Java tutorial
/* # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Manages fusing of Placeables. */ class PlacementInfo { private static final AtomicLong nextFuseId = new AtomicLong(); private static boolean hasPlacement(Placeable<?> element) { return object(element.operator()._json(), CONFIG, PLACEMENT) != null; } private static JsonObject placement(Placeable<?> element) { return objectCreate(element.operator()._json(), CONFIG, PLACEMENT); } /** * Fuse a number of placeables. * If fusing occurs then the fusing id * is set as explicitColocate in the placement JSON object in * the operator's config. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if Placeables are from different * topologies or if Placeable.isPlaceable()==false. */ static boolean colocate(Placeable<?> first, Placeable<?>... toFuse) { Set<Placeable<?>> elements = new HashSet<>(); elements.add(first); elements.addAll(Arrays.asList(toFuse)); // check high level constraints for (Placeable<?> element : elements) { if (!element.isPlaceable()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Placeable.isPlaceable()==false"); if (!first.topology().equals(element.topology())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Different topologies: " + first.topology().getName() + " and " + element.topology().getName()); } if (elements.size() < 2) return false; disallowColocateInLowLatency(elements); disallowColocateIsolatedOpWithParent(first, toFuse); String fusingId = null; for (Placeable<?> element : elements) { JsonObject placement = placement(element); fusingId = jstring(placement, PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID); if (fusingId != null) { break; } } if (fusingId == null) { fusingId = "__jaa_colocate" + nextFuseId.incrementAndGet(); } Set<String> fusedResourceTags = new HashSet<>(); // Determine the union of all resource tags for the colocated operators for (Placeable<?> element : elements) { JsonObject placement = placement(element); if (placement.has(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)) { addToSet(fusedResourceTags, array(placement, PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)); } } JsonArray fusedResourceTagsJson = setToArray(fusedResourceTags); // And finally update all the JSON info for (Placeable<?> element : elements) { JsonObject placement = placement(element); placement.addProperty(PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID, fusingId); placement.add(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS, fusedResourceTagsJson); } return true; } private static void addToSet(Set<String> set, JsonArray array) { for (JsonElement item : array) set.add(item.getAsString()); } private static JsonArray setToArray(Set<String> set) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); for (String item : set) if (!item.isEmpty()) array.add(new JsonPrimitive(item)); return array; } /** throw if s1.isolate().filter().colocate(s1) */ private static void disallowColocateIsolatedOpWithParent(Placeable<?> first, Placeable<?>... toFuse) { JsonObject graph = first.builder()._complete(); JsonObject colocateOp = first.operator()._complete(); Set<JsonObject> parents = GraphUtilities.getUpstream(colocateOp, graph); if (!parents.isEmpty()) { JsonObject isolate = parents.iterator().next(); String kind = jstring(isolate, "kind"); if (!ISOLATE.kind().equals(kind)) return; parents = GraphUtilities.getUpstream(isolate, graph); if (parents.isEmpty()) return; JsonObject isolateParentOp = parents.iterator().next(); for (Placeable<?> placeable : toFuse) { JsonObject tgtOp = placeable.operator()._complete(); if (jstring(tgtOp, "name").equals(jstring(isolateParentOp, "name"))) throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal to colocate an isolated stream with its parent."); } } } // A short term concession to the fact that colocate() // and low latency regions aren't playing well together // i.e., the low latency guarantee is being violated. // So disallow that configuration for now. private static void disallowColocateInLowLatency(Set<Placeable<?>> elements) { for (Placeable<?> element : elements) { BOperatorInvocation op = element.operator(); if (element.builder().isInLowLatencyRegion(op)) throw new IllegalStateException("colocate() is not allowed in a low latency region"); } } static Set<String> getResourceTags(Placeable<?> element) { if (!hasPlacement(element)) return Collections.emptySet(); JsonObject placement = placement(element); if (!placement.has(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<String> elementResourceTags = new HashSet<>(); addToSet(elementResourceTags, array(placement, PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(elementResourceTags); } static void addResourceTags(Placeable<?> element, String... tags) { if (Objects.requireNonNull(tags).length == 0) return; Set<String> elementResourceTags = new HashSet<>(); elementResourceTags.addAll(Arrays.asList(tags)); JsonObject placement = placement(element); if (placement.has(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)) addToSet(elementResourceTags, array(placement, PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)); if (placement.has(PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID)) findAllColocatedResourceTags(element, jstring(placement, PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID), elementResourceTags); JsonArray resourceTags = setToArray(elementResourceTags); placement.add(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS, resourceTags); if (placement.has(PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID)) updateAllColocatedResourceTags(element, jstring(placement, PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID), resourceTags); } private static void findAllColocatedResourceTags(Placeable<?> element, String colocateId, Set<String> elementResourceTags) { JsonObject graph = element.builder()._complete(); GsonUtilities.objectArray(graph, "operators", op -> { JsonObject placement = object(op, CONFIG, PLACEMENT); if (placement != null) { if (colocateId.equals(jstring(placement, PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID))) { if (placement.has(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)) addToSet(elementResourceTags, array(placement, PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS)); } } }); } private static void updateAllColocatedResourceTags(Placeable<?> element, String colocateId, JsonArray resourceTags) { JsonObject graph = element.builder()._complete(); GsonUtilities.objectArray(graph, "operators", op -> { JsonObject placement = object(op, CONFIG, PLACEMENT); if (placement != null) { if (colocateId.equals(jstring(placement, PLACEMENT_EXPLICIT_COLOCATE_ID))) { placement.add(PLACEMENT_RESOURCE_TAGS, resourceTags); } } }); } }