Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2013 ICEsoft Technologies Canada Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.icesoft.faces.component.dataexporter; import com.icesoft.faces.component.CSS_DEFAULT; import com.icesoft.faces.component.commandsortheader.CommandSortHeader; import com.icesoft.faces.component.ext.RowSelector; import com.icesoft.faces.component.ext.UIColumn; import com.icesoft.faces.component.ext.UIColumns; import com.icesoft.faces.component.ext.taglib.Util; import com.icesoft.faces.component.outputresource.OutputResource; import com.icesoft.faces.context.FileResource; import com.icesoft.faces.context.effects.JavascriptContext; import com.icesoft.faces.util.CoreUtils; import com.icesoft.util.CoreComponentUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.icefaces.resources.BrowserType; import org.icefaces.resources.ICEResourceDependencies; import org.icefaces.resources.ICEResourceDependency; import javax.faces.component.*; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.convert.Converter; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException; import javax.faces.event.FacesEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; @ICEResourceDependencies({ @ICEResourceDependency(name = "icefaces-compat.js", library = "ice.compat", target = "head", browser = BrowserType.ALL, browserOverride = {}), @ICEResourceDependency(name = "compat.js", library = "ice.compat", target = "head", browser = BrowserType.ALL, browserOverride = {}) }) public class DataExporter extends OutputResource { public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "com.icesoft.faces.DataExporter"; public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "com.icesoft.faces.DataExporter"; public static final String DEFAULT_RENDERER_TYPE = "com.icesoft.faces.DataExporterRenderer"; private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DataExporter.class); private static final OutputTypeHandler NoopOutputHandler = new OutputTypeHandler("no-data") { public void writeHeaderCell(String text, int col) { } public void writeCell(Object output, int col, int row) { } public void flushFile() { } }; private boolean readyToExport = false; private String _for; private String type; private String clickToCreateFileText; private String _origType; private transient OutputTypeHandler outputTypeHandler; private String _origFor; private transient OutputTypeHandler _origOutputTypeHandler; private transient int _origDataModelHash = 0; public final static String EXCEL_TYPE = "excel"; public final static String CSV_TYPE = "csv"; public final static String PDF_TYPE = "pdf"; private Boolean ignorePagination; private Boolean renderLabelAsButton; private String styleClass; private String includeColumns; private int rows = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private int first = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private String popupBlockerLabel; public DataExporter() { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponent#getFamily() */ public String getFamily() { return COMPONENT_FAMILY; } public String getComponentType() { return COMPONENT_TYPE; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.faces.component.UIComponent#getRendererType() */ public String getRendererType() { return DEFAULT_RENDERER_TYPE; } public UIData getUIData() { String forStr = getFor(); UIData forComp = (UIData) CoreComponentUtils.findComponent(forStr, this); if (forComp == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "could not find UIData referenced by attribute @for = '" + forStr + "'"); } else if (!(forComp instanceof UIData)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("uiComponent referenced by attribute @for = '" + forStr + "' must be of type " + UIData.class.getName() + ", not type " + forComp.getClass().getName()); } //compare with cached DataModel to check for updates if (_origDataModelHash != 0 && _origDataModelHash != forComp.getValue().hashCode()) { reset(); } if (!isIgnorePagination() && ((first != Integer.MIN_VALUE && first != forComp.getFirst()) || (rows != Integer.MIN_VALUE && rows != forComp.getRows()))) { reset(); } Object value = forComp.getValue(); if (null != value) { _origDataModelHash = forComp.getValue().hashCode(); } return forComp; } private void reset() { this.readyToExport = false; this.resource = null; } public String getFor() { if (_for != null) { if (!_for.equals(this._origFor)) reset(); this._origFor = _for; return _for; } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("for"); String newFor = null; if (vb != null) { newFor = (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); if (newFor != null && !newFor.equals(this._origFor)) reset(); this._origFor = newFor; } return newFor; } public void setFor(String forValue) { if (forValue != null && !forValue.equals(_for)) this.resource = null; _for = forValue; } public String getType() { if (type != null) { if (!type.equals(this._origType)) reset(); this._origType = type; return type; } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("type"); String newType = null; if (vb != null) { newType = (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); if (newType != null && !newType.equals(this._origType)) reset(); this._origType = newType; } return newType; } public void setType(String type) { if (type != null && !type.equals(this.type)) reset(); this.type = type; } public boolean isReadyToExport() { return readyToExport; } public void setReadyToExport(boolean readyToExport) { this.readyToExport = readyToExport; } /** * @deprecated */ public String getClickToCreateFileText() { if (this.clickToCreateFileText != null) { return clickToCreateFileText; } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("clickToCreateFileText"); return vb != null ? (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()) : null; } /** * @deprecated */ public void setClickToCreateFileText(String clickToCreateFileText) { this.clickToCreateFileText = clickToCreateFileText; } public OutputTypeHandler getOutputTypeHandler() { ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("outputTypeHandler"); OutputTypeHandler newOutputHandler = null; if (vb != null) { newOutputHandler = (OutputTypeHandler) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()); if (newOutputHandler != null && newOutputHandler != this._origOutputTypeHandler) reset(); this._origOutputTypeHandler = newOutputHandler; } return newOutputHandler; } public void setOutputTypeHandler(OutputTypeHandler outputTypeHandler) { if (outputTypeHandler != null && outputTypeHandler != this.outputTypeHandler) reset(); this.outputTypeHandler = outputTypeHandler; } private transient Object values[]; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) */ public Object saveState(FacesContext context) { if (values == null) { values = new Object[14]; } values[0] = super.saveState(context); values[1] = _for; values[2] = type; values[3] = clickToCreateFileText; values[4] = readyToExport ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; values[5] = _origType; values[6] = _origFor; values[7] = ignorePagination; values[8] = renderLabelAsButton; values[9] = styleClass; values[10] = includeColumns; values[11] = new Integer(rows); values[12] = new Integer(first); values[13] = popupBlockerLabel; return ((Object) (values)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see javax.faces.component.StateHolder#restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, * java.lang.Object) */ public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state) { Object values[] = (Object[]) state; super.restoreState(context, values[0]); _for = (String) values[1]; type = (String) values[2]; clickToCreateFileText = (String) values[3]; readyToExport = ((Boolean) values[4]).booleanValue(); _origType = (String) values[5]; _origFor = (String) values[6]; ignorePagination = (Boolean) values[7]; renderLabelAsButton = (Boolean) values[8]; styleClass = (String) values[9]; includeColumns = (String) values[10]; rows = ((Integer) values[11]).intValue(); first = ((Integer) values[12]).intValue(); popupBlockerLabel = (String) values[13]; } public String getLabel() { String label = super.getLabel(); if (label == null) { if (resource instanceof FileResource) label = ((FileResource) resource).getFile().getName(); } return label; } public void broadcast(FacesEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException { super.broadcast(event); if (event != null) { FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String type = getType(); UIData uiData = getUIData(); File output = createFile(facesContext, type, uiData); setResource(new FileResource(output)); getResource(); JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(facesContext, "Ice.DataExporters['" + getClientId(facesContext) + "'].url('" + getPath() + "');"); } } private File createFile(FacesContext fc, String type, UIData uiData) { OutputTypeHandler outputHandler = null; String path = CoreUtils.getRealPath(fc, "/export"); File exportDir = new File(path); if (!exportDir.exists()) exportDir.mkdirs(); String pathWithoutExt = path + "/export_" + new Date().getTime(); if (getOutputTypeHandler() != null) outputHandler = getOutputTypeHandler(); else if (DataExporter.EXCEL_TYPE.equals(getType())) { outputHandler = new ExcelOutputHandler(pathWithoutExt + ".xls", fc, uiData.getId()); } else if (DataExporter.CSV_TYPE.equals(getType())) { outputHandler = new CSVOutputHandler(pathWithoutExt + ".csv"); } else if (DataExporter.PDF_TYPE.equals(getType())) { outputHandler = new PDFOutputHandler(pathWithoutExt + ".pdf", uiData.getId()); } else { outputHandler = NoopOutputHandler; } renderToHandler(outputHandler, uiData, fc); setMimeType(outputHandler.getMimeType()); return outputHandler.getFile(); } private String encodeParentAndChildrenAsString(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic) { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); if (uic instanceof CommandSortHeader) { if (uic.getChildCount() > 0) { Iterator iter = uic.getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UIComponent child = (UIComponent); str.append(encodeParentAndChildrenAsString(fc, child)); } } } Object value = uic.getAttributes().get("value"); if (value == null) { ValueBinding vb = uic.getValueBinding("value"); if (vb != null) { value = vb.getValue(fc); } } if (value == null) { return str.toString(); } Converter converter = null; if (uic instanceof ValueHolder) { converter = ((ValueHolder) uic).getConverter(); } if (converter == null) { converter = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createConverter(value.getClass()); } if (converter != null) { str.append(converter.getAsString(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), uic, value)); } else { str.append(value); } //don't process selectItems or f:param for uiCommand) if (uic instanceof UISelectBoolean || uic instanceof UISelectMany || uic instanceof UISelectOne || uic instanceof UICommand) { return str.toString(); } if (uic.getChildCount() > 0) { Iterator iter = uic.getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { UIComponent child = (UIComponent); str.append(encodeParentAndChildrenAsString(fc, child)); } } return str.toString(); } protected List getRenderedChildColumnsList(UIComponent component) { List results = new ArrayList(); Iterator kids = component.getChildren().iterator(); while (kids.hasNext()) { UIComponent kid = (UIComponent); if ((kid instanceof UIColumn) && kid.isRendered()) { results.add(kid); } else if (kid instanceof UIColumns) { results.add(kid); } } return results; } private void renderToHandler(OutputTypeHandler outputHandler, UIData uiData, FacesContext fc) { try { int rowIndex = 0; int numberOfRowsToDisplay = 0; if (!isIgnorePagination()) { rowIndex = uiData.getFirst(); numberOfRowsToDisplay = uiData.getRows(); first = rowIndex; rows = numberOfRowsToDisplay; } int countOfRowsDisplayed = 0; uiData.setRowIndex(rowIndex); String[] includeColumnsArray = null; String includeColumns = getIncludeColumns(); if (includeColumns != null) includeColumnsArray = includeColumns.split(","); List columns = getRenderedChildColumnsList(uiData); //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderToHandler() columns.size: " + columns.size()); // write header //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderToHandler() HEADERS"); processAllColumns(fc, outputHandler, columns, includeColumnsArray, -1, false); //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderToHandler() ROWS"); while (uiData.isRowAvailable()) { if (numberOfRowsToDisplay > 0 && countOfRowsDisplayed >= numberOfRowsToDisplay) { break; } // render the child columns; each one in a td processAllColumns(fc, outputHandler, columns, includeColumnsArray, countOfRowsDisplayed, false); // keep track of rows displayed countOfRowsDisplayed++; // maintain the row index property on the underlying UIData // component rowIndex++; uiData.setRowIndex(rowIndex); } // reset the underlying UIData component uiData.setRowIndex(-1); // write footer //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderToHandler() FOOTERS"); processAllColumns(fc, outputHandler, columns, includeColumnsArray, countOfRowsDisplayed, true); outputHandler.flushFile(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("renderToHandler()", e); } } public void addInfo() { } /** * <p>Set the value of the <code>ignorePagination</code> property.</p> */ public void setIgnorePagination(boolean ignorePagination) { this.ignorePagination = new Boolean(ignorePagination); } /** * <p>Return the value of the <code>ignorePagination</code> property.</p> */ public boolean isIgnorePagination() { if (ignorePagination != null) { return ignorePagination.booleanValue(); } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("ignorePagination"); return vb != null ? ((Boolean) vb.getValue(getFacesContext())).booleanValue() : false; } /** * <p>Set the value of the <code>renderLabelAsButton</code> property.</p> */ public void setRenderLabelAsButton(boolean renderLabelAsButton) { this.renderLabelAsButton = new Boolean(renderLabelAsButton); } /** * <p>Return the value of the <code>renderLabelAsButton</code> property.</p> */ public boolean isRenderLabelAsButton() { if (renderLabelAsButton != null) { return renderLabelAsButton.booleanValue(); } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("renderLabelAsButton"); return vb != null ? ((Boolean) vb.getValue(getFacesContext())).booleanValue() : false; } public void setStyleClass(String styleClass) { this.styleClass = styleClass; } public String getStyleClass() { return Util.getQualifiedStyleClass(this, styleClass, CSS_DEFAULT.DATAEXPORTER_DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS, "styleClass"); } protected void processAllColumns(FacesContext fc, OutputTypeHandler outputHandler, List columns, String[] includeColumnsArray, int countOfRowsDisplayed, boolean footer) { if (includeColumnsArray != null) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() COLUMNS ARRAY"); renderInUserDefinedOrder(fc, outputHandler, columns, includeColumnsArray, 0, countOfRowsDisplayed, footer); } else { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() COLUMNS ITERATING"); int colIndex = 0; Iterator childColumns = columns.iterator(); while (childColumns.hasNext()) { UIComponent nextColumn = (UIComponent); if (nextColumn instanceof UIColumn) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() UIColumn colIndex: " + colIndex); if (countOfRowsDisplayed == -1) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() HEADER CELL"); processColumnHeader(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex); } else if (footer) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() FOOTER CELL"); processColumnFooter(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } else { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() CELL"); processColumn(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } colIndex++; } else if (nextColumn instanceof UIColumns) { UIColumns nextColumns = (UIColumns) nextColumn; int colsSpecificIndex = nextColumns.getFirst(); int count = nextColumns.getRows(); int colsSpecificLast = (count == 0) ? (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1) : (colsSpecificIndex + count - 1); //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() UIColumns first: " + colsSpecificIndex + " rows: " + count); while (colsSpecificIndex <= colsSpecificLast) { nextColumns.setRowIndex(colsSpecificIndex); if (!nextColumns.isRowAvailable()) { break; } if (countOfRowsDisplayed == -1) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() HEADER CELL colIndex: " + colIndex); processColumnHeader(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex); } else if (footer) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() FOOTER CELL colIndex: " + colIndex); processColumnFooter(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } else { //System.out.println("DataExporter.processAllColumns() CELL colIndex: " + colIndex); processColumn(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } colsSpecificIndex++; colIndex++; } nextColumns.setRowIndex(-1); } } } } protected void processColumnHeader(FacesContext fc, OutputTypeHandler outputHandler, UIComponent uiColumn, int colIndex) { UIComponent headerComp = uiColumn.getFacet("header"); if (headerComp != null) { String headerText = encodeParentAndChildrenAsString(fc, headerComp); if (headerText != null) { outputHandler.writeHeaderCell(headerText, colIndex); } } } protected void processColumnFooter(FacesContext fc, OutputTypeHandler outputHandler, UIComponent uiColumn, int colIndex, int countOfRowsDisplayed) { UIComponent footerComp = uiColumn.getFacet("footer"); if (footerComp != null) { Object output = encodeParentAndChildrenAsString(fc, footerComp); if (output != null) { outputHandler.writeFooterCell(output, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } } } protected void processColumn(FacesContext fc, OutputTypeHandler outputHandler, UIComponent uiColumn, int colIndex, int countOfRowsDisplayed) { StringBuffer stringOutput = new StringBuffer(); Iterator childrenOfThisColumn = uiColumn.getChildren().iterator(); while (childrenOfThisColumn.hasNext()) { UIComponent nextChild = (UIComponent); if (nextChild.isRendered() && !(nextChild instanceof RowSelector)) { stringOutput.append(encodeParentAndChildrenAsString(fc, nextChild)); //a blank to separate if (childrenOfThisColumn.hasNext()) { stringOutput.append(' '); } } } outputHandler.writeCell(stringOutput.toString(), colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } /** */ public String getIncludeColumns() { if (this.includeColumns != null) { return includeColumns; } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("includeColumns"); return vb != null ? (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()) : null; } /** */ public void setIncludeColumns(String includeColumns) { this.includeColumns = includeColumns; } protected void renderInUserDefinedOrder(FacesContext fc, OutputTypeHandler outputHandler, List columns, String[] includeColumnsArray, int colIndex, int countOfRowsDisplayed, boolean footer) { UIComponent previousColumn = null; for (int i = 0; i < includeColumnsArray.length; i++) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() includeColumnsArray["+i+"]: " + includeColumnsArray[i]); int userIndex = 0; try { userIndex = Integer.parseInt(includeColumnsArray[i].trim()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("renderInUserDefinedOrder() invalid column index ", e); continue; } //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() userIndex: " + userIndex); UIComponent nextColumn = null; int runningIndex = 0; for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < columns.size(); listIndex++) { UIComponent runningComp = (UIComponent) columns.get(listIndex); if (runningComp instanceof UIColumn) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() Check UIColumn runningIndex: " + runningIndex); if (runningIndex == userIndex) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() MATCH"); nextColumn = runningComp; break; } runningIndex++; } else if (runningComp instanceof UIColumns) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() Check UIColumns"); UIColumns runningCols = (UIColumns) runningComp; // If rows is specified, so it's possible to know if // userIndex is contained in this UIColumns or not. int runningColsSize = runningCols.getRows(); if (runningColsSize != 0) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() rows specified"); if (userIndex >= runningIndex && userIndex < runningIndex + runningColsSize) { int colsSpecificIndex = userIndex - runningIndex + runningCols.getFirst(); runningIndex = userIndex; runningCols.setRowIndex(colsSpecificIndex); //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() MATCH colsSpecificIndex: " + colsSpecificIndex); nextColumn = runningCols; break; } else { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() beyond rows"); runningIndex += runningColsSize; } } // Have to just iterate over the UIColumns to determine // its size, to know if userIndex falls within it. else { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() rows not specified"); int colsSpecificIndex = runningCols.getFirst(); while (true) { runningCols.setRowIndex(colsSpecificIndex); if (!runningCols.isRowAvailable()) { break; } if (runningIndex == userIndex) { //System.out.println("DataExporter.renderInUserDefinedOrder() MATCH colsSpecificIndex: " + colsSpecificIndex); nextColumn = runningCols; break; } runningIndex++; colsSpecificIndex++; } if (nextColumn != null) { break; } // If we just scanned through runningCols, and aren't // using it, clean it up, unless we're going to already if (nextColumn == null && runningCols != previousColumn) { runningCols.setRowIndex(-1); } } } } if (nextColumn == null) {"[" + userIndex + "] is invalid column index. Column index is 0 based and should be less then from " + runningIndex); continue; } // If we're switching away from a UIColumns, clean it up if (previousColumn != null && nextColumn != previousColumn && previousColumn instanceof UIColumns) { ((UIColumns) previousColumn).setRowIndex(-1); } previousColumn = nextColumn; if (countOfRowsDisplayed == -1) { processColumnHeader(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex); } else if (footer) { processColumnFooter(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } else { processColumn(fc, outputHandler, nextColumn, colIndex, countOfRowsDisplayed); } colIndex++; } // Cleanup any trailing UIColumns if (previousColumn != null && previousColumn instanceof UIColumns) { ((UIColumns) previousColumn).setRowIndex(-1); } } public String getPopupBlockerLabel() { if (this.popupBlockerLabel != null) { return popupBlockerLabel; } ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("popupBlockerLabel"); return vb != null ? (String) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()) : null; } public void setPopupBlockerLabel(String popupBlockerLabel) { this.popupBlockerLabel = popupBlockerLabel; } }