Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.imagelake.control; import; import com.imagelake.model.Interfaces; import com.imagelake.model.InterfacesSub; import com.imagelake.model.Privilages; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * * @author Lakmal */ public class InterfaceDAOImp implements InterfacesDAO { @Override public List<Interfaces> listAll(ArrayList<Privilages> privilagelist) { List<Interfaces> interfacelist = new ArrayList<Interfaces>(); try { String sql = "SELECT * FROM interfaces WHERE interfaces_id=?"; Connection con = DBFactory.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); for (int i = 0; i < privilagelist.size(); i++) { Privilages privilages1 = privilagelist.get(i); ps.setInt(1, privilages1.getInterface_interface_id()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { Interfaces interfaces = new Interfaces(); interfaces.setInterface_id(rs.getInt(1)); interfaces.setUrl(rs.getString(2)); interfaces.setDisplay_name(rs.getString(3)); System.out.println("Interfaces class listing"); System.out.println(rs.getString(3)); interfacelist.add(interfaces); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Interfcae class listAll done"); return interfacelist; } public Interfaces getInterface(String name) { Interfaces inf = null; try { String ql = "SELECT * FROM interfaces WHERE url=?"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(ql); ps.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { inf = new Interfaces(); inf.setInterface_id(rs.getInt(1)); inf.setDisplay_name(rs.getString(3)); inf.setUrl(rs.getString(2)); inf.setState(rs.getInt(4)); System.gc(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return inf; } @Override public boolean updateInteface(Interfaces inf) { boolean ok = false; try { String sql = "UPDATE interfaces SET state=? WHERE url=?"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, inf.getState()); ps.setString(2, inf.getUrl()); int i = ps.executeUpdate(); if (i > 0) { ok = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ok; } public String listAll() { StringBuffer sb = null; try { String sql = "SELECT * FROM interfaces"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); sb = new StringBuffer("{'privilegesetting':{"); sb.append("'name':'all',"); sb.append("'allinf':["); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs.isLast()) { sb.append("{'id':'" + rs.getInt(1) + "','url':'" + rs.getString(2) + "','name':'" + rs.getString(3) + "','state':'" + rs.getInt(4) + "'}"); } else { sb.append("{'id':'" + rs.getInt(1) + "','url':'" + rs.getString(2) + "','name':'" + rs.getString(3) + "','state':'" + rs.getInt(4) + "'},"); } } sb.append("],"); sb.append("'types':["); String sql3 = "SELECT * FROM user_type WHERE user_type_id!=4"; PreparedStatement ps3 = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); ResultSet rs3 = ps3.executeQuery(); while ( { if (rs3.isLast()) { sb.append("{'value':'" + rs3.getString(1) + "','type':'" + rs3.getString(2) + "'}"); } else { sb.append("{'value':'" + rs3.getString(1) + "','type':'" + rs3.getString(2) + "'},"); } } sb.append("]"); sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); } public boolean insertInterface(Interfaces inf) { boolean ok = false; try { String sql = "INSERT INTO interfaces(url,display_name,state) VALUES(?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ps.setString(1, inf.getUrl()); ps.setString(2, inf.getDisplay_name()); ps.setInt(3, inf.getState()); int i = ps.executeUpdate(); if (i > 0) { ok = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ok; } public Interfaces getInterfaceName(int infid) { Interfaces inf = null; System.out.println("IIIIIIIIii " + infid); try { String sql = "SELECT * FROM interfaces WHERE interfaces_id=?"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, infid); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { System.out.println("url:" + rs.getString(2)); inf = new Interfaces(); inf.setInterface_id(rs.getInt(1)); inf.setUrl(rs.getString(2)); inf.setDisplay_name(rs.getString(3)); inf.setState(rs.getInt(4)); inf.setImg_id(rs.getInt(5)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return inf; } public String listPrivilages() { String sb = ""; JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); try { String sql3 = "SELECT * FROM user_type WHERE user_type_id!=4"; PreparedStatement ps3 = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql3); ResultSet rs3 = ps3.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("id", rs3.getString(1)); jo.put("type", rs3.getString(2)); ja.add(jo); } sb = "json=" + ja.toJSONString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sb = "msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."; } return sb; } public String listInterfaces() { String sb = ""; JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); try { String sql = "SELECT * FROM interfaces"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("id", rs.getInt(1)); jo.put("name", rs.getString(3)); jo.put("state", rs.getInt(4)); ja.add(jo); } sb = "json=" + ja.toJSONString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sb = "msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."; } return sb; } }