Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.config.source;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.restlet.Request;
import org.restlet.representation.Representation;
import org.restlet.representation.StringRepresentation;
import org.restlet.resource.Get;
import org.restlet.resource.Post;
import org.restlet.resource.ResourceException;
import org.restlet.resource.ServerResource;

import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.utils.RESTTools;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.utils.SocialUtils;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.ResponsePojo;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.ResponsePojo.ResponseObject;
import com.mongodb.util.JSON;

 * @author cmorgan
public class SourceInterface extends ServerResource {
    private String sourceid = null;
    private String action = "";
    private String sourceurl = null;
    private String sourcetitle = null;
    private String sourcedesc = null;
    private String extracttype = null;
    private SourceHandler source = new SourceHandler();
    private String cookieLookup = null;
    private String sourcetags = null;
    private String mediatype = null;
    private String communityid = null;
    private String cookie = null;
    private boolean needCookie = true;
    private String json = null;
    private String urlStr = null;
    private boolean shouldSuspend = false;
    private int nNumDocsToReturn = 10; // (used for test source)
    private boolean bReturnFullText = false; // (used for test source)
    private boolean bRealDedup = false; // (used for test source)
    private boolean bStripped = false;

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SourceInterface.class);

    public void doInit() {
        Request request = this.getRequest();
        Map<String, Object> attributes = request.getAttributes();
        urlStr = request.getResourceRef().toString();
        cookie = request.getCookies().getFirstValue("infinitecookie", true);
        Map<String, String> queryOptions = this.getQuery().getValuesMap();
        bStripped = (null != queryOptions.get("stripped"))
                && Boolean.parseBoolean((String) queryOptions.get("stripped"));

        // communityid - all get/post methods need this value
        if (RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("communityid", attributes, queryOptions) != null) {
            communityid = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("communityid", attributes, queryOptions);

        // Method.GET
        if (request.getMethod() == Method.GET) {
            if (urlStr.contains("source/add/") || urlStr.contains("knowledge/sources/add/")) {
                sourceurl = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourceurl", attributes, queryOptions);
                sourcetitle = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourcetitle", attributes, queryOptions);
                sourcedesc = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourcedesc", attributes, queryOptions);
                extracttype = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("extracttype", attributes, queryOptions);
                sourcetags = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourcetags", attributes, queryOptions);
                action = "add";

            else if (urlStr.contains("source/good") || urlStr.contains("knowledge/sources/good/")) {
                action = "good";

            else if (urlStr.contains("source/bad") || urlStr.contains("knowledge/sources/bad/")) {
                action = "bad";

            else if (urlStr.contains("source/pending") || urlStr.contains("knowledge/sources/pending/")) {
                action = "pending";

            else if (urlStr.contains("source/user")) {
                action = "user";

            else if (urlStr.contains("source/save/") || urlStr.contains("knowledge/sources/save/")) {
                // Use URLDecoder on the json string
                json = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("json", attributes, queryOptions);
                try {
                    json = URLDecoder.decode(json, "UTF-8");
                    action = "saveSource";
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    //throw e;
                    //TODO cannot throw errors so do something useful
                    //set to failed temporarily so it doesn't run
                    action = "failed";

            } else if (urlStr.contains("source/delete/docs") || urlStr.contains("sources/delete/docs")) {
                sourceid = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourceid", attributes, queryOptions);
                action = "deletedocs";
            } else if (urlStr.contains("source/delete") || urlStr.contains("sources/delete")) {
                sourceid = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourceid", attributes, queryOptions);
                action = "delete";
            } else if (urlStr.contains("source/get") || urlStr.contains("sources/get")) {
                sourceid = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourceid", attributes, queryOptions);
                action = "info";
            } else if (urlStr.contains("source/suspend")) {
                sourceid = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("sourceid", attributes, queryOptions);
                shouldSuspend = RESTTools.getUrlAttribute("shouldSuspend", attributes, queryOptions)
                action = "suspend";

     * acceptRepresentation
     * @return 
    public Representation post(Representation entity) throws ResourceException {
        if (Method.POST == getRequest().getMethod()) {
            try {
                json = entity.getText();

                if (urlStr.contains("source/save/")) {
                    action = "saveSource";
                } else if (urlStr.contains("source/test")) {
                    Map<String, String> queryOptions = this.getQuery().getValuesMap();
                    String numReturn = queryOptions.get("numReturn");
                    if (null != numReturn) {
                        try {
                            nNumDocsToReturn = Integer.parseInt(numReturn);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                        } // Just revert to default
                    String returnFullText = queryOptions.get("returnFullText");
                    if ((null != returnFullText)
                            && ((returnFullText.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) || (returnFullText.equals("1")))) {
                        bReturnFullText = true;
                    String testUpdates = queryOptions.get("testUpdates");
                    if ((null != testUpdates)
                            && ((testUpdates.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) || (testUpdates.equals("1")))) {
                        bRealDedup = true;
                    action = "testSource";
            } catch (Exception e) {

        return get();

     * Represent the user object in the requested format.
     * @param variant
     * @return
     * @throws ResourceException
    public Representation get() throws ResourceException {
        ResponsePojo rp = new ResponsePojo();
        Date startTime = new Date();

        // If JSON is != null, check that it is valid JSON
        boolean isValidJson = true;
        if (json != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Parsing JSON", false,
                        "The value passed via the json parameter could not be" + " parsed as valid JSON."));
                isValidJson = false;

        if (isValidJson) {
            if (needCookie) {
                cookieLookup = RESTTools.cookieLookup(cookie);

                if (cookieLookup == null) {
                    rp = new ResponsePojo();
                    rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Cookie Lookup", false,
                            "Cookie session expired or never existed, please login first"));
                } else {
                    // Every call needs communityid so check now

                    boolean validCommunities = ((communityid == null) || communityid.startsWith("*")) ? true : // (in this case, we apply the regex to user communities, so don't need to validate)
                            SocialUtils.validateCommunityIds(cookieLookup, communityid);

                    if (validCommunities == false) {
                        rp = new ResponsePojo();
                        rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Verifying Communities", false,
                                "Community IDs are not valid for this user"));
                    } else {
                        if (action.equals("saveSource")) {
                            rp = this.source.saveSource(json, cookieLookup, communityid);
                        } else if (action.equals("testSource")) {
                            rp = this.source.testSource(json, nNumDocsToReturn, bReturnFullText, bRealDedup,
                        } else if (action.equals("add")) {
                            rp = this.source.addSource(sourcetitle, sourcedesc, sourceurl, extracttype, sourcetags,
                                    mediatype, communityid, cookieLookup);
                        } else if (action.equals("info")) {
                            rp = this.source.getInfo(sourceid, cookieLookup);
                        } else if (action.equals("good")) {
                            rp = this.source.getGoodSources(cookieLookup, communityid, bStripped);
                        } else if (action.equals("bad")) {
                            rp = this.source.getBadSources(cookieLookup, communityid, bStripped);
                        } else if (action.equals("pending")) {
                            rp = this.source.getPendingSources(cookieLookup, communityid, bStripped);
                        } else if (action.equals("user")) {
                            rp = this.source.getUserSources(cookieLookup, bStripped);
                        } else if (action.equals("delete") || action.equals("deletedocs")) {
                            rp = this.source.deleteSource(sourceid, communityid, cookieLookup,
                        } else if (action.equals("suspend")) {
                            rp = this.source.suspendSource(sourceid, communityid, cookieLookup, shouldSuspend);
                } // (end communities valid)
            } // (End login succeeded)

        Date endTime = new Date();
        rp.getResponse().setTime(endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime());
        if (!rp.getResponse().isSuccess()) {
            if (rp.getResponse().getMessage().contains("ermission")) { // likely to be a permissions error
        } //TOTEST (TODO-2194)
        return new StringRepresentation(rp.toApi(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);