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 * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.editor.actionSystem;

import com.intellij.lang.injection.InjectedLanguageManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CommonDataKeys;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Caret;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

 * Interface for actions activated by keystrokes in the editor.
 * Implementations should override
 * {@link #execute(Editor, Caret, DataContext)}
 * .
 * <p>
 * Two types of handlers are supported: the ones which are executed once, and the ones which are executed for each caret. The latter can be
 * created using {@link EditorActionHandler#EditorActionHandler(boolean)} constructor.
 * @see EditorActionManager#setActionHandler(String, EditorActionHandler)
public abstract class EditorActionHandler {
    private final boolean myRunForEachCaret;
    private boolean myWorksInInjected;
    private boolean inExecution;
    private boolean inCheck;

    protected EditorActionHandler() {

    protected EditorActionHandler(boolean runForEachCaret) {
        myRunForEachCaret = runForEachCaret;

     * @deprecated Implementations should override
     * {@link #isEnabledForCaret(Editor, Caret, DataContext)}
     * instead,
     * client code should invoke
     * {@link #isEnabled(Editor, Caret, DataContext)}
     * instead.
    public boolean isEnabled(Editor editor, final DataContext dataContext) {
        if (inCheck) {
            return true;
        inCheck = true;
        try {
            if (editor == null) {
                return false;
            Editor hostEditor = dataContext == null ? null : CommonDataKeys.HOST_EDITOR.getData(dataContext);
            if (hostEditor == null) {
                hostEditor = editor;
            final boolean[] result = new boolean[1];
            final CaretTask check = (___, __) -> result[0] = true;
            if (myRunForEachCaret) {
                hostEditor.getCaretModel().runForEachCaret(caret -> doIfEnabled(caret, dataContext, check));
            } else {
                doIfEnabled(hostEditor.getCaretModel().getCurrentCaret(), dataContext, check);
            return result[0];
        } finally {
            inCheck = false;

    private void doIfEnabled(@NotNull Caret hostCaret, @Nullable DataContext context, @NotNull CaretTask task) {
        DataContext caretContext = context == null ? null : new CaretSpecificDataContext(context, hostCaret);
        Editor editor = hostCaret.getEditor();
        if (myWorksInInjected && caretContext != null) {
            DataContext injectedCaretContext = AnActionEvent.getInjectedDataContext(caretContext);
            Caret injectedCaret = CommonDataKeys.CARET.getData(injectedCaretContext);
            if (injectedCaret != null && injectedCaret != hostCaret
                    && isEnabledForCaret(injectedCaret.getEditor(), injectedCaret, injectedCaretContext)) {
                task.perform(injectedCaret, injectedCaretContext);
        if (isEnabledForCaret(editor, hostCaret, caretContext)) {
            task.perform(hostCaret, caretContext);

    static boolean ensureInjectionUpToDate(@NotNull Caret hostCaret) {
        Editor editor = hostCaret.getEditor();
        Project project = editor.getProject();
        if (project != null && InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(project)
                .mightHaveInjectedFragmentAtOffset(editor.getDocument(), hostCaret.getOffset())) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Implementations can override this method to define whether handler is enabled for a specific caret in a given editor.
    protected boolean isEnabledForCaret(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull Caret caret, DataContext dataContext) {
        if (inCheck) {
            return true;
        inCheck = true;
        try {
            return isEnabled(editor, dataContext);
        } finally {
            inCheck = false;

     * If {@code caret} is {@code null}, checks whether handler is enabled in general (i.e. enabled for at least one caret in editor),
     * if {@code caret} is not {@code null}, checks whether it's enabled for specified caret.
    public final boolean isEnabled(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable Caret caret, DataContext dataContext) {
        return caret == null ? isEnabled(editor, dataContext) : isEnabledForCaret(editor, caret, dataContext);

     * @deprecated To implement action logic, override
     * {@link #doExecute(Editor, Caret, DataContext)},
     * to invoke the handler, call
     * {@link #execute(Editor, Caret, DataContext)}.
    public void execute(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable DataContext dataContext) {
        if (inExecution) {
        try {
            inExecution = true;
            execute(editor, editor.getCaretModel().getCurrentCaret(), dataContext);
        } finally {
            inExecution = false;

     * Executes the action in the context of given caret. Subclasses should override this method.
     * @param editor      the editor in which the action is invoked.
     * @param caret       the caret for which the action is performed at the moment, or {@code null} if it's a 'one-off' action executed
     *                    without current context
     * @param dataContext the data context for the action.
    protected void doExecute(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable Caret caret, DataContext dataContext) {
        if (inExecution) {
        try {
            inExecution = true;
            execute(editor, dataContext);
        } finally {
            inExecution = false;

    public boolean executeInCommand(@NotNull Editor editor, DataContext dataContext) {
        return true;

    public boolean runForAllCarets() {
        return myRunForEachCaret;

     * Executes the action in the context of given caret. If the caret is {@code null}, and the handler is a 'per-caret' handler,
     * it's executed for all carets.
     * @param editor      the editor in which the action is invoked.
     * @param dataContext the data context for the action.
    public final void execute(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable final Caret contextCaret,
            final DataContext dataContext) {
        Editor hostEditor = dataContext == null ? null : CommonDataKeys.HOST_EDITOR.getData(dataContext);
        if (hostEditor == null) {
            hostEditor = editor;
        if (contextCaret == null && runForAllCarets()) {
            hostEditor.getCaretModel().runForEachCaret(caret -> {
                if (myWorksInInjected)
                doIfEnabled(caret, dataContext, (caret1, dc) -> doExecute(caret1.getEditor(), caret1, dc));
        } else {
            if (contextCaret == null) {
                if (myWorksInInjected)
                doIfEnabled(hostEditor.getCaretModel().getCurrentCaret(), dataContext,
                        (caret, dc) -> doExecute(caret.getEditor(), null, dc));
            } else {
                doExecute(editor, contextCaret, dataContext);

    void setWorksInInjected(boolean worksInInjected) {
        myWorksInInjected = worksInInjected;

    public DocCommandGroupId getCommandGroupId(@NotNull Editor editor) {
        // by default avoid merging two consequential commands, and, in the same time, pass along the Document
        return DocCommandGroupId.noneGroupId(editor.getDocument());

    private interface CaretTask {
        void perform(@NotNull Caret caret, @Nullable DataContext dataContext);