Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Igor Maznitsa ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.igormaznitsa.jhexed.hexmap; import com.igormaznitsa.jhexed.engine.*; import com.igormaznitsa.jhexed.engine.misc.HexPosition; import com.igormaznitsa.jhexed.renders.Utils; import com.igormaznitsa.jhexed.values.HexFieldValue; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import*; import java.util.*; import; public class HexFieldLayer implements HexEngineModel<Byte> { public static final int MAX_UNDO_DEPTH = 10; private int columns; private int rows; private boolean visible; private String name; private String comments; private byte[] array; private final Byte defaultValue = (byte) 0; private final List<HexFieldValue> values = new ArrayList<HexFieldValue>(); private final List<CopyOfLayerState> listUndo = new ArrayList<CopyOfLayerState>(); private final List<CopyOfLayerState> listRedo = new ArrayList<CopyOfLayerState>(); private static class CopyOfLayerState { private final String name; private final String comment; private final boolean visible; private final int columns; private final int rows; private final byte[] array; private final HexFieldValue[] values; public CopyOfLayerState(final HexFieldLayer fld) { =; this.comment = fld.comments; this.array = fld.array.clone(); this.columns = fld.columns; this.rows = fld.rows; this.visible = fld.visible; this.values = new HexFieldValue[fld.values.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < fld.values.size(); i++) { this.values[i] = fld.values.get(i).cloneValue(); } } public void restoreLayer(final HexFieldLayer fld) { =; fld.comments = this.comment; fld.visible = this.visible; fld.columns = this.columns; fld.rows = this.rows; fld.array = this.array.clone(); fld.values.clear(); for (final HexFieldValue v : this.values) { fld.values.add(v.cloneValue()); } } } public HexFieldLayer(final String name, final String comments, final int width, final int height) { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Name is null"); } this.visible = true; this.comments = comments == null ? "" : comments; this.columns = width; this.rows = height; this.array = new byte[this.columns * this.rows]; = name; this.values.add(HexFieldValue.NULL); } public HexFieldLayer(final InputStream in) throws IOException { final DataInputStream din = in instanceof DataInputStream ? (DataInputStream) in : new DataInputStream(in); = din.readUTF(); this.comments = din.readUTF(); final int valuesNum = din.readShort() & 0xFFFF; for (int i = 0; i < valuesNum; i++) { final HexFieldValue value = HexFieldValue.readValue(in); value.setIndex(i); this.values.add(value); } this.columns = din.readInt(); this.rows = din.readInt(); this.visible = din.readBoolean(); final byte[] packedLayerData = new byte[din.readInt()]; IOUtils.readFully(din, packedLayerData); this.array = Utils.unpackArray(packedLayerData); if (this.array.length != (this.columns * this.rows)) throw new IOException("Wrong field size"); } private HexFieldLayer(final HexFieldLayer layer) { this.visible = layer.visible; this.columns = layer.columns; this.rows = layer.rows; =; this.comments = layer.comments; this.array = layer.array.clone(); for (final HexFieldValue h : layer.values) { this.values.add(h.cloneValue()); } } public HexFieldLayer cloneLayer() { return new HexFieldLayer(this); } public byte[] getArray() { return this.array; } public void loadFromAnotherInstance(final HexFieldLayer layer) { this.visible = layer.visible; this.columns = layer.columns; this.rows = layer.rows; =; this.comments = layer.comments; this.array = layer.array.clone(); this.values.clear(); this.values.addAll(layer.values); } public void write(final OutputStream out) throws IOException { final DataOutputStream dout = out instanceof DataOutputStream ? (DataOutputStream) out : new DataOutputStream(out); dout.writeUTF(; dout.writeUTF(this.comments); dout.writeShort(this.values.size()); for (int i = 0; i < this.values.size(); i++) { this.values.get(i).write(dout); } dout.writeInt(this.columns); dout.writeInt(this.rows); dout.writeBoolean(this.visible); final byte[] packed = Utils.packByteArray(this.array); dout.writeInt(packed.length); dout.write(packed); dout.flush(); } public String getComments() { return this.comments; } public void setComments(final String text) { this.comments = text == null ? "" : text; } @Override public int getColumnNumber() { return this.columns; } @Override public int getRowNumber() { return this.rows; } @Override public Byte getValueAt(final int col, final int row) { if (this.isPositionValid(col, row)) { return array[col + row * this.columns]; } else { return defaultValue; } } @Override public Byte getValueAt(final HexPosition pos) { return this.getValueAt(pos.getColumn(), pos.getRow()); } @Override public void setValueAt(final int col, final int row, final Byte value) { if (this.isPositionValid(col, row)) { this.array[col + row * this.columns] = value.byteValue(); } } @Override public void setValueAt(final HexPosition pos, final Byte value) { this.setValueAtPos(pos.getColumn(), pos.getRow(), value); } public void setValueAtPos(final HexPosition pos, final byte value) { this.setValueAtPos(pos.getColumn(), pos.getRow(), value); } public void fillByValue(final int value) { if (value > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too big value, must be 0...255"); } Arrays.fill(this.array, (byte) value); } public void setValueAtPos(final int col, final int row, final int i) { if (i > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too big value, must be 0...255"); } if (isPositionValid(col, row)) { this.array[col + row * this.columns] = (byte) i; } } @Override public boolean isPositionValid(int col, int row) { return col >= 0 && row >= 0 && col < this.columns && row < this.rows; } @Override public boolean isPositionValid(HexPosition pos) { return this.isPositionValid(pos.getColumn(), pos.getRow()); } @Override public void attachedToEngine(HexEngine<?> engine) { } @Override public void detachedFromEngine(HexEngine<?> engine) { } public int getValueAtPos(final int column, final int row) { if (column < 0 || row < 0 || column >= this.columns || row >= this.rows) { return 0; } else { return this.array[column + (row * this.columns)] & 0xFF; } } public HexFieldValue getHexValueAtPos(final int column, final int row) { final int value = this.getValueAtPos(column, row); return value == 0 ? null : this.values.get(value); } public String getLayerName() { return; } public void setLayerName(final String name) { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Name is null"); } = name; } public boolean isLayerVisible() { return this.visible; } public void setVisible(final boolean flag) { this.visible = flag; } public void resize(final int newColumns, final int newRows) { final byte[] newArray = new byte[newColumns * newRows]; Arrays.fill(newArray, defaultValue); final int columnsToCopy = Math.min(this.columns, newColumns); final int rowsToCopy = Math.min(this.rows, newRows); for (int i = 0; i < rowsToCopy; i++) { final int newLineStart = i * newColumns; final int oldLineStart = i * this.columns; System.arraycopy(this.array, oldLineStart, newArray, newLineStart, columnsToCopy); } this.array = newArray; this.columns = newColumns; this.rows = newRows; } public HexFieldValue getHexValueForIndex(final int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.values.size()) { return null; } return this.values.get(index); } public int getHexValuesNumber() { return this.values.size(); } public void addValue(final HexFieldValue value) { value.setIndex(this.getHexValuesNumber()); this.values.add(value); } public void replaceValues(final List<HexFieldValue> values) { this.values.clear(); this.values.addAll(values); } public void updatePrerasterizedIcons(final Path2D hexShape) { for (final HexFieldValue h : this.values) { h.prerasterizeIcon(hexShape); } } public boolean hasUndo() { return !this.listUndo.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasRedo() { return !this.listRedo.isEmpty(); } /** * Add undo copy into inside list. * @return true if the inside list too big and the first item has been removed, false otherwise */ public boolean addUndo() { this.listRedo.clear(); this.listUndo.add(new CopyOfLayerState(this)); boolean result = false; while (this.listUndo.size() > MAX_UNDO_DEPTH) { this.listUndo.remove(0); result = true; } return result; } public void resetRedoUndo() { this.listRedo.clear(); this.listUndo.clear(); } public boolean undo() { if (!this.listUndo.isEmpty()) { this.listRedo.add(new CopyOfLayerState(this)); final CopyOfLayerState undoState = this.listUndo.remove(this.listUndo.size() - 1); undoState.restoreLayer(this); return true; } return false; } public boolean redo() { if (!this.listRedo.isEmpty()) { this.listUndo.add(new CopyOfLayerState(this)); final CopyOfLayerState redoState = this.listRedo.remove(this.listRedo.size() - 1); redoState.restoreLayer(this); return true; } return false; } public void updateIndexes(final List<Integer> removedIndexes, final List<Integer> insertedIndexes, final int numberOfActualElements) { for (final Integer i : removedIndexes) { if (insertedIndexes.contains(i)) { continue; } for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < this.array.length; arrayIndex++) { final int current = this.array[arrayIndex] & 0xFF; if (current == i) { this.array[arrayIndex] = 0; } else if (current > i) { this.array[arrayIndex] = (byte) (current - 1); } } } for (final Integer i : insertedIndexes) { if (removedIndexes.contains(i)) { continue; } for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < this.array.length; arrayIndex++) { final int current = this.array[arrayIndex] & 0xFF; if (current == i) { this.array[arrayIndex] = 0; } else if (current >= i) { this.array[arrayIndex] = (byte) (current + 1); } } } for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < this.array.length; arrayIndex++) { final int current = this.array[arrayIndex] & 0xFF; if (current >= numberOfActualElements) { this.array[arrayIndex] = 0; } } } }