Java tutorial
/* # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StreamImpl<T> extends TupleContainer<T> implements TStream<T> { private final BOutput output; @Override public BOutput output() { return output; } public StreamImpl(TopologyElement te, BOutput output, Type tupleType) { super(te, tupleType); this.output = output; } /** * Get a simple name to be used for naming operators, * returns Object when the class name is not used. */ protected String getTupleName() { return TypeDiscoverer.getTupleName(getTupleType()); } @Override public TStream<T> filter(Predicate<T> filter) { String opName = LogicUtils.functionName(filter); BOperatorInvocation bop = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, opName, FILTER_KIND, filter); SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(bop, StreamImpl.class); connectTo(bop, true, null); return addMatchingOutput(bop, refineType(Predicate.class, 0, filter)); } protected TStream<T> addMatchingOutput(BOperatorInvocation bop, Type tupleType) { return JavaFunctional.addJavaOutput(this, bop, tupleType, true); } protected TStream<T> addMatchingStream(BOutput output) { return new StreamImpl<T>(this, output, getTupleType()); } /** * Try to refine a type down to a Class without generics. */ private Type refineType(Class<?> interfaceClass, int arg, Object object) { Type tupleType = getTupleType(); if (!(tupleType instanceof Class)) { // try and refine the type down. Type type = TypeDiscoverer.determineStreamTypeFromFunctionArg(interfaceClass, arg, object); if (type instanceof Class) tupleType = type; } return tupleType; } @Override public final TSink sink(Consumer<T> sinker) { return forEach(sinker); } @Override public final TSink forEach(Consumer<T> action) { String opName = LogicUtils.functionName(action); JsonObject invokeInfo = new JsonObject(); invokeInfo.addProperty("name", opName);, getClass()); return Invoker.invokeForEach(this, FOR_EACH_KIND, invokeInfo, action, null, null); } @Override public <U> TStream<U> transform(Function<T, U> transformer) { return map(transformer); } @Override public <U> TStream<U> map(Function<T, U> mapper) { return _transform(mapper, TypeDiscoverer.determineStreamType(mapper, null)); } private <U> TStream<U> _transform(Function<T, U> transformer, Type tupleType) { String opName = LogicUtils.functionName(transformer); BOperatorInvocation bop = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, opName, JavaFunctionalOps.MAP_KIND, transformer); SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(bop, StreamImpl.class); BInputPort inputPort = connectTo(bop, true, null); // By default add a queue inputPort.addQueue(true); return JavaFunctional.addJavaOutput(this, bop, tupleType, true); } private TStream<T> _modify(UnaryOperator<T> transformer, Type tupleType) { String opName = LogicUtils.functionName(transformer); BOperatorInvocation bop = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, opName, JavaFunctionalOps.MAP_KIND, transformer); SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(bop, StreamImpl.class); BInputPort inputPort = connectTo(bop, true, null); // By default add a queue inputPort.addQueue(true); return this.addMatchingOutput(bop, tupleType); } @Override public TStream<T> modify(UnaryOperator<T> modifier) { return _modify(modifier, refineType(UnaryOperator.class, 0, modifier)); } @Override public <U> TStream<U> multiTransform(Function<T, Iterable<U>> transformer) { return flatMap(transformer); } @Override public <U> TStream<U> flatMap(Function<T, Iterable<U>> mapper) { return _flatMap(mapper, TypeDiscoverer.determineStreamTypeNested(Function.class, 1, Iterable.class, mapper)); } private <U> TStream<U> _flatMap(Function<T, Iterable<U>> transformer, Type tupleType) { String opName = LogicUtils.functionName(transformer); BOperatorInvocation bop = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, opName, FLAT_MAP_KIND, transformer); SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(bop, StreamImpl.class); BInputPort inputPort = connectTo(bop, true, null); // By default add a queue inputPort.addQueue(true); return JavaFunctional.addJavaOutput(this, bop, tupleType, true); } @Override public TStream<T> union(TStream<T> other) { if (other == this) return this; return union(Collections.singleton(other)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public TStream<T> union(Set<TStream<T>> others) { if (others.isEmpty()) return this; Set<TStream<T>> allStreams = new HashSet<>(); allStreams.addAll(others); allStreams.add(this); // Check we don't have just a single stream. if (allStreams.size() == 1) return this; List<TStream<T>> sourceStreams = new ArrayList<>(); sourceStreams.addAll(allStreams); String schema = output()._type(); Type tupleType = getTupleType(); // Unwrap all streams so that we do not add the same stream twice // in multiple unions or explicitly and in a union. Set<BOutput> outputs = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceStreams.size(); i++) { TStream<T> s = sourceStreams.get(i); // Schemas can be different as the schema // defaults to the generic java object if // the type cannot be determined even if // it is a type that uses a special schema, // E..g TStream<String>. if (!schema.equals(s.output()._type())) { if (s.getTupleClass() != null) { // This stream has the direct schema! schema = s.output()._type(); assert getTupleClass() == null; tupleType = s.getTupleClass(); if (i != 0) { // Didn't discover it first // reset to go through the list // again. Note this assumes there // are just two options for the schema // generic or direct i = -1; // to get back to 0. outputs.clear(); continue; } } else { assert tupleType instanceof Class; s = s.asType((Class<T>) tupleType); assert s.output()._type().equals(schema); sourceStreams.set(i, s); } } outputs.add(s.output()); } BOutput unionOutput = builder().addUnion(outputs); return new StreamImpl<T>(this, unionOutput, tupleType); } @Override public TSink print() { return forEach(new Print<T>()); } @Override public TStream<T> sample(final double fraction) { if (fraction < 0.0 || fraction > 1.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return filter(new RandomSample<T>(fraction)); } @Override public TWindow<T, Object> last(int count) { return new WindowDefinition<T, Object>(this, count); } @Override public TWindow<T, Object> window(TWindow<?, ?> window) { return new WindowDefinition<T, Object>(this, window); } @Override public TWindow<T, Object> last(long time, TimeUnit unit) { if (time <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window duration of zero is not allowed."); return new WindowDefinition<T, Object>(this, time, unit); } @Override public TWindow<T, Object> last() { return last(1); } @Override public <J, U> TStream<J> join(TWindow<U, ?> window, BiFunction<T, List<U>, J> joiner) { Type tupleType = TypeDiscoverer.determineStreamTypeFromFunctionArg(BiFunction.class, 2, joiner); return ((WindowDefinition<U, ?>) window).joinInternal(this, null, joiner, tupleType); } @Override public <J, U> TStream<J> joinLast(TStream<U> lastStream, BiFunction<T, U, J> joiner) { Function<T, Object> nkt = notKeyed(); Function<U, Object> nku = notKeyed(); return joinLast(nkt, lastStream, nku, joiner); } @Override public <J, U, K> TStream<J> joinLast(Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyer, TStream<U> lastStream, Function<? super U, ? extends K> lastStreamKeyer, BiFunction<T, U, J> joiner) { TWindow<U, K> window = lastStream.last().key(lastStreamKeyer); Type tupleType = TypeDiscoverer.determineStreamTypeFromFunctionArg(BiFunction.class, 2, joiner); BiFunction<T, List<U>, J> wrapperJoiner = new FirstOfSecondParameterIterator<>(joiner); return ((WindowDefinition<U, K>) window).joinInternal(this, keyer, wrapperJoiner, tupleType); } @Override public <J, U, K> TStream<J> join(Function<T, K> keyer, TWindow<U, K> window, BiFunction<T, List<U>, J> joiner) { Type tupleType = TypeDiscoverer.determineStreamTypeFromFunctionArg(BiFunction.class, 2, joiner); return ((WindowDefinition<U, K>) window).joinInternal(this, keyer, joiner, tupleType); } @Override public final void publish(String topic) { publish(topic, false); } @Override public final void publish(Supplier<String> topic) { _publish(topic, false); } @Override public final void publish(Supplier<String> topic, boolean allowFilter) { _publish(topic, allowFilter); } private static void filtersNotAllowed(boolean allowFilter) { if (allowFilter) throw new IllegalArgumentException("TStream tuple type cannot be published allowing filters."); } @Override public final void publish(String topic, boolean allowFilter) { checkTopicName(topic); _publish(topic, allowFilter); } protected void _publish(Object topic, boolean allowFilter) { Type tupleType = getTupleType(); if (JSON4JBridge.isJson4JClass(tupleType)) { filtersNotAllowed(allowFilter); SPLStreamBridge.publishJSON(this, topic); return; } BOperatorInvocation op; if (ObjectSchemas.usesDirectSchema(tupleType)) { // Don't allow filtering against schemas that Streams // would not allow a filter against. if (String.class != tupleType) filtersNotAllowed(allowFilter); // Publish as a stream consumable by SPL & Java/Scala Map<String, Object> publishParms = new HashMap<>(); publishParms.put("topic", topic); publishParms.put("allowFilter", allowFilter); op = builder().addSPLOperator("Publish", "", publishParms); } else if (getTupleClass() != null) { filtersNotAllowed(allowFilter); // Publish as a stream consumable only by Java/Scala Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("topic", topic); params.put("class", getTupleClass().getName()); op = builder().addSPLOperator("Publish", "", params); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "A TStream with a tuple type that contains a generic or unknown type cannot be published"); } SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(op, StreamImpl.class); this.connectTo(op, false, null); } /** * Topic name: * - must not be zero length * - must not contain nul * - must not contain wildcard characters * @param topic */ protected void checkTopicName(String topic) { if (topic.isEmpty() || topic.indexOf('\u0000') != -1 || topic.indexOf('+') != -1 || topic.indexOf('#') != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid topic name:" + topic); } } @Override public TStream<T> parallel(Supplier<Integer> width, Routing routing) { switch (requireNonNull(routing)) { case ROUND_ROBIN: case BROADCAST: return _parallel(width, routing, null); case HASH_PARTITIONED: UnaryOperator<T> identity = Logic.identity(); return _parallel(width, routing, identity); case KEY_PARTITIONED: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Routing.KEY_PARTITIONED requires a key function. Use parallel(Supplier<Integer> width, Function<T,?> keyer)."); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported routing:" + routing); } } @Override public TStream<T> parallel(Supplier<Integer> width, Function<T, ?> keyer) { if (keyer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("keyer"); return _parallel(width, Routing.KEY_PARTITIONED, keyer); } private TStream<T> _parallel(Supplier<Integer> width, Routing routing, Function<T, ?> keyer) { if (width == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(PortProperties.WIDTH); Integer widthVal; if (width.get() != null) widthVal = width.get(); else if (width instanceof SubmissionParameter<?>) widthVal = ((SubmissionParameter<Integer>) width).getDefaultValue(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal width Supplier: width.get() returns null."); if (widthVal != null && widthVal <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parallel width must be greater than or equal to 1."); BOutput toBeParallelized = output(); boolean isPartitioned = false; if (keyer != null) { final ToIntFunction<T> hasher = new KeyFunctionHasher<>(keyer); BOperatorInvocation hashAdder = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, "HashAdder", HASH_ADDER_KIND, hasher); if (isPlaceable()) { BOperatorInvocation op = operator(); JsonObject serializer = op.getRawParameter("outputSerializer"); if (serializer != null) { hashAdder.setParameter("inputSerializer", serializer); JavaFunctional.copyDependencies(this, op, hashAdder); } } hashAdder.layout().addProperty("hidden", true); BInputPort ip = connectTo(hashAdder, true, null); String hashSchema = ObjectSchemas.schemaWithHash(ip._schema()); toBeParallelized = hashAdder.addOutput(hashSchema); isPartitioned = true; } BOutput parallelOutput = builder().parallel(toBeParallelized,, width); if (isPartitioned) { parallelOutput._json().addProperty(PortProperties.PARTITIONED, true); JsonArray partitionKeys = new JsonArray(); partitionKeys.add(new JsonPrimitive("__spl_hash")); parallelOutput._json().add(PortProperties.PARTITION_KEYS, partitionKeys); // Add hash remover StreamImpl<T> parallelStream = new StreamImpl<T>(this, parallelOutput, getTupleType()); BOperatorInvocation hashRemover = builder().addOperator("HashRemover", HASH_REMOVER_KIND, null); hashRemover.setModel(MODEL_SPL, LANGUAGE_JAVA); hashRemover.layout().addProperty("hidden", true); @SuppressWarnings("unused") BInputPort pip = parallelStream.connectTo(hashRemover, true, null); parallelOutput = hashRemover.addOutput(output._type()); } return addMatchingStream(parallelOutput); } @Override public TStream<T> parallel(int width) { return parallel(of(width), TStream.Routing.ROUND_ROBIN); } @Override public TStream<T> parallel(Supplier<Integer> width) { return parallel(width, TStream.Routing.ROUND_ROBIN); } @Override public TStream<T> setParallel(Supplier<Integer> width) { BOutputPort output = (BOutputPort) this.output; output.operator().addConfig(OpProperties.PARALLEL, true); output.operator().addConfig(OpProperties.WIDTH, width.get()); return this; } @Override public TStream<T> endParallel() { BOutput end = output(); if (end instanceof BUnionOutput) { end = builder().addPassThroughOperator(end); } return addMatchingStream(builder().unparallel(end)); } @Override public TStream<T> throttle(final long delay, final TimeUnit unit) { final long delayms = unit.toMillis(delay); return modify(new Throttle<T>(delayms)); } /** * Connect this stream to a downstream operator. If input is null then a new * input port will be created, otherwise it will be used to connect to this * stream. Returns input or the new port if input was null. */ @Override public BInputPort connectTo(BOperatorInvocation receivingBop, boolean functional, BInputPort input) { // We go through the JavaFunctional code to ensure // that we correctly add the dependent jars into the // class path of the operator. if (functional) return JavaFunctional.connectTo(this, output(), getTupleType(), receivingBop, input); return receivingBop.inputFrom(output, input); } @Override public TStream<T> isolate() { BOutput toBeIsolated = output(); if (builder().isInLowLatencyRegion(toBeIsolated)) throw new IllegalStateException("isolate() is not allowed in a low latency region"); BOutput isolatedOutput = builder().isolate(toBeIsolated); return addMatchingStream(isolatedOutput); } @Override public TStream<T> autonomous() { BOutput autonomousOutput = builder().autonomous(output()); return addMatchingStream(autonomousOutput); } @Override public TStream<T> setConsistent(ConsistentRegionConfig config) { if (!(output() instanceof BOutputPort)) throw new IllegalStateException(); topology().addJobControlPlane(); // Create an object representing the consistent region // converting times to seconds as doubles. JsonObject crann = new JsonObject(); crann.addProperty("trigger", config.getTrigger().name()); if (Trigger.PERIODIC == config.getTrigger()) crann.addProperty("period", toSeconds(config.getTimeUnit(), config.getPeriod())); crann.addProperty("drainTimeout", toSeconds(config.getTimeUnit(), config.getDrainTimeout())); crann.addProperty("resetTimeout", toSeconds(config.getTimeUnit(), config.getResetTimeout())); crann.addProperty("maxConsecutiveResetAttempts", config.getMaxConsecutiveResetAttempts()); BOutputPort out = (BOutputPort) output(); out.operator()._json().add(CONSISTENT, crann); return this; } private static double toSeconds(TimeUnit unit, long duration) { return unit.toMillis(duration) / 1000.0; } @Override public TStream<T> lowLatency() { BOutput toBeLowLatency = output(); BOutput lowLatencyOutput = builder().lowLatency(toBeLowLatency); return addMatchingStream(lowLatencyOutput); } @Override public TStream<T> endLowLatency() { BOutput toEndLowLatency = output(); BOutput endedLowLatency = builder().endLowLatency(toEndLowLatency); return addMatchingStream(endedLowLatency); } @Override public List<TStream<T>> split(int n, ToIntFunction<T> splitter) { if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("n"); List<TStream<T>> l = new ArrayList<>(n); String opName = LogicUtils.functionName(splitter); BOperatorInvocation bop = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, opName, JavaFunctionalOps.SPLIT_KIND, splitter); SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(bop, StreamImpl.class); connectTo(bop, true, null); Type outputType = refineType(ToIntFunction.class, 0, splitter); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TStream<T> splitOutput = JavaFunctional.addJavaOutput(this, bop, outputType, false); l.add(splitOutput); } return l; } /** * Get a stream that is typed to tupleClass, * adds a dependency on the type. */ @Override public TStream<T> asType(Class<T> tupleClass) { if (tupleClass.equals(getTupleClass())) return this; // Is a schema change needed? if (ObjectSchemas.usesDirectSchema(tupleClass) && !ObjectSchemas.getMappingSchema(tupleClass).equals(output()._type())) { TStream<T> newStream = fixDirectSchema(tupleClass); if (newStream != null) return newStream; } if (output() instanceof BOutputPort) { BOutputPort boutput = (BOutputPort) output(); BOperatorInvocation bop = (BOperatorInvocation) boutput.operator(); return JavaFunctional.getJavaTStream(this, bop, boutput, tupleClass); } // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private TStream<T> fixDirectSchema(Class<T> tupleClass) { if (output() instanceof BOutputPort) { String schema = output()._type(); if (schema.equals(ObjectSchemas.JAVA_OBJECT_SCHEMA)) { // If no connections can just change the schema directly. if (jisEmpty(array(output()._json(), "connections"))) { String directSchema = ObjectSchemas.getMappingSchema(tupleClass); output()._json().addProperty("type", directSchema); return null; } } } BOperatorInvocation bop = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, "SchemaFix", JavaFunctionalOps.MAP_KIND, identity()); SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(bop, StreamImpl.class); connectTo(bop, true, null); return JavaFunctional.addJavaOutput(this, bop, tupleClass, true); } @Override public boolean isPlaceable() { if (output() instanceof BOutputPort) { BOutputPort port = (BOutputPort) output(); return !BVirtualMarker.isVirtualMarker(jstring(port.operator()._json(), OpProperties.KIND)); } return false; } @Override public BOperatorInvocation operator() { if (isPlaceable()) return ((BOutputPort) output()).operator(); throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal operation: Placeable.isPlaceable()==false"); } @Override public TStream<T> colocate(Placeable<?>... elements) { PlacementInfo.colocate(this, elements); return this; } @Override public TStream<T> addResourceTags(String... tags) { PlacementInfo.addResourceTags(this, tags); return this; } @Override public Set<String> getResourceTags() { return PlacementInfo.getResourceTags(this); } @Override public TStream<T> invocationName(String name) { if (!isPlaceable()) throw new IllegalStateException(); builder().renameOp(operator(), Objects.requireNonNull(name)); return this; } }