Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; /** * GeoReference * @author cvitter */ public class GeoReference { // Private class variables private static HashMap<GeoFeaturePojo, List<GeoFeaturePojo>> _cache = new HashMap<GeoFeaturePojo, List<GeoFeaturePojo>>(); private static GeoFeaturePojo geoInfo = null; /** * enrichGeoInfo * @param geoInfo * @param exactMatchOnly * @param hasGeoindex * @return */ public synchronized static List<GeoFeaturePojo> enrichGeoInfo(GeoFeaturePojo geoInfo, Boolean exactMatchOnly, Boolean hasGeoindex) { return enrichGeoInfo(geoInfo, exactMatchOnly, hasGeoindex, -1); } /** * enrichGeoInfo * @param geoInfo * @param exactMatchOnly * @param hasGeoindex * @param nMaxReturns * @return */ public synchronized static List<GeoFeaturePojo> enrichGeoInfo(GeoFeaturePojo g, Boolean exactMatchOnly, Boolean hasGeoindex, int nMaxReturns) { geoInfo = g; BasicDBObject query = null; DBCursor result = null; try { // Get cached values and return if the geoInfo object passed in matches a cached value List<GeoFeaturePojo> cachedVal = _cache.get(geoInfo); if (null != cachedVal) { return cachedVal; } // Establish the collection manager object use to connect to MongoDB // The connection will persist for lifetime of import DBCollection geoDb = DbManager.getFeature().getGeo(); // If only search_field has been provided set exactMatchOnly = true if ((geoInfo.getSearch_field() != null) && (geoInfo.getCity() == null) && (geoInfo.getRegion() == null) && (geoInfo.getCountry() == null)) { exactMatchOnly = true; } // Exact match if (exactMatchOnly) { query = getQuery(hasGeoindex, 1); //DEBUG //System.out.println(query); result = getGeoReference(geoDb, query, nMaxReturns); } // Loose match, broaden/modify search on each of up to 4 attempts else { for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { query = getQuery(hasGeoindex, i); if (null != query) { result = getGeoReference(geoDb, query, nMaxReturns); if (result.hasNext()) { break; } } } } if (result.hasNext()) { List<GeoFeaturePojo> gpl = GeoFeaturePojo.listFromDb(result, GeoFeaturePojo.listType()); _cache.put(geoInfo, gpl); return gpl; } //No value returned, cache a null value so we don't waste time searching for this value again else { _cache.put(geoInfo, null); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * getQuery * @param g * @param hasGeoindex * @param attempt * @return */ //TODO (INF-1864): running this in non-strict mode can cripple the DB since search field might not //be set ... at least need to cache such queries (almost always the US every time!).... private static BasicDBObject getQuery(Boolean hasGeoindex, int attempt) { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); // SearchField String searchField = (geoInfo.getSearch_field() != null) ? geoInfo.getSearch_field().toLowerCase() : null; // Cities are all lower case in the georeference collection, set toLowerCase here String city = (geoInfo.getCity() != null) ? geoInfo.getCity().toLowerCase() : null; // Use WordUtils.capitalize to set first char of region and country words to Upper Case String region = (geoInfo.getRegion() != null) ? WordUtils.capitalize(geoInfo.getRegion()) : null; String country = (geoInfo.getCountry() != null) ? WordUtils.capitalize(geoInfo.getCountry()) : null; String countryCode = geoInfo.getCountry_code(); // If the only field sent was the search_field if ((searchField != null) && (city == null) && (region == null) && (country == null) && (countryCode == null)) { query.put("search_field", searchField); } // Otherwise... else { switch (attempt) { case 1: // Set the searchField if it is null if (searchField == null && city != null) searchField = city.toLowerCase(); if (searchField == null && region != null) searchField = region.toLowerCase(); if (searchField == null && country != null) searchField = country.toLowerCase(); // if (searchField != null) query.put("search_field", searchField); if (city != null) query.put("city", city); if (region != null) query.put("region", region); if (country != null) query.put("country", country); if (null == searchField) { // only country code specified... query.put("city", new BasicDBObject(DbManager.exists_, false)); query.put("region", new BasicDBObject(DbManager.exists_, false)); } if (countryCode != null) query.put("country_code", countryCode); break; case 2: if (city != null) { query.put("search_field", city.toLowerCase()); query.put("city", city); } else if (region != null) { query.put("search_field", region.toLowerCase()); query.put("region", region); } else { query.put("search_field", country.toLowerCase()); } if (country != null) query.put("country", country); if (countryCode != null) query.put("country_code", countryCode); break; case 3: if (searchField == null && region != null) searchField = region.toLowerCase(); if (searchField == null && country != null) searchField = country.toLowerCase(); if (searchField != null) query.put("search_field", searchField); if (region != null) query.put("region", region); if (country != null) query.put("country", country); if (countryCode != null) query.put("country_code", countryCode); break; default: if (country != null) query.put("search_field", country.toLowerCase()); if (country != null) query.put("country", country); if (countryCode != null) query.put("country_code", countryCode); break; } } if (query.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Only return records with GeoIndex objects if (hasGeoindex) { BasicDBObject ne = new BasicDBObject(); ne.append(DbManager.exists_, true); query.put("geoindex", ne); } return query; } /** * getGeoReference * @param cm * @param query * @param nMaxReturns * @return */ private static DBCursor getGeoReference(DBCollection geoDb, BasicDBObject query, int nMaxReturns) { if (nMaxReturns == -1) { return geoDb.find(query); } else { return geoDb.find(query).limit(nMaxReturns); } } public synchronized static void resetCache() { _cache.clear(); } public synchronized static void reset() { resetCache(); } /** * getNearestCity * Get the city closest to the lat/lon pair passed in * @param lat * @param lon * @return List<GeoReferencePojo> */ public static List<GeoFeaturePojo> getNearestCity(DBCollection geoDb, String lat, String lon) { return getNearestCities(geoDb, lat, lon, 1); } /** * getNearestCities * Get n-cities near a lat/lon pair, results returned ordered by distance from * the lat/lon pair * @param lat * @param lon * @param nMaxReturns * @return List<GeoReferencePojo> */ public static List<GeoFeaturePojo> getNearestCities(DBCollection geoDb, String lat, String lon, int nMaxReturns) { try { // Create Double[] from lat, lon Double[] d = new Double[] { Double.parseDouble(lat), Double.parseDouble(lon) }; // Build query object to return the shell equivalent of: // db.georeference.find({geoindex : {$near : [lat.lon]}}) BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject near = new BasicDBObject(); near.append("$near", d); query.put("geoindex", near); // Perform query DBCursor result = geoDb.find(query).limit(nMaxReturns); // Convert results to List<GeoReferencePojo> List<GeoFeaturePojo> gpl = GeoFeaturePojo.listFromDb(result, new TypeToken<ArrayList<GeoFeaturePojo>>() { }); return gpl; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }