Java tutorial
package com.inmobi.grill.client; /* * #%L * Grill client * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 Inmobi * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; /** * Configuration Class which is used in the grill client */ public class GrillClientConfig extends Configuration { static { Configuration.addDefaultResource("grill-client-default.xml"); Configuration.addDefaultResource("grill-client-site.xml"); } public static final String GRILL_SERVER_HOST_KEY = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST_VALUE = "localhost"; public static final String GRILL_SERVER_PORT_KEY = "grill.port"; public static final int DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT = 8080; public static final String GRILL_DBNAME_KEY = "grill.dbname"; public static final String DEFAULT_DBNAME_VALUE = "default"; public static final String GRILL_BASE_PATH = "grill.base.path"; public static final String DEFAULT_APP_BASE_PATH = ""; public static final String GRILL_SESSION_RESOURCE_PATH = "grill.session.resource.path"; public static final String DEFAULT_SESSION_RESOURCE_PATH = "session"; private static final String GRILL_QUERY_RESOURCE_PATH = "grill.query.resource.path"; private static final String DEFAULT_QUERY_RESOURCE_PATH = "queryapi"; private static final String GRILL_QUERY_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY = "grill.query.poll.interval"; private static final long DEFAULT_QUERY_POLL_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000l; private static final String GRILL_METASTORE_RESOURCE_PATH = "grill.metastore.resource.path"; private static final String DEFAULT_GRILL_METASTORE_RESOURCE_PATH = "metastore"; private static final String GRILL_USER_NAME = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_USER_NAME = "anonymous"; private static final String GRILL_USER_PASS = "grill.user.password"; public static final String DEFAULT_USER_PASS = ""; /** * Get the username from config * * @return Returns grill client user name */ public String getUser() { return this.get(GRILL_USER_NAME, DEFAULT_USER_NAME); } /** * Returns the configured grill server hostname * * @return hostname of grill server, defaults to localhost */ public String getGrillHost() { return this.get(GRILL_SERVER_HOST_KEY, DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST_VALUE); } /** * Returns the configured grill server port * * @return port number of the grill server, defaults to 8080 */ public int getGrillPort() { return this.getInt(GRILL_SERVER_PORT_KEY, DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); } /** * Returns the configured grill server database client wants to access * * @return database returns database to connect, defaults to 'default' */ public String getGrillDatabase() { return this.get(GRILL_DBNAME_KEY, DEFAULT_DBNAME_VALUE); } /** * Returns the web app path which grill server is deployed to. * * @return web app fragment, default to root path. */ public String getAppBasePath() { return this.get(GRILL_BASE_PATH, DEFAULT_APP_BASE_PATH); } /** * Returns the session service path on grill server * @return web app fragment pointing to session service, defaults to session */ public String getSessionResourcePath() { return this.get(GRILL_SESSION_RESOURCE_PATH, DEFAULT_SESSION_RESOURCE_PATH); } /** * Returns the query service path on grill server * @return web app fragment pointing to query service, defaults to queryapi */ public String getQueryResourcePath() { return this.get(GRILL_QUERY_RESOURCE_PATH, DEFAULT_QUERY_RESOURCE_PATH); } /** * Set the configured girll server hostname * * @param host name of host where grill server is located */ public void setGrillHost(String host) { this.set(GRILL_SERVER_HOST_KEY, host); } /** * Sets the configured grill server port. * * @param port where grill server is listening for requests */ public void setGrillPort(int port) { this.setInt(GRILL_SERVER_PORT_KEY, port); } /** * Sets the database to connect on grill server * @param dbName database to connect to */ public void setGrillDatabase(String dbName) { this.set(GRILL_DBNAME_KEY, dbName); } public void setGrillBasePath(String basePath) { this.set(GRILL_BASE_PATH, basePath); } public long getQueryPollInterval() { return this.getLong(GRILL_QUERY_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY, DEFAULT_QUERY_POLL_INTERVAL); } public String getMetastoreResourcePath() { return this.get(GRILL_METASTORE_RESOURCE_PATH, DEFAULT_GRILL_METASTORE_RESOURCE_PATH); } public String getPassword() { return this.get(GRILL_USER_PASS, DEFAULT_USER_PASS); } }