Java tutorial
/* # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # Copyright IBM Corp. 2017 */ package; import static org.opencv.videoio.Videoio.CAP_PROP_FPS; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.videoio.VideoCapture; /** * An simple OpenCV based interface to a camera. */ public class Camera { private int cameraDeviceIndex = 0; private VideoCapture camera; private volatile boolean initialized; private double tgtFps = 0.0; private boolean adjustFpsEnabled = true; public Camera() { } public Camera(double targetFps) { this.tgtFps = targetFps; } /** * Grab a frame from the camera. Calls {@link #open()} if needed. * @return the frame */ public Mat grabFrame() { if (!initialized) { open(); } Mat frame = new Mat();; return frame; } public void open() { if (initialized) return; camera = new VideoCapture(); // Properties seem to be a sore spot in OpenCV. // Some properties aren't supported on certain cameras and it // can be hard to tell which are/arent. // In some (all?) cases, setting a property before the device // is opened has no effect.; initialized = true; checkOpened(); adjustForFps(); } private void checkOpened() { if (!camera.isOpened()) { delay(2000); if (!camera.isOpened()) { throw new RuntimeException("Camera initialization error.\n" + "If a Raspberry Pi, ensure that the following command was executed : sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2"); } } } private void delay(int ms) { try { System.out.println("Waiting " + ms + " msec for camera open"); Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } public void close() { if (camera != null) camera.release(); } public void adjustForFps(double tgtFps) { this.tgtFps = tgtFps; if (initialized) { adjustForFps(); } } private void adjustForFps() { if (isRaspberryPi()) adjustFpsPi(); } private static boolean isRaspberryPi() { return "linux".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("")) && "arm".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("os.arch")); } public boolean setAdjustFps(boolean enabled) { boolean prev = this.adjustFpsEnabled; this.adjustFpsEnabled = enabled; return prev; } private void adjustFpsPi() { // N.B. Can causes us problems when dynamically changing the poll rate. // e.g., if we initialize for 3fps and we later start polling // at 10fps w/o doing another adjustment, the camera will limit // us to that 3fps rate. if (!adjustFpsEnabled || tgtFps >= 10.0) { setProp(CAP_PROP_FPS, 0); // use default System.out.println("Camera FPS reset to " + Math.round(getProp(CAP_PROP_FPS))); } else { // set to tgtFps - 1 long fps = Math.round(tgtFps); setProp(CAP_PROP_FPS, Math.max(fps - 1, 1)); System.out.println("Camera FPS is being limited to " + Math.round(getProp(CAP_PROP_FPS))); } // What's that all about? // The goal is to work around an observed // "frame buffering delay" at lower target FPS rates. // E.g., for a target of fps=3, the grabbed frame // is 2-3s in the past. OpenCV-3.1, jessie, PiCamera. // // ***On my Pi/PiCamera*** // By default the CAP_PROP_FPS == 30. // It is changeable post-open() and then that value seems // to **** be retained even across user logout/login. **** // It is reset across reboots - maybe due to some system config file? // Setting FPS=0 resets to its default of 30. // // On the Pi, the CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE isn't supported. // It appears that it's >1 as this presumably accounts for the // "buffering delay" seen at slow app fps grab rates (e.g., <=3). // Setting CAP_PROP_FPS to 2 really does constrain the // to that fps limit - trying to read faster blocks. // Changing FPS to a low number does seem to eliminate the "buffering delay" // presumably because there isn't a bunch of images in the buffer. // // Here's what I'm seeing by default with the "non-edgent" app (Camera FPS=30): // FPS tgt-poll-FPS effective-poll-FPS delay // 30 1 1 5-6s // 30 3 3 2-3s // 30 5 4 1-1.5s // 30 10 7 <1s // 1 1 1 4s // 1 2 1 * <1s // 2 1 1 5-6s // 2 2 2 3-4s // 2 3 2 * <1 // 2 5 2 * <1 // 3 1 1 5-6s // 3 2 2 2-3s // 3 3 3 2-3s // 3 4 3 * <1s // 3 5 3 * <1s // 4 5 4 * <1s // 5 5 4 1-1.5s // 5 6 5 1-1.5s // // Conclusion / heuristic: // For tgt FPS >= 10 use the default (30-FPS) // Otherwise, set FPS to (tgt-FPS - 1) } public double setProp(int propId, double value) { double was = camera.get(propId); boolean b = camera.set(propId, value); System.out.println(String.format("Camera.setProp(%d, %.2f) (was %.2f) returned %b", propId, value, was, b)); return was; } public double getProp(int propId) { return camera.get(propId); } }