Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 sxu. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intelius.iap4; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; /** * * @author sxu */ class TigerLineHit { long tlid; String streetNum; //FIXME this doesnt belong here, putting it here for now because of laziness String frAddR; String frAddL; String toAddR; String toAddL; String zipL; String zipR; float toLat; float toLon; float frLat; float frLon; float lon1; float lon2; float lon3; float lon4; float lon5; float lon6; float lon7; float lon8; float lon9; float lon10; float lat1; float lat2; float lat3; float lat4; float lat5; float lat6; float lat7; float lat8; float lat9; float lat10; String fedirp; //pre dir String fetype; String fedirs; //suffix dir @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } } public class DBhandling { private static final String TIGER_QUERY = "select t.tlid, t.fraddr, t.fraddl, t.toaddr, t.toaddl," + " t.zipL, t.zipR, t.tolat, t.tolong, t.frlong, t.frlat," + " t.long1, t.lat1, t.long2, t.lat2, t.long3, t.lat3, t.long4, t.lat4," + " t.long5, t.lat5, t.long6, t.lat6, t.long7, t.lat7, t.long8, t.lat8," + " t.long9, t.lat9, t.long10, t.lat10, t.fedirp, t.fetype, t.fedirs from TIGER_{0} t where t.fename = ? and " + "(" + " (t.fraddL <= ? and t.toaddL >= ?) or (t.fraddL >= ? and t.toaddL <= ?) " + " or (t.fraddR <= ? and t.toaddR >= ?) or (t.fraddR >= ? and t.toaddR <= ?) " + ")" + " and (t.zipL = ? or t.zipR = ?)"; private static String generateSelectQuery(String state) { if (state == null || state.length() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(state + " is not a valid 2 letter state code"); } return MessageFormat.format(TIGER_QUERY, state); } public static void main(String[] args) { String _tigerDs = "jdbc:h2:/home/sxu/playground/tiger"; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; List<TigerLineHit> ret = new ArrayList<TigerLineHit>(); try { // if (_tigerDs instanceof JdbcDataSource) { // JdbcDataSource ds = (JdbcDataSource) _tigerDs; // conn = ds.getPooledConnection().getConnection(); // }else{ // conn = _tigerDs.getConnection(); // } //try address "540 westerly parkway, state college, pa 16801" Class.forName("org.h2.Driver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(_tigerDs, "sa", ""); ps = conn.prepareStatement(generateSelectQuery("PA")); int i = 1; String streetNum = "540"; String zip = "16801"; ps.setString(i++, "Westerly"); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, streetNum); ps.setString(i++, zip); ps.setString(i++, zip); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { TigerLineHit hit = new TigerLineHit(); hit.streetNum = streetNum; hit.tlid = rs.getLong("tlid"); hit.frAddL = rs.getString("fraddl"); hit.frAddR = rs.getString("fraddr"); hit.toAddL = rs.getString("toaddl"); hit.toAddR = rs.getString("toaddr"); hit.zipL = rs.getString("zipL"); hit.zipR = rs.getString("zipR"); hit.toLat = rs.getFloat("tolat"); hit.toLon = rs.getFloat("tolong"); hit.frLat = rs.getFloat("frlat"); hit.frLon = rs.getFloat("tolong"); hit.lat1 = rs.getFloat("lat1"); hit.lat2 = rs.getFloat("lat2"); hit.lat3 = rs.getFloat("lat3"); hit.lat4 = rs.getFloat("lat4"); hit.lat5 = rs.getFloat("lat5"); hit.lat6 = rs.getFloat("lat6"); hit.lat7 = rs.getFloat("lat7"); hit.lat8 = rs.getFloat("lat8"); hit.lat9 = rs.getFloat("lat9"); hit.lat10 = rs.getFloat("lat10"); hit.lon1 = rs.getFloat("long1"); hit.lon2 = rs.getFloat("long2"); hit.lon3 = rs.getFloat("long3"); hit.lon4 = rs.getFloat("long4"); hit.lon5 = rs.getFloat("long5"); hit.lon6 = rs.getFloat("long6"); hit.lon7 = rs.getFloat("long7"); hit.lon8 = rs.getFloat("long8"); hit.lon9 = rs.getFloat("long9"); hit.lon10 = rs.getFloat("long10"); hit.fedirp = rs.getString("fedirp"); hit.fetype = rs.getString("fetype"); hit.fedirs = rs.getString("fedirs"); ret.add(hit); // System.out.println(ret.toString()); // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { //DbUtils.closeQuietly(conn); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); DbUtils.closeQuietly(ps); } //return ret; } }