Java tutorial
/* # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class GraphUtilities { static Set<JsonObject> findStarts(JsonObject graph) { Set<JsonObject> starts = new HashSet<>(); operators(graph, op -> { JsonArray inputs = GsonUtilities.array(op, "inputs"); if (inputs == null || inputs.size() == 0) { // should this be kind? String name = jstring(op, "name"); if (name != null && !name.startsWith("$")) { starts.add(op); return; } } if (jboolean(op, START_OP)) starts.add(op); }); return starts; } /* static Set<JSONObject> findOperatorByKind(BVirtualMarker virtualMarker, JSONObject _graph) { return backToJSON(_graph, findOperatorByKind(virtualMarker, gson(_graph))); } */ /** * Get the kind of an operator. */ static String kind(JsonObject op) { String kind = jstring(op, KIND); assert kind != null; return kind; } /** * Is an operator a specific kind. */ static boolean isKind(JsonObject op, String kind) { return kind.equals(kind(op)); } /** * Add an operator parameter, replacing the existing value if it exists. * Handles the case where no parameters exist. */ static void addOpParameter(JsonObject op, String name, JsonObject value) { JsonObject params = GsonUtilities.objectCreate(op, "parameters"); params.add(name, value); } static List<JsonObject> findOperatorByKind(BVirtualMarker virtualMarker, JsonObject graph) { List<JsonObject> kindOperators = new ArrayList<>(); operators(graph, op -> { if (virtualMarker.isThis(kind(op))) kindOperators.add(op); }); return kindOperators; } /** * Find all (non-virtual) operators of specific kinds (by string). */ static Set<JsonObject> findOperatorsByKinds(final JsonObject graph, final Set<String> kinds) { Set<JsonObject> kindOperators = new HashSet<>(); operators(graph, op -> { if (kinds.contains(kind(op))) kindOperators.add(op); }); return kindOperators; } /** * Get all operators immediately downstream of the {@code visitOp} * operator. No exceptions are made for marker operators. * <br><br> * Specifically, searches the graph, and returns a list of operators which * have an input port connected to any output port of {@code visitOp}. * @param visitOp The operator for which all immediate downstream * operators should be returned. * @param graph The graph JSONObject in which {@code visitOp} resides. * @return A list of all operators immediately downstream from {@code visitOp} */ /* static Set<JSONObject> getDownstream(JSONObject _visitOp, JSONObject _graph) { return backToJSON(_graph, getDownstream(gson(_visitOp), gson(_graph))); } */ static Set<JsonObject> getDownstream(JsonObject visitOp, JsonObject graph) { Set<JsonObject> children = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> oportNames = new HashSet<>(); // Create list of output port names GraphUtilities.outputs(visitOp, output -> { oportNames.add(jstring(output, "name")); }); operators(graph, op -> { GraphUtilities.inputConnections(op, oportName -> { if (oportNames.contains(oportName)) children.add(op); }); }); return children; /* Set<JSONObject> children = new HashSet<>(); JSONArray outputs = (JSONArray) visitOp.get("outputs"); if (outputs == null || outputs.isEmpty()) { return children; } for (Object _out : outputs) { JSONArray connections = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) _out) .get("connections"); for (Object _conn : connections) { String inputPort = (String) _conn; // TODO: build index instead of iterating through graph each // time JSONArray ops = (JSONArray) graph.get("operators"); for (Object _op : ops) { JSONObject op = (JSONObject) _op; JSONArray inputs = (JSONArray) op.get("inputs"); if (inputs != null && !inputs.isEmpty()) { for (Object _input : inputs) { String name = (String) ((JSONObject) _input).get("name"); if (name.equals(inputPort)) { children.add(op); } } } } } } return children; */ } /** * Get all operators immediately upstream of the {@code visitOp} * operator. No exceptions are made for marker operators. * <br><br> * Specifically, searches the graph, and returns a list of operators which * have an output port connected to any input port of {@code visitOp}. * @param visitOp The operator for which all immediate upstream * operators should be returned. * @param graph The graph JSONObject in which {@code visitOp} resides. * @return A list of all operators immediately upstream from {@code visitOp} */ /* public static Set<JSONObject> getUpstream(JSONObject _visitOp, JSONObject _graph) { return backToJSON(_graph, getUpstream(gson(_visitOp), gson(_graph))); } */ public static Set<JsonObject> getUpstream(JsonObject visitOp, JsonObject graph) { Set<JsonObject> parents = new HashSet<>(); inputConnections(visitOp, outputPort -> { operators(graph, op -> outputs(op, output -> { if (jstring(output, "name").equals(outputPort)) parents.add(op); })); }); return parents; } /** * Copies operator, giving it a new name. Also renames input/output ports, * and clears the input/output connections array. * @param op * @param name */ static JsonObject copyOperatorNewName(JsonObject op, String name) { JsonObject op_new; try { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); op_new = parser.parse(op.toString()).getAsJsonObject(); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error copying operator " + jstring(op, "name"), e); } op_new.addProperty("name", name); inputs(op_new, input -> { input.addProperty("name", name + "_IN" + jstring(input, "index")); input.add("connections", new JsonArray()); }); outputs(op_new, output -> { output.addProperty("name", name + "_OUT" + jstring(output, "index")); output.add("connections", new JsonArray()); }); return op_new; } static void removeOperator(JsonObject op, JsonObject graph) { removeOperators(Collections.singleton(op), graph); } static void removeOperators(Collection<JsonObject> operators, JsonObject graph) { for (JsonObject iso : operators) { // Get parents and children of operator Set<JsonObject> operatorParents = getUpstream(iso, graph); Set<JsonObject> operatorChildren = getDownstream(iso, graph); JsonArray operatorOutputs = array(iso, "outputs"); // Get the output name of the operator String operatorOutName = ""; if (operatorOutputs != null) { JsonObject operatorFirstOutput = operatorOutputs.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); if (operatorFirstOutput != null) { operatorOutName = jstring(operatorFirstOutput, "name"); } } // Also get input names List<String> operatorInNames = new ArrayList<>(); inputs(iso, input -> operatorInNames.add(jstring(input, "name"))); // Respectively, the names of the child and parent input and // output ports connected to the operator. List<String> childInputPortNames = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> parentOutputPortNames = new ArrayList<>(); // References to the list of connections for the parent and child // output and input ports that are connected to the $isolate$ // operator. List<JsonArray> childConnections = new ArrayList<>(); List<JsonArray> parentConnections = new ArrayList<>(); // Get names of children's input ports that are connected to the // operator; for (JsonObject child : operatorChildren) { JsonArray inputs = child.get("inputs").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement inputObj : inputs) { JsonObject input = inputObj.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray connections = input.get("connections").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement connectionObj : connections) { String connection = connectionObj.getAsString(); if (connection.equals(operatorOutName)) { childInputPortNames.add(jstring(input, "name")); childConnections.add(connections); connections.remove(connectionObj); break; } } } } // Get names of parent's output ports that are connected to the // $Isolate$ operator; for (JsonObject parent : operatorParents) { JsonArray outputs = parent.get("outputs").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement outputObj : outputs) { JsonObject output = outputObj.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray connections = output.get("connections").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement connectionObj : connections) { String connection = connectionObj.getAsString(); if (operatorInNames.contains(connection)) { parentOutputPortNames.add(jstring(output, "name")); parentConnections.add(connections); connections.remove(connectionObj); break; } } } } // Connect child to parents for (JsonArray childConnection : childConnections) { for (String name : parentOutputPortNames) childConnection.add(new JsonPrimitive(name)); } // Connect parent to children for (JsonArray parentConnection : parentConnections) { for (String name : childInputPortNames) parentConnection.add(new JsonPrimitive(name)); } JsonArray ops = graph.get("operators").getAsJsonArray(); ops.remove(iso); } } public enum Direction { UPSTREAM, DOWNSTREAM, BOTH }; public static class VisitController { private final Direction direction; private final Set<BVirtualMarker> markerBoundaries; private boolean stop = false; /** default is DOWNSTREAM */ public VisitController() { this(Direction.DOWNSTREAM, null); } public VisitController(Direction direction) { this(direction, null); } public VisitController(Direction direction, Set<BVirtualMarker> markerBoundaries) { this.direction = direction; if (markerBoundaries == null) markerBoundaries = Collections.emptySet(); this.markerBoundaries = markerBoundaries; } public Direction direction() { return direction; } public Set<BVirtualMarker> markerBoundaries() { return markerBoundaries; } public boolean stopped() { return stop; } public void setStop() { stop = true; } } // Visits every node in the region defined by the boundaries, and applies // to it the consumer's accept() method. static void visitOnce(Set<JsonObject> starts, Set<BVirtualMarker> boundaries, JsonObject graph, Consumer<JsonObject> consumer) { visitOnce(new VisitController(Direction.BOTH, boundaries), starts, graph, consumer); } /** * Starting with {@code starts} nodes, visit every node in the specified * direction and apply the consumer's {@code accept()} method. * <p> * Don't call {@code accept()} for a * {@code visitController.markerBounderies()} * node and cease traversal of a branch if such an node is encountered. * <p> * During traversal, return if {@code visitController.getStop()==true}. * @param visitController may be null; defaults is Direction.DOWNSTREAM * @param starts * @param graph * @param consumer */ public static void visitOnce(VisitController visitController, Set<JsonObject> starts, JsonObject graph, Consumer<JsonObject> consumer) { Set<JsonObject> visited = new HashSet<>(); List<JsonObject> unvisited = new ArrayList<>(); if (visitController == null) visitController = new VisitController(); unvisited.addAll(starts); while (unvisited.size() > 0) { JsonObject op = unvisited.get(0); // Modify and THEN add to hashSet as to not break the hashCode of // the object in the hashSet. if (visitController.stopped()) return; consumer.accept(op); visited.add(op); GraphUtilities.getUnvisitedAdjacentNodes(visitController, visited, unvisited, op, graph); unvisited.remove(0); } } static void getUnvisitedAdjacentNodes(Collection<JsonObject> visited, Collection<JsonObject> unvisited, JsonObject op, JsonObject graph, Set<BVirtualMarker> boundaries) { getUnvisitedAdjacentNodes(new VisitController(Direction.BOTH, boundaries), visited, unvisited, op, graph); } static void getUnvisitedAdjacentNodes(VisitController visitController, Collection<JsonObject> visited, Collection<JsonObject> unvisited, JsonObject op, JsonObject graph) { Direction direction = visitController.direction(); Set<BVirtualMarker> boundaries = visitController.markerBoundaries(); Set<JsonObject> parents = getUpstream(op, graph); Set<JsonObject> children = getDownstream(op, graph); removeVisited(parents, visited); removeVisited(children, visited); // --- Process parents --- if (direction != Direction.DOWNSTREAM) { Set<JsonObject> allOperatorChildren = new HashSet<>(); List<JsonObject> operatorParents = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonObject parent : parents) { if (equalsAny(boundaries, jstring(parent, OpProperties.KIND))) { operatorParents.add(parent); allOperatorChildren.addAll(getDownstream(parent, graph)); } } visited.addAll(operatorParents); parents.removeAll(operatorParents); removeVisited(allOperatorChildren, visited); parents.addAll(allOperatorChildren); unvisited.addAll(parents); } // --- Process children --- if (direction != Direction.UPSTREAM) { List<JsonObject> childrenToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); Set<JsonObject> allOperatorParents = new HashSet<>(); for (JsonObject child : children) { if (equalsAny(boundaries, jstring(child, "kind"))) { childrenToRemove.add(child); allOperatorParents.addAll(getUpstream(child, graph)); } } visited.addAll(childrenToRemove); children.removeAll(childrenToRemove); removeVisited(allOperatorParents, visited); children.addAll(allOperatorParents); unvisited.addAll(children); } } private static void removeVisited(Collection<JsonObject> ops, Collection<JsonObject> visited) { Iterator<JsonObject> it = ops.iterator(); // Iterate in this manner to preserve list structure while deleting while (it.hasNext()) { JsonObject op =; if (visited.contains(op)) { it.remove(); } } } private static boolean equalsAny(Set<BVirtualMarker> boundaries, String opKind) { if (boundaries == null) { return false; } for (BVirtualMarker boundary : boundaries) { if (boundary.isThis(opKind)) return true; } return false; } static String getInputPortName(JsonObject op, int index) { JsonArray inputs = op.get("inputs").getAsJsonArray(); JsonObject input = inputs.get(index).getAsJsonObject(); return jstring(input, "name"); } static String getOutputPortName(JsonObject op, int index) { JsonArray outputs = op.get("output").getAsJsonArray(); JsonObject output = outputs.get(index).getAsJsonObject(); return jstring(output, "name"); } /** * Add an operator before another operator. * @param op Operator the new operator is to be added before. * @param addOp Operator to be added * @param graph The graph. */ static void addBefore(JsonObject op, JsonObject addOp, JsonObject graph) { for (JsonObject parent : getUpstream(op, graph)) { addBetween(parent, op, addOp); } graph.get("operators").getAsJsonArray().add(addOp); } static void addBetween(JsonObject parent, JsonObject child, JsonObject op) { List<JsonObject> parentList = new ArrayList<>(); List<JsonObject> childList = new ArrayList<>(); parentList.add(parent); childList.add(child); addBetween(parentList, childList, op); } static void addBetween(List<JsonObject> parents, List<JsonObject> children, JsonObject op) { for (JsonObject parent : parents) { for (JsonObject child : children) { JsonArray outputs = parent.get("outputs").getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray inputs = child.get("inputs").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement output : outputs) { for (JsonElement input : inputs) { insertOperatorBetweenPorts(input.getAsJsonObject(), output.getAsJsonObject(), op); } } } } } static void insertOperatorBetweenPorts(JsonObject input, JsonObject output, JsonObject op) { String oportName = jstring(output, "name"); String iportName = jstring(input, "name"); JsonObject opInput = op.get("inputs").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject opOutput = op.get("outputs").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject(); String opIportName = jstring(opInput, "name"); String opOportName = jstring(opOutput, "name"); // Attach op in inputs and outputs JsonArray opInputConns = opInput.get("connections").getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray opOutputConns = opOutput.get("connections").getAsJsonArray(); boolean add = true; for (JsonElement conn : opInputConns) if (conn.getAsString().equals(oportName)) { add = false; break; } if (add) opInputConns.add(new JsonPrimitive(oportName)); add = true; for (JsonElement conn : opOutputConns) if (conn.getAsString().equals(iportName)) { add = false; break; } opOutputConns.add(new JsonPrimitive(iportName)); JsonArray outputConns = output.get("connections").getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray inputConns = input.get("connections").getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < outputConns.size(); i++) { if (outputConns.get(i).getAsString().equals(iportName)) outputConns.set(i, new JsonPrimitive(opIportName)); } for (int i = 0; i < inputConns.size(); i++) { if (inputConns.get(i).getAsString().equals(oportName)) inputConns.set(i, new JsonPrimitive(opOportName)); } } /** * Perform an action for every operator in the graph */ static void operators(JsonObject graph, Consumer<JsonObject> action) { objectArray(graph, "operators", action); } /** * Perform an action for every input for an operator */ static void inputs(JsonObject op, Consumer<JsonObject> action) { objectArray(op, "inputs", action); } static void inputConnections(JsonObject op, Consumer<String> action) { inputs(op, input -> stringArray(input, "connections", action)); } /** * Perform an action for every output for an operator */ static void outputs(JsonObject op, Consumer<JsonObject> action) { objectArray(op, "outputs", action); } static void outputConnections(JsonObject op, Consumer<String> action) { outputs(op, output -> stringArray(output, "connections", action)); } }