state =\" + current; }"); writer.println(" };\n"); writer.println("}\n"); } private void getAllMethods(Set<JMethod> methods, JClassType t) { for (JMethod m : t.getMethods()) methods.add(m); for (JClassType i : t.getImplementedInterfaces()) getAllMethods(methods, i); } }