Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Jim Kynde Meyer * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ package com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql.parser; import; import; import; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.lang.PsiBuilder; import com.intellij.lang.PsiParser; import com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl; import com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql.JSGraphQLKeywords; import com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql.JSGraphQLTokenTypes; import com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql.lexer.JSGraphQLLexer; import com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql.lexer.JSGraphQLToken; import com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql.psi.JSGraphQLElementType; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Ref; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import com.intellij.util.containers.Stack; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; public class JSGraphQLParser implements PsiParser { private final boolean schema; public JSGraphQLParser() { this(false); } public JSGraphQLParser(boolean schema) { this.schema = schema; } private static class MarkerScope { PsiBuilder.Marker marker; JSGraphQLElementType tokenType; boolean field; public MarkerScope(PsiBuilder.Marker marker, JSGraphQLElementType tokenType, boolean field) { this.marker = marker; this.tokenType = tokenType; this.field = field; } } @NotNull @Override public ASTNode parse(@NotNull IElementType root, @NotNull PsiBuilder builder) { if (!(builder instanceof PsiBuilderImpl)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to get lexer from builder implementation " + builder); } final JSGraphQLLexer lexer = (JSGraphQLLexer) ((PsiBuilderImpl) builder).getLexer(); final List<JSGraphQLToken> tokens = lexer.getTokens(); final Ref<Integer> tokenIndex = new Ref<>(0); builder.setWhitespaceSkippedCallback((type, start, end) -> tokenIndex.set(tokenIndex.get() + 1)); final PsiBuilder.Marker rootMarker = builder.mark(); final List<PropertyScope> propertyScopes = getPropertyScopes(tokens); final Map<JSGraphQLToken, PropertyScope> tokenToPropertyScope = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (PropertyScope propertyScope : propertyScopes) { tokenToPropertyScope.put(propertyScope.propertyOrOperation, propertyScope); if (propertyScope.lbrace != null && propertyScope.rbrace != null) { tokenToPropertyScope.put(propertyScope.lbrace, propertyScope); tokenToPropertyScope.put(propertyScope.rbrace, propertyScope); } } final Stack<MarkerScope> scopes = new Stack<>(); while (!builder.eof()) { JSGraphQLToken currentToken = tokens.get(tokenIndex.get()); // ---- property scopes ---- final PropertyScope propertyScope = tokenToPropertyScope.get(currentToken); if (propertyScope != null) { if (scopes.isEmpty()) { if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RBRACE || currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RBRACKET || currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RPAREN) { // closing scope without an open scope, so skip ahead to continue parsing builder.advanceLexer(); tokenIndex.set(tokenIndex.get() + 1); continue; } } if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.PROPERTY || currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.KEYWORD/* query etc.*/) { if (propertyScope.lbrace != null) { // Field property token with selection set is considered a scope startScope(builder, scopes, currentToken, true); } if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.PROPERTY) { markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.PROPERTY_KIND); continue; } } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACE) { if (propertyScope.lbrace != null) { startScope(builder, scopes, currentToken, false); } } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RBRACE) { if (JSGraphQLElementType.OBJECT_VALUE_KIND.equals(propertyScope.lbrace.sourceToken.getKind())) { // close object value endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, true); if (propertyScope.parentToClose != null) { endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, false); } continue; } else { // close selection set endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, true); // '}' in selection sets also closes the parent field it belongs to without advancing: endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, false); continue; } } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LPAREN) { if (propertyScope.lbrace != null) { startScope(builder, scopes, currentToken, false); } } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RPAREN) { endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, true); continue; } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACKET) { if (propertyScope.lbrace != null) { startScope(builder, scopes, currentToken, false); } } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RBRACKET) { endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, true); if (propertyScope.parentToClose != null) { endScope(builder, tokenIndex, scopes, false); } continue; } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE) { // atribute with list/object value, so it's a scope for indentation, folding etc. startScope(builder, scopes, currentToken, false); markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.ATTRIBUTE_KIND); continue; } } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.PROPERTY) { markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.PROPERTY_KIND); continue; } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.ATOM) { markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.ATOM_KIND); continue; } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.DEF) { markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.DEFINITION_KIND); continue; } else if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE) { // attribute with literal value (not a scope) markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.ATTRIBUTE_KIND); continue; } // ---- template fragment ---- if (currentToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.TEMPLATE_FRAGMENT) { markCurrentToken(builder, tokenIndex, JSGraphQLElementType.TEMPLATE_FRAGMENT_KIND); continue; } // ---- next token ---- builder.advanceLexer(); tokenIndex.set(tokenIndex.get() + 1); } // close up leftover scopes from missing '}' etc. while (!scopes.isEmpty()) { MarkerScope markerScope = scopes.pop(); markerScope.marker.done(markerScope.tokenType); } rootMarker.done(root); return builder.getTreeBuilt(); } private void markCurrentToken(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder, Ref<Integer> tokenIndex, String psiKind) { PsiBuilder.Marker marker = builder.mark(); builder.advanceLexer(); tokenIndex.set(tokenIndex.get() + 1); marker.done(JSGraphQLElementType.create(psiKind)); } private void startScope(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder, Stack<MarkerScope> scopes, JSGraphQLToken currentToken, boolean field) { scopes.push(new MarkerScope(builder.mark(), JSGraphQLElementType.create(currentToken.sourceToken), field)); } private void endScope(@NotNull PsiBuilder builder, Ref<Integer> tokenIndex, Stack<MarkerScope> scopes, boolean advance) { if (scopes.isEmpty()) { // unbalanced scope, e.g. missing opening '{' return; } MarkerScope endedScope = scopes.pop(); if (advance) { builder.advanceLexer(); tokenIndex.set(tokenIndex.get() + 1); } endedScope.marker.done(endedScope.tokenType); } private List<PropertyScope> getPropertyScopes(List<JSGraphQLToken> tokens) { final List<JSGraphQLToken> astTokens = .filter((token) -> token.tokenType != JSGraphQLTokenTypes.WHITESPACE && token.tokenType != JSGraphQLTokenTypes.COMMENT) .collect(Collectors.toList()); final List<PropertyScope> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); final Stack<PropertyScope> scopes = new Stack<>(); boolean parseArguments = false; for (int i = 0; i < astTokens.size(); i++) { JSGraphQLToken token = astTokens.get(i); if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.KEYWORD) { final String text = token.sourceToken.getText(); if (isPropertyScopeDefinition(text, i, astTokens, scopes)) { PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, getNextLBrace(astTokens, i, 2)); scopes.add(propertyScope); // optional name of operation so allow token before '{' ret.add(propertyScope); } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.PROPERTY) { PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, getNextLBrace(astTokens, i, 1)); if (propertyScope.lbrace != null) { // only a scope if there's an '{' to signal a selection set scopes.add(propertyScope); ret.add(propertyScope); } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RBRACE) { if (!scopes.isEmpty()) { if (parseArguments) { scopes.pop().rbrace = token; } else { final String kind = token.sourceToken.getKind(); if (JSGraphQLElementType.SELECTION_SET_KIND.equals(kind) || JSGraphQLElementType.DOCUMENT_KIND.equals(kind) || isSchemaDefWithLBrace(kind)) { PropertyScope propertyScope = scopes.pop(); if (propertyScope.lbrace == null) { // closing the parent scope if (!scopes.isEmpty()) { propertyScope = scopes.pop(); } } propertyScope.rbrace = token; } } } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACE) { if (parseArguments) { PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, token); scopes.add(propertyScope); ret.add(propertyScope); } else { // if top level scope, it's shorthand for a query if (scopes.isEmpty()) { PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, token); scopes.add(propertyScope); ret.add(propertyScope); } } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LPAREN) { if (!schema) { parseArguments = true; PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, token); scopes.add(propertyScope); ret.add(propertyScope); } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RPAREN) { if (!schema) { if (!scopes.isEmpty()) { scopes.pop().rbrace = token; } parseArguments = false; } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACKET) { if (!schema && parseArguments) { PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, token); scopes.add(propertyScope); ret.add(propertyScope); } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RBRACKET) { if (!schema && parseArguments && !scopes.isEmpty()) { scopes.pop().rbrace = token; } } else if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE) { if (!schema && parseArguments) { PropertyScope propertyScope = new PropertyScope(token, null); propertyScope.astTokenStartIndex = i; ret.add(propertyScope); } } } // associate the attribute scopes with their corresponding list/object values final Set<PropertyScope> literalAttributeValues = Sets.newHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { final PropertyScope attributeNameScope = ret.get(i); if (attributeNameScope.closedBy == null && attributeNameScope.propertyOrOperation.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE) { if (i + 1 < ret.size()) { final PropertyScope attributeValueScope = ret.get(i + 1); if (!isValueForAttribute(astTokens, attributeNameScope, attributeValueScope)) { literalAttributeValues.add(attributeNameScope); continue; } final JSGraphQLToken valueToken = attributeValueScope.lbrace; if (valueToken != null && (valueToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACE || valueToken.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACKET)) { attributeValueScope.parentToClose = attributeNameScope; attributeNameScope.closedBy = attributeValueScope; } else { literalAttributeValues.add(attributeNameScope); } } else { literalAttributeValues.add(attributeNameScope); } } } ret.removeAll(literalAttributeValues); return ret; } private boolean isValueForAttribute(List<JSGraphQLToken> astTokens, PropertyScope attributeNameScope, PropertyScope attributeValue) { for (int i = attributeNameScope.astTokenStartIndex + 1; i < astTokens.size(); i++) { final JSGraphQLToken token = astTokens.get(i); if (token == attributeValue.lbrace) { return true; } if (token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.PUNCTUATION) { // expecting colon before the attribute value continue; } break; } return false; } private boolean isPropertyScopeDefinition(String text, int tokenIndex, List<JSGraphQLToken> astTokens, Stack<PropertyScope> scopes) { switch (text) { case JSGraphQLKeywords.TYPE: // type after extend is not a new scope if (tokenIndex > 0) { final JSGraphQLToken prevToken = astTokens.get(tokenIndex - 1); if (JSGraphQLKeywords.EXTEND.equals(prevToken.sourceToken.getText())) { return false; } } return true; case JSGraphQLKeywords.INTERFACE: case JSGraphQLKeywords.ENUM: case JSGraphQLKeywords.INPUT: case JSGraphQLKeywords.EXTEND: case JSGraphQLKeywords.SCHEMA: return true; } if (!schema) { switch (text) { case JSGraphQLKeywords.QUERY: case JSGraphQLKeywords.MUTATION: case JSGraphQLKeywords.SUBSCRIPTION: // not property scopes inside "schema {}" return scopes.isEmpty(); case JSGraphQLKeywords.FRAGMENT: return true; } if (JSGraphQLKeywords.FRAGMENT_DOTS.equals(text)) { // possible anonymous fragment if no def of the fragment name right after if (tokenIndex + 1 < astTokens.size()) { final JSGraphQLToken nextToken = astTokens.get(tokenIndex + 1); return nextToken.tokenType != JSGraphQLTokenTypes.DEF; } } } return false; } private boolean isSchemaDefWithLBrace(String tokenKind) { switch (tokenKind) { case JSGraphQLElementType.SCHEMA_DEF_KIND: case JSGraphQLElementType.OBJECT_TYPE_DEF_KIND: case JSGraphQLElementType.INTERFACE_DEF_KIND: case JSGraphQLElementType.ENUM_DEF_KIND: case JSGraphQLElementType.INPUT_DEF_KIND: case JSGraphQLElementType.EXTEND_DEF_KIND: return true; } return false; } private JSGraphQLToken getNextLBrace(List<JSGraphQLToken> tokens, int currentIndex, int maxLookAhead) { int index = currentIndex + 1; while (maxLookAhead > 0) { if (index < tokens.size()) { JSGraphQLToken lbrace = tokens.get(index); final boolean isSelectionSet = JSGraphQLElementType.SELECTION_SET_KIND .equals(lbrace.sourceToken.getKind()); if (lbrace.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACE && (isSelectionSet || isSchemaDefWithLBrace(lbrace.sourceToken.getKind()))) { return lbrace; } else if (lbrace.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LPAREN || lbrace.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.META || lbrace.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.DEF || isFragmentOnKeyword(lbrace)) { // property args, meta (@directive), fragment definition, mutation boolean foundRParen = false; for (int i = index + 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) { lbrace = tokens.get(i); if (lbrace.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.RPAREN) { foundRParen = true; index = i + 1; break; } else if (lbrace.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.LBRACE) { final String kind = lbrace.sourceToken.getKind(); if (JSGraphQLElementType.SELECTION_SET_KIND.equals(kind) || isSchemaDefWithLBrace(kind)) { return lbrace; } } } if (foundRParen) { // don't decrement maxLookAhead and try again after the newly found '(' and ')' continue; } } } index++; maxLookAhead--; } return null; } private boolean isFragmentOnKeyword(JSGraphQLToken token) { return token.tokenType == JSGraphQLTokenTypes.KEYWORD && JSGraphQLKeywords.FRAGMENT_ON.equals(token.sourceToken.getText()); } private static class PropertyScope { JSGraphQLToken propertyOrOperation; JSGraphQLToken lbrace; JSGraphQLToken rbrace; PropertyScope closedBy; PropertyScope parentToClose; Integer astTokenStartIndex; public PropertyScope(JSGraphQLToken propertyOrOperation, JSGraphQLToken lbrace) { this.propertyOrOperation = propertyOrOperation; this.lbrace = lbrace; } } }