Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 The Infinit.e Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.custom; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.bson.BSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; //(taken from com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.extraction.document.file.JsonToMetadataParser) public class InfiniteFileInputJsonParser implements InfiniteFileInputParser { private HashSet<String> objectIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>(); private HashSet<String> recursiveObjectIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>(); private HashSet<String> fieldsThatNeedToExist = new HashSet<String>(); private String primaryKey = null; private String sourceName = null; private boolean bRecurse = false; private JsonParser parser = null; private JsonReader reader = null; private JsonArray _secondaryArray = null; private int _posInSecondaryArray = 0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERFACE CODE @Override public InfiniteFileInputParser initialize(InputStream inStream, SourceFileConfigPojo fileConfig) throws IOException { this.primaryKey = fileConfig.XmlPrimaryKey; this.sourceName = fileConfig.XmlSourceName; if (null != fileConfig.XmlRootLevelValues) { for (String objectId : fileConfig.XmlRootLevelValues) { if (objectId.startsWith("*")) { this.bRecurse = true; this.recursiveObjectIdentifiers.add(objectId.substring(1).toLowerCase()); throw new RuntimeException("JSON metadata parser: Don't currently support recursive parsing."); //TODO (INF-2469): Not currently supported, it gets a bit tricky? } //TESTED this.objectIdentifiers.add(objectId.toLowerCase()); } } if (null != fileConfig.XmlIgnoreValues) { this.fieldsThatNeedToExist.addAll(fileConfig.XmlIgnoreValues); } reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, "UTF-8")); reader.setLenient(true); parser = new JsonParser(); return this; } @Override public BSONObject getNextRecord() throws IOException { if (null != _secondaryArray) { for (; _posInSecondaryArray < _secondaryArray.size();) { JsonElement meta2 = _secondaryArray.get(_posInSecondaryArray); _posInSecondaryArray++; BasicDBObject currObj = convertJsonToDocument(meta2); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } } _secondaryArray = null; } //TESTED return parseDocument(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (null != reader) reader.close(); } @Override public String getCanonicalExtension() { return ".json"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROCESSING CODE private boolean _inTopLevelArray = false; private JsonToken tok = JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT; public BasicDBObject parseDocument() throws IOException { // Different cases: // {} // ^^ many of these // [ {}, {}, {} ] // For each of these 2/3 cases, you might either want to grab the entire object, or a field // within the object try { while (true) { // (use exceptions to get outta here) try { tok = reader.peek(); } catch (Exception e) { // EOF or end of object, keep going and find out... tok = reader.peek(); } //TESTED if (JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY == tok) { if (!_inTopLevelArray) { reader.beginArray(); _inTopLevelArray = true; } if (objectIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { while (reader.hasNext()) { JsonElement meta = parser.parse(reader); BasicDBObject currObj = convertJsonToDocument(meta); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } //(else carry on...) } } //TESTED else { while (reader.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject currObj = getDocumentFromJson(false); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } //(else carry on...) } } //TESTED } else if (JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT == tok) { if (objectIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { JsonElement meta = parser.parse(reader); BasicDBObject currObj = convertJsonToDocument(meta); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } //(else carry on...) } //TESTED (single and multiple doc case) else { BasicDBObject currObj = getDocumentFromJson(false); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } //(else carry on...) } //TESTED (single and multiple doc case) } else if ((JsonToken.END_DOCUMENT == tok) || (JsonToken.END_ARRAY == tok) || (JsonToken.END_OBJECT == tok)) { return null; } else { // Must be recursing through the next level(s) BasicDBObject currObj = getDocumentFromJson(false); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } //(else carry on...) } } // (end loop forever - exception out) } catch (Exception e) { } // This is our EOF return null; } //////////////////////////// // Look into the JSON object and find the object with the specified name // (for now the "path" is ignored - maybe later we allow "x.y" terminology) private boolean _inSecondaryObject = false; private BasicDBObject getDocumentFromJson(boolean bRecursing) throws IOException { if (!_inSecondaryObject) { reader.beginObject(); _inSecondaryObject = true; } while (reader.hasNext()) { String name = reader.nextName(); boolean bMatch = false; if (bRecursing) { bMatch = recursiveObjectIdentifiers.contains(name.toLowerCase()); } else { bMatch = objectIdentifiers.contains(name.toLowerCase()); } //TESTED if (bMatch) { JsonElement meta = parser.parse(reader); if (meta.isJsonObject()) { BasicDBObject currObj = convertJsonToDocument(meta); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } } //TESTED else if (meta.isJsonArray()) { _secondaryArray = meta.getAsJsonArray(); _posInSecondaryArray = 0; for (JsonElement meta2 : _secondaryArray) { _posInSecondaryArray++; BasicDBObject currObj = convertJsonToDocument(meta2); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } } _secondaryArray = null; } //TESTED } //TESTED else { if (bRecurse) { //TODO (INF-2469): Not currently supported, it gets a bit tricky? (need to convert to a stack) JsonToken tok = reader.peek(); if (JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT == tok) { BasicDBObject currObj = getDocumentFromJson(true); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } } //TESTED else if (JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY == tok) { reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { JsonToken tok2 = reader.peek(); if (JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT == tok2) { BasicDBObject currObj = getDocumentFromJson(true); if (null != currObj) { return currObj; } } else { reader.skipValue(); } //TESTED } //TESTED reader.endArray(); } else { reader.skipValue(); } //TESTED } else { reader.skipValue(); } //TESTED } } //(end loop over reader) reader.endObject(); _inSecondaryObject = false; return null; } //TESTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utility - Check the object is well formed private boolean checkIfMandatoryFieldsExist(JsonElement meta) { if ((null != this.fieldsThatNeedToExist) && !this.fieldsThatNeedToExist.isEmpty()) { boolean fieldsExist = false; for (String field : this.fieldsThatNeedToExist) { String exists = getKey(meta, field, false); if (null != exists) { fieldsExist = true; break; } } return fieldsExist; } return true; }//TESTED ///////////////////////////////// // Utility - get the primary key (does handle recursion) private String getPrimaryKey(JsonElement meta) { return getKey(meta, primaryKey, true); } ///////////////////////////////// // Utility - create document set private BasicDBObject convertJsonToDocument(JsonElement meta) { // Check if all required fields exist: if (!checkIfMandatoryFieldsExist(meta)) { return null; } //TESTED // Primary key and create doc BasicDBObject currObj = new BasicDBObject(); if ((null != primaryKey) && (null != sourceName)) { String primaryKey = getPrimaryKey(meta); if (null != primaryKey) { currObj.put(DocumentPojo.url_, sourceName + primaryKey); } } if (meta.isJsonObject()) { currObj.put(DocumentPojo.metadata_, new BasicDBObject("json", Arrays.asList(convertJsonObjectToBson(meta.getAsJsonObject())))); } return currObj; } //TESTED // Utility - get an arbitrary key (does handle recursion) private String getKey(JsonElement meta, String key, boolean bPrimitiveOnly) { try { String[] components = key.split("\\."); JsonObject metaObj = meta.getAsJsonObject(); for (String comp : components) { meta = metaObj.get(comp); if (null == meta) { return null; } //TESTED else if (meta.isJsonObject()) { metaObj = meta.getAsJsonObject(); } //TESTED else if (meta.isJsonPrimitive()) { return meta.getAsString(); } //TESTED else if (bPrimitiveOnly) { // (meta isn't allowed to be an array, then you'd have too many primary keys!) return null; } //TOTEST (? - see JsonToMetadataParser) else { // Check with first instance JsonArray array = meta.getAsJsonArray(); meta = array.get(0); if (meta.isJsonObject()) { metaObj = meta.getAsJsonObject(); } } //TESTED } if (!bPrimitiveOnly) { // allow objects, we just care if the field exists... if (null != metaObj) { return "[Object]"; } } //TESTED } catch (Exception e) { } // no primary key return null; } //(TEST status unknown - see JsonToMetadataParser) ///////////////////////////////// // Utility - conversion /** * Converts a JsonObject to a LinkedHashMap. * @param json JSONObject to convert */ static private int capacity(int expectedSize) { if (expectedSize < 3) { return expectedSize + 1; } return expectedSize + expectedSize / 3; } static public BasicDBObject convertJsonObjectToBson(JsonObject json) { return convertJsonObjectToBson(json, false); } static public BasicDBObject convertJsonObjectToBson(JsonObject json, boolean bHtmlUnescape) { int length = json.entrySet().size(); BasicDBObject list = new BasicDBObject(capacity(length)); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> jsonKeyEl : json.entrySet()) { JsonElement jsonEl = jsonKeyEl.getValue(); if (jsonEl.isJsonArray()) { list.put(jsonKeyEl.getKey(), handleJsonArray(jsonEl.getAsJsonArray(), bHtmlUnescape)); } else if (jsonEl.isJsonObject()) { list.put(jsonKeyEl.getKey(), convertJsonObjectToBson(jsonEl.getAsJsonObject(), bHtmlUnescape)); } else if (jsonEl.isJsonPrimitive()) { if (bHtmlUnescape) { list.put(jsonKeyEl.getKey(), StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(jsonEl.getAsString())); } else { list.put(jsonKeyEl.getKey(), jsonEl.getAsString()); } } } if (list.size() > 0) { return list; } return null; } //TESTED static private Object[] handleJsonArray(JsonArray jarray, boolean bHtmlUnescape) { Object o[] = new Object[jarray.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < jarray.size(); i++) { JsonElement jsonEl = jarray.get(i); if (jsonEl.isJsonObject()) { o[i] = convertJsonObjectToBson(jsonEl.getAsJsonObject(), bHtmlUnescape); } if (jsonEl.isJsonArray()) { o[i] = handleJsonArray(jsonEl.getAsJsonArray(), bHtmlUnescape); } else if (jsonEl.isJsonPrimitive()) { if (bHtmlUnescape) { o[i] = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(jsonEl.getAsString()); } else { o[i] = jsonEl.getAsString(); } } } return o; } //TESTED }