Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 The Infinit.e Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.document; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.BaseIndexPojo; import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.BasePojoIndexMap; import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.ElasticSearchPojos; import; import; import; import; import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.GeoOntologyMapping; public class DocumentPojoIndexMap implements BasePojoIndexMap<DocumentPojo> { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some useful string constants: public final static String globalDocumentIndex_ = "document_index"; public final static String globalDocumentIndexCollection_ = "docs_index"; public final static String manyGeoDocumentIndex_ = "doc_manygeos"; public final static String manyGeoDocumentIndexCollection_ = "docs_manygeos"; public final static String dummyDocumentIndex_ = "doc_dummy"; public final static String documentType_ = "document_index"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Due to multi-valued field memory handling within ES, need to put "large" arrays // of any non-nested objects into their own index: currently this is just geo // (can't nest geo due to geo decay function - anyway, it's a bit painful because // of the ontological type issues) // This function fills "locs" in and returns true, if the document needs to be treated separately public static boolean hasManyGeos(DocumentPojo doc) { // Filter, if applied SourcePojo.SourceSearchIndexFilter filter = null; if (null != doc.getTempSource()) filter = doc.getTempSource().getSearchIndexFilter(); doc.setLocs(new TreeSet<String>()); // (TreeSet not HashSet to use Comparable) if (null != doc.getDocGeo()) { boolean bAddDocGeoToFilter = true; // (support indexing filter) if ((null != filter) && (null != filter.fieldList)) { if (filter.fieldList.startsWith("-") && filter.fieldList.contains(DocumentPojo.docGeo_)) { bAddDocGeoToFilter = false; } else if (!filter.fieldList.contains(DocumentPojo.docGeo_)) { bAddDocGeoToFilter = false; } } //TESTED: positively in, positively out, and not mentioned if (bAddDocGeoToFilter) { doc.getLocs().add(new StringBuffer("p#") .append(GeoHashUtils.encode(doc.getDocGeo().lat, doc.getDocGeo().lon)).toString()); } } // Write local geo - from entities if (null != doc.getEntities()) for (EntityPojo ent : doc.getEntities()) { if (null != ent.getGeotag()) { // Apply index filter, if it exists: if (null != filter) { Pattern whichRegex = null; String whichPattern = null; if (null != filter.entityGeoFilterRegex) { whichRegex = filter.entityGeoFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.entityGeoFilter; } else { whichRegex = filter.entityFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.entityFilter; } // (end which regex to pick) if (null != whichRegex) { if (whichPattern.startsWith("-")) { if (whichRegex.matcher(ent.getIndex()).find()) { continue; } } else if (!whichRegex.matcher(ent.getIndex()).find()) { continue; } } // (end if regex exists) } //TESTED (positive and negative geo and normal entities) if ((null != ent.getGeotag().lat) && (null != ent.getGeotag().lon)) { if ((ent.getGeotag().lat >= -90.0) && (ent.getGeotag().lon >= -180.0) && (ent.getGeotag().lat <= 90.0) && (ent.getGeotag().lon <= 180.0)) { // (sigh need to check ranges) doc.getLocs() .add(new StringBuffer() .append(GeoOntologyMapping.encodeOntologyCode(ent.getOntology_type())) .append('#') .append(GeoHashUtils.encode(ent.getGeotag().lat, ent.getGeotag().lon)) .toString()); //^^^(convert onto type to character for efficiency (the es "script"/jar-let is going to get called *a lot*)) } else { // Invalid geotag, need to null out since now search on this in the index ent.setGeotag(null); } } } } //TESTED // Write local geo - from events if (null != doc.getAssociations()) for (AssociationPojo evt : doc.getAssociations()) { if (null != evt.getGeotag()) { // Apply association index filter, if it exists if (null != filter) { Pattern whichRegex = null; String whichPattern = null; if (null != filter.assocGeoFilterRegex) { whichRegex = filter.assocGeoFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.assocGeoFilter; } else { whichRegex = filter.assocFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.assocFilter; } // (end which regex to pick) if (null != whichRegex) { if (whichPattern.startsWith("-")) { if (whichRegex.matcher(AssociationPojoIndexMap.serialize(evt)).find()) { continue; } } else if (!whichRegex.matcher(AssociationPojoIndexMap.serialize(evt)).find()) { continue; } } // (end if regex exists) } //(end if filter exists) //TESTED: only by cut and paste from normal association filtering below if (null != evt.getGeotag().lat && null != evt.getGeotag().lon) { // (post sync - or entity didn't have a loc) if ((evt.getGeotag().lat >= -90.0) && (evt.getGeotag().lon >= -180.0) && (evt.getGeotag().lat <= 90.0) && (evt.getGeotag().lon <= 180.0)) { // (sigh need to check ranges) doc.getLocs() .add(new StringBuffer("p#") .append(GeoHashUtils.encode(evt.getGeotag().lat, evt.getGeotag().lon)) .toString()); } else { // Invalid geotag, need to null out since now search on this in the index evt.setGeotag(null); } } } //TESTED } return (doc.getLocs().size() >= 20); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Transform the pojo ready for insertion into the index (has already been added to DB at this point) @Override public GsonBuilder extendBuilder(GsonBuilder gp) { return new EntityPojoIndexMap().extendBuilder(new AssociationPojoIndexMap() .extendBuilder(gp.registerTypeAdapter(DocumentPojo.class, new DocumentPojoSerializer()))); } protected static class DocumentPojoSerializer implements JsonSerializer<DocumentPojo> { // Utility function for serialization private static void synchronizeWithIndex(DocumentPojo doc) { // Filter, if applied SourcePojo.SourceSearchIndexFilter filter = null; if (null != doc.getTempSource()) filter = doc.getTempSource().getSearchIndexFilter(); doc.setIndex(null); // (this is the index to which we're about to store the feed, so obviously redundant by this point) doc.setDisplayUrl(null); // (this is just for the GUI) if (null == doc.getLocs()) { // (should always have been filled in by hasManyGeos) hasManyGeos(doc); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // If the entity list exists then filter it if ((null != filter) && (null != doc.getEntities()) && ((null != filter.entityFilter) || (null != filter.entityGeoFilter))) { Iterator<EntityPojo> it = doc.getEntities().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { EntityPojo ent =; Pattern whichRegex = null; String whichPattern = null; if (null != ent.getGeotag() && (null != filter.entityGeoFilterRegex)) { whichRegex = filter.entityGeoFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.entityGeoFilter; } else { whichRegex = filter.entityFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.entityFilter; } // (end which regex to pick) if (null != whichRegex) { if (whichPattern.startsWith("-")) { if (whichRegex.matcher(ent.getIndex()).find()) { it.remove(); continue; } } else if (!whichRegex.matcher(ent.getIndex()).find()) { it.remove(); continue; } } // (end if regex exists) } //TESTED positive and negative geo and normal entities } // (end if filter entities out) if (null != doc.getAssociations()) { Iterator<AssociationPojo> it = doc.getAssociations().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AssociationPojo evt =; try { // Apply association index filter, if it exists if (null != filter) { Pattern whichRegex = null; String whichPattern = null; if ((null != evt.getGeotag()) && (null != filter.assocGeoFilterRegex)) { whichRegex = filter.assocGeoFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.assocGeoFilter; } else { whichRegex = filter.assocFilterRegex; whichPattern = filter.assocFilter; } // (end which regex to pick) if (null != whichRegex) { if (whichPattern.startsWith("-")) { if (whichRegex.matcher(AssociationPojoIndexMap.serialize(evt)).find()) { it.remove(); continue; } } else if (!whichRegex.matcher(AssociationPojoIndexMap.serialize(evt)).find()) { it.remove(); continue; } } // (end if regex exists) } //TESTED: positive and negative associations, normal only (geo from cut and paste from entities) // Add event date ranges month by month (eg for histograms) if (null != evt.getTime_start()) { Date d1 = sdf.parse(evt.getTime_start()); if (null == doc.getMonths()) { doc.setMonths(new TreeSet<Integer>()); } if (null == evt.getTime_end()) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(d1); doc.getMonths().add(c.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 100 + c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); } else { Date d2 = sdf.parse(evt.getTime_end()); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(d1); int nStartYr = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); int nStartMo = c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; c.setTime(d2); int nEndYr = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); int nEndMo = c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; if (nStartYr == nEndYr) { for (int i = nStartMo; i <= nEndMo; ++i) { doc.getMonths().add(nStartYr * 100 + i); } } else if ((nStartYr + 1) == nEndYr) { for (int i = nStartMo; i <= 12; ++i) { doc.getMonths().add(nStartYr * 100 + i); } for (int i = 1; i <= nEndMo; ++i) { doc.getMonths().add(nEndYr * 100 + i); } } // (else too long a period, ignore) } } } //TESTED (single date range, within yr, spanning yrs, > 1yr span) catch (Exception e) { } // Parsing error, carry on... } // (End loop over associations) } //TESTED // modified: Don't index doc.setModified(null); // Write content into non-transient field: doc.makeFullTextNonTransient(); // Remove #N/#NN distribution in source keys doc.setSourceKey(doc.getSourceKey()); // If filter specified for metadata then remove unwanted fields if ((null != filter) && (null != filter.metadataFieldList) && (null != doc.getMetadata())) { String metaFields = filter.metadataFieldList; boolean bInclude = true; if (metaFields.startsWith("+")) { metaFields = metaFields.substring(1); } else if (metaFields.startsWith("-")) { metaFields = metaFields.substring(1); bInclude = false; } String[] metaFieldArray = metaFields.split("\\s*,\\s*"); if (bInclude) { Set<String> metaFieldSet = new HashSet<String>(); metaFieldSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(metaFieldArray)); Iterator<Entry<String, Object[]>> metaField = doc.getMetadata().entrySet().iterator(); while (metaField.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Object[]> metaFieldIt =; if (!metaFieldSet.contains(metaFieldIt.getKey())) { metaField.remove(); } } } else { // exclude case, easier for (String metaField : metaFieldArray) { doc.getMetadata().remove(metaField); } } // (end include vs exclude) //TESTED: (copy/paste from Structured Analysis Handler) by eye: positive, negative, default metadata } // (end if filter specified) }//TESTED (see above clauses): see MongoDocumentTxfer test cases //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Actual serialization: @Override public JsonElement serialize(DocumentPojo doc, Type typeOfT, JsonSerializationContext context) { synchronizeWithIndex(doc); // (does most of the transformations - the default index pojo does the rest) // Going to do tags manually to convert them to lower case: Set<String> tags = doc.getTags(); doc.setTags(null); // GSON transformation: JsonElement je = new EntityPojoIndexMap() .extendBuilder(new AssociationPojoIndexMap().extendBuilder(BaseIndexPojo.getDefaultBuilder())) .create().toJsonTree(doc, typeOfT); // Write tags back in (as lower case): if (null != tags) { JsonArray ja = new JsonArray(); for (String tag : tags) { ja.add(new JsonPrimitive(tag.toLowerCase())); } je.getAsJsonObject().add(DocumentPojo.tags_, ja); } //TESTED // Convert object names in metadata if ((null != doc.getMetadata()) && !doc.getMetadata().isEmpty()) { if (je.isJsonObject()) { JsonElement metadata = je.getAsJsonObject().get("metadata"); if (null != metadata) { enforceTypeNamingPolicy(metadata, 0); } } } // Filter, if applied SourcePojo.SourceSearchIndexFilter filter = null; if (null != doc.getTempSource()) filter = doc.getTempSource().getSearchIndexFilter(); // If filter specified for metadata then remove unwanted fields if ((null != filter) && (null != filter.fieldList)) { String docFields = filter.fieldList; boolean bInclude = true; if (docFields.startsWith("+")) { docFields = docFields.substring(1); } else if (docFields.startsWith("-")) { docFields = docFields.substring(1); bInclude = false; } String[] docFieldArray = docFields.split("\\s*,\\s*"); if (bInclude) { Set<String> docFieldSet = new HashSet<String>(); docFieldSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(docFieldArray)); // If entity/association/metadata specified, then leave them in by default if ((null != filter.entityFilter) || (null != filter.entityGeoFilter)) { docFieldSet.add(DocumentPojo.entities_); } if ((null != filter.assocFilter) || (null != filter.assocGeoFilter)) { docFieldSet.add(DocumentPojo.associations_); } if (null != filter.metadataFieldList) { docFieldSet.add(DocumentPojo.metadata_); } Iterator<Entry<String, JsonElement>> docField = je.getAsJsonObject().entrySet().iterator(); while (docField.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonElement> docFieldIt =; String docFieldEl = docFieldIt.getKey(); if (docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.fullText_) || docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.description_) || docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.tags_) || docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.docGeo_) || docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.metadata_) || docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.entities_) || docFieldEl.equals(DocumentPojo.associations_)) { if (!docFieldSet.contains(docFieldIt.getKey())) { docField.remove(); } } // (if this field is allowed to be delete) } } else { // exclude case, easier for (String docField : docFieldArray) { if (docField.equals(DocumentPojo.fullText_) || docField.equals(DocumentPojo.description_) || docField.equals(DocumentPojo.tags_) || docField.equals(DocumentPojo.docGeo_) || docField.equals(DocumentPojo.metadata_) || docField.equals(DocumentPojo.entities_) || docField.equals(DocumentPojo.associations_)) { if (je.getAsJsonObject().has(docField)) { je.getAsJsonObject().remove(docField); } } // (end if field that is allowed to be deleted) } } // (end include vs exclude) //TESTED: positive and negative filter, can't filter "obligatory fields" } // (end if filter specified) // Convert to record format: JsonObject jo = je.getAsJsonObject(); jo.add("message", jo.get("title")); jo.add("type", jo.get("mediaType")); jo.add("@timestamp", jo.get("publishedDate")); return je; } } //TODO (INF-1566): TOTEST still: tags, MongoDocumentTxfer::rebuildIndex, AssociationPojoIndexMap (print out string plz) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ElasticSearch mapping: public static class Mapping { public static class RootObject { ElasticSearchPojos.SourcePojo _source = new ElasticSearchPojos.SourcePojo(true, "_id", "message", "@timestamp", "url", "sourceKey", "sourceUrl", "displayUrl", "docGeo", "type", "tags", "record.*"); ElasticSearchPojos.AllPojo _all = new ElasticSearchPojos.AllPojo(true); public static class RootProperties { ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo _id = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); // Basic metadata ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo title = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "analyzed", null); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo url = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); // (note this field needs to remain stored in order for sync to work) // Dates ElasticSearchPojos.FieldDatePojo publishedDate = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldDatePojo("yes", null, null, null).excludeFromAll(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldDatePojo created = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldDatePojo("yes", null, null, null).excludeFromAll(); // Source management ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo source = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo sourceKey = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo mediaType = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo tags = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("no", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo sourceUrl = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); // Social/source ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo communityId = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); // Content ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo description = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("no", "analyzed", null); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo fullText = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("no", "analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); // Enriched content EntityPojoIndexMap.Mapping entities = new EntityPojoIndexMap.Mapping(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo locs = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("yes", "not_analyzed", null).excludeFromAll(); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldGeoPointPojo docGeo = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldGeoPointPojo("yes"); ElasticSearchPojos.FieldGeoPointPojo timeRanges = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldGeoPointPojo("yes"); // (currently unused) ElasticSearchPojos.FieldIntegerPojo months = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldIntegerPojo("yes", null, null).excludeFromAll(); AssociationPojoIndexMap.Mapping associations = new AssociationPojoIndexMap.Mapping(); // User content enrichment // No default mapping required, see below for dynamic template mapping // "Record" metadata // _id // title<->message ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo message = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("no", "no", null).excludeFromAll(); // type<->mediaType ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo type = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldStringPojo("no", "no", null) .excludeFromAll(); // publishedDate<->@timestamp ElasticSearchPojos.FieldDatePojo __AMP__timestamp = new ElasticSearchPojos.FieldDatePojo("yes", null, null, null).excludeFromAll(); // record: copied fields from metadata, will use dynamic template mapping like metadata } public RootProperties properties = new RootProperties(); // Default templates for metadata: public ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList dynamic_templates[] = ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList .generateDefaultTemplates(generateRecordDynamicMapping(), generateMetadataDynamicMapping()); private static ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList generateRecordDynamicMapping() { ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping rawMapping = new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping( "string", "yes", "not_analyzed", null, null, null, null, (Integer) 256); TreeMap<String, ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping> fields = new TreeMap<String, ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping>(); fields.put("raw", rawMapping); return new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList("template_record_mapping", new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate(null, "record.*", "string", new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping("string", "yes", "analyzed", null, null, null, null, null, fields))); } private static ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList generateMetadataDynamicMapping() { ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping rawMapping = new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping( "string", "yes", "not_analyzed", null, null, null, null, (Integer) 256); TreeMap<String, ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping> fields = new TreeMap<String, ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping>(); fields.put("raw", rawMapping); return new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList("template_metadata_mapping", new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate(null, "metadata.*", "string", new ElasticSearchPojos.DynamicTemplateList.FieldGenericTemplate.Mapping( "string", "yes", "analyzed", null, null, null, null, null, fields))); } // Turn number/date detection off for metadata: public Boolean date_detection = false; public Boolean numeric_detection = false; } public RootObject document_index = new RootObject(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility function for parsing native GSON to rename object fieldnames by appending "__obj" // and encoding "."s and "%"s (needed for the DB, duplicated here sigh) private static boolean enforceTypeNamingPolicy(JsonElement je, int nDepth) { if (je.isJsonPrimitive()) { return false; // Done } else if (je.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray ja = je.getAsJsonArray(); if (0 == ja.size()) { return false; // No idea, carry on } JsonElement jaje = ja.get(0); return enforceTypeNamingPolicy(jaje, nDepth + 1); // keep going until you find primitive/object } else if (je.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jo = je.getAsJsonObject(); // Nested variables: Iterator<Entry<String, JsonElement>> it = jo.entrySet().iterator(); StringBuffer newName = null; Map<String, JsonElement> toFixList = null; while (it.hasNext()) { boolean bFix = false; Entry<String, JsonElement> el =; String currKey = el.getKey(); if ((currKey.indexOf('.') >= 0) || (currKey.indexOf('%') >= 0)) { it.remove(); currKey = currKey.replace("%", "%25").replace(".", "%2e"); bFix = true; } if (null == el.getValue()) { if (!bFix) it.remove(); // nice easy case, just get rid of it (if bFix, it's already removed) bFix = false; } else if (enforceTypeNamingPolicy(el.getValue(), nDepth + 1)) { // rename! if (currKey.indexOf("__") < 0) { // unless it's an es type if (!bFix) it.remove(); // (if bFix, it's already removed) if (null == newName) { newName = new StringBuffer(); } else { newName.setLength(0); } currKey = newName.append(currKey).append("__obj").toString(); bFix = true; } } // (end check if need to rename) if (bFix) { if (null == toFixList) { toFixList = new HashMap<String, JsonElement>(); } toFixList.put(currKey, el.getValue()); } } // (end loop over params) if (null != toFixList) { for (Entry<String, JsonElement> el : toFixList.entrySet()) { jo.add(el.getKey(), el.getValue()); } } return true; // (in any case, I get renamed by calling parent) } return false; } //TESTED (see DOC_META in test/TestCode) }//TESTED (by hand/eye, see MongoDocumentTxfer)