Java tutorial
/** Copyright 2013 Intel Corporation, All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import static*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import*; import; import*; import*; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; class MissionHandler { private static final String AUTH_RETRY_KEY = "retry"; private static final int DEFAULT_AUTH_RETRY = 0; private static final Logger LOGGER = LogFactory.getSystemLogger(); private static final File LOG_DIR = new File(new File("log"), "mission"); static { if (!LOG_DIR.exists()) LOG_DIR.mkdirs(); } private int retry; // auth retry number private Config authConfig; // shared auth configurations private Config storageConfig; // shared storage configurations private AuthAPIService authAPIs; private StorageAPIService storageAPIs; private ExecutorService executor; private MissionContext missionContext; public MissionHandler() { /* empty */ } public MissionContext getMissionContext() { return missionContext; } public void setMissionContext(MissionContext missionContext) { this.missionContext = missionContext; } public void setAuthAPIs(AuthAPIService authAPIs) { this.authAPIs = authAPIs; } public void setStorageAPIs(StorageAPIService storageAPIs) { this.storageAPIs = storageAPIs; } public void dispose() { if (executor != null) executor.shutdown(); executor = null; } public void init() { resolveMission(); openLogger(); createOperators(); initOpPicker(); parseConfigs(); createWorkers(); createExecutor(); } private void resolveMission() { XmlConfig config = missionContext.getConfig(); MissionResolver resolver = CastorConfigTools.getMissionResolver(); missionContext.setMission(resolver.toMission(config)); } private void openLogger() { LogManager manager = LogFactory.createLogManager(); String name = missionContext.getId() + ".log"; try { boolean append = false; boolean buffer = true; manager.setLogFile(LOG_DIR, name, append, buffer); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("cannot open log file", e); } LogManager sysManager = LogFactory.getSystemLogManager(); manager.setLogLevel(sysManager.getLogLevel()); missionContext.setLogManager(manager); } private void createOperators() { OperatorRegistry registry = new OperatorRegistry(); Mission mission = missionContext.getMission(); initOpDefaultName(mission); for (Operation op : mission) registry.addOperator(createOperatorContext(op)); missionContext.setOperatorRegistry(registry); } private static OperatorContext createOperatorContext(Operation op) { OperatorContext context = new OperatorContext(); Config config = KVConfigParser.parse(op.getConfig()); context.setOperator(Operators.getOperator(op, config)); return context; } private void initOpDefaultName(Mission mission) { Set<String> opTypes = new HashSet<String>(); for (Operation op : mission.getOperations()) { opTypes.add(op.getType()); } if (opTypes.size() == mission.getOperations().size()) return; for (String opType : opTypes) { int index = 0; for (Operation op : mission.getOperations()) { if (op.getType().equals(opType)) { index++; if (op.getConfig().indexOf("name") < 0) { op.setConfig(StringUtils.join(new Object[] { op.getConfig(), ";name=", String.valueOf(index), "-", op.getType() })); } } } } } private void initOpPicker() { OperationPicker picker = new OperationPicker(); Mission mission = missionContext.getMission(); for (Operation op : mission) picker.addOperation(op.getId(), op.getRatio()); missionContext.setOperationPicker(picker); } private void parseConfigs() { Mission m = missionContext.getMission(); authConfig = KVConfigParser.parse(m.getAuth().getConfig()); retry = authConfig.getInt(AUTH_RETRY_KEY, DEFAULT_AUTH_RETRY); storageConfig = KVConfigParser.parse(m.getStorage().getConfig()); LOGGER.debug("driver mission config is: " + m.getConfig()); } private void createWorkers() { WorkerRegistry registry = new WorkerRegistry(); Mission mission = missionContext.getMission(); int workers = mission.getWorkers(); int offset = mission.getOffset(); for (int idx = 1; idx <= workers; idx++) registry.addWorker(createWorkerContext(idx + offset, mission)); missionContext.setWorkerRegistry(registry); } private WorkerContext createWorkerContext(int idx, Mission mission) { LogManager manager = missionContext.getLogManager(); WorkerContext context = new WorkerContext(); context.setIndex(idx); context.setMission(mission); context.setLogger(manager.getLogger()); context.setErrorStatistics(missionContext.getErrorStatistics()); context.setAuthApi(createAuthApi(mission.getAuth(), manager)); context.setStorageApi(createStorageApi(mission.getStorage(), manager)); return context; } private AuthAPI createAuthApi(Auth auth, LogManager manager) { String type = auth.getType(); Logger logger = manager.getLogger(); return authAPIs.getAuth(type, authConfig, logger); } private StorageAPI createStorageApi(Storage storage, LogManager manager) { String type = storage.getType(); Logger logger = manager.getLogger(); return storageAPIs.getStorage(type, storageConfig, logger); } private void createExecutor() { Mission mission = missionContext.getMission(); int workers = mission.getWorkers(); executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(workers); } public void login() { /* for strong consistency: a lock should be employed here */ if (!missionContext.getState().equals(SUBMITTED)) throw new IllegalStateException( "mission should be in the state of submitted but " + missionContext.getState().name()); String id = missionContext.getId(); LOGGER.debug("begin to auth mission {}", id); try { performLogin(); } catch (AbortedException ae) { abortAgents(true); missionContext.setState(ABORTED); return; } catch (MissionException me) { missionContext.setState(TERMINATED);"mission {} has been terminated", id); return; } catch (Exception e) { missionContext.setState(TERMINATED); LOGGER.error("unexpected exception", e);"mission {} has been terminated", id); return; }"mission {} has been authed successfully", id); } private void performLogin() { missionContext.setState(AUTHING); // // Use worker 0 for authentication (and use the same token for other workers) // WorkerContext worker0 = missionContext.getWorkerRegistry().getWorkerByIndex(0); // List<Agent> agents = createAuthAgentFromContext(worker0); List<Agent> agents = createAuthAgents(); executeAgents(agents, 0); // AuthContext authContext = worker0.getStorageApi().getAuthContext(); // setAllWorkersAuthContext(authContext); missionContext.setState(AUTHED); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void setAllWorkersAuthContext(AuthContext authContext) { for (WorkerContext workerContext : missionContext.getWorkerRegistry()) workerContext.getStorageApi().setAuthContext(authContext); } /*** * Returns Size 1 list of Agents * @param workerContext to create Agent for */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private List<Agent> createAuthAgentFromContext(WorkerContext workerContext) { List<Agent> agents = new ArrayList<Agent>(); agents.add(Agents.newAuthAgent(retry, workerContext)); return agents; } private List<Agent> createAuthAgents() { List<Agent> agents = new ArrayList<Agent>(); for (WorkerContext workerContext : missionContext.getWorkerRegistry()) agents.add(Agents.newAuthAgent(retry, workerContext)); return agents; } public void stress() { /* for strong consistency: a lock should be employed here */ if (!missionContext.getState().equals(AUTHED)) throw new IllegalStateException("mission should be in the state of authed"); String id = missionContext.getId(); LOGGER.debug("begin to execute mission {}", id); try { stressTarget(); } catch (TimeoutException te) { /* no need to shutdown agents again */ boolean shutdownNow = false; abortAgents(shutdownNow); // missionContext.setState(ABORTED); return; } catch (AbortedException ae) { /* have to shutdown agents now */ boolean shutdownNow = true; abortAgents(shutdownNow); missionContext.setState(ABORTED); return; } catch (MissionException me) { missionContext.setState(TERMINATED);"mission {} has been terminated", id); return; } catch (Exception e) { missionContext.setState(TERMINATED); LOGGER.error("unexpected exception", e);"mission {} has been terminated", id); return; }"mission {} has been executed successfully", id); } private void stressTarget() { missionContext.setState(LAUNCHED); List<Agent> agents = createWorkAgents(); Mission m = missionContext.getMission(); int timeout = m.getRampup() + m.getRuntime() + m.getRampdown(); executeAgents(agents, timeout == 0 ? 0 : timeout + 60); missionContext.setState(FINISHED); missionContext.getErrorStatistics().summaryToMission(missionContext.getLogManager().getLogger()); } private List<Agent> createWorkAgents() { List<Agent> agents = new ArrayList<Agent>(); for (WorkerContext workerConext : missionContext.getWorkerRegistry()) agents.add(Agents.newWorkAgent(workerConext, missionContext)); return agents; } private void executeAgents(List<Agent> agents, int timeout) { int num = agents.size(); LOGGER.debug("begin to execute agents, {} in total", num); try { if (timeout == 0) executor.invokeAll(agents); // wait until finish else { List<Future<Agent>> futures = executor.invokeAll(agents, timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); for (Future<Agent> future : futures) if (future.isCancelled()) // test timeout status throw new TimeoutException(); // force mission abort } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new AbortedException(); // mission aborted } LOGGER.debug("all {} agents have finished execution", num); List<Integer> errIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (WorkerContext worker : missionContext.getWorkerRegistry()) if (worker.isError() || worker.isAborted()) errIds.add(worker.getIndex()); if (errIds.isEmpty()) return; // all of the workers are fine LOGGER.error("detected workers {} have encountered errors", errIds); throw new MissionException(); // mark termination } public void close() { /* for strong consistency: a lock should be employed here */ if (!missionContext.getState().equals(FINISHED)) throw new IllegalStateException("mission should be in the state of finished"); String id = missionContext.getId(); missionContext.setState(ACCOMPLISHED); for (int i = 0; i < missionContext.getReport().getAllMetrics().length; i++) { LOGGER.debug("!!!! mission op: " + missionContext.getReport().getAllMetrics()[i].getOpType() + "-" + missionContext.getReport().getAllMetrics()[i].getOpType()); if (missionContext.getReport().getAllMetrics()[i].getSampleCount() == 0 && missionContext.getReport().getAllMetrics()[i].getTotalSampleCount() > 0) { missionContext.setState(FAILED); LOGGER.debug("!!!! mission opt -> FAILED"); break; } }"mission {} has been closed successfully", id); } public void abort() { String id = missionContext.getId(); Future<?> future = missionContext.getFuture(); /* for strong consistency: a lock should be employed here */ if (future != null) { if (future.isCancelled()) return; // already aborted if (future.cancel(true)) return; // abort request submitted } if (isStopped(missionContext.getState())) { LOGGER.warn("mission {} not aborted as it is already stopped", id); return; // do nothing -- it is already stopped } missionContext.setState(ABORTED); // abort it directly"mission {} has been aborted successfully", id); } private void abortAgents(boolean shutdownNow) { Thread.interrupted(); // clear interruption status executor.shutdown(); try { // Wait a few seconds for existing tasks to terminate if (!executor.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { executor.shutdownNow(); String id = missionContext.getId(); if (!awaitTermination(5) && !awaitTermination(10) && !awaitTermination(30)) LOGGER.warn("fail to abort agents for mission {}", id); else"all agents have been aborted in mission {}", id);"mission {} appears to be aborted", id); // agents aborted } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { executor.shutdownNow(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } private boolean awaitTermination(int seconds) { try { if (!executor.isTerminated()) {"wait {} seconds for agents to abort ...", seconds); executor.awaitTermination(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.debug("get aborted when aborting mission"); } return executor.isTerminated(); } }