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// Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup;

import com.intellij.codeInsight.hint.HintManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionGroup;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext;
import com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor;
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.MessageType;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Condition;
import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativePoint;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.List;

 * Factory class for creating popup chooser windows (similar to the Code | Generate... popup) and various notifications/confirmations.
 * <p/>
 * <p>Types of popups in IntelliJ platform:</p>
 * <h3>Lightweight</h3>
 * <p>Lightweight Swing components, located in the contained window's layered pane. Cannot extend beyond window bounds.</p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>
 *     <p>{@link Balloon} interface (implemented in {@link com.intellij.ui.BalloonImpl BalloonImpl})</p>
 *     <p>Platform's lowest-level lightweight popup component. Supports title bar, shadow, callout pointer at specified side, animated
 *        showing/hiding, fade-out after delay, two layers for positioning, hiding on condition (mouse move, mouse click, key press),
 *        custom mouse click handler, custom action buttons, notification about showing/hiding.</p>
 *     <p>Usually created via {@link JBPopupFactory#createBalloonBuilder}.</p>
 *   </li>
 *   <li>
 *     <p>{@link com.intellij.ide.IdeTooltip IdeTooltip} and {@link com.intellij.ide.IdeTooltipManager IdeTooltipManager}</p>
 *     <p>Subsystem which replaces (by default) Swing's ToolTipManager. Allows to define a custom mouse hover tooltip for any UI
 *        component. Tooltip can also be explicitly requested to show in the given location.</p>
 *     <p>Uses balloons to show tooltips internally (but doesn't expose this logic).</p>
 *   </li>
 * </ul>
 * <h3>Heavyweight</h3>
 * <p>Components using a separate (OS-recognized) window. Can have location and size not limited by the parent window.</p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>
 *     <p>{@link JBPopup} interface (implemented in {@link com.intellij.ui.popup.AbstractPopup AbstractPopup})</p>
 *     <p>Platform's lowest-level heavyweight popup component. Supports title and footer (ad) bar, resizing using mouse, fitting size to
 *        screen bounds, notification about showing/hiding/resizing/moving, hiding on condition (mouse exit, mouse click, key press,
 *        window deactivation), speed search, saving and restoring previously used location and size, custom keyboard actions for the
 *        content, custom settings/pin actions.</p>
 *     <p>Usually created via {@link JBPopupFactory#createComponentPopupBuilder}.</p>
 *   </li>
 * </ul>
 * <h3>Combined (lightweight/heavyweight)</h3>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>
 *     <p>{@link com.intellij.ui.Hint Hint} interface (implemented in {@link com.intellij.ui.LightweightHint LightweightHint})</p>
 *     <p>By default, if content fits the layered pane, tries to use lightweight components to display it (either using
 *        {@link com.intellij.ide.IdeTooltipManager IdeTooltipManager}, or by directly adding content to the layered pane).
 *        If the content doesn't fit, uses heavyweight approach (via {@link JBPopup}).</p>
 *     <p>Usually created directly (via constructor).</p>
 *   </li>
 *   <li>
 *     <p>{@link HintManager}</p>
 *     <p>Mostly used for showing hints in editor (works via {@link com.intellij.ui.LightweightHint LightweightHint}), but also has a method to show a hint at arbitrary
 *        location (works via {@link JBPopup}). Supports hiding of hints on additional conditions (caret movement, scrolling in editor, document
 *        change, showing of another hint), update of hint position on scrolling in editor, hiding hint after delay. The class also has
 *        utility methods to calculate appropriate hint position for the given location in editor coordinates
 *        (offset/LogicalPosition/VisualPosition), and to show simple text hints.</p>
 *   </li>
 * </ul>
 * @author mike
public abstract class JBPopupFactory {
     * Returns the popup factory instance.
     * @return the popup factory instance.
    public static JBPopupFactory getInstance() {
        return ServiceManager.getService(JBPopupFactory.class);

    public abstract <T> IPopupChooserBuilder<T> createPopupChooserBuilder(@NotNull List<? extends T> list);

    public PopupChooserBuilder createPopupChooserBuilder(@NotNull JTable table) {
        return new PopupChooserBuilder(table);

     * @deprecated Please use {@link #createPopupChooserBuilder(List)} instead
    public PopupChooserBuilder createListPopupBuilder(@NotNull JList list) {
        return new PopupChooserBuilder(list);

     * Creates a popup with the specified title and two options, Yes and No.
     * @param title the title of the popup.
     * @param onYes the runnable which is executed when the Yes option is selected.
     * @param defaultOptionIndex the index of the option which is selected by default.
     * @return the popup instance.
    public abstract ListPopup createConfirmation(String title, Runnable onYes, int defaultOptionIndex);

     * Creates a popup allowing to choose one of two specified options and execute code when one of them is selected.
     * @param title the title of the popup.
     * @param yesText the title for the Yes option.
     * @param noText the title for the No option.
     * @param onYes the runnable which is executed when the Yes option is selected.
     * @param defaultOptionIndex the index of the option which is selected by default.
     * @return the popup instance.
    public abstract ListPopup createConfirmation(String title, String yesText, String noText, Runnable onYes,
            int defaultOptionIndex);

     * Creates a popup allowing to choose one of two specified options and execute code when either of them is selected.
     * @param title the title of the popup.
     * @param yesText the title for the Yes option.
     * @param noText the title for the No option.
     * @param onYes the runnable which is executed when the Yes option is selected.
     * @param onNo the runnable which is executed when the No option is selected.
     * @param defaultOptionIndex the index of the option which is selected by default.
     * @return the popup instance.
    public abstract ListPopup createConfirmation(String title, String yesText, String noText, Runnable onYes,
            Runnable onNo, int defaultOptionIndex);

     * @deprecated use {@link #createActionsStep(ActionGroup, DataContext, String, boolean, boolean, String, Component, boolean, int, boolean)}
    public ListPopupStep createActionsStep(@NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext,
            boolean showNumbers, boolean showDisabledActions, String title, Component component,
            boolean honorActionMnemonics) {
        return createActionsStep(actionGroup, dataContext, null, showNumbers, showDisabledActions, title, component,
                honorActionMnemonics, 0, false);

     * @deprecated use {@link #createActionsStep(ActionGroup, DataContext, String, boolean, boolean, String, Component, boolean, int, boolean)}
    public ListPopupStep createActionsStep(@NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext,
            boolean showNumbers, boolean showDisabledActions, String title, Component component,
            boolean honorActionMnemonics, int defaultOptionIndex, boolean autoSelectionEnabled) {
        return createActionsStep(actionGroup, dataContext, null, showNumbers, showDisabledActions, title, component,
                honorActionMnemonics, defaultOptionIndex, autoSelectionEnabled);

    public abstract ListPopupStep createActionsStep(@NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup,
            @NotNull DataContext dataContext, @Nullable String actionPlace, boolean showNumbers,
            boolean showDisabledActions, String title, Component component, boolean honorActionMnemonics,
            int defaultOptionIndex, boolean autoSelectionEnabled);

    public abstract RelativePoint guessBestPopupLocation(@NotNull JComponent component);

    public boolean isChildPopupFocused(@Nullable Component parent) {
        return getChildFocusedPopup(parent) != null;

    public JBPopup getChildFocusedPopup(@Nullable Component parent) {
        if (parent == null)
            return null;
        List<JBPopup> popups = getChildPopups(parent);
        for (JBPopup each : popups) {
            if (each.isFocused())
                return each;
            if (each.isDisposed())
            JBPopup childFocusedPopup = getChildFocusedPopup(each.getContent());
            if (childFocusedPopup != null) {
                return childFocusedPopup;
        return null;

     * Possible ways to select actions in a popup from keyboard.
    public enum ActionSelectionAid {
         * The actions in a popup are prefixed by numbers (indexes in the list).

         * Same as numbering, but will allow A-Z 'numbers' when out of 0-9 range.

         * The actions in a popup can be selected by typing part of the action's text.

         * The actions in a popup can be selected by pressing the character from the action's text prefixed with
         * an &amp; character.

     * Creates a popup allowing to choose one of the actions from the specified action group.
     * @param title the title of the popup.
     * @param actionGroup the action group from which the popup is built.
     * @param dataContext the data context which provides the data for the selected action
     * @param selectionAidMethod keyboard selection mode for actions in the popup.
     * @param showDisabledActions if true, disabled actions are shown as disabled; if false, disabled actions are not shown
     * @return the popup instance.
    public ListPopup createActionGroupPopup(@Nullable @Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) String title,
            @NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext,
            ActionSelectionAid selectionAidMethod, boolean showDisabledActions) {
        return createActionGroupPopup(title, actionGroup, dataContext, selectionAidMethod, showDisabledActions,
                null, -1, null, null);

     * Creates a popup allowing to choose one of the actions from the specified action group.
     * @param title the title of the popup.
     * @param actionGroup the action group from which the popup is built.
     * @param dataContext the data context which provides the data for the selected action
     * @param selectionAidMethod keyboard selection mode for actions in the popup.
     * @param showDisabledActions if true, disabled actions are shown as disabled; if false, disabled actions are not shown
     * @param actionPlace action place for ActionManager to use when creating the popup
     * @return the popup instance.
    public ListPopup createActionGroupPopup(@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) String title,
            @NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext,
            ActionSelectionAid selectionAidMethod, boolean showDisabledActions, @Nullable String actionPlace) {
        return createActionGroupPopup(title, actionGroup, dataContext, selectionAidMethod, showDisabledActions,
                null, -1, null, actionPlace);

     * Creates a popup allowing to choose one of the actions from the specified action group.
     * @param title the title of the popup.
     * @param actionGroup the action group from which the popup is built.
     * @param dataContext the data context which provides the data for the selected action
     * @param selectionAidMethod keyboard selection mode for actions in the popup.
     * @param showDisabledActions if true, disabled actions are shown as disabled; if false, disabled actions are not shown
     * @param disposeCallback method which is called when the popup is closed (either by selecting an action or by canceling)
     * @param maxRowCount maximum number of popup rows visible at once (if there are more actions in the action group, a scrollbar
     *                    is displayed)
     * @return the popup instance.
    public ListPopup createActionGroupPopup(@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) String title,
            @NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext,
            ActionSelectionAid selectionAidMethod, boolean showDisabledActions, Runnable disposeCallback,
            int maxRowCount) {
        return createActionGroupPopup(title, actionGroup, dataContext, selectionAidMethod, showDisabledActions,
                disposeCallback, maxRowCount, null, null);

    public ListPopup createActionGroupPopup(@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) String title,
            @NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext, boolean showDisabledActions,
            @Nullable Runnable disposeCallback, int maxRowCount) {
        return createActionGroupPopup(title, actionGroup, dataContext,
                JBPopupFactory.ActionSelectionAid.SPEEDSEARCH, showDisabledActions, disposeCallback, maxRowCount);

    public abstract ListPopup createActionGroupPopup(@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) String title,
            @NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext, boolean showNumbers,
            boolean showDisabledActions, boolean honorActionMnemonics, @Nullable Runnable disposeCallback,
            int maxRowCount, @Nullable Condition<? super AnAction> preselectActionCondition);

    public abstract ListPopup createActionGroupPopup(@Nls(capitalization = Nls.Capitalization.Title) String title,
            @NotNull ActionGroup actionGroup, @NotNull DataContext dataContext, ActionSelectionAid aid,
            boolean showDisabledActions, @Nullable Runnable disposeCallback, int maxRowCount,
            @Nullable Condition<? super AnAction> preselectActionCondition, @Nullable String actionPlace);

     * Creates a custom list popup with the specified step.
     * @param step the custom step for the list popup.
     * @return the popup instance.
    public abstract ListPopup createListPopup(@NotNull ListPopupStep step);

     * Creates a custom list popup with the specified step.
     * @param step        the custom step for the list popup.
     * @param maxRowCount the number of visible rows to show in the popup (if the popup has more items,
     *                    a scrollbar will be displayed).
     * @return the popup instance.
    public abstract ListPopup createListPopup(@NotNull ListPopupStep step, int maxRowCount);

    public abstract TreePopup createTree(JBPopup parent, @NotNull TreePopupStep step, Object parentValue);

    public abstract TreePopup createTree(@NotNull TreePopupStep step);

    public abstract ComponentPopupBuilder createComponentPopupBuilder(@NotNull JComponent content,
            @Nullable JComponent preferableFocusComponent);

     * Returns the location where a popup with the specified data context is displayed.
     * @param dataContext the data context from which the location is determined.
     * @return location as close as possible to the action origin. Method has special handling of
     *         the following components:<br>
     *         - caret offset for editor<br>
     *         - current selected node for tree<br>
     *         - current selected row for list<br>
    public abstract RelativePoint guessBestPopupLocation(@NotNull DataContext dataContext);

     * Returns the location where a popup invoked from the specified editor should be displayed.
     * @param editor the editor over which the popup is shown.
     * @return location as close as possible to the action origin.
    public abstract RelativePoint guessBestPopupLocation(@NotNull Editor editor);

     * @param editor the editor over which the popup is shown.
     * @return true if popup location is located in visible area
     *         false if center would be suggested instead
    public abstract boolean isBestPopupLocationVisible(@NotNull Editor editor);

    public abstract Point getCenterOf(JComponent container, JComponent content);

    public abstract List<JBPopup> getChildPopups(@NotNull Component parent);

    public abstract boolean isPopupActive();

    public abstract BalloonBuilder createBalloonBuilder(@NotNull JComponent content);

    public abstract BalloonBuilder createDialogBalloonBuilder(@NotNull JComponent content, String title);

    public BalloonBuilder createHtmlTextBalloonBuilder(@NotNull String htmlContent, @Nullable Icon icon,
            Color fillColor, @Nullable HyperlinkListener listener) {
        return createHtmlTextBalloonBuilder(htmlContent, icon, null, fillColor, listener);

    public abstract BalloonBuilder createHtmlTextBalloonBuilder(@NotNull String htmlContent, @Nullable Icon icon,
            Color textColor, Color fillColor, @Nullable HyperlinkListener listener);

    public abstract BalloonBuilder createHtmlTextBalloonBuilder(@NotNull String htmlContent,
            MessageType messageType, @Nullable HyperlinkListener listener);

    public abstract JBPopup createMessage(String text);

    public abstract Balloon getParentBalloonFor(@Nullable Component c);

    protected abstract PopupChooserBuilder.PopupComponentAdapter createPopupComponentAdapter(
            PopupChooserBuilder builder, JList list);

    protected abstract PopupChooserBuilder.PopupComponentAdapter createPopupComponentAdapter(
            PopupChooserBuilder builder, JTree tree);

    protected abstract PopupChooserBuilder.PopupComponentAdapter createPopupComponentAdapter(
            PopupChooserBuilder builder, JTable table);