Java tutorial
/* * Aadhar UID Management. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Deepak Shakya * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.ignou.aadhar.controllers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import com.ignou.aadhar.constants.Constants; import com.ignou.aadhar.constants.TransactionStatus; import com.ignou.aadhar.domain.Citizen; import com.ignou.aadhar.domain.ServiceProvider; import com.ignou.aadhar.domain.Transaction; import com.ignou.aadhar.domain.TransactionToken; import com.ignou.aadhar.service.CitizenService; import com.ignou.aadhar.service.ServiceProviderService; import com.ignou.aadhar.service.TransactionService; import com.ignou.aadhar.service.TransactionTokenService; import com.ignou.aadhar.util.EmailSender; import com.ignou.aadhar.util.MD5Generator; import com.ignou.aadhar.util.TokenGenerator; import com.ignou.aadhar.util.UIDGenerator; import com.ignou.aadhar.util.json.JsonRequestValidator; import com.ignou.aadhar.util.json.JsonWrapper; /** * Controller to handle the requests for managing transactions as requested by * the Service Provider. * @author Deepak Shakya * */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/transaction") public class TransactionController { @Autowired private TransactionService transactionService; @Autowired private ServiceProviderService serviceProviderService; @Autowired private CitizenService citizenService; @Autowired private TransactionTokenService transactionTokenService; @Autowired private EmailSender mailSender; //@Autowired //private HttpServletRequest request; @RequestMapping(value = "/demo", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getDemoForm(Model model) { return "transaction/demo"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/authenticate", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getTransactionForm(@RequestParam(value = "clientTxnId") String clientTxnId, @RequestParam(value = "clientUsername") String clientUsername, @RequestParam(value = "clientPassword") String clientPassword, @RequestParam(value = "uid") String uid, @RequestParam(value = "amount") Double amount, Model model) { /* Check if Client Transaction ID is provided or not */ if (clientTxnId == null || clientTxnId.isEmpty()) { model.addAttribute("msg", "No Transaction ID provided"); return "common/error"; } /* Check if the Client Username is provided or not */ if (clientUsername == null || clientUsername.isEmpty()) { model.addAttribute("msg", "Service Provider username is mandatory." + " Not provided"); return "common/error"; } /* Check if the Client password is provided or not */ if (clientPassword == null || clientPassword.isEmpty()) { model.addAttribute("msg", "Service Provider password is mandatory." + " Not provided"); return "common/error"; } /* Check if the UID is provided or not */ if (uid == null || uid.isEmpty() || uid.trim().length() != 15 || (!UIDGenerator.validateUID(uid))) { model.addAttribute("msg", "Invalid or empty UID provided"); return "common/error"; } /* Check if the amount value provided is corrent or not */ if (amount == null || amount.doubleValue() == 0.0) { model.addAttribute("msg", "Invalid transaction amount"); return "common/error"; } /* Basic validation done. We will now fetch the Service Provider * details from the database. */ ServiceProvider client = serviceProviderService.getByNameAndPassword(clientUsername, clientPassword); /* Check if any Service Provider was returned or not */ if (client == null) { model.addAttribute("msg", "Service Provider authentication failed"); return "common/error"; } //TODO: Validating that the originating URL and that saved in the //System.out.println("--> Request Originitated From : " + request.getHeader("Referer")); /* Lets now fetch the UID for which transaction need to be performed */ Citizen citizen = citizenService.getByUID(uid); if (citizen == null) { model.addAttribute("msg", "UID provided does not exist."); return "common/error"; } /* Authentication Done for Service Provider. Create the Transaction * object. */ Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.setCitizen(citizen); transaction.setServiceProvider(client); transaction.setAmount(amount); transaction.setSpTransactionId(clientTxnId); transaction.setCreated(new Date()); transaction.setStatus(TransactionStatus.PENDING.getCode()); /* Lets now save the Transaction in the database */ Transaction dbTransaction = transactionService.add(transaction); /* Lets now create a TransactionToken and email the token on the * citizen's email id. */ TransactionToken token = new TransactionToken(); token.setCitizen(dbTransaction.getCitizen()); token.setTransaction(dbTransaction); token.setToken(TokenGenerator.getToken()); TransactionToken dbToken = transactionTokenService.add(token); /* Lets now send this token on the email */ mailSender.send("", "Authentication Token", "You authentication token is : " + dbToken.getToken()); /* Redirect the request to UID authentication page where the Citizen * will provide his/her credentials to completely validate this * transaction request from the Service Provider. */ model.addAttribute("transaction", dbTransaction); return "transaction/uid_auth"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/bankaction", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getBankForm(@Valid Transaction transaction, @RequestParam(value = "txtPassword") String uidPassword, @RequestParam(value = "txtToken") String strToken, BindingResult result, Model model) throws Exception { /* Check if there was any error while binding the transaction object */ if (result.hasErrors()) { /* There was some error while binding the form data to java objects. * Lets re-direct the user back to the form. */ model.addAttribute("msg", "Unexpected error occurred while " + "processing your request. Please try again later"); return "common/error"; } /* Lets refetch the Transaction object */ Transaction dbTransaction =; /* Lets now validate the password provided by the citizen */ /* Generate the MD5 Value of the password provided by the citizen */ String md5Password = MD5Generator.encode(uidPassword); if (!dbTransaction.getCitizen().getPassword().equals(md5Password)) { /* Password did not match */ model.addAttribute("error", "Incorrect password provided"); model.addAttribute("transaction", dbTransaction); return "transaction/uid_auth"; } /* Fetch the Token record for the transaction and uid */ TransactionToken token = transactionTokenService.getTokenForTransactionIdAndUID(dbTransaction, dbTransaction.getCitizen()); /* Check if the correct token was fetched */ if (token == null || !token.getToken().equals(strToken)) { /* Token did not match */ model.addAttribute("error", "Incorrect Token provided"); model.addAttribute("transaction", dbTransaction); return "transaction/uid_auth"; } /* Password is valid. Make the call to the Bank Service */ model.addAttribute("amount", dbTransaction.getAmount()); model.addAttribute("txnId", dbTransaction.getId()); model.addAttribute("serviceProvider", dbTransaction.getServiceProvider()); model.addAttribute("uid", dbTransaction.getCitizen().getUid()); model.addAttribute("citizenAcccountNumber", dbTransaction.getCitizen().getAccount().getAccountNumber()); return "transaction/bankservice"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/bankresponse", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getBankForm(@RequestParam(value = "txnId") Integer txnId, @RequestParam(value = "bankTxnId") String bankTxnId, @RequestParam(value = "status") String txnStatus, @RequestParam(value = "bankPassword") String bankPassword, Model model) throws Exception { /* Lets re-fetch the Transaction object */ Transaction dbTransaction =; /* Save the status in the database */ if (TransactionStatus.SUCCESS.getCode().equals(txnStatus)) { dbTransaction.setStatus(TransactionStatus.SUCCESS.getCode()); } else { dbTransaction.setStatus(TransactionStatus.FAILED.getCode()); } /* Save the Bank Transaction ID */ dbTransaction.setBankTransactionId(bankTxnId); /* Commit changes to Database record */ transactionService.modify(dbTransaction); model.addAttribute("status", txnStatus); return "transaction/status"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String list() { return "transaction/grid"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/list/json", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public JsonWrapper listJson(@RequestParam(value = "page") Integer page, @RequestParam(value = "rp") Integer recordCount, @RequestParam(value = "sortname") String sortField, @RequestParam(value = "sortorder") String sortOrder, @RequestParam(value = "query") String searchValue, @RequestParam(value = "qtype") String searchField) { /* If there is no recordCount value, lets set from our side */ if (recordCount == null || recordCount == 0) { recordCount = Constants.MAX_RECORDS_PER_PAGE; } /* Also, set the page index to start page if not provided. Otherwise, we * will calculate the corresponding record offset. */ int startIndex = 0; if (page == null || page == 0) { page = Constants.START_PAGE; } else { startIndex = (page - 1) * recordCount; } /* Also, if there is no search parameter provided, we will assign uid * as the default search parameter. */ if (searchField == null || searchField.isEmpty()) { searchField = "uid"; } /* Lets start preparing the JSON output */ StringBuilder outputData = new StringBuilder(); outputData.append("{ \"page\" : \"" + startIndex + "\", "); outputData.append("\"rp\" : \"" + recordCount + "\", "); outputData.append("\"sortname\" : \"" + sortField + "\", "); outputData.append("\"sortorder\" : \"" + sortOrder + "\", "); outputData.append("\"" + searchField + "\": \"" + searchValue + "\" }"); JsonWrapper jsonData = getTransactionList(outputData.toString()); /* Add the additional parameters required at the UI */ jsonData.addParam("pageCount", page); if (!jsonData.containsKey("total")) { jsonData.addParam("total", 0); } return jsonData; } @RequestMapping(value = "/list/{filter}", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody private JsonWrapper getTransactionList(@PathVariable String filter) { JsonWrapper jsonData; String[] validParams = { "page", "rp", "sortname", "sortorder", "uid", "name", "serviceprovider", "clientTxnId", "bankTxnId", "status" }; try { Map<String, String> paramMap = JsonRequestValidator.validateRequestParams(filter, validParams); String searchField = null; String searchValue = null; String sortField = paramMap.get("sortname"); String sortOrder = paramMap.get("sortorder"); /* Get the recordsPerPage value */ Integer recordsPerPage = null; if (paramMap.get("rp") != null) { recordsPerPage = new Integer(paramMap.get("rp")); } Integer pageNumber = null; if (paramMap.get("page") != null) { pageNumber = new Integer(paramMap.get("page")); } /* Determine which field is being searched */ if (paramMap.get("uid") != null) { searchField = "uid"; searchValue = paramMap.get("uid"); } else if (paramMap.get("serviceprovider") != null) { searchField = "serviceprovider"; searchValue = paramMap.get("serviceprovider"); } else if (paramMap.get("clientTxnId") != null) { searchField = "clientTxnId"; searchValue = paramMap.get("clientTxnId"); } else if (paramMap.get("bankTxnId") != null) { searchField = "bankTxnId"; searchValue = paramMap.get("bankTxnId"); } else if (paramMap.get("status") != null) { searchField = "status"; searchValue = paramMap.get("status"); } /* Lets fetch the records from the database for the search condition * provided in the request. */ List<Map<String, Object>> cities = transactionService.getTransactions(searchField, searchValue, pageNumber, recordsPerPage, sortField, sortOrder); /* Check if any records were fetched successfully */ if (cities != null && !cities.isEmpty()) { /* Convert the city data as Json Wrapper instance */ jsonData = new JsonWrapper(cities, "Success"); jsonData.put("total", cities.get(0).get("totalCount")); } else { /* Because no records were fetched, we will return empty list */ jsonData = new JsonWrapper(new ArrayList(), "Failure", "No records found for search parameters"); } jsonData.put("page", pageNumber); } catch (Exception e) { jsonData = new JsonWrapper("Failure", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return jsonData; } }