Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.iitb.cse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.simple.parser.ContainerFactory; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; /** * * @author ratheeshkv */ class ConnectionInfo { String ip_addr; int port; public ConnectionInfo(String ip_addr, int port) { this.ip_addr = ip_addr; this.port = port; } } public class ClientConnection { private static ClientConnection connObj = new ClientConnection(); static int threadNo = 0; static boolean acceptConnection = true; public static synchronized void startlistenForClients(final Session session) { try { if (session.connectionSocket != null) { stoplistenForClients(session); System.out.println("\nExisting Port closed"); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.toString()); } startlistenForClients(session); } session.connectionSocket = new ServerSocket(Constants.ConnectionPORT); Constants.listenOnPort = true; while (true && acceptConnection) { System.out.println("\nListening for Client to Connect ......"); final Socket sock = session.connectionSocket.accept(); System.out.println("\nClient COnnected ......"); Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { threadNo++; ClientConnection.handleConnection(sock, session, threadNo); } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); } System.out.println("\nStopping Listening!!!!!!!1"); } catch (IOException ex) { try { if (session.connectionSocket != null) { stoplistenForClients(session); } } catch (Exception ex1) { System.out.println("\nException" + ex.toString() + "\n"); } } } public static void stoplistenForClients(Session session) { acceptConnection = false; Constants.currentSession = null; Constants.listenOnPort = false; if (Constants.dbManager != null) { Constants.dbManager.closeConnection(); } Constants.dbManager = null; try { session.connectionSocket.close(); session.connectionSocket = null; System.out.println("\nServer PORT Closed...Listening stopped!!!"); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("\nIOException : " + ex.toString() + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\nException" + ex.toString() + "\n"); } } public static void writeToMyLog(int expid, String macAdrress, String message) { String location = ""; if (!Constants.experimentDetailsDirectory.endsWith("/")) { location = Constants.experimentDetailsDirectory + "/"; } location += Integer.toString(expid) + macAdrress + "_log.txt"; File file = new File(location); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file, true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); Date date = new Date(); System.out.println(date); bw.write(date.toString() + " --> " + message + "\n"); bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("\nEXCEPTION [writeToMyLog]:" + ex.toString()); } } public static String readFromStream(Socket socket, DataInputStream din, DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { if (socket != null) { System.out.println("\nTrying to read from socket"); // synchronized (socket) { System.out.println("\nRead from socket"); String data = ""; int length = din.readInt(); System.out.println("\nR Json length : " + length); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { data += (char) din.readByte(); // System.out.println("\nR Read: Json length : "+(i+1)*8); // System.out.println("\nSuccess : Json byte"); } System.out.println("\nR Success : Json byte Complete"); // dos.writeInt(200); // System.out.println("\nR Success : Json Write 200"); // dos.flush(); System.out.println("\nRead from Socket Success!!!"); /* try { // if (din.available() > 0) { int length = din.readInt(); System.out.println("\nR Json length : " + length); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { data += (char) din.readByte(); // System.out.println("\nR Read: Json length : "+(i+1)*8); // System.out.println("\nSuccess : Json byte"); } System.out.println("\nR Success : Json byte Complete"); // dos.writeInt(200); // System.out.println("\nR Success : Json Write 200"); // dos.flush(); System.out.println("\nRead from Socket Success!!!"); // } } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("\n[1] IOEx :" + ex.toString() + "-->" + socket); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\n[2] Ex :" + ex.toString() + "-->" + socket); }*/ return data; // } } else { return null; } } public static int writeToStream(DeviceInfo d, String json, String message) throws IOException { if (d.socket != null) { System.out.println("\nTrying to Write to socket"); // synchronized (d.socket) { System.out.println("\nWriting to socket"); int response = 200; d.outStream.writeInt(json.length()); System.out.println("\nW Json Length"); d.outStream.writeBytes(json); d.outStream.flush(); System.out.println("\nW Success: Json String"); /* try { // synchronized (connObj) { d.outStream.writeInt(json.length()); System.out.println("\nW Json Length"); d.outStream.writeBytes(json); d.outStream.flush(); System.out.println("\nW Success: Json String"); // } //d.outStream.writeInt(message.length()); //d.outStream.writeBytes(message); // d.outStream.flush(); // response = d.inpStream.readInt(); System.out.println("\nWrite to Socket Success!!! Res:" + response); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("\n[3] IOEx :" + ex.toString() + "-->" + d.socket); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\n[4] Ex :" + ex.toString() + "-->" + d.socket); }*/ return response; // } } else { System.out.println("\nNulll Socket : Mac = " + d.macAddress); return 408; } } static void handleConnection(Socket sock, Session session, int tid) { System.out.println("\n\n\n---------------->>>>>>>>>[" + tid + "]"); try { int count = 0; boolean newConnection = true; String ip_add = sock.getInetAddress().toString(); String[] _ip_add = ip_add.split("/"); String macAddress = ""; DeviceInfo myDevice = null; InputStream in = sock.getInputStream(); OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); while (true) { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] My Socket : " + sock); String receivedData = ClientConnection.readFromStream(sock, dis, dos).trim(); if (receivedData.equals("") || receivedData == null) { System.out.println("\n[Empty/Null Data][" + tid + "]"); } else { System.out.println("\nReceived : " + receivedData); Map<String, String> jsonMap = null; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); ContainerFactory containerFactory = new ContainerFactory() { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public List creatArrayContainer() { return new LinkedList(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Map createObjectContainer() { return new LinkedHashMap(); } }; try { jsonMap = (Map<String, String>) parser.parse(receivedData, containerFactory); if (jsonMap != null) { String action = jsonMap.get(Constants.action); if (action.compareTo(Constants.heartBeat) == 0 || action.compareTo(Constants.heartBeat1) == 0 || action.compareTo(Constants.heartBeat2) == 0) { macAddress = jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress); // heartbeat System.out.println("\n [" + tid + "] HeartBeat Received : " + (++count)); DeviceInfo device = session.connectedClients.get(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)); if (device == null) { // first time from this device. ie new connection System.out.println("<<<== 1 ==>>>"); DeviceInfo newDevice = new DeviceInfo(); newDevice.setIp(jsonMap.get(Constants.ip)); newDevice.setPort(Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.port))); newDevice.setMacAddress(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)); newDevice.setBssid(jsonMap.get(Constants.bssid)); newDevice.setSsid(jsonMap.get(Constants.ssid)); // newDevice.setSsid(jsonMap.get(Constants.bssidList)); /* String apInfo = jsonMap.get(Constants.bssidList); if (apInfo != null || !apInfo.equals("")) { System.out.println("\nInside Bssid List1"); String[] bssidInfo = apInfo.split(";"); NeighbourAccessPointDetails[] obj = new NeighbourAccessPointDetails[bssidInfo.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bssidInfo.length; i++) { String[] info = bssidInfo[i].split(","); obj[i].setBssid(info[0]); obj[i].setRssi(info[1]); obj[i].setRssi(info[2]); } newDevice.setBssidList(obj); }*/ Date date = Utils.getCurrentTimeStamp(); newDevice.setLastHeartBeatTime(date); newDevice.setInpStream(dis); newDevice.setOutStream(dos); newDevice.setConnectionStatus(true); newDevice.setThread(Thread.currentThread()); newDevice.setSocket(sock); newDevice.setGetlogrequestsend(false); /* remaining parameters needs to be added!!! */ session.connectedClients.put(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress), newDevice); } else // subsequent heartbeats / reconnection from same client if (newConnection) { // reconnection from same client System.out.println("<<<== 2 ==>>>"); if (device.thread != null) { device.thread.interrupt(); System.out.println("\n@#1[" + tid + "] Interrupting old thread"); } DeviceInfo newDevice = new DeviceInfo(); newDevice.setIp(jsonMap.get(Constants.ip)); newDevice.setPort(Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.port))); newDevice.setMacAddress(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)); newDevice.setBssid(jsonMap.get(Constants.bssid)); newDevice.setSsid(jsonMap.get(Constants.ssid)); /* String apInfo = jsonMap.get(Constants.bssidList); if (apInfo != null || !apInfo.equals("")) { System.out.println("\nInside Bssid List"); String[] bssidInfo = apInfo.split(";"); NeighbourAccessPointDetails[] obj = new NeighbourAccessPointDetails[bssidInfo.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bssidInfo.length; i++) { String[] info = bssidInfo[i].split(","); obj[i].setBssid(info[0]); obj[i].setRssi(info[1]); obj[i].setRssi(info[2]); } newDevice.setBssidList(obj); }*/ Date date = Utils.getCurrentTimeStamp(); newDevice.setLastHeartBeatTime(date); newDevice.setInpStream(dis); newDevice.setOutStream(dos); newDevice.setSocket(sock); newDevice.setThread(Thread.currentThread()); newDevice.setConnectionStatus(true); newDevice.setGetlogrequestsend(false); /* remaining parameters needs to be added!!! */ session.connectedClients.remove(device.macAddress); session.connectedClients.put(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress), newDevice); if (session.filteredClients.contains(device)) { session.filteredClients.remove(device); session.filteredClients.add(newDevice); } } else { // heartbeat System.out.println("<<<== 3 ==>>>"); Date date = Utils.getCurrentTimeStamp(); device.setLastHeartBeatTime(date); device.setSocket(sock); device.setConnectionStatus(true); } } else if (action.compareTo(Constants.experimentOver) == 0) { macAddress = jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress); System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] Experiment Over Mesage received"); // experiment over // i need mac address from here // ip and port also preferred DeviceInfo device = session.connectedClients.get(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)); if (device == null) { // new connection System.out.println("<<<== 4 ==>>>"); DeviceInfo newDevice = new DeviceInfo(); newDevice.setIp(jsonMap.get(Constants.ip)); newDevice.setPort(Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.port))); newDevice.setMacAddress(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)); //Date date = Utils.getCurrentTimeStamp(); //newDevice.setLastHeartBeatTime(date); newDevice.setInpStream(dis); newDevice.setOutStream(dos); newDevice.setSocket(sock); newDevice.setThread(Thread.currentThread()); newDevice.setGetlogrequestsend(false); newDevice.setConnectionStatus(true); newDevice.setExpOver(1); // if (DBManager.updateExperimentOverStatus( Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.experimentNumber)), newDevice.getMacAddress())) { System.out.println("\nDB Update ExpOver Success"); } else { System.out.println("\nDB Update ExpOver Failed"); } /* remaining parameters needs to be added!!! */ session.connectedClients.put(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress), newDevice); } else if (newConnection) { // reconnction from the same client System.out.println("<<<== 5 ==>>>"); if (device.thread != null) { device.thread.interrupt(); System.out.println("\n@#2[" + tid + "] Interrupting old thread"); } DeviceInfo newDevice = new DeviceInfo(); newDevice.setIp(jsonMap.get(Constants.ip)); newDevice.setPort(Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.port))); newDevice.setMacAddress(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)); //Date date = Utils.getCurrentTimeStamp(); //newDevice.setLastHeartBeatTime(date); newDevice.setInpStream(dis); newDevice.setOutStream(dos); newDevice.setSocket(sock); newDevice.setThread(Thread.currentThread()); newDevice.setGetlogrequestsend(false); newDevice.setConnectionStatus(true); /* remaining parameters needs to be added!!! */ newDevice.setExpOver(1); // if (DBManager.updateExperimentOverStatus( Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.experimentNumber)), newDevice.getMacAddress())) { System.out.println("\nDB Update ExpOver Success"); } else { System.out.println("\nDB Update ExpOver Failed"); } session.connectedClients.remove(device.macAddress); session.connectedClients.put(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress), newDevice); if (session.filteredClients.contains(device)) { session.filteredClients.remove(device); session.filteredClients.add(newDevice); } } else { System.out.println("<<<== 6 ==>>>"); // alread connected client // device.setExpOver(jsonMap.get(Constants.macAddress)) device.setConnectionStatus(true); device.setSocket(sock); device.setExpOver(1); // if (DBManager.updateExperimentOverStatus( Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.experimentNumber)), device.getMacAddress())) { System.out.println("\nDB Update ExpOver Success"); } else { System.out.println("\nDB Update ExpOver Failed"); } } } else if (action.compareTo(Constants.acknowledgement) == 0) { System.out.println("\nAcknowledgement Received -->"); int expNumber = Integer.parseInt(jsonMap.get(Constants.experimentNumber)); System.out.println("\nExperiment number : " + expNumber); //int sessionId = Utils.getCurrentSessionID(); int expId = 1; ///important int expId =1;// Utils.getCurrentExperimentID(Integer.toString(1)); System.out.println("\nExperiment number : " + expNumber + "== " + expId); // if (expNumber == expId) { if (macAddress != null && !macAddress.equals("")) { DeviceInfo device = session.connectedClients.get(macAddress); session.actualFilteredDevices.add(device); System.out.println("\n Ack : " + expNumber + " Acknowledgement Received!!!"); if (DBManager.updateControlFileSendStatus(expNumber, macAddress, 1, "Successfully sent Control File")) { System.out.println("\n Ack : " + expNumber + " DB updated Successfully"); } else { System.out.println("\n Ack : " + expNumber + " DB updation Failed"); } ///important Utils.addExperimentDetails(expId, device, false); } // } // update the db. } else { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] Some Other Operation..."); } newConnection = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Json Ex : " + ex.toString()); } } try { Thread.sleep(5000); // wait for interrupt } catch (InterruptedException ex) { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] InterruptedException 1 : " + ex.toString() + "\n"); try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException ex1) { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] IOException5 : " + ex1.toString() + "\n"); } break; // } } } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("\n [" + tid + "] IOException1 : " + ex.toString() + "\n"); try { sock.close(); // session.connectedClients.remove(conn); } catch (IOException ex1) { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] IOException2 : " + ex1.toString() + "\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] IOException3 : " + ex.toString() + "\n"); try { sock.close(); // session.connectedClients.remove(conn); } catch (IOException ex1) { System.out.println("\n[" + tid + "] IOException4 : " + ex1.toString() + "\n"); } } } }