Java tutorial
/* # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # Copyright IBM Corp. 2017 */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.auth.AUTH; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Common code for StreamingAnalyticsService implementation. The actions are * similar for both current versions, but authentication is different, and some * URLs may be slightly different. * <p> * Much of this is cut & paste of the code from the original uses in * BuildServiceRemoteRESTWrapper and AnalyticsServiceStreamsContext, with * version-specific behaviour pushed to abstract methods. */ abstract class AbstractStreamingAnalyticsService implements StreamingAnalyticsService { final protected JsonObject credentials; final protected JsonObject service; private final String serviceName; // Current value for the authorization header protected String authorization; // Connection to Streams REST API AbstractStreamingAnalyticsConnection streamsConnection; AbstractStreamingAnalyticsService(JsonObject service) { JsonObject credentials = object(service, "credentials"); this.credentials = credentials; this.service = service; this.serviceName = jstring(service, "name"); } @Override public final String getName() { return serviceName; } synchronized AbstractStreamingAnalyticsConnection streamsConnection() throws IOException { if (null == streamsConnection) { streamsConnection = createStreamsConnection(); } return streamsConnection; } JsonObject getServiceStatus(CloseableHttpClient httpClient) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { String url = getStatusUrl(httpClient); HttpGet getStatus = new HttpGet(url); getStatus.addHeader(AUTH.WWW_AUTH_RESP, getAuthorization()); return StreamsRestUtils.getGsonResponse(httpClient, getStatus); } /** Version-specific authorization header handling. */ protected abstract String getAuthorization(); /** Version-specific handling for status URL. */ protected abstract String getStatusUrl(CloseableHttpClient httpClient) throws IOException; /** Version-specific handling for job submit URL with file bundle. */ protected abstract String getJobSubmitUrl(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, File bundle) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException; /** Version-specific handling for job submit URL with artifact. */ protected abstract String getJobSubmitUrl(JsonObject build) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException; /** Version-specific field for job submit response. */ protected abstract String getJobSubmitId(); /** Version-specific handling for base builds URL. */ protected abstract String getBuildsUrl(CloseableHttpClient httpClient) throws IOException; /** Version-specific to submit a build. */ protected abstract JsonObject submitBuild(CloseableHttpClient httpclient, String authorization, File archive, String buildName) throws IOException; /** Version-specific to get build info. */ protected abstract JsonObject getBuild(String buildId, CloseableHttpClient httpclient, String authorization) throws IOException; /** Version-specific to submit build artifact as job. */ protected abstract JsonObject submitBuildArtifact(CloseableHttpClient httpclient, JsonObject deploy, String authorization, String submitUrl) throws IOException; /** Version-specific to get build info that includes output. */ protected abstract JsonObject getBuildOutput(String buildId, String outputId, CloseableHttpClient httpclient, String authorization) throws IOException; /** Version-specific mechanism to get AbstractStreamsConnection. */ abstract AbstractStreamingAnalyticsConnection createStreamsConnection() throws IOException; /** * Set the current authorization header contents. */ protected void setAuthorization(String authorization) { this.authorization = authorization; } @Override public Result<Job, JsonObject> submitJob(File bundle, JsonObject jco) throws IOException { final CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); try {"Streaming Analytics service (" + serviceName + "): Submitting bundle : " + bundle.getName() + " to " + serviceName); if (null == jco) { jco = new JsonObject(); } "Streaming Analytics service (" + serviceName + "): submit job request:" + jco.toString()); JsonObject response = postJob(httpClient, service, bundle, jco); return jobResult(response); } finally { httpClient.close(); } } private Result<Job, JsonObject> jobResult(JsonObject response) { final String jobId = jstring(response, getJobSubmitId()); return new ResultImpl<>(jobId != null, jobId, () -> jobId == null ? null : getInstance().getJob(jobId), response); } @Override public Result<StreamingAnalyticsService, JsonObject> checkStatus(boolean requireRunning) throws IOException { final CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); try { JsonObject response = getServiceStatus(httpClient); boolean running = "true".equals(jstring(response, "enabled")) && "running".equals(jstring(response, "status")); if (requireRunning && !running) throw new IllegalStateException("Service (" + serviceName + ") is not running!"); return new ResultImpl<>(running, null, () -> this, response); } finally { httpClient.close(); } } @Override public Result<Job, JsonObject> buildAndSubmitJob(File archive, JsonObject jco, String buildName) throws IOException { JsonObject metrics = new JsonObject(); metrics.addProperty(SubmissionResultsKeys.SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_SIZE, archive.length()); CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); try { // Set up the build name if (null == buildName) { buildName = "build"; } buildName = getSPLCompatibleName(buildName) + "_" + randomHex(16); buildName = URLEncoder.encode(buildName,; // Perform initial post of the archive RemoteContext.REMOTE_LOGGER .info("Streaming Analytics service (" + serviceName + "): submitting build " + buildName); final long startUploadTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); JsonObject build = submitBuild(httpclient, getAuthorization(), archive, buildName); final long endUploadTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); metrics.addProperty(SubmissionResultsKeys.SUBMIT_UPLOAD_TIME, (endUploadTime - startUploadTime)); String buildId = jstring(build, "id"); String outputId = jstring(build, "output_id"); // Loop until built final long startBuildTime = endUploadTime; long lastCheckTime = endUploadTime; String status = buildStatusGet(buildId, httpclient, getAuthorization()); while (!status.equals("built")) { String mkey = SubmissionResultsKeys.buildStateMetricKey(status); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration; if (metrics.has(mkey)) { duration = metrics.get(mkey).getAsLong(); } else { duration = 0; } duration += (now - lastCheckTime); metrics.addProperty(mkey, duration); lastCheckTime = now; // 'building', 'notBuilt', and 'waiting' are all states which can eventualy result in 'built' // sleep and continue to monitor if (status.equals("building") || status.equals("notBuilt") || status.equals("waiting")) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } status = buildStatusGet(buildId, httpclient, getAuthorization()); continue; } // The remaining possible states are 'failed', 'timeout', 'canceled', 'canceling', and 'unknown', none of which can lead to a state of 'built', so we throw an error. else { RemoteContext.REMOTE_LOGGER .severe("Streaming Analytics service (" + serviceName + "): The submitted archive " + archive.getName() + " failed to build with status " + status + "."); JsonObject output = getBuildOutput(buildId, outputId, httpclient, getAuthorization()); String strOutput = ""; if (output != null) strOutput = prettyPrintOutput(output); throw new IllegalStateException("Error submitting archive for compilation: \n" + strOutput); } } final long endBuildTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); metrics.addProperty(SubmissionResultsKeys.SUBMIT_TOTAL_BUILD_TIME, (endBuildTime - startBuildTime)); // Now perform archive put build = getBuild(buildId, httpclient, getAuthorization()); JsonArray artifacts = array(build, "artifacts"); if (artifacts == null || artifacts.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No artifacts associated with build " + jstring(build, "id")); } // TODO: support multiple artifacts associated with a single build. JsonObject artifact = artifacts.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); String submitUrl = getJobSubmitUrl(artifact); RemoteContext.REMOTE_LOGGER .info("Streaming Analytics service (" + serviceName + "): submitting job request."); final long startSubmitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); JsonObject response = submitBuildArtifact(httpclient, jco, getAuthorization(), submitUrl); final long endSubmitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); metrics.addProperty(SubmissionResultsKeys.SUBMIT_JOB_TIME, (endSubmitTime - startSubmitTime)); Result<Job, JsonObject> result = jobResult(response); result.getRawResult().add(SubmissionResultsKeys.SUBMIT_METRICS, metrics); return result; } finally { httpclient.close(); } } private String prettyPrintOutput(JsonObject output) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (JsonElement messageElem : array(output, "output")) { JsonObject message = messageElem.getAsJsonObject(); sb.append(message.get("message_text") + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Retrieves the status of the build. * @param buildId * @param httpclient * @param authorization * @return The status of the build associated with *buildId* as a String. * @throws IOException * @throws ClientProtocolException */ private String buildStatusGet(String buildId, CloseableHttpClient httpclient, String authorization) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { JsonObject build = getBuild(buildId, httpclient, authorization); if (build != null) return jstring(build, "status"); else return null; } private String randomHex(int length) { char[] hexes = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray(); Random r = new Random(); String name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { name += String.valueOf((hexes[r.nextInt(hexes.length)])); } return name; } public Instance getInstance() throws IOException { return streamsConnection().getInstance(); } static StreamingAnalyticsService of(JsonObject config) throws IOException { // Get the VCAP service based on the config, and extract credentials JsonObject service = VcapServices.getVCAPService(config); JsonObject credentials = service.get("credentials").getAsJsonObject(); StreamingAnalyticsServiceVersion version = StreamsRestUtils .getStreamingAnalyticsServiceVersion(credentials); switch (version) { case V1: return new StreamingAnalyticsServiceV1(service); case V2: return new StreamingAnalyticsServiceV2(service); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown Streaming Analytics Service version"); } } /** * Submit an application bundle to execute as a job. */ protected JsonObject postJob(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, JsonObject service, File bundle, JsonObject jobConfigOverlay) throws IOException { String url = getJobSubmitUrl(httpClient, bundle); HttpPost postJobWithConfig = new HttpPost(url); postJobWithConfig.addHeader(AUTH.WWW_AUTH_RESP, getAuthorization()); FileBody bundleBody = new FileBody(bundle, ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM); StringBody configBody = new StringBody(jobConfigOverlay.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); HttpEntity reqEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addPart("bundle_file", bundleBody) .addPart("job_options", configBody).build(); postJobWithConfig.setEntity(reqEntity); JsonObject jsonResponse = StreamsRestUtils.getGsonResponse(httpClient, postJobWithConfig); "Streaming Analytics service (" + getName() + "): submit job response:" + jsonResponse.toString()); return jsonResponse; } }