Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 IKS Gesellschaft fuer Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme mbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.iksgmbh.sql.pojomemodb.utils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class StringParseUtil { public static final String OPENING_PARENTHESIS = "("; public static final String CLOSING_PARENTHESIS = ")"; public static final String SPACE = " "; public static final String COMMA = ","; public static final String EQUALSIGN = "="; public static final String APOSTROPY = "'"; public static String removeSurroundingPrefixAndPostFix(final String input, final String prefix, final String postfix) { if (input.startsWith(prefix)) { if (input.endsWith(postfix)) { return input.substring(1, input.length() - 1); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing postfix: " + postfix); } } else { if (input.endsWith(postfix)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing prefix: " + prefix); } } return input; } /** * Cuts off a piece of the input string from the beginning. * The position where to cut is defined by delimiter. * Delimiter is ignored if it es located between ignoreStartChar and ignoreEndChar. * * @param input * @param ignoreStartChar * @param ignoreEndChar * @param delimiter * @return */ public static InterimParseResult parseNextValue(final String input, final char ignoreStartChar, final char ignoreEndChar, final char delimiter) { final char[] charArray = input.toCharArray(); boolean ignoreMode = false; for (int pos = 0; pos < charArray.length; pos++) { char c = charArray[pos]; if (c == delimiter) { if (!ignoreMode) { return new InterimParseResult(input.substring(0, pos).trim(), input.substring(pos + 1).trim(), "" + delimiter); } } if (!ignoreMode && c == ignoreStartChar) { ignoreMode = true; } else if (c == ignoreEndChar) { ignoreMode = false; } } return new InterimParseResult(input, "", null); } /** * Cuts off a piece of the input string from the beginning. * The position where to cut is defined by the given delimiters. * If more than delimiter are found, the next one * (i.e. the one with the smallest position) is used to cut. * * @param input String * @param delimiterArray collection of possible delimiters * @return ParseResult */ public static InterimParseResult parseNextValue(final String input, final String... delimiterArray) { if (delimiterArray == null || delimiterArray.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No delimiter defined!"); } final CutPositionResult result = determineCutPosition(input, delimiterArray); if (result.cutPosition == -1) { return new InterimParseResult(input, "", null); } final String value = input.substring(0, result.cutPosition).trim(); final String unparsedRest = input.substring(result.cutPosition + result.delimiter.length()).trim(); return new InterimParseResult(value, unparsedRest, result.delimiter); } /** * Cuts off a piece of the input string from the beginning. * The position where to cut is defined by the last occurence of the given delimiter. * * @param input String * @param delimiter * @return ParseResult */ public static InterimParseResult parseNextValueByLastOccurrence(final String input, final String delimiter) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(delimiter)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No valid delimiter defined!"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(input)) { return new InterimParseResult(input, "", null); } int cutPosition = input.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(delimiter.toLowerCase()); if (cutPosition == -1) { return new InterimParseResult(input, "", null); } final String value = input.substring(0, cutPosition).trim(); final String unparsedRest = input.substring(cutPosition + delimiter.length()).trim(); return new InterimParseResult(value, unparsedRest, delimiter); } private static CutPositionResult determineCutPosition(final String input, final String[] delimiterArray) { String delimiter = ""; int cutPosition = -1; for (String delimiterCandidate : delimiterArray) { // apply default algorithm to calc pos int pos = input.toLowerCase().indexOf(delimiterCandidate.toLowerCase()); // apply specific algorithm to calc pos with special solutions if (COMMA.equals(delimiterCandidate)) { pos = getNextValidCommaPosition(input); } if (SPACE.equals(delimiterCandidate)) { pos = getNextValidSpacePosition(input); } if (CLOSING_PARENTHESIS.equals(delimiterCandidate)) { pos = getNextValidClosingParenthesisPosition(input); } if (pos > -1) { if (cutPosition == -1 || pos < cutPosition) { delimiter = delimiterCandidate; cutPosition = pos; } } } return new CutPositionResult(delimiter, cutPosition); } private static int getNextValidClosingParenthesisPosition(String input) { char[] charArray = input.toCharArray(); int countApostrophies = 0; int pos = 0; for (char c : charArray) { String ch = "" + c; if (ch.equals(APOSTROPY)) { countApostrophies++; } if (ch.equals(CLOSING_PARENTHESIS)) { if (countApostrophies % 2 == 0) { return pos; } } pos++; } return -1; } /** * Finds the valid position to cut. Example: * For input="Number(10,0)," the position of the second comma (12 not 9) is valid! * * @param input * @return next valid position of a comma to be used for cutting */ private static int getNextValidCommaPosition(final String input) { if (!input.contains(COMMA)) { return -1; } if (input.toUpperCase().startsWith("NUMBER")) { int posOfClosingParenthesis = input.indexOf(CLOSING_PARENTHESIS); int posOfComma = input.indexOf(COMMA); if (posOfComma < posOfClosingParenthesis) { String inputPart = input.substring(posOfClosingParenthesis); posOfComma = inputPart.indexOf(COMMA); if (posOfComma == -1) return -1; // no valid comma found return posOfClosingParenthesis + posOfComma; } } return input.indexOf(COMMA); } /** * Finds the valid position to cut. Example: * For input="VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) not null enabled" the position of the second comma (17 not 11) is valid! * * @param input * @return next valid position of a space to be used for cutting */ private static int getNextValidSpacePosition(final String input) { if (!input.contains(SPACE)) { return -1; } if (input.toUpperCase().startsWith("VARCHAR")) { int posOfOpeningParenthesis = input.indexOf(OPENING_PARENTHESIS); int posOfComma = input.indexOf(SPACE); if (posOfComma > posOfOpeningParenthesis) { int posOfClosingParenthesis = input.indexOf(CLOSING_PARENTHESIS); String inputPart = input.substring(posOfClosingParenthesis); posOfComma = inputPart.indexOf(SPACE); return posOfClosingParenthesis + posOfComma; } } return input.indexOf(SPACE); } public static int countOccurrencesOf(String input, char charToSearch) { final char[] chars = input.toCharArray(); int counter = 0; for (char c : chars) { if (c == charToSearch) { counter++; } } return counter; } public static class InterimParseResult { @Override public String toString() { return "InterimParseResult [parsedValue=" + parsedValue + ", unparsedRest=" + unparsedRest + ", delimiter=" + delimiter + "]"; } public String parsedValue; public String unparsedRest; public String delimiter; protected InterimParseResult(String lastParsedValue, String unparsedRest, String delimiter) { this.parsedValue = lastParsedValue; this.unparsedRest = unparsedRest; this.delimiter = delimiter; } } static class CutPositionResult { String delimiter; int cutPosition; public CutPositionResult(String delimiter, int cutPosition) { this.cutPosition = cutPosition; this.delimiter = delimiter; } } }