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// Copyright 2000-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem;

import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
import com.intellij.util.FunctionUtil;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import java.util.*;

 * A default implementation of {@link ActionGroup}. Provides the ability
 * to add children actions and separators between them. In most of the
 * cases you will be using this implementation but note that there are
 * cases (for example "Recent files" dialog) where children are determined
 * on rules different than just positional constraints, that's when you need
 * to implement your own {@code ActionGroup}.
 * @see Constraints
 * @see com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ComputableActionGroup
 * @see com.intellij.ide.actions.NonEmptyActionGroup
 * @see com.intellij.ide.actions.NonTrivialActionGroup
 * @see com.intellij.ide.actions.SmartPopupActionGroup
public class DefaultActionGroup extends ActionGroup {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(DefaultActionGroup.class);
    private static final String CANT_ADD_ITSELF = "Cannot add a group to itself: ";
    private static final String CANT_ADD_ACTION_TWICE = "Cannot add an action twice: ";
     * Contains instances of AnAction
    private final List<AnAction> mySortedChildren = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList();
     * Contains instances of Pair
    private final List<Pair<AnAction, Constraints>> myPairs = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList();
    private int myModificationStamp = 0;

    public DefaultActionGroup() {
        this(null, false);

     * Creates an action group containing the specified actions.
     * @param actions the actions to add to the group
    public DefaultActionGroup(AnAction @NotNull... actions) {

     * Creates an action group containing the specified actions.
     * @param actions the actions to add to the group
    public DefaultActionGroup(@NotNull List<? extends AnAction> actions) {
        this(null, actions);

    public DefaultActionGroup(@Nullable String name, @NotNull List<? extends AnAction> actions) {
        this(name, false);

    public DefaultActionGroup(@Nullable String shortName, boolean popup) {
        super(shortName, popup);

    private void incrementModificationStamp() {

    public int getModificationStamp() {
        return myModificationStamp;

    private void addActions(@NotNull List<? extends AnAction> actions) {
        Set<Object> actionSet = new HashSet<>();
        List<AnAction> uniqueActions = new ArrayList<>(actions.size());
        for (AnAction action : actions) {
            if (action == this)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(CANT_ADD_ITSELF + action);
            if (!(action instanceof Separator) && !actionSet.add(action)) {
                LOG.error(CANT_ADD_ACTION_TWICE + action);

     * Adds the specified action to the tail.
     * @param action        Action to be added
     * @param actionManager ActionManager instance
    public final void add(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        add(action, Constraints.LAST, actionManager);

    public final void add(@NotNull AnAction action) {
        addAction(action, Constraints.LAST);

    public final ActionInGroup addAction(@NotNull AnAction action) {
        return addAction(action, Constraints.LAST);

     * Adds a separator to the tail.
    public final void addSeparator() {

     * Adds the specified action with the specified constraint.
     * @param action     Action to be added; cannot be null
     * @param constraint Constraint to be used for determining action's position; cannot be null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case when:
     *                                  <li>action is null
     *                                  <li>constraint is null
     *                                  <li>action is already in the group
    public final void add(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull Constraints constraint) {
        add(action, constraint, ActionManager.getInstance());

    public final ActionInGroup addAction(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull Constraints constraint) {
        return addAction(action, constraint, ActionManager.getInstance());

    public final void add(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull Constraints constraint,
            @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        addAction(action, constraint, actionManager);

    public final ActionInGroup addAction(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull Constraints constraint,
            @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        if (action == this) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(CANT_ADD_ITSELF + action);

        // check that action isn't already registered
        if (!(action instanceof Separator) && containsAction(action)) {
            LOG.error(CANT_ADD_ACTION_TWICE + action);
            remove(action, actionManager.getId(action));

        constraint = (Constraints) constraint.clone();

        if (constraint.myAnchor == Anchor.FIRST) {
            mySortedChildren.add(0, action);
        } else if (constraint.myAnchor == Anchor.LAST) {
        } else {
            myPairs.add(Pair.create(action, constraint));
        return new ActionInGroup(this, action);

    private boolean containsAction(@NotNull AnAction action) {
        if (mySortedChildren.contains(action))
            return true;
        for (Pair<AnAction, Constraints> pair : myPairs) {
            if (action.equals(pair.first))
                return true;
        return false;

    private void addAllToSortedList(@NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        outer: while (!myPairs.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < myPairs.size(); i++) {
                Pair<AnAction, Constraints> pair = myPairs.get(i);
                if (addToSortedList(pair.first, pair.second, actionManager)) {
                    continue outer;

    private boolean addToSortedList(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull Constraints constraint,
            @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        int index = findIndex(constraint.myRelativeToActionId, mySortedChildren, actionManager);
        if (index == -1) {
            return false;
        if (constraint.myAnchor == Anchor.BEFORE) {
            mySortedChildren.add(index, action);
        } else {
            mySortedChildren.add(index + 1, action);
        return true;

    private static int findIndex(String actionId, @NotNull List<? extends AnAction> actions,
            @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) {
            AnAction action = actions.get(i);
            if (action instanceof ActionStub) {
                if (((ActionStub) action).getId().equals(actionId)) {
                    return i;
            } else {
                String id = actionManager.getId(action);
                if (id != null && id.equals(actionId)) {
                    return i;
        return -1;

     * Removes specified action from group.
     * @param action Action to be removed
    public final void remove(@NotNull AnAction action) {
        remove(action, ActionManager.getInstance());

    public final void remove(@NotNull AnAction action, @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        remove(action, actionManager.getId(action));

    public final void remove(@NotNull AnAction action, @Nullable String id) {
        if (!mySortedChildren.remove(action) && !mySortedChildren.removeIf(
                oldAction -> oldAction instanceof ActionStub && ((ActionStub) oldAction).getId().equals(id))) {
            for (int i = 0; i < myPairs.size(); i++) {
                Pair<AnAction, Constraints> pair = myPairs.get(i);
                if (pair.first.equals(action)
                        || (pair.first instanceof ActionStub && ((ActionStub) pair.first).getId().equals(id))) {

     * Removes all children actions (separators as well) from the group.
    public final void removeAll() {

     * Replaces specified action with the a one.
    public boolean replaceAction(@NotNull AnAction oldAction, @NotNull AnAction newAction) {
        int index = mySortedChildren.indexOf(oldAction);
        if (index >= 0) {
            mySortedChildren.set(index, newAction);
            return true;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < myPairs.size(); i++) {
                Pair<AnAction, Constraints> pair = myPairs.get(i);
                if (pair.first.equals(newAction)) {
                    myPairs.set(i, Pair.create(newAction, pair.second));
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Copies content from {@code group}.
     * @param other group to copy from
    public void copyFromGroup(@NotNull DefaultActionGroup other) {



    public AnAction @NotNull [] getChildren(@Nullable AnActionEvent e) {
        return getChildren(e, e != null ? e.getActionManager() : ActionManager.getInstance());

     * Returns group's children in the order determined by constraints.
     * @param e not used
     * @return An array of children actions
    public final AnAction @NotNull [] getChildren(@Nullable AnActionEvent e, @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        boolean hasNulls = false;
        // Mix sorted actions and pairs
        int sortedSize = mySortedChildren.size();
        AnAction[] children = new AnAction[sortedSize + myPairs.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < sortedSize; i++) {
            AnAction action = mySortedChildren.get(i);
            if (action == null) {
                LOG.error("Empty sorted child: " + this + ", " + getClass() + "; index=" + i);
            if (action instanceof ActionStubBase) {
                action = unStub(actionManager, (ActionStubBase) action);
                if (action == null) {
                    LOG.error("Can't unstub " + mySortedChildren.get(i));
                } else {
                    mySortedChildren.set(i, action);

            hasNulls |= action == null;
            children[i] = action;
        for (int i = 0; i < myPairs.size(); i++) {
            final Pair<AnAction, Constraints> pair = myPairs.get(i);
            AnAction action = pair.first;
            if (action == null) {
                LOG.error("Empty pair child: " + this + ", " + getClass() + "; index=" + i);
            } else if (action instanceof ActionStubBase) {
                action = unStub(actionManager, (ActionStubBase) action);
                if (action == null) {
                    LOG.error("Can't unstub " + pair);
                } else {
                    myPairs.set(i, Pair.create(action, pair.second));

            hasNulls |= action == null;
            children[i + sortedSize] = action;

        if (hasNulls) {
            return ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(children,, AnAction.EMPTY_ARRAY);
        return children;

    private AnAction unStub(@NotNull ActionManager actionManager, @NotNull ActionStubBase stub) {
        try {
            AnAction action = actionManager.getAction(stub.getId());
            if (action == null) {
                        "Null child action in group " + this + " of class " + getClass() + ", id=" + stub.getId());
                return null;
            replace((AnAction) stub, action);
            return action;
        } catch (ProcessCanceledException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Throwable e1) {
            return null;

     * Returns the number of contained children (including separators).
     * @return number of children in the group
    public final int getChildrenCount() {
        return mySortedChildren.size() + myPairs.size();

    public final AnAction @NotNull [] getChildActionsOrStubs() {
        // Mix sorted actions and pairs
        int sortedSize = mySortedChildren.size();
        AnAction[] children = new AnAction[sortedSize + myPairs.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < sortedSize; i++) {
            children[i] = mySortedChildren.get(i);
        for (int i = 0; i < myPairs.size(); i++) {
            children[i + sortedSize] = myPairs.get(i).first;
        return children;

    public final void addAll(@NotNull ActionGroup group) {

    public final void addAll(@NotNull Collection<? extends AnAction> actionList) {
        addAll(actionList, ActionManager.getInstance());

    public final void addAll(@NotNull Collection<? extends AnAction> actionList,
            @NotNull ActionManager actionManager) {
        if (actionList.isEmpty()) {

        for (AnAction action : actionList) {
            addAction(action, Constraints.LAST, actionManager);

    public final void addAll(AnAction @NotNull... actions) {
        if (actions.length == 0) {

        ActionManager actionManager = ActionManager.getInstance();
        for (AnAction action : actions) {
            addAction(action, Constraints.LAST, actionManager);

    public void addSeparator(@Nullable String separatorText) {

     * Creates an action group with specified template text. It is necessary to redefine template text if group contains
     * user specific data such as Project name, file name, etc
     * @param templateText template text which will be used in statistics
     * @return action group
    public static DefaultActionGroup createUserDataAwareGroup(String templateText) {
        return new DefaultActionGroup() {
            public String getTemplateText() {
                return templateText;