Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 zANGETSu * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.wsdl.Binding; import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation; import javax.wsdl.WSDLException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory; import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; /** * Class responsible for any operations related to work by using SOAP protocol or * even management on objects which are just SOAP based. * * @author Ladislav Jech <> */ public class SOAPComponent extends AbstractSoaTFComponent { private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SOAPComponent.class); public static final String URI_SEPARATOR = "/"; public static final String DEFAULT_PROTO = "http"; public static final String WSDL_SUFFIX = "?wsdl"; public static final String NAME_DELIMITER = "_"; public static final String REQUEST_FILE_SUFFIX = "req.xml"; public static final String RESPONSE_FILE_SUFFIX = "res.xml"; private final OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance masterOFMConfig; private final SOAPConfig soapIfaceConfig; //private String identificator; private String serviceName; private String operationName; //private boolean status; private String serviceURI; private String adminHost; private int adminPort; private String username; private String password; private OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance.AdminServer adminServer; private OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance.Clusters.Cluster osbCluster; private OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance.Clusters.Cluster soaCluster; //private OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance.Cluster.ManagedServer managedServer; private String serviceLocactionType; private String serviceSOAType; private final Map<String, SOAPConfig.EnvelopeConfig.Element> customValues = new HashMap<>(); private final OperationResult cor; private final List<EnvelopeConfig.Element> envelopeElements; public SOAPComponent(OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance soapMasterConfig, SOAPConfig soapIfaceConfig, File workingDir, List<EnvelopeConfig.Element> envelopeElements) { super(SOATFCompType.SOAP); this.masterOFMConfig = soapMasterConfig; this.soapIfaceConfig = soapIfaceConfig; this.workingDir = workingDir; this.envelopeElements = envelopeElements; cor = OperationResult.getInstance(); constructComponent(); } @Override protected final void constructComponent() { this.adminServer = this.masterOFMConfig.getAdminServer(); this.serviceURI = this.soapIfaceConfig.getEndPointUri(); this.adminHost = this.masterOFMConfig.getAdminServer().getHost(); this.adminPort = this.masterOFMConfig.getAdminServer().getPort(); //this.managedServer = this.masterOFMConfig.getCluster().getManagedServer(); this.username = this.masterOFMConfig.getAdminServer().getSecurityPrincipal(); this.password = this.masterOFMConfig.getAdminServer().getSecurityCredentials(); //this.requestContent = this.soapIfaceConfig.getRequestContent(); final List<OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance.Clusters.Cluster> clusters = this.masterOFMConfig.getClusters() .getCluster(); for (OracleFusionMiddlewareInstance.Clusters.Cluster cluster : clusters) { if ("OSB".equals(cluster.getType())) { osbCluster = cluster; } if ("SOA".equals(cluster.getType())) { soaCluster = cluster; } } // if only one cluster is set, suppose it is used for both osb and soa operations if (soaCluster == null) soaCluster = osbCluster; if (osbCluster == null) osbCluster = soaCluster; this.serviceName = soapIfaceConfig.getServiceName(); this.operationName = soapIfaceConfig.getOperationName(); this.serviceLocactionType = soapIfaceConfig.getServiceLocationType(); this.serviceSOAType = soapIfaceConfig.getServiceSOAType(); for (EnvelopeConfig.Element el : envelopeElements) { customValues.put(el.getElementXpath(), el); } } @Override protected void executeOperation(Operation operation) throws FrameworkExecutionException { /*if (!SOAP_OPERATIONS.contains(operation.getName())) { final String msg = "Unsupported operation: " + operation.getName() + ". Valid operations are: " + SOAP_OPERATIONS; logger.error(msg); cor.addMsg(msg); cor.setOverallResultSuccess(false); } else { */ switch (operation.getName()) { case SOAP_DISABLE_SERVICE: disableService(); break; case SOAP_ENABLE_SERVICE: enableService(); break; case SOAP_GENERATE_ENVELOPE: generateEnvelope(); break; case SOAP_INVOKE_SERVICE: //generateEnvelope(); invokeServiceWithProvidedSOAPRequest(); break; case SOAP_VALIDATE_REQUEST: validateSOAPMessage(false); break; case SOAP_VALIDATE_RESPONSE: validateSOAPMessage(true); break; case SOAP_RESPONSE_OK: checkSOAPMessage(true); break; case SOAP_RESPONSE_FAULT: checkSOAPMessage(false); break; default: String msg = "Invalid operation name: " + operation.getName(); logger.error(msg); cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } private void disableService() throws SoapComponentException { boolean result; if ("SOACompositeApplication".equals(serviceSOAType)) { final ManagedServer managedServer = soaCluster.getManagedServer().get(0); result = ServiceManager.changeSoaCompositeApplicationStatus(false, serviceURI, managedServer.getHostName(), managedServer.getPort(), username, password); if (result) { cor.addMsg("SOA Composite Application " + serviceName + " has been disabled trough server " + managedServer.getHostName() + ":" + managedServer.getPort() + "."); cor.markSuccessful(); } else { final String msg = "SOA Composite Application " + serviceName + " cannot be disabled trough server" + managedServer.getHostName() + ":" + managedServer.getPort() + "."; cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } else { result = ServiceManager.changeOsbServiceStatus(serviceSOAType, false, serviceURI, adminHost, adminPort, username, password); if (result) { cor.addMsg("OSB " + serviceSOAType + " " + serviceURI + " has been disabled trough admin server " + adminHost + ":" + adminPort + "."); cor.markSuccessful(); } else { final String msg = "OSB " + serviceSOAType + " " + serviceURI + " cannot be disabled trough admin server" + adminHost + ":" + adminPort + "."; cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } } private void enableService() throws SoapComponentException { boolean result; if ("SOACompositeApplication".equals(serviceSOAType)) { final ManagedServer managedServer = soaCluster.getManagedServer().get(0); result = ServiceManager.changeSoaCompositeApplicationStatus(true, serviceURI, managedServer.getHostName(), managedServer.getPort(), username, password); if (result) { cor.addMsg("SOA Composite Application " + serviceName + " has been enabled trough server " + managedServer.getHostName() + ":" + managedServer.getPort() + "."); cor.markSuccessful(); } else { final String msg = "SOA Composite Application " + serviceName + " cannot be enabled trough server" + managedServer.getHostName() + ":" + managedServer.getPort() + "."; cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } else { result = ServiceManager.changeOsbServiceStatus(serviceSOAType, true, serviceURI, adminHost, adminPort, username, password); if (result) { cor.addMsg("OSB " + serviceSOAType + " " + serviceURI + " has been enabled trough admin server " + adminHost + ":" + adminPort + "."); cor.markSuccessful(); } else { final String msg = "OSB " + serviceSOAType + " " + serviceURI + " cannot be enabled trough admin server" + adminHost + ":" + adminPort + "."; cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } } private Binding findBindingForOperationName(SoapLegacyFacade facade, String operationName) throws SoapComponentException { if (operationName == null || facade == null) { throw new SoapComponentException("Operation name or endpoint wsdl is missing or corrupted."); } final List<QName> list = facade.getBindingNames(); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Binding binding; for (QName bindingName : list) { binding = facade.getBindingByName(bindingName); if (binding.getBindingOperation(operationName, null, null) != null) { return binding; } } } throw new SoapComponentException("Can't find binding for provided operation name: " + operationName); } /*public static String getValueFromGeneratedEnvelope(File workingDir, String serviceName, String operationName, String xPath) throws SoapComponentException { final String filename = new StringBuilder(serviceName).append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(operationName).append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(REQUEST_FILE_SUFFIX).toString(); final File file = new File(workingDir, filename); try { logger.trace("retrieving element "+xPath); final String xmlText = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); return XmlUtils.getXPathContent(xmlText, xPath); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SoapComponentException("Can't find generated envelope file to extract values.", ex); } }*/ private void generateEnvelope() throws SoapComponentException { try { final String filename = new StringBuilder(serviceName).append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(operationName) .append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(REQUEST_FILE_SUFFIX).toString(); final File file = new File(workingDir, filename); String delimiter = ""; if (!serviceURI.startsWith("/")) { delimiter = "/"; } final ManagedServer managedServer = osbCluster.getManagedServer().get(0); final URL url = new URL(DEFAULT_PROTO, managedServer.getHostName(), managedServer.getPort(), delimiter + serviceURI + WSDL_SUFFIX); ProgressMonitor.init(6, "Reading WSDL from the server..."); //there are 2 ProgressMonitor events inside SoapLegacyFacade final SoapLegacyFacade facade = new SoapLegacyFacade(url); final Binding binding = findBindingForOperationName(facade, operationName); final BindingOperation operation = binding.getBindingOperation(operationName, null, null); ProgressMonitor.increment("Building envelope..."); String envelope = facade.buildSoapMessageFromInput(binding, operation, SoapContext.DEFAULT); ProgressMonitor.increment("Setting custom values..."); for (Entry<String, SOAPConfig.EnvelopeConfig.Element> xpath : customValues.entrySet()) { //Element e = XmlUtils.getElementForXPath(envelope, xpath.getKey()); envelope = XmlUtils.setTextToElement(envelope, transformXPath(xpath.getKey()), xpath.getValue().getElementValue()); List<SOAPConfig.EnvelopeConfig.Element.Attribute> attrs = xpath.getValue().getAttribute(); if (attrs != null) { for (SOAPConfig.EnvelopeConfig.Element.Attribute attr : attrs) { envelope = XmlUtils.setTextToElementAttribute(envelope, transformXPath(xpath.getKey()), attr.getAttrName(), attr.getAttrValue()); } } } String msg = "Successfuly generated request envelope for operation: " + operationName; cor.addMsg(msg); ProgressMonitor.increment("Writing file..."); if (file.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(file); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, envelope); msg = "Request envelope for operation: " + operationName + " was stored in [FILE: %s]"; logger.debug(String.format(msg, file.getAbsolutePath())); cor.addMsg(msg, "<a href='file://" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "</a>", FileSystem.getRelativePath(file)); cor.markSuccessful(); } catch (IOException | WSDLException ex) { throw new SoapComponentException(ex); } } private void invokeServiceWithProvidedSOAPRequest() throws SoapComponentException { try { final String filename = new StringBuilder(serviceName).append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(operationName) .append(NAME_DELIMITER).toString(); final File requestFile = new File(workingDir, filename + REQUEST_FILE_SUFFIX); final File responseFile = new File(workingDir, filename + RESPONSE_FILE_SUFFIX); String delimiter = ""; if (!serviceURI.startsWith("/")) { delimiter = "/"; } final ManagedServer managedServer = osbCluster.getManagedServer().get(0); final URL url = new URL(DEFAULT_PROTO, managedServer.getHostName(), managedServer.getPort(), delimiter + serviceURI); final String requestEnvelope = FileUtils.readFileToString(requestFile); JAXWSDispatch jaxwsDispatch = new JAXWSDispatch(); ProgressMonitor.init(3, "Connecting to service..."); //1 progress event in jaxwsDispatch.invoke() final SOAPMessage res = jaxwsDispatch.invoke(url, requestEnvelope); String msg = "Successfuly received response of operation: " + operationName; logger.debug(msg); cor.addMsg(msg); ProgressMonitor.increment("Saving response to disk..."); if (responseFile.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(responseFile); } try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(responseFile)) { res.writeTo(fos); } msg = "Response of operation: " + operationName + " was stored in [FILE: %s]"; logger.debug(String.format(msg, responseFile.getAbsolutePath())); cor.addMsg(msg, "<a href='file://" + responseFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'>" + responseFile.getAbsolutePath() + "</a>", FileSystem.getRelativePath(responseFile)); cor.markSuccessful(); } catch (IOException | SOAPException ex) { throw new SoapComponentException(ex); } } @Override protected void destructComponent() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } private void validateSOAPMessage(boolean response) throws SoapComponentException { String filename = new StringBuilder(serviceName).append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(operationName) .append(NAME_DELIMITER).toString(); String result; if (response) { filename += RESPONSE_FILE_SUFFIX; result = "Response message of operation '" + operationName; } else { filename += REQUEST_FILE_SUFFIX; result = "Request envelope for operation '" + operationName; } try { final File file = new File(workingDir, filename); final String xmlMessage = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); String delimiter = ""; if (!serviceURI.startsWith("/")) { delimiter = "/"; } final ManagedServer managedServer = osbCluster.getManagedServer().get(0); final URL url = new URL(DEFAULT_PROTO, managedServer.getHostName(), managedServer.getPort(), delimiter + serviceURI + WSDL_SUFFIX); ProgressMonitor.init(6, "Reading WSDL from the server..."); //there are 2 ProgressMonitor events inside SoapLegacyFacade final SoapLegacyFacade facade = new SoapLegacyFacade(url); final Binding binding = findBindingForOperationName(facade, operationName); final BindingOperation operation = binding.getBindingOperation(operationName, null, null); ProgressMonitor.increment("Validating " + (response ? "response" : "request") + "..."); if (response) { facade.validateSoapResponseMessage(binding, operation, xmlMessage, false); } else { facade.validateSoapRequestMessage(binding, operation, xmlMessage, false); } result += "' is valid."; logger.debug(result); cor.addMsg(result); cor.markSuccessful(); } catch (SoapValidationException e) { result += "' is invalid."; logger.debug(result); cor.addMsg(result); cor.addMsg("Validator result: " + e.getMessage()); throw new SoapComponentException(result, e); } catch (IOException | WSDLException ex) { cor.addMsg(ex.getMessage()); throw new SoapComponentException(ex); } } private void checkSOAPMessage(boolean ok) throws SoapComponentException { ProgressMonitor.init(2, "Loading message from file..."); String filename = new StringBuilder(serviceName).append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(operationName) .append(NAME_DELIMITER).append(RESPONSE_FILE_SUFFIX).toString(); final File file = new File(workingDir, filename); InputStream is = null; try { final byte[] xmlMessage = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlMessage); SOAPMessage response = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_1_PROTOCOL) .createMessage(new MimeHeaders(), is); ProgressMonitor.increment("Checking for fault..."); response.removeAllAttachments(); SOAPEnvelope envp = response.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope(); SOAPBody someBody = envp.getBody(); if (ok) { if (someBody.getFault() == null) { cor.addMsg("soap body is OK"); cor.markSuccessful(); } else { final String msg = "found soap fault in response body:\n" + new String(xmlMessage); cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } else { if (someBody.getFault() != null) { cor.addMsg("found soap fault in response body"); cor.markSuccessful(); } else { final String msg = "response body doesn't contain soap fault:\n" + new String(xmlMessage); cor.addMsg(msg); throw new SoapComponentException(msg); } } } catch (IOException | SOAPException ex) { throw new SoapComponentException("error while trying to parse response", ex); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.debug("Not able to close input stream. ", ex); } } } } public static String transformXPath(String xPath) { if (xPath == null) { return null; } String path; if (xPath.startsWith("$this") || xPath.startsWith("$body")) { path = xPath.substring(5); } else { path = xPath; } path = path.replaceAll("\\*:([^/]+)", "*[local-name()=\"$1\"]"); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("$this"); if (path.startsWith("/")) { s.append(path); } else { s.append("//").append(path); } return s.toString(); } }