Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Indeed Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.indeed.imhotep.index.builder.util; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * @author mmorrison * * Another command line argument parser. * * 1. Extend this class. * 2. In setup(), add parsable fields to `options`. Optionally * set program description and command line examples. * 3. In extract(), parse your fields however you wish from the result * object given. If an argument's value is invalid or not parsable, simply * throw an org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException. Any thrown exceptions * will result in usage being printed, followed by exit. * 4. Call parse(args) in your main program. * * - For added flexibility, additional arguments can be added with addExtraOptions(), * and those extra options can be parsed after parse() with getResults(). * * - If PROMPT_FOR_INPUT or IDEA_HOME environment variable is set, and no arguments are * passed to the program, the class will * automatically prompt for input parameters (nice for testing in IDEs). */ public abstract class SmartArgs { protected Options options = new Options(); protected String description = ""; protected String examples = ""; private CommandLine results = null; private List<SmartArgs> extensions = new ArrayList<SmartArgs>(); protected abstract void setup(); protected abstract void extract(CommandLine results) throws Exception; protected void usage() { StringWriter helpWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter helpPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(helpWriter); new HelpFormatter().printHelp(helpPrintWriter, 80, " ", "", options, 1, 2, ""); helpPrintWriter.close(); String params = helpWriter.toString(); params = params.replaceFirst("usage", "Parameters"); if (!description.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("Description:\n" + description + "\n"); } System.err.println(params); if (!examples.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("Examples:\n" + examples + "\n"); } } private boolean shouldPromptForInput() { if (System.getenv("PROMPT_FOR_INPUT") != null) return true; if (System.getenv("IDEA_HOME") != null) return true; return false; } private String[] promptForInput() { System.err.println("PROMPT_FOR_INPUT environment variable set."); System.err.println("Please enter the parameters for this program:"); try { String line = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; return parseArgParams(line); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new String[0]; } public void addExtension(SmartArgs other) { extensions.add(other); } public long getOptionTime(String option) throws ParseException { String value = results.getOptionValue(option); try { return Long.parseLong(value); } catch (Exception e) { } try { return Timestamp.valueOf(value).getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { } throw new ParseException("Invalid time for option: " + option); } /** * Parses an ISO-8601 formatted date time string * Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, ex. 2013-03-04T18:00:00 -> 6 p.m. on Mar. 4, 2013 * @param optionName The name of the option to parse * @return Milliseconds of the parsed {@link DateTime} * @throws ParseException */ public long getOptionDateTime(@Nonnull final String optionName) throws ParseException { final String value = results.getOptionValue(optionName); return parseOptionDateTime(value, optionName); } /** * Parses an ISO-8601 formatted date time string * Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, ex. 2013-03-04T18:00:00 -> 6 p.m. on Mar. 4, 2013 * @param value Option value * @param optionName The option name used for helpful exception messages. * @return Milliseconds of the parsed {@link DateTime} * @throws ParseException */ @VisibleForTesting protected static long parseOptionDateTime(@Nonnull String value, @Nonnull final String optionName) throws ParseException { try { return new DateTime(value, DateTimeZone.forID("US/Central")).getMillis(); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ParseException("Could not parse " + optionName + " into a valid DateTime. Value: " + value); } } /** * Parses an integer value, also gives a slightly more helpful error message * @param optionName The name of the option to parse * @return The parsed integer value * @throws ParseException */ public int getIntValue(@Nonnull final String optionName) throws ParseException { final String value = results.getOptionValue(optionName); try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ParseException("Could not parse \"" + value + "\" into a valid Integer for " + optionName); } } public void parse(String[] args) { setup(); // merge in the options from extensions for (SmartArgs other : extensions) { other.setup(); for (Option option : (Collection<Option>) other.options.getOptions()) { options.addOption(option); } } boolean launchedWithArgs = (args.length != 0); if (!launchedWithArgs && shouldPromptForInput()) { usage(); args = promptForInput(); } while (true) { try { results = new PosixParser().parse(options, args); extract(results); for (SmartArgs other : extensions) { other.extract(results); } } catch (Exception e) { // Yes, yes, yes... catching all Exceptions can be bad. However, in our case, // we want ANY parsing errors, integer casts in extract, or anything else to just // dump usage and exit. results = null; System.err.println("Parameter Error - " + e.getMessage()); if (!launchedWithArgs && shouldPromptForInput()) { System.err.println(); args = promptForInput(); continue; } else { usage(); System.exit(-1); } } return; } } /** * parse a String into an argument list, in the same way java parses * arguments passed to main() */ public static String[] parseArgParams(String line) { StreamTokenizer tok = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(line)); tok.resetSyntax(); tok.wordChars('\u0000', '\uFFFF'); tok.whitespaceChars(' ', ' '); tok.quoteChar('\"'); ArrayList<String> output = new ArrayList<String>(); try { while (tok.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { output.add(tok.sval); } } catch (IOException e) { } return output.toArray(new String[output.size()]); } }