Source code

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 * ===========================================================
 * Ankush : Big Data Cluster Management Solution
 * ===========================================================
 * (C) Copyright 2014, by Impetus Technologies
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL v3) as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
 * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
package com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.utils;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import net.neoremind.sshxcute.core.Result;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.core.SSHExec;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.task.CustomTask;
import net.neoremind.sshxcute.task.impl.ExecCommand;

import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;

import com.impetus.ankush.AppStore;
import com.impetus.ankush.AppStoreWrapper;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.exception.AnkushException;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.exception.RegisterClusterException;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.scripting.AnkushTask;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.service.ConfigurationManager;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.utils.AnkushRestClient;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.utils.JsonMapperUtil;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.utils.ReflectionUtil;
import com.impetus.ankush.common.utils.XmlUtil;
import com.impetus.ankush2.common.scripting.impl.AddConfProperty;
import com.impetus.ankush2.constant.Constant;
import com.impetus.ankush2.framework.config.ClusterConfig;
import com.impetus.ankush2.framework.config.ComponentConfig;
import com.impetus.ankush2.framework.config.NodeConfig;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.config.CmpConfigMapping;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.config.CmpConfigMappingSet;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.config.ComponentConfigContext;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.deployer.configurator.Hadoop1Configurator;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.deployer.configurator.Hadoop2Configurator;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.deployer.configurator.HadoopConfigurator;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.deployer.installer.HadoopInstaller;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.deployer.servicemanager.HadoopServiceManager;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.monitor.Hadoop2Monitor;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.monitor.HadoopDFSManager;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.monitor.HadoopMonitor;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.monitor.commandsmanager.HadoopCommandsManager;
import com.impetus.ankush2.hadoop.utils.HadoopConstants.ConfigXmlKeys.Attributes;
import com.impetus.ankush2.logger.AnkushLogger;

// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
 * The Class HadoopUtils.
 * @author Akhil
public class HadoopUtils {

    /** The log. */
    private static AnkushLogger LOG = new AnkushLogger(HadoopUtils.class);

    /** The conf manager. */
    private final static ConfigurationManager confManager = new ConfigurationManager();

    /** The Constant TOPOLOGY_DATA_FILE. */
    public static final String TOPOLOGY_DATA_FILE = AppStoreWrapper.getAnkushConfReader()

    /** The Constant JMX_BEAN_NAME_JAVA_RUNTIME. */
    public static final String JMX_BEAN_NAME_JAVA_RUNTIME = "java.lang:type=Runtime";

    /** The Constant KEY_HADOOP_HOME. */
    public static final String KEY_HADOOP_HOME = "HADOOP_HOME";

    /** The Constant KEY_HADOOP_PREFIX. */
    public static final String KEY_HADOOP_PREFIX = "HADOOP_PREFIX";

    /** The Constant KEY_HADOOP_OPTS. */
    public static final String KEY_HADOOP_OPTS = "HADOOP_OPTS";

    /** The Constant KEY_HADOOP_CONF_DIR. */
    public static final String KEY_HADOOP_CONF_DIR = "HADOOP_CONF_DIR";

    /** The Constant KEY_PATH_VARIABLE. */
    public static final String KEY_PATH_VARIABLE = "PATH";

     * Adds the and log error.
     * @param logger
     *            the logger
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param errMsg
     *            the err msg
     * @param componentName
     *            the component name
     * @param host
     *            the host
    public static void addAndLogError(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String errMsg,
            String componentName, String host) {
        logger.error(errMsg, componentName, host);
        clusterConfig.addError(host, componentName, errMsg);

     * Adds the and log error.
     * @param logger
     *            the logger
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param errMsg
     *            the err msg
     * @param componentName
     *            the component name
     * @param host
     *            the host
     * @param t
     *            the t
    public static void addAndLogError(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String errMsg,
            String componentName, String host, Throwable t) {
        logger.error(errMsg, componentName, host, t);
        clusterConfig.addError(host, componentName, errMsg);

     * Adds the and log error.
     * @param logger
     *            the logger
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param errMsg
     *            the err msg
     * @param componentName
     *            the component name
    public static void addAndLogError(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String errMsg,
            String componentName) {
        logger.error(errMsg, componentName);
        clusterConfig.addError(componentName, errMsg);

     * Adds the and log error.
     * @param logger
     *            the logger
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param errMsg
     *            the err msg
     * @param componentName
     *            the component name
     * @param t
     *            the t
    public static void addAndLogError(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String errMsg,
            String componentName, Throwable t) {
        logger.error(errMsg, componentName, t);
        clusterConfig.addError(componentName, errMsg);

    public static void addAndLogWarning(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String warnMsg,
            String componentName, Throwable t) {
        logger.warn(warnMsg, componentName, t);
        clusterConfig.addError(componentName, warnMsg);

    /** The Constant TOPOLOGY_SCRIPT_FILE. */
    private static final String TOPOLOGY_SCRIPT_FILE = AppStoreWrapper.getAnkushConfReader()

    private static final String TOPOLOGY_SCRIPT_FILE_RELPATH_RESOURCES = AppStoreWrapper.getAnkushConfReader()

    /** The Constant VERSION_CDH3. */
    public static final String VERSION_CDH3 = "0.20.2-cdh3u1";

    /** The Constant VERSION_CDH4.4.0. */
    public static final String VERSION_CDH4_4_0 = "2.0.0-cdh4.4.0";

    /** The Constant DEFAULT_NODE_IP. */
    public static final String DEFAULT_NODE_IP = "";

     * Adds the property to xml file.
     * @param logger
     *            the logger
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param nodeConfig
     *            the node config
     * @param filePath
     *            the file path
     * @param propertyName
     *            the property name
     * @param propertyValue
     *            the property value
     * @return true, if successful
    public static boolean addPropertyToXmlFile(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig,
            NodeConfig nodeConfig, String filePath, String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
        try {
            // Configuration manager to save the property file change records.
            ConfigurationManager confManager = new ConfigurationManager();
            Result res = null;
            AnkushTask addProperty = new AddConfProperty(propertyName, propertyValue, filePath,
                    Constant.File_Extension.XML, clusterConfig.getAgentInstallDir());
            res = nodeConfig.getConnection().exec(addProperty);
            if (!res.isSuccess) {
                String errMsg = "Could not add " + propertyName + " to " + filePath;
                HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig, errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP,
                return false;
            // saving the Add Event for Audit Trail
            confManager.saveConfiguration(clusterConfig.getClusterId(), clusterConfig.getCreatedBy(),
                    FilenameUtils.getName(filePath), nodeConfig.getHost(), propertyName, propertyValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errMsg = "Could not add " + propertyName + " to " + filePath;
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, nodeConfig.getHost(), e);
            HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig, errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP,
                    nodeConfig.getHost(), e);
            return false;
        return true;

     * Gets the gmt from time in millis.
     * @param val
     *            the val
     * @return the gmt from time in millis
    public static String getGmtFromTimeInMillis(String val) {
        long time = Long.parseLong(val);
        DateFormat gmtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
        TimeZone gmtTime = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
        return (gmtFormat.format(new Date(time)) + " GMT");


     * Gets the gmt from time in millis.
     * @param time
     *            the time
     * @return the gmt from time in millis
    public static String getGmtFromTimeInMillis(long time) {
        DateFormat gmtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
        TimeZone gmtTime = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
        return (gmtFormat.format(new Date(time)) + " GMT");


     * Convert millis to time.
     * @param val
     *            the val
     * @return the string
    public static String convertMillisToTime(String val) {
        long milliseconds = Long.parseLong(val);
        long seconds, minutes, hours;
        seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
        minutes = seconds / 60;
        seconds = seconds % 60;
        hours = minutes / 60;
        minutes = minutes % 60;
        if (hours > 0) {
            return (hours + "hrs, " + minutes + "mins, " + seconds + "secs");
        } else if (minutes > 0) {
            return (minutes + "mins, " + seconds + "secs");
        } else {
            return (seconds + "secs");

     * Gets the job id from app id.
     * @param appId
     *            the app id
     * @return the job id from app id
    public static String getJobIdFromAppId(String appId) {
        return appId.replaceAll("application", "job");

     * Gets the hadoop config.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @return the hadoop config
    public static ComponentConfig getHadoopConfig(ClusterConfig clusterConfig) {
        ComponentConfig hadoopConfig = clusterConfig.getComponents().get(Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP);
        return hadoopConfig;

    public static boolean isMonitoredByAnkush(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        if (hadoopConfig.isRegister()) {
            HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel registerLevel = HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel.valueOf(
                    (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConf().get(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.REGISTER_LEVEL));
            if (registerLevel != null) {
                if (registerLevel.equals(HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel.LEVEL3)
                        || registerLevel.equals(HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel.LEVEL2)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean isManagedByAnkush(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        if (hadoopConfig.isRegister()) {
            HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel registerLevel = HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel.valueOf(
                    (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConf().get(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.REGISTER_LEVEL));
            if (registerLevel != null) {
                if (registerLevel.equals(HadoopConstants.RegisterLevel.LEVEL3)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
        return true;

     * Setup passwordless ssh.
     * @param logger
     *            the logger
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param sourceHost
     *            the source host
     * @param destinationHosts
     *            the destination hosts
     * @return true, if successful
    public static boolean setupPasswordlessSSH(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String sourceHost,
            Set<String> destinationHosts) {
        try {
            NodeConfig sourceNodeConfig = clusterConfig.getNodes().get(sourceHost);

            String sourceHostPublicKey = com.impetus.ankush2.utils.SSHUtils.getFileContents("~/.ssh/",
            if (sourceHostPublicKey == null) {
                HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig, "Could not read ~/.ssh/ file",
                        Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, sourceHost);
                return false;

            // add host entry in know host.
            for (String destinationHost : destinationHosts) {
                String cmdAddToKnowHost = "ssh -o ConnectTimeout=15 -o ConnectionAttempts=5 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
                        + destinationHost + " ls";

                CustomTask task = new ExecCommand(cmdAddToKnowHost);


                StringBuilder appendKeysCmd = new StringBuilder();
                appendKeysCmd.append("echo \"").append(sourceHostPublicKey).append("\" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys");

                String changePermissionCmd = "chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys";
                task = new ExecCommand(appendKeysCmd.toString(), changePermissionCmd);

                if (clusterConfig.getNodes().get(destinationHost).getConnection().exec(task).rc != 0) {
                    HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig,
                            "Could not update ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for source " + sourceHost,
                            Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, destinationHost);
                    return false;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig, "Could not configure passwordless SSH " + sourceHost,
                    Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, sourceHost, e);
            return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean setupPasswordlessSSH(AnkushLogger logger, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, String sourceHost,
            Set<String> destinationHosts, SSHExec sourceConnection) {
        try {

            String sourceHostPublicKey = com.impetus.ankush2.utils.SSHUtils.getFileContents("~/.ssh/",
            if (sourceHostPublicKey == null) {
                HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig, "Could not read ~/.ssh/ file",
                        Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, sourceHost);
                return false;

            // add host entry in know host.
            for (String destinationHost : destinationHosts) {
                String cmdAddToKnowHost = "ssh -o ConnectTimeout=15 -o ConnectionAttempts=5 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "
                        + destinationHost + " ls";

                CustomTask task = new ExecCommand(cmdAddToKnowHost);


                task = new ExecCommand("echo \"" + sourceHostPublicKey + "\" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys",
                        "chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys");

                if (clusterConfig.getNodes().get(destinationHost).getConnection().exec(task).rc != 0) {
                    HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig,
                            "Could not update ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for source " + sourceHost,
                            Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, destinationHost);
                    return false;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            HadoopUtils.addAndLogError(logger, clusterConfig, "Could not configure passwordless SSH " + sourceHost,
                    Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, sourceHost, e);
            return false;
        return true;

    public static String getHaNameNodeId1(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_NAMENODEID1);

    public static String getHaNameNodeId2(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_NAMENODEID2);

     * Gets the name node host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the name node host
    public static String getNameNodeHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        String namenodeHost = (String) hadoopConfig
        if (HadoopUtils.isHadoop2Config(hadoopConfig)) {
            boolean isHaEnabled = (Boolean) hadoopConfig
            if (isHaEnabled) {
                namenodeHost = (String) hadoopConfig
        return namenodeHost;

    public static String getHdfsUri(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        StringBuilder hdfsUri = new StringBuilder(HadoopConfigurator.HADOOP_URI_PREFIX);
        if (HadoopUtils.isHdfsHaEnabled(hadoopConfig)) {
                    (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_NAMESERVICEID));
            return hdfsUri.toString();
        return hdfsUri.toString();

    public static boolean isHdfsHaEnabled(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        if (HadoopUtils.isHadoop2Config(hadoopConfig)) {
            return (Boolean) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_ENABLED);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Gets the ha name node hosts.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the ha name node hosts
    public static Set<String> getHaNameNodeHosts(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        if (hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConf().containsKey(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_NAMENODE_HOSTS)) {
            return (Set<String>) hadoopConfig
        } else {
            Set<String> haNameNodeHosts = new HashSet<String>();
            haNameNodeHosts.add((String) hadoopConfig
            haNameNodeHosts.add((String) hadoopConfig
            hadoopConfig.addAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_NAMENODE_HOSTS, haNameNodeHosts);
            return haNameNodeHosts;

     * Gets the slave hosts.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the slave hosts
    public static Set<String> getSlaveHosts(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (Set<String>) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.SLAVES);

     * Gets the journal node hosts.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the journal node hosts
    public static Set<String> getJournalNodeHosts(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (Set<String>) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_JOURNALNODES);

     * Gets the secondary name node host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the secondary name node host
    public static String getSecondaryNameNodeHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.SECONDARY_NAMENODE);

     * Gets the job tracker host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the job tracker host
    public static String getJobTrackerHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.JOBTRACKER);

     * Gets the resource manager host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the resource manager host
    public static String getResourceManagerHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.RESOURCE_MANAGER);

     * Gets the resource manager http port.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the resource manager http port
    public static String getResourceManagerHttpPort(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        String rmHttpPort = hadoopConfig
        if (rmHttpPort == null) {
            return Hadoop2Configurator.DEFAULT_PORT_HTTP_RESOURCEMANAGER;
        return rmHttpPort;

     * Gets the name node http port.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the name node http port
    public static String getNameNodeHttpPort(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        String namenodeHttpPort = hadoopConfig
        if (namenodeHttpPort == null) {
            return Hadoop1Configurator.DEFAULT_PORT_HTTP_NAMENODE;
        return namenodeHttpPort;

     * Gets the name node rpc port.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the name node rpc port
    public static String getNameNodeRpcPort(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        String namenodeHttpPort = hadoopConfig
        if (namenodeHttpPort == null) {
            if (HadoopUtils.isHadoop2Config(hadoopConfig)) {
                return Hadoop2Configurator.DEFAULT_PORT_RPC_NAMENODE;
            } else {
                return Hadoop1Configurator.DEFAULT_PORT_RPC_NAMENODE;
        return namenodeHttpPort;

     * Gets the job tracker http port.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the job tracker http port
    public static String getJobTrackerHttpPort(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        String jobtrackerHttpPort = hadoopConfig
        if (jobtrackerHttpPort == null) {
            return Hadoop1Configurator.DEFAULT_PORT_HTTP_JOBTRACKER;
        return jobtrackerHttpPort;

     * Gets the job tracker rpc port.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the job tracker rpc port
    public static String getJobTrackerRpcPort(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        String jobtrackerRpcPort = hadoopConfig
        if (jobtrackerRpcPort == null) {
            return Hadoop1Configurator.DEFAULT_PORT_RPC_JOBTRACKER;
        return jobtrackerRpcPort;

     * Gets the job history server host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the job history server host
    public static String getJobHistoryServerHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.JOB_HISTORY_SERVER);

     * Gets the web app proxy server host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the web app proxy server host
    public static String getWebAppProxyServerHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.WEB_APP_PROXY_SERVER);

     * Gets the active name node host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the active name node host
    public static String getActiveNameNodeHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_ACTIVE_NAMENODE);

     * Gets the stand by name node host.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the stand by name node host
    public static String getStandByNameNodeHost(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.HA_STANDBY_NAMENODE);

     * Gets the rpc port name node.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the rpc port name node
    public static String getRpcPortNameNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.RpcPort.NAMENODE);

     * Gets the rpc port resource manager.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the rpc port resource manager
    public static String getRpcPortResourceManager(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig

     * Gets the rpc port job tracker.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the rpc port job tracker
    public static String getRpcPortJobTracker(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.RpcPort.JOBTRACKER);

     * Gets the jmx bean url.
     * @param nodeIp
     *            the node ip
     * @param clientPort
     *            the client port
     * @param beanName
     *            the bean name
     * @return the jmx bean url
    public static String getJmxBeanUrl(String nodeIp, String clientPort, String beanName) {
        return ("http://" + nodeIp + ":" + clientPort + "/jmx?qry=" + beanName);

     * Gets the bean json for jmx data.
     * @param urlDfsJmxBean
     *            the url dfs jmx bean
     * @return the bean json for jmx data
    public JSONObject getBeanJsonForJmxData(String urlDfsJmxBean) {
        String errMsg = "Exception: Unable to get data using url : " + urlDfsJmxBean;
        JSONObject json = null;
        try {
            AnkushRestClient restClient = new AnkushRestClient();
            String data = restClient.getRequest(urlDfsJmxBean);
            if (data == null) {
            } else {
                json = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        }"json " + json.toJSONString());
        return json;

     * Gets the jmx bean using callable.
     * @param host
     *            the host
     * @param clientPort
     *            the client port
     * @param beanName
     *            the bean name
     * @return the jmx bean using callable
     * @throws AnkushException
     *             the ankush exception
    public static Map<String, Object> getJmxBeanUsingCallable(String host, String clientPort, String beanName)
            throws AnkushException {
        String errMsg = "Could not get JMX bean data for host-" + host + ", port-" + clientPort + ".";
        try {
            long waitTime = AppStoreWrapper.getAnkushConfReader().getLongValue("hadoop.jmxmonitoring.wait.time");
            CallableJmxBeanData callableJmxBeanData = new CallableJmxBeanData(host, clientPort, beanName);
            FutureTask<Map<String, Object>> futureTaskJmxBeanData = new FutureTask<Map<String, Object>>(


            Map<String, Object> beanObject = futureTaskJmxBeanData.get(waitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (beanObject == null) {
                throw new AnkushException(errMsg);
            return beanObject;
        } catch (AnkushException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, host, e);
            throw new AnkushException(errMsg);

     * Gets the json object using callable.
     * @param url
     *            the url
     * @return the json object using callable
     * @throws AnkushException
     *             the ankush exception
    public static JSONObject getJsonObjectUsingCallable(String url) throws AnkushException {
        String errMsg = "Could not get JSON object for URL-" + url + ".";
        try {
            long waitTime = AppStoreWrapper.getAnkushConfReader().getLongValue("hadoop.jmxmonitoring.wait.time");
            CallableRestJsonData callableRestJsonData = new CallableRestJsonData(url);

            FutureTask<JSONObject> futureTaskJmxBeanData = new FutureTask<JSONObject>(callableRestJsonData);


            JSONObject beanObject = futureTaskJmxBeanData.get(waitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (beanObject == null) {
                throw new AnkushException(errMsg);
            return beanObject;
        } catch (AnkushException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, e);
            throw new AnkushException(errMsg);

     * Gets the jmx bean data.
     * @param host
     *            the node ip
     * @param port
     *            the client port
     * @param beanName
     *            the bean name
     * @return the jmx bean data
     * @throws AnkushException
     *             the ankush exception
    public Map<String, Object> getJmxBeanData(String host, String port, String beanName) throws AnkushException {

        String urlJmxBean = "";
        if (beanName != null && (!beanName.isEmpty())) {
            urlJmxBean = HadoopUtils.getJmxBeanUrl(host, port, beanName);
        } else {
            throw (new AnkushException("Could not fetch JMX data: Invalid Bean Name"));

        try {
            JSONObject jmxDataJson = this.getBeanJsonForJmxData(urlJmxBean);
            Map<String, Object> beanObject = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            if (jmxDataJson != null) {
                List<JSONObject> beanObjList = (List<JSONObject>) jmxDataJson
                if (beanObjList.size() == 1) {
                    beanObject = (Map<String, Object>) beanObjList.get(0);
                } else {
                    throw (new AnkushException("Could not fetch JMX data from URL: " + urlJmxBean));
            return beanObject;
        } catch (AnkushException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errMsg = "Could not fetch JMX data from URL: " + urlJmxBean;
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, host, e);
            throw (new AnkushException(errMsg));


     * Gets the process start time.
     * @param host
     *            the host
     * @param port
     *            the port
     * @return the process start time
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public static String getProcessStartTime(String host, String port) throws Exception {
        Map<String, Object> beanJavaRuntime = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        beanJavaRuntime = HadoopUtils.getJmxBeanUsingCallable(host, port, HadoopMonitor.JMX_BEAN_NAME_JAVA_RUNTIME);
        long startTime = ((Number) beanJavaRuntime.get(HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.NameNodeJmxInfo.STARTTIME))
        return HadoopUtils.getGmtFromTimeInMillis(startTime);

     * Gets the process thread count.
     * @param host
     *            the host
     * @param port
     *            the port
     * @return the process thread count
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public static String getProcessThreadCount(String host, String port) throws Exception {
        Map<String, Object> beanJavaRuntime = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        String beanName = HadoopMonitor.JMX_BEAN_NAME_JAVA_THREADING;
        beanJavaRuntime = HadoopUtils.getJmxBeanUsingCallable(host, port, beanName);
        long threadCount = ((Number) beanJavaRuntime.get(HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_THREAD_COUNT))
        return String.valueOf(threadCount);

     * Gets the memory used from jmx.
     * @param nodeIp
     *            the node ip
     * @param clientPort
     *            the client port
     * @param memoryType
     *            the memory type
     * @return the memory used from jmx
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public String getMemoryUsedFromJmx(String nodeIp, String clientPort, ProcessMemoryType memoryType)
            throws Exception {
        Map<String, Object> beanJavaMemory = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        String beanName = HadoopMonitor.JMX_BEAN_NAME_JAVA_MEMORY;
        beanJavaMemory = this.getJmxBeanData(nodeIp, clientPort, beanName);
        String memoryKeyName = "";
        switch (memoryType) {
        case HEAP:
            memoryKeyName = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE;
        case NONHEAP:
            memoryKeyName = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_NON_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE;
        JSONObject memoryUsageJson = (JSONObject) beanJavaMemory.get(memoryKeyName);

        long heapUsed = ((Number) memoryUsageJson.get(HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_MEMORY_USAGE_USED))

        return HadoopDFSManager.convertBytes(heapUsed);

     * Gets the memory info from jmx bean.
     * @param beanJavaMemory
     *            the bean java memory
     * @param memoryType
     *            the memory type
     * @param usageType
     *            the usage type
     * @return the memory info from jmx bean
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public static String getMemoryInfoFromJmxBean(Map<String, Object> beanJavaMemory, ProcessMemoryType memoryType,
            ProcessMemoryUsageType usageType) throws Exception {

        String memoryTypeKey = new String();
        String usageTypeKey = new String();

        switch (memoryType) {
        case HEAP:
            memoryTypeKey = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE;
        case NONHEAP:
            memoryTypeKey = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_NON_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE;

        switch (usageType) {
        case INIT:
            usageTypeKey = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_MEMORY_USAGE_INIT;
        case USED:
            usageTypeKey = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_MEMORY_USAGE_USED;
        case MAX:
            usageTypeKey = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_MEMORY_USAGE_MAX;
        case COMMITTED:
            usageTypeKey = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.JMX_DATA_KEY_MEMORY_USAGE_COMMITTED;

        JSONObject memoryUsageJson = (JSONObject) beanJavaMemory.get(memoryTypeKey);

        long heapUsed = ((Number) memoryUsageJson.get(usageTypeKey)).longValue();

        return HadoopDFSManager.convertBytes(heapUsed);

     * Gets the display name for start time.
     * @param role
     *            the role
     * @return the display name for start time
    public static String getDisplayNameForStartTime(String role) {
        return role + " Started";

     * Gets the json from rm rest api.
     * @param rmHost
     *            the rm host
     * @param rmHttpPort
     *            the rm http port
     * @param relativeUrl
     *            the relative url
     * @return the json from rm rest api
     * @throws AnkushException
     *             the ankush exception
    public static JSONObject getJsonFromRmRestApi(String rmHost, String rmHttpPort, String relativeUrl)
            throws AnkushException {
        String url = "http://" + rmHost + ":" + rmHttpPort + Hadoop2Monitor.RELATIVE_URL_RM_REST_API + relativeUrl;"Connecting to RM REST API - " + url, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP);
        try {
            return HadoopUtils.getJsonObjectUsingCallable(url);
        } catch (AnkushException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errMsg = "Could not fetch data from RM REST API - " + url;
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, rmHost, e);
            throw new AnkushException(errMsg);

     * Gets the json object from app proxy api.
     * @param webAppProxyHost
     *            the web app proxy host
     * @param port
     *            the port
     * @param relativeUrl
     *            the relative url
     * @param appId
     *            the app id
     * @return the json object from app proxy api
     * @throws AnkushException
     *             the ankush exception
    public static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromAppProxyApi(String webAppProxyHost, String port, String relativeUrl,
            String appId) throws AnkushException {
        String url = "http://" + webAppProxyHost + ":" + port + Hadoop2Monitor.RELATIVE_URL_APPPROXY_REST_API
                .replace(Hadoop2Monitor.APPPROXY_REST_API_TEXT_APPID, appId) + relativeUrl;"Connecting to Web Application ProxyServer REST API - " + url, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP);
        try {
            return HadoopUtils.getJsonObjectUsingCallable(url);
        } catch (AnkushException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errMsg = "Could not fetch data from Web Application ProxyServer REST API - " + url;
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, webAppProxyHost, e);
            throw new AnkushException(errMsg);


     * Gets the json object from jhs api.
     * @param jhsHost
     *            the jhs host
     * @param jhsHttpPort
     *            the jhs http port
     * @param relativeUrl
     *            the relative url
     * @return the json object from jhs api
     * @throws AnkushException
     *             the ankush exception
    public static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromJhsApi(String jhsHost, String jhsHttpPort, String relativeUrl)
            throws AnkushException {

        String url = "http://" + jhsHost + ":" + jhsHttpPort + Hadoop2Monitor.RELATIVE_URL_JHS_REST_API
                + relativeUrl;"Connecting to JobHistoryServer REST API - " + url, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP);
        try {
            return HadoopUtils.getJsonObjectUsingCallable(url);
        } catch (AnkushException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errMsg = "Could not fetch data from JobHistoryServer REST API - " + url;
            LOG.error(errMsg, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP, jhsHost, e);
            throw new AnkushException(errMsg);

    public static String getHadoopLogsDir(List<String> runtimeArgumentsList) throws Exception {
        String propertyName = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.INPUT_ARG_HADOOP_LOG_DIR;
        return HadoopUtils.getInputArgumentPropertyValue(runtimeArgumentsList, propertyName);

     * Gets the hadoop home dir from jmx data.
     * @param nodeIp
     *            the node ip
     * @param clientPort
     *            the client port
     * @return the hadoop home dir from jmx data
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    public static String getHadoopHomeDir(List<String> runtimeArgumentsList) throws Exception {
        String propertyName = HadoopConstants.Hadoop.Keys.INPUT_ARG_HADOOP_HOME_DIR;
        return HadoopUtils.getInputArgumentPropertyValue(runtimeArgumentsList, propertyName);

     * Gets the hadoop script dir.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the hadoop script dir
    public static String getHadoopScriptDir(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.DIR_SCRIPT);

     * Gets the hadoop conf dir.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the hadoop conf dir
    public static String getHadoopConfDir(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.DIR_CONF);

     * Gets the hadoop bin dir.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the hadoop bin dir
    public static String getHadoopBinDir(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (String) hadoopConfig.getAdvanceConfProperty(HadoopConstants.AdvanceConfKeys.DIR_BIN);

     * Adds the property to file.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param nodeConfig
     *            the node config
     * @param filePath
     *            the file path
     * @param propertyName
     *            the property name
     * @param propertyValue
     *            the property value
     * @return true, if successful
    public static boolean addPropertyToFile(ClusterConfig clusterConfig, NodeConfig nodeConfig, String filePath,
            String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
        try {
            // Configuration manager to save the property file change records.
            ConfigurationManager confManager = new ConfigurationManager();
            Result res = null;
            AnkushTask addProperty = new AddConfProperty(propertyName, propertyValue, filePath,
                    Constant.File_Extension.XML, clusterConfig.getAgentInstallDir());
            res = nodeConfig.getConnection().exec(addProperty);
            if (!res.isSuccess) {
                LOG.error("Could not add " + propertyName + " to " + filePath, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP,
                return false;
            // saving the Add Event for Audit Trail
            confManager.saveConfiguration(clusterConfig.getClusterId(), clusterConfig.getCreatedBy(),
                    FilenameUtils.getName(filePath), nodeConfig.getHost(), propertyName, propertyValue);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Could not add " + propertyName + " to " + filePath, Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP,
                    nodeConfig.getHost(), e);
            return false;
        return true;

     * Load hadoop config xml parameters.
     * @param filePath
     *            the file path
     * @param root
     *            the root
     * @param subItems
     *            the sub items
     * @return the hadoop config xml set
    private static CmpConfigMappingSet loadHadoopConfigXMLParameters(String filePath, String root,
            List<String> subItems) {
        // map of item.
        CmpConfigMappingSet hadoopConfigXmlSet = new CmpConfigMappingSet();
        try {
            // creating sax builder obj.
            SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
            // getting file object.
            File xml = new File(filePath);
            // input file stream.
            InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xml);
            // jdom document object.
            org.jdom.Document doc =;
            // getting root element.
            Element elements = doc.getRootElement();
            // getting child elements.
            List child = elements.getChildren(root);

            // iterating over the childs.
            for (int index = 0; index < child.size(); index++) {
                // getting element.
                Element e = (Element) child.get(index);

                String installationType = e.getAttribute(Attributes.INSTALLATION_TYPE).getValue();
                String vendor = e.getAttribute(Attributes.VENDOR).getValue();
                String version = e.getAttribute(Attributes.VERSION).getValue();

                Map<String, String> classMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

                // iterating over the element properties.
                for (String subItem : subItems) {
                    // getting element values.
                    String value = XmlUtil.getTagContent(e, subItem);
                    // putting element value.
                    classMap.put(subItem, value);

                CmpConfigMapping configXmlObject = new CmpConfigMapping(installationType, vendor, version,

                // putting map against the attribute value.
            // closing input stream.
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // printing stack trace.
        // returning items.
        return hadoopConfigXmlSet;

     * Sets the hadoop config classes.
    public static void setHadoopConfigClasses() {
        String classType = "hadoop";
        List<String> subItems = new ArrayList<String>();

        String filePath = AppStoreWrapper.getConfigClassNameFile(classType);
        CmpConfigMappingSet hadoopConfigXmlSet = null;
        if (filePath != null) {
            try {
                hadoopConfigXmlSet = HadoopUtils.loadHadoopConfigXMLParameters(filePath,
                        HadoopConstants.ConfigXmlKeys.CLASS, subItems);
                AppStore.setObject(Constant.AppStore.CompConfigXmlMapping.HADOOP, hadoopConfigXmlSet);
            } catch (Exception e) {

     * Gets the installer instance.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the installer instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             the class not found exception
    public static HadoopInstaller getInstallerInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig, ComponentConfig hadoopConfig)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return (HadoopInstaller) HadoopUtils.getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, hadoopConfig,

     * Gets the commands manager instance.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return the commands manager instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             the class not found exception
    public static HadoopCommandsManager getCommandsManagerInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig,
            ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return (HadoopCommandsManager) HadoopUtils.getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, hadoopConfig,

     * Gets the service manager instance.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param compConfig
     *            the comp config
     * @return the service manager instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             the class not found exception
    public static HadoopServiceManager getServiceManagerInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig,
            ComponentConfig compConfig) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return (HadoopServiceManager) HadoopUtils.getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, compConfig,

    public static HadoopServiceManager getServiceManagerInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig,
            ComponentConfig compConfig, boolean saveLogsInDb) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return (HadoopServiceManager) HadoopUtils.getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, compConfig,

     * Gets the configurator instance.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param compConfig
     *            the comp config
     * @return the configurator instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             the class not found exception
    public static HadoopConfigurator getConfiguratorInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig,
            ComponentConfig compConfig) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return (HadoopConfigurator) HadoopUtils.getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, compConfig,

     * Gets the monitor instance.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param compConfig
     *            the comp config
     * @return the monitor instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             the class not found exception
    public static HadoopMonitor getMonitorInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig, ComponentConfig compConfig)
            throws ClassNotFoundException {
        return (HadoopMonitor) HadoopUtils.getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, compConfig,
                HadoopConstants.ConfigXmlKeys.ClassType.MONITOR, false);

     * Gets the hadoop class instance.
     * @param clusterConfig
     *            the cluster config
     * @param compConfig
     *            the comp config
     * @param classType
     *            the class type
     * @return the hadoop class instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     *             the class not found exception
    public static Object getHadoopClassInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig, ComponentConfig compConfig,
            String classType) throws ClassNotFoundException {

        CmpConfigMappingSet configXmlSet = AppStoreWrapper.getCmpConfigMapping(Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP);

        String className = configXmlSet.get(compConfig, false).getClassName(classType);
        ComponentConfigContext hadoopContextObject = (ComponentConfigContext) ReflectionUtil.getObject(className);
        return hadoopContextObject;

    public static Object getHadoopClassInstance(ClusterConfig clusterConfig, ComponentConfig compConfig,
            String classType, boolean saveLogsInDb) throws ClassNotFoundException {

        CmpConfigMappingSet configXmlSet = AppStoreWrapper.getCmpConfigMapping(Constant.Component.Name.HADOOP);

        String className = configXmlSet.get(compConfig, false).getClassName(classType);
        ComponentConfigContext hadoopContextObject = (ComponentConfigContext) HadoopUtils
                .getHadoopClassInstance(clusterConfig, compConfig, classType);
        if (!saveLogsInDb) {
            AnkushLogger logger = new AnkushLogger(Class.forName(className));

        return hadoopContextObject;

    public static String convertMbIntoGb(long megaBytes) {
        String convertedVal = "0";
        if (megaBytes == 0) {
            return convertedVal;

        final double HUNDRED = 100.0;
        final long DIVEDEBY = 1024L;

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

        if (megaBytes / DIVEDEBY > 0) {
            return (df.format(((megaBytes * HUNDRED / DIVEDEBY)) / HUNDRED) + "GB");
        } else {
            return (String.valueOf(megaBytes) + "MB");

     * Gets the input argument property value.
     * @param inputArgumentsList
     *            the input arguments list
     * @param propertyName
     *            the property name
     * @return the input argument property value
     * @throws Exception
     *             the exception
    private static String getInputArgumentPropertyValue(List<String> inputArgumentsList, String propertyName)
            throws Exception {

        String propName = "-D" + propertyName + "=";
        for (String inputArgument : inputArgumentsList) {
            if (inputArgument.startsWith(propName)) {
                return (inputArgument.split("="))[1];
        return null;

     * Checks if is hadoop2 config.
     * @param hadoopConfig
     *            the hadoop config
     * @return true, if is hadoop2 config
    public static boolean isHadoop2Config(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig) {
        return (hadoopConfig.getVersion().startsWith("2"));

    public static boolean isNameNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        if (HadoopUtils.isHdfsHaEnabled(hadoopConfig)) {
            return HadoopUtils.getHaNameNodeHosts(hadoopConfig).contains(host);
        return HadoopUtils.getNameNodeHost(hadoopConfig).equals(host);

    public static boolean isSecondaryNameNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        return HadoopUtils.getSecondaryNameNodeHost(hadoopConfig).equals(host);

    public static boolean isJobTrackerNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        return HadoopUtils.getJobTrackerHost(hadoopConfig).equals(host);

    public static boolean isResourceManagerNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        return HadoopUtils.getResourceManagerHost(hadoopConfig).equals(host);

    public static boolean isJournalNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        return HadoopUtils.getJournalNodeHosts(hadoopConfig).contains(host);

    public static boolean isJobHistoryServerNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        return HadoopUtils.getJobHistoryServerHost(hadoopConfig).equals(host);

    public static boolean isWebAppProxyServerNode(ComponentConfig hadoopConfig, String host) {
        return HadoopUtils.getWebAppProxyServerHost(hadoopConfig).equals(host);

    public static Set<String> getSlavesListFromJmx(Map<String, Object> beanObjNameNodeInfo)
            throws RegisterClusterException {
        try {
            List<String> nodeTypeList = new ArrayList<String>();

            Set<String> slavesList = new HashSet<String>();
            for (String nodeType : nodeTypeList) {
                        getHostsFromJsonString(String.valueOf(beanObjNameNodeInfo.get(nodeType)), nodeType));
            return slavesList;
        } catch (RegisterClusterException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RegisterClusterException("Could not fetch slaves information from NameNodeInfo bean.");

    private static Set<String> getHostsFromJsonString(String nodesInfoJson, String nodeType)
            throws RegisterClusterException {
        JSONObject jsonNodesInfo = JsonMapperUtil.objectFromString(nodesInfoJson, JSONObject.class);
        if (jsonNodesInfo != null) {
            return jsonNodesInfo.keySet();
        throw new RegisterClusterException(
                "Could not fetch " + nodeType + " nodes information from NameNodeInfo bean.");

     * The Class RolePidFileMap.
    public static class RolePidFilePathMap {

        /** The dir pid hdfs. */
        static String DIR_PID_HDFS = "/var/run/hadoop-hdfs/";

        /** The prefix pid hdfs. */
        static String PREFIX_PID_HDFS = "hadoop-hdfs-";

        /** The dir pid mapreduce. */
        static String DIR_PID_MAPREDUCE = "/var/run/hadoop-mapreduce/";

        /** The prefix pid mapreduce. */
        static String PREFIX_PID_MAPREDUCE = "mapreduce-mapreduce-";

        /** The DI r_ pi d_ m rv1. */
        static String DIR_PID_MRv1 = "/var/run/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce/";

        /** The prefix pid mrv1. */
        static String PREFIX_PID_MRv1 = "hadoop-hadoop-";

        /** The dir pid yarn. */
        static String DIR_PID_YARN = "/var/run/hadoop-yarn/";

        /** The prefix pid yarn. */
        static String PREFIX_PID_YARN = "yarn-yarn-";

        /** The pid extn. */
        static String PID_EXTN = ".pid";

        /** The process pid file map. */
        static Map<String, String> ROLE_PID_FILE_PATH_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>();

        static {
            Map<String, String> roleFilePathMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NAMENODE, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_HDFS + PREFIX_PID_HDFS
                    + HadoopConstants.Roles.NAMENODE.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DATANODE, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_HDFS + PREFIX_PID_HDFS
                    + HadoopConstants.Roles.DATANODE.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

                    RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_HDFS + PREFIX_PID_HDFS
                            + HadoopConstants.Roles.SECONDARYNAMENODE.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

                    RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_HDFS + PREFIX_PID_HDFS
                            + HadoopConstants.Roles.DFSZKFAILOVERCONTROLLER.toLowerCase()
                            + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

                    RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_HDFS + PREFIX_PID_HDFS
                            + HadoopConstants.Roles.DFSZKFAILOVERCONTROLLER.toLowerCase()
                            + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBTRACKER, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_MRv1 + PREFIX_PID_MRv1
                    + HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBTRACKER.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.TASKTRACKER, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_MRv1 + PREFIX_PID_MRv1
                    + HadoopConstants.Roles.TASKTRACKER.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBHISTORYSERVER, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_MAPREDUCE
                    + PREFIX_PID_MAPREDUCE + "historyserver" + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

                    RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_YARN + PREFIX_PID_YARN
                            + HadoopConstants.Roles.RESOURCEMANAGER.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NODEMANAGER, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_YARN + PREFIX_PID_YARN
                    + HadoopConstants.Roles.NODEMANAGER.toLowerCase() + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            roleFilePathMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.WEBAPPPROXYSERVER, RolePidFilePathMap.DIR_PID_YARN
                    + PREFIX_PID_YARN + "proxyserver" + RolePidFilePathMap.PID_EXTN);

            ROLE_PID_FILE_PATH_MAP = roleFilePathMap;

         * Gets the process pid file path.
         * @param roleName
         *            the role name
         * @return the process pid file path
        public static String getRolePidFilePath(String roleName) {
            return ROLE_PID_FILE_PATH_MAP.get(roleName);

     * The Enum Vendor.
    public enum Vendor {

        /** The Apache. */
        /** The Cloudera. */
        /** The hdp. */

     * The Enum InstallationType.
    public enum InstallationType {

        /** The Bundle. */
        /** The Package. */

     * Implementation to get the Java Process Name for a given role.
     * @author Akhil
    public static class RoleCommandName {

        /** The role command map. */
        static Map<String, String> ROLE_COMMAND_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>();

        static {
            Map<String, String> roleCommandMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

            // Common Roles
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NAMENODE, "namenode");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DATANODE, "datanode");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.SECONDARYNAMENODE, "secondarynamenode");

            // Roles for Hadoop 0.x & 1.x
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBTRACKER, "jobtracker");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.TASKTRACKER, "tasktracker");

            // Roles for Hadoop 2.x
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.RESOURCEMANAGER, "resourcemanager");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.WEBAPPPROXYSERVER, "proxyserver");

            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NODEMANAGER, "nodemanager");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOURNALNODE, "journalnode");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBHISTORYSERVER, "historyserver");
            roleCommandMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DFSZKFAILOVERCONTROLLER, "zkfc");

            ROLE_COMMAND_MAP = roleCommandMap;

         * To get the comma separated services for the given role.
         * @param role
         *            the role
         * @return comma separated services.
        public static String getCommandName(String role) {
            return ROLE_COMMAND_MAP.get(role);

     * The Class RolePriorityMap.
    public static class RolePriorityMap {

        /** The Constant rolePriorityMap. */
        static final Map<String, Integer> rolePriorityMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOURNALNODE, 1);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NAMENODE, 2);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DFSZKFAILOVERCONTROLLER, 3);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.SECONDARYNAMENODE, 4);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DATANODE, 5);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBTRACKER, 6);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.RESOURCEMANAGER, 6);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.TASKTRACKER, 7);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NODEMANAGER, 7);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.WEBAPPPROXYSERVER, 8);
                put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBHISTORYSERVER, 9);

         * Gets the role priority.
         * @param role
         *            the role
         * @return the role priority
        public static int getRolePriority(String role) {
            Integer priority = rolePriorityMap.get(role);
            if (priority != null) {
                return priority.intValue();
            return 0;

     * The Class RoleProcessName.
    public static class RoleProcessName {

        /** The role java process map. */
        static Map<String, String> ROLE_PROCESS_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>();

        static {
            Map<String, String> roleProcessMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            // Common Roles
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NAMENODE, "NameNode");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DATANODE, "DataNode");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.SECONDARYNAMENODE, "SecondaryNameNode");

            // Roles for Hadoop 0.x & 1.x
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBTRACKER, "JobTracker");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.TASKTRACKER, "TaskTracker");

            // Roles for Hadoop 2.x
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.RESOURCEMANAGER, "ResourceManager");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.WEBAPPPROXYSERVER, "WebAppProxyServer");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.NODEMANAGER, "NodeManager");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOURNALNODE, "JournalNode");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.JOBHISTORYSERVER, "JobHistoryServer");
            roleProcessMap.put(HadoopConstants.Roles.DFSZKFAILOVERCONTROLLER, "DFSZKFailoverController");

            ROLE_PROCESS_MAP = roleProcessMap;

         * To get the comma separated services for the given role.
         * @param role
         *            the role
         * @return comma separated services.
        public static String getProcessName(String role) {
            return ROLE_PROCESS_MAP.get(role);

         * Gets the role name.
         * @param javaProcess
         *            the java process
         * @return the role name
        public static String getRoleName(String javaProcess) {
            for (String role : ROLE_PROCESS_MAP.keySet()) {
                String process = ROLE_PROCESS_MAP.get(role);
                if (process.equalsIgnoreCase(javaProcess)) {
                    return role;
            return "";