Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Reficio (TM) - Reestablish your software!. All Rights Reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301  USA

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.*;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.util.Base64;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.util.HexBin;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.soap.SOAPArrayType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.soap.SchemaWSDLArrayType;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import nl.flotsam.xeger.Xeger;

 * This class was extracted from the soapUI code base by centeractive ag in October 2011.
 * The main reason behind the extraction was to separate the code that is responsible
 * for the generation of the SOAP messages from the rest of the soapUI's code that is
 * tightly coupled with other modules, such as soapUI's graphical user interface, etc.
 * The goal was to create an open-source java project whose main responsibility is to
 * handle SOAP message generation and SOAP transmission purely on an XML level.
 * <br/>
 * centeractive ag would like to express strong appreciation to SmartBear Software and
 * to the whole team of soapUI's developers for creating soapUI and for releasing its
 * source code under a free and open-source licence. centeractive ag extracted and
 * modifies some parts of the soapUI's code in good faith, making every effort not
 * to impair any existing functionality and to supplement it according to our
 * requirements, applying best practices of software design.
 * Changes done:
 * - changing location in the package structure
 * - removal of dependencies and code parts that are out of scope of SOAP message generation
 * - minor fixes to make the class compile out of soapUI's code base
 * - introduction of SoapContext class

 * XmlBeans class for generating XML from XML Schemas
class SampleXmlUtil {
    private final Random picker = new Random(1);

    private final boolean soapEnc;
    private boolean exampleContent = false;
    private boolean typeComment = false;

    private boolean skipComments = false;
    private boolean ignoreOptional = false;

     * A list of XML-Schema types and global elements in the form of name@namespace which
     * will be excluded when generating sample requests and responses and input forms.
     * By default the XML-Schema root element is added since it is quite common in .NET
     * services and generates a sample xml fragment of about 300 kb!.
    private final Set<QName> excludedTypes = new HashSet<>();
    private final SoapMultiValuesProvider multiValuesProvider;

    private final ArrayList<SchemaType> typeStack = new ArrayList<>();

    public SampleXmlUtil(boolean soapEnc, SoapContext context) {
        this.soapEnc = soapEnc;
        this.exampleContent = context.isExampleContent();
        this.typeComment = context.isTypeComments();
        this.skipComments = !context.isValueComments();
        this.ignoreOptional = !context.isBuildOptional();
        this.multiValuesProvider = context.getMultiValuesProvider();

    public boolean isSoapEnc() {
        return soapEnc;

    public String createSample(SchemaType sType) {
        XmlObject object = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance();
        XmlCursor cursor = object.newCursor();
        // Skip the document node
        // Using the type and the cursor, call the utility method to get a
        // sample XML payload for that Schema element
        createSampleForType(sType, cursor);
        // Cursor now contains the sample payload
        // Pretty print the result. Note that the cursor is positioned at the
        // end of the doc so we use the original xml object that the cursor was
        // created upon to do the xmlText() against.


        XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
        options.put(XmlOptions.SAVE_PRETTY_PRINT_INDENT, 3);
        String result = object.xmlText(options);

        return result;

     * Cursor position Before: <theElement>^</theElement> After:
     * <theElement><lots of stuff/>^</theElement>
    public void createSampleForType(SchemaType stype, XmlCursor xmlc) {
        QName nm = stype.getName();
        if (nm == null && stype.getContainerField() != null)
            nm = stype.getContainerField().getName();

        if (nm != null && excludedTypes.contains(nm)) {
            if (!skipComments)
                xmlc.insertComment("Ignoring type [" + nm + "]");

        if (typeStack.contains(stype))


        try {
            if (stype.isSimpleType() || stype.isURType()) {
                processSimpleType(stype, xmlc);

            // complex Type
            // <theElement>^</theElement>
            processAttributes(stype, xmlc);

            // <theElement attri1="string">^</theElement>
            switch (stype.getContentType()) {
            case SchemaType.NOT_COMPLEX_TYPE:
            case SchemaType.EMPTY_CONTENT:
                // noop
            case SchemaType.SIMPLE_CONTENT: {
                processSimpleType(stype, xmlc);
            case SchemaType.MIXED_CONTENT:
                xmlc.insertChars(pick(WORDS) + " ");
                if (stype.getContentModel() != null) {
                    processParticle(stype.getContentModel(), xmlc, true);
            case SchemaType.ELEMENT_CONTENT:
                if (stype.getContentModel() != null) {
                    processParticle(stype.getContentModel(), xmlc, false);
        } finally {
            typeStack.remove(typeStack.size() - 1);

    private void processSimpleType(SchemaType stype, XmlCursor xmlc) {
        if (soapEnc) {
            QName typeName = stype.getName();
            if (typeName != null) {
                xmlc.insertAttributeWithValue(XSI_TYPE, formatQName(xmlc, typeName));

        String sample = sampleDataForSimpleType(stype);

    private String sampleDataForSimpleType(SchemaType sType) {
        // swaRef
        if (sType.getName() != null) {
            if (sType.getName().equals(new QName("", "swaRef")))
                return "cid:" + (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() * Math.random());

            // xmime base64
            if (sType.getName().equals(new QName("", "base64Binary")))
                return "cid:" + (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() * Math.random());

            // xmime hexBinary
            if (sType.getName().equals(new QName("", "hexBinary")))
                return "cid:" + (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() * Math.random());

        SchemaType primitiveType = sType.getPrimitiveType();
        if (primitiveType != null && (primitiveType.getBuiltinTypeCode() == SchemaType.BTC_BASE_64_BINARY
                || primitiveType.getBuiltinTypeCode() == SchemaType.BTC_HEX_BINARY))
            return "cid:" + (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() * Math.random());

        // if( sType != null )
        if (!exampleContent)
            return "?";

        if (XmlObject.type.equals(sType))
            return "anyType";

        if (XmlAnySimpleType.type.equals(sType))
            return "anySimpleType";

        if (sType.getSimpleVariety() == SchemaType.LIST) {
            SchemaType itemType = sType.getListItemType();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            int length = pickLength(sType);
            if (length > 0)
            for (int i = 1; i < length; i += 1) {
                sb.append(' ');
            return sb.toString();

        if (sType.getSimpleVariety() == SchemaType.UNION) {
            SchemaType[] possibleTypes = sType.getUnionConstituentTypes();
            if (possibleTypes.length == 0)
                return "";
            return sampleDataForSimpleType(possibleTypes[pick(possibleTypes.length)]);

        XmlAnySimpleType[] enumValues = sType.getEnumerationValues();
        if (enumValues != null && enumValues.length > 0) {
            return enumValues[pick(enumValues.length)].getStringValue();

        SchemaType baseType = sType;
        while ((baseType.getPatterns() == null || baseType.getPatterns().length == 0)
                && baseType.getBaseType() != null) {
            baseType = baseType.getBaseType();
        String[] patterns = baseType.getPatterns();
        if (patterns != null && patterns.length > 0) {
            String chosenPattern = patterns[pick(patterns.length)];
            String[] patternBranches = chosenPattern.split("\\|");
            String pattern = patternBranches[pick(patternBranches.length)];
            Xeger generator = new Xeger(pattern);
            return generator.generate();
        if (primitiveType == null) {
            return "";
        switch (primitiveType.getBuiltinTypeCode()) {
        case SchemaType.BTC_NOT_BUILTIN:
            return "";

        case SchemaType.BTC_ANY_TYPE:
        case SchemaType.BTC_ANY_SIMPLE:
            return "anything";

        case SchemaType.BTC_BOOLEAN:
            return pick(2) == 0 ? "true" : "false";
        //return pick(2) == 0 ? "1" : "0";

        case SchemaType.BTC_BASE_64_BINARY: {
            String result = null;
            try {
                result = new String(Base64.encode(formatToLength(pick(WORDS), sType).getBytes("utf-8")));
            } catch ( e) {
            return result;

        case SchemaType.BTC_HEX_BINARY:
            return HexBin.encode(formatToLength(pick(WORDS), sType));

        case SchemaType.BTC_ANY_URI:
            return formatToLength(
                    "http://www." + pick(DNS1) + "." + pick(DNS2) + "/" + pick(WORDS) + "/" + pick(WORDS), sType);

        case SchemaType.BTC_QNAME:
            return formatToLength("qname", sType);

        case SchemaType.BTC_NOTATION:
            return formatToLength("notation", sType);

        case SchemaType.BTC_FLOAT:
            return "1.25";
        //                return Float.valueOf(new Random().nextFloat()).toString();
        case SchemaType.BTC_DOUBLE:
            return "1.30";
        //                return Double.valueOf(new Random().nextDouble()).toString();
        case SchemaType.BTC_DECIMAL:
            switch (closestBuiltin(sType).getBuiltinTypeCode()) {
            case SchemaType.BTC_SHORT:
                return formatDecimal("1", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
                return formatDecimal("5", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_BYTE:
                return formatDecimal("2", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
                return formatDecimal("6", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_INT:
                return formatDecimal("3", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_UNSIGNED_INT:
                return formatDecimal("7", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_LONG:
                return formatDecimal("10", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_UNSIGNED_LONG:
                return formatDecimal("11", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_INTEGER:
                return formatDecimal("100", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER:
                return formatDecimal("-200", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_NEGATIVE_INTEGER:
                return formatDecimal("-201", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER:
                return formatDecimal("200", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_POSITIVE_INTEGER:
                return formatDecimal("201", sType);
            case SchemaType.BTC_DECIMAL:
                return formatDecimal("1000.00", sType);

        case SchemaType.BTC_STRING: {
            String result;
            switch (closestBuiltin(sType).getBuiltinTypeCode()) {
            case SchemaType.BTC_STRING:
            case SchemaType.BTC_NORMALIZED_STRING:
                result = pick(WORDS, picker.nextInt(3));

            case SchemaType.BTC_TOKEN:
                result = pick(WORDS, picker.nextInt(3));

                result = pick(WORDS, picker.nextInt(3));

            return formatToLength(result, sType);

        case SchemaType.BTC_DURATION:
            return formatDuration(sType);

        case SchemaType.BTC_DATE_TIME:
        case SchemaType.BTC_TIME:
        case SchemaType.BTC_DATE:
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_YEAR_MONTH:
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_YEAR:
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_MONTH_DAY:
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_DAY:
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_MONTH:
            return formatDate(sType);


    // a bit from the Aenid
    public static final String[] WORDS = new String[] { "ipsa", "iovis", "rapidum", "iaculata", "e", "nubibus",
            "ignem", "disiecitque", "rates", "evertitque", "aequora", "ventis", "illum", "exspirantem", "transfixo",
            "pectore", "flammas", "turbine", "corripuit", "scopuloque", "infixit", "acuto", "ast", "ego", "quae",
            "divum", "incedo", "regina", "iovisque", "et", "soror", "et", "coniunx", "una", "cum", "gente", "tot",
            "annos", "bella", "gero", "et", "quisquam", "numen", "iunonis", "adorat", "praeterea", "aut", "supplex",
            "aris", "imponet", "honorem", "talia", "flammato", "secum", "dea", "corde", "volutans", "nimborum",
            "in", "patriam", "loca", "feta", "furentibus", "austris", "aeoliam", "venit", "hic", "vasto", "rex",
            "aeolus", "antro", "luctantis", "ventos", "tempestatesque", "sonoras", "imperio", "premit", "ac",
            "vinclis", "et", "carcere", "frenat", "illi", "indignantes", "magno", "cum", "murmure", "montis",
            "circum", "claustra", "fremunt", "celsa", "sedet", "aeolus", "arce", "sceptra", "tenens", "mollitque",
            "animos", "et", "temperat", "iras", "ni", "faciat", "maria", "ac", "terras", "caelumque", "profundum",
            "quippe", "ferant", "rapidi", "secum", "verrantque", "per", "auras", "sed", "pater", "omnipotens",
            "speluncis", "abdidit", "atris", "hoc", "metuens", "molemque", "et", "montis", "insuper", "altos",
            "imposuit", "regemque", "dedit", "qui", "foedere", "certo", "et", "premere", "et", "laxas", "sciret",
            "dare", "iussus", "habenas", };

    private static final String[] DNS1 = new String[] { "corp", "your", "my", "sample", "company", "test", "any" };
    private static final String[] DNS2 = new String[] { "com", "org", "com", "gov", "org", "com", "org", "com",
            "edu" };

    private int pick(int n) {
        return picker.nextInt(n);

    private String pick(String[] a) {
        return a[pick(a.length)];

    private String pick(String[] a, int count) {
        if (count <= 0)
            count = 1;
        // return "";

        int i = pick(a.length);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(a[i]);
        while (count-- > 0) {
            i += 1;
            if (i >= a.length)
                i = 0;
            sb.append(' ');
        return sb.toString();

    private String pickDigits(int digits) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (digits-- > 0)
        return sb.toString();

    private int pickLength(SchemaType sType) {
        XmlInteger length = (XmlInteger) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_LENGTH);
        if (length != null)
            return length.getBigIntegerValue().intValue();
        XmlInteger min = (XmlInteger) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_LENGTH);
        XmlInteger max = (XmlInteger) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_LENGTH);
        int minInt, maxInt;
        if (min == null)
            minInt = 0;
            minInt = min.getBigIntegerValue().intValue();
        if (max == null)
            maxInt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            maxInt = max.getBigIntegerValue().intValue();
        // We try to keep the length of the array within reasonable limits,
        // at least 1 item and at most 3 if possible
        if (minInt == 0 && maxInt >= 1)
            minInt = 1;
        if (maxInt > minInt + 2)
            maxInt = minInt + 2;
        if (maxInt < minInt)
            maxInt = minInt;
        return minInt + pick(maxInt - minInt);

     * Formats a given string to the required length, using the following
     * operations: - append the source string to itself as necessary to pass the
     * minLength; - truncate the result of previous step, if necessary, to keep
     * it within minLength.
    private String formatToLength(String s, SchemaType sType) {
        String result = s;
        try {
            SimpleValue min = (SimpleValue) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_LENGTH);
            if (min == null)
                min = (SimpleValue) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_LENGTH);
            if (min != null) {
                int len = min.getIntValue();
                while (result.length() < len)
                    result = result + result;
            SimpleValue max = (SimpleValue) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_LENGTH);
            if (max == null)
                max = (SimpleValue) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_LENGTH);
            if (max != null) {
                int len = max.getIntValue();
                if (result.length() > len)
                    result = result.substring(0, len);
        } catch (Exception e) // intValue can be out of range
        return result;

    private String formatDecimal(String start, SchemaType sType) {
        BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(start);
        XmlDecimal xmlD;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal min = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        BigDecimal max = xmlD != null ? xmlD.getBigDecimalValue() : null;
        boolean minInclusive = true, maxInclusive = true;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null) {
            BigDecimal minExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (min == null || min.compareTo(minExcl) < 0) {
                min = minExcl;
                minInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (xmlD != null) {
            BigDecimal maxExcl = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue();
            if (max == null || max.compareTo(maxExcl) > 0) {
                max = maxExcl;
                maxInclusive = false;
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_TOTAL_DIGITS);
        int totalDigits = -1;
        if (xmlD != null) {
            totalDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(totalDigits);
            for (int i = 0; i < totalDigits; i++)
            BigDecimal digitsLimit = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            if (max != null && max.compareTo(digitsLimit) > 0) {
                max = digitsLimit;
                maxInclusive = true;
            digitsLimit = digitsLimit.negate();
            if (min != null && min.compareTo(digitsLimit) < 0) {
                min = digitsLimit;
                minInclusive = true;

        int sigMin = min == null ? 1 : result.compareTo(min);
        int sigMax = max == null ? -1 : result.compareTo(max);
        boolean minOk = sigMin > 0 || sigMin == 0 && minInclusive;
        boolean maxOk = sigMax < 0 || sigMax == 0 && maxInclusive;

        // Compute the minimum increment
        xmlD = (XmlDecimal) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_FRACTION_DIGITS);
        int fractionDigits = -1;
        BigDecimal increment;
        if (xmlD == null)
            increment = new BigDecimal(1);
        else {
            fractionDigits = xmlD.getBigDecimalValue().intValue();
            if (fractionDigits > 0) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("0.");
                for (int i = 1; i < fractionDigits; i++)
                increment = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
            } else
                increment = new BigDecimal(1);

        if (minOk && maxOk) {
            // OK
        } else if (minOk && !maxOk) {
            // TOO BIG
            if (maxInclusive)
                result = max;
                result = max.subtract(increment);
        } else if (!minOk && maxOk) {
            // TOO SMALL
            if (minInclusive)
                result = min;
                result = min.add(increment);
        } else {
            // MIN > MAX!!

        // We have the number
        // Adjust the scale according to the totalDigits and fractionDigits
        int digits = 0;
        BigDecimal ONE = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.ONE);
        for (BigDecimal n = result; n.abs().compareTo(ONE) >= 0; digits++)
            n = n.movePointLeft(1);

        if (fractionDigits > 0)
            if (totalDigits >= 0)
                result.setScale(Math.max(fractionDigits, totalDigits - digits));
        else if (fractionDigits == 0)

        return result.toString();

    private String formatDuration(SchemaType sType) {
        XmlDuration d = (XmlDuration) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
        GDuration minInclusive = null;
        if (d != null)
            minInclusive = d.getGDurationValue();

        d = (XmlDuration) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
        GDuration maxInclusive = null;
        if (d != null)
            maxInclusive = d.getGDurationValue();

        d = (XmlDuration) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
        GDuration minExclusive = null;
        if (d != null)
            minExclusive = d.getGDurationValue();

        d = (XmlDuration) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
        GDuration maxExclusive = null;
        if (d != null)
            maxExclusive = d.getGDurationValue();

        GDurationBuilder gdurb = new GDurationBuilder();
        BigInteger min, max;


        // Years
        // Months
        // Days
        // Hours
        // Minutes
        // Seconds
        // Fractions
        if (minInclusive != null) {
            if (gdurb.getYear() < minInclusive.getYear())
            if (gdurb.getMonth() < minInclusive.getMonth())
            if (gdurb.getDay() < minInclusive.getDay())
            if (gdurb.getHour() < minInclusive.getHour())
            if (gdurb.getMinute() < minInclusive.getMinute())
            if (gdurb.getSecond() < minInclusive.getSecond())
            if (gdurb.getFraction().compareTo(minInclusive.getFraction()) < 0)

        if (maxInclusive != null) {
            if (gdurb.getYear() > maxInclusive.getYear())
            if (gdurb.getMonth() > maxInclusive.getMonth())
            if (gdurb.getDay() > maxInclusive.getDay())
            if (gdurb.getHour() > maxInclusive.getHour())
            if (gdurb.getMinute() > maxInclusive.getMinute())
            if (gdurb.getSecond() > maxInclusive.getSecond())
            if (gdurb.getFraction().compareTo(maxInclusive.getFraction()) > 0)

        if (minExclusive != null) {
            if (gdurb.getYear() <= minExclusive.getYear())
                gdurb.setYear(minExclusive.getYear() + 1);
            if (gdurb.getMonth() <= minExclusive.getMonth())
                gdurb.setMonth(minExclusive.getMonth() + 1);
            if (gdurb.getDay() <= minExclusive.getDay())
                gdurb.setDay(minExclusive.getDay() + 1);
            if (gdurb.getHour() <= minExclusive.getHour())
                gdurb.setHour(minExclusive.getHour() + 1);
            if (gdurb.getMinute() <= minExclusive.getMinute())
                gdurb.setMinute(minExclusive.getMinute() + 1);
            if (gdurb.getSecond() <= minExclusive.getSecond())
                gdurb.setSecond(minExclusive.getSecond() + 1);
            if (gdurb.getFraction().compareTo(minExclusive.getFraction()) <= 0)
                gdurb.setFraction(minExclusive.getFraction().add(new BigDecimal(0.001)));

        if (maxExclusive != null) {
            if (gdurb.getYear() > maxExclusive.getYear())
            if (gdurb.getMonth() > maxExclusive.getMonth())
            if (gdurb.getDay() > maxExclusive.getDay())
            if (gdurb.getHour() > maxExclusive.getHour())
            if (gdurb.getMinute() > maxExclusive.getMinute())
            if (gdurb.getSecond() > maxExclusive.getSecond())
            if (gdurb.getFraction().compareTo(maxExclusive.getFraction()) > 0)

        return gdurb.toString();

    private String formatDate(SchemaType sType) {
        GDateBuilder gdateb = new GDateBuilder(
                new Date(1000L * pick(365 * 24 * 60 * 60) + (30L + pick(20)) * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
        GDate min = null, max = null;

        // Find the min and the max according to the type
        switch (sType.getPrimitiveType().getBuiltinTypeCode()) {
        case SchemaType.BTC_DATE_TIME: {
            XmlDateTime x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlDateTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_TIME: {
            XmlTime x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlTime) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_DATE: {
            XmlDate x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlDate) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_YEAR_MONTH: {
            XmlGYearMonth x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGYearMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_YEAR: {
            XmlGYear x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGYear) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_MONTH_DAY: {
            XmlGMonthDay x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGMonthDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_DAY: {
            XmlGDay x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGDay) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();
        case SchemaType.BTC_G_MONTH: {
            XmlGMonth x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                min = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MIN_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (min == null || min.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) <= 0)
                    min = x.getGDateValue();

            x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_INCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                max = x.getGDateValue();
            x = (XmlGMonth) sType.getFacet(SchemaType.FACET_MAX_EXCLUSIVE);
            if (x != null)
                if (max == null || max.compareToGDate(x.getGDateValue()) >= 0)
                    max = x.getGDateValue();

        if (min != null && max == null) {
            if (min.compareToGDate(gdateb) >= 0) {
                // Reset the date to min + (1-8) hours
                Calendar c = gdateb.getCalendar();
                c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, pick(8));
                gdateb = new GDateBuilder(c);
        } else if (min == null && max != null) {
            if (max.compareToGDate(gdateb) <= 0) {
                // Reset the date to max - (1-8) hours
                Calendar c = gdateb.getCalendar();
                c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0 - pick(8));
                gdateb = new GDateBuilder(c);
        } else if (min != null && max != null) {
            if (min.compareToGDate(gdateb) >= 0 || max.compareToGDate(gdateb) <= 0) {
                // Find a date between the two
                Calendar c = min.getCalendar();
                Calendar cmax = max.getCalendar();
                c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);
                if (c.after(cmax)) {
                    c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, -1);
                    c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
                    if (c.after(cmax)) {
                        c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1);
                        c.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1);
                        if (c.after(cmax)) {
                            c.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1);
                            c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1);
                            if (c.after(cmax))
                                c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1);
                gdateb = new GDateBuilder(c);

        if (pick(2) == 0)
        return gdateb.toString();

    private SchemaType closestBuiltin(SchemaType sType) {
        while (!sType.isBuiltinType())
            sType = sType.getBaseType();
        return sType;

     * Cracks a combined QName of the form URL:localname
    public static QName crackQName(String qName) {
        String ns;
        String name;

        int index = qName.lastIndexOf(':');
        if (index >= 0) {
            ns = qName.substring(0, index);
            name = qName.substring(index + 1);
        } else {
            ns = "";
            name = qName;

        return new QName(ns, name);

     * Cursor position: Before this call: <outer><foo/>^</outer> (cursor at the
     * ^) After this call: <<outer><foo/><bar/>som text<etc/>^</outer>
    private void processParticle(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc, boolean mixed) {
        int loop = determineMinMaxForSample(sp, xmlc);

        while (loop-- > 0) {
            switch (sp.getParticleType()) {
            case (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT):
                processElement(sp, xmlc, mixed);
            case (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE):
                processSequence(sp, xmlc, mixed);
            case (SchemaParticle.CHOICE):
                processChoice(sp, xmlc, mixed);
            case (SchemaParticle.ALL):
                processAll(sp, xmlc, mixed);
            case (SchemaParticle.WILDCARD):
                processWildCard(sp, xmlc, mixed);
                // throw new Exception("No Match on Schema Particle Type: " +
                // String.valueOf(sp.getParticleType()));

    private int determineMinMaxForSample(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc) {
        int minOccurs = sp.getIntMinOccurs();
        int maxOccurs = sp.getIntMaxOccurs();

        if (minOccurs == maxOccurs)
            return minOccurs;

        if (minOccurs == 0 && ignoreOptional)
            return 0;

        int result = minOccurs;
        if (result == 0)
            result = 1;

        if (sp.getParticleType() != SchemaParticle.ELEMENT)
            return result;

        // it probably only makes sense to put comments in front of individual
        // elements that repeat

        if (!skipComments) {
            if (sp.getMaxOccurs() == null) {
                // xmlc.insertComment("The next " + getItemNameOrType(sp, xmlc) + "
                // may
                // be repeated " + minOccurs + " or more times");
                if (minOccurs == 0)
                    xmlc.insertComment("Zero or more repetitions:");
                    xmlc.insertComment(minOccurs + " or more repetitions:");
            } else if (sp.getIntMaxOccurs() > 1) {
                xmlc.insertComment(minOccurs + " to " + String.valueOf(sp.getMaxOccurs()) + " repetitions:");
            } else {

        return result;

      * Return a name for the element or the particle type to use in the comment
      * for minoccurs, max occurs
    private String getItemNameOrType(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc) {
        String elementOrTypeName;
        if (sp.getParticleType() == SchemaParticle.ELEMENT) {
            elementOrTypeName = "Element (" + sp.getName().getLocalPart() + ")";
        } else {
            elementOrTypeName = printParticleType(sp.getParticleType());
        return elementOrTypeName;

    private void processElement(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc, boolean mixed) {
        // cast as schema local element
        SchemaLocalElement element = (SchemaLocalElement) sp;

        // Add comment about type
        addElementTypeAndRestricionsComment(element, xmlc);

        // / ^ -> <elemenname></elem>^
        if (soapEnc)
            xmlc.insertElement(element.getName().getLocalPart()); // test
        // encoded?
        // drop
        // namespaces.
            xmlc.insertElement(element.getName().getLocalPart(), element.getName().getNamespaceURI());
        // / -> <elem>^</elem>
        // processAttributes( sp.getType(), xmlc );

        // -> <elem>stuff^</elem>

        String[] values = null;
        if (multiValuesProvider != null)
            values = multiValuesProvider.getMultiValues(element.getName()).toArray(new String[] {});
        if (values != null)
            xmlc.insertChars(StringUtils.join(values, "s"));
        else if (sp.isDefault())
            createSampleForType(element.getType(), xmlc);
        // -> <elem>stuff</elem>^

    private void moveToken(int numToMove, XmlCursor xmlc) {
        for (int i = 0; i < Math.abs(numToMove); i++) {
            if (numToMove < 0) {
            } else {

    private static String formatQName(XmlCursor xmlc, QName qName) {
        XmlCursor parent = xmlc.newCursor();
        String prefix = parent.prefixForNamespace(qName.getNamespaceURI());
        String name;
        if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0)
            name = qName.getLocalPart();
            name = prefix + ":" + qName.getLocalPart();
        return name;

    private static final QName HREF = new QName("href");
    private static final QName ID = new QName("id");
    public static final QName XSI_TYPE = new QName("", "type");
    public static final QName ENC_ARRAYTYPE = new QName("", "arrayType");
    private static final QName ENC_OFFSET = new QName("", "offset");

    public static final Set<QName> SKIPPED_SOAP_ATTRS = new HashSet<>(
            Arrays.asList(new QName[] { HREF, ID, ENC_OFFSET }));

    private void processAttributes(SchemaType stype, XmlCursor xmlc) {
        if (soapEnc) {
            QName typeName = stype.getName();
            if (typeName != null) {
                xmlc.insertAttributeWithValue(XSI_TYPE, formatQName(xmlc, typeName));

        SchemaProperty[] attrProps = stype.getAttributeProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < attrProps.length; i++) {
            SchemaProperty attr = attrProps[i];
            if (attr.getMinOccurs().intValue() == 0 && ignoreOptional)

            if (attr.getName().equals(new QName("", "contentType"))) {
                xmlc.insertAttributeWithValue(attr.getName(), "application/?");

            if (soapEnc) {
                if (SKIPPED_SOAP_ATTRS.contains(attr.getName()))
                if (ENC_ARRAYTYPE.equals(attr.getName())) {
                    SOAPArrayType arrayType = ((SchemaWSDLArrayType) stype.getAttributeModel()
                    if (arrayType != null)
                                formatQName(xmlc, arrayType.getQName()) + arrayType.soap11DimensionString());

            String value = null;
            if (multiValuesProvider != null) {
                String[] values = multiValuesProvider.getMultiValues(attr.getName()).toArray(new String[] {});
                if (values != null)
                    value = StringUtils.join(values, ",");
            if (value == null)
                value = attr.getDefaultText();
            if (value == null)
                value = sampleDataForSimpleType(attr.getType());

            xmlc.insertAttributeWithValue(attr.getName(), value);

    private void processSequence(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc, boolean mixed) {
        SchemaParticle[] spc = sp.getParticleChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < spc.length; i++) {
            // / <parent>maybestuff^</parent>
            processParticle(spc[i], xmlc, mixed);
            // <parent>maybestuff...morestuff^</parent>
            if (mixed && i < spc.length - 1)

    private void processChoice(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc, boolean mixed) {
        SchemaParticle[] spc = sp.getParticleChildren();
        if (!skipComments)
                    "You have a CHOICE of the next " + String.valueOf(spc.length) + " items at this level");

        for (int i = 0; i < spc.length; i++) {
            processParticle(spc[i], xmlc, mixed);

    private void processAll(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc, boolean mixed) {
        SchemaParticle[] spc = sp.getParticleChildren();
        if (!skipComments)
            xmlc.insertComment("You may enter the following " + String.valueOf(spc.length) + " items in any order");

        for (int i = 0; i < spc.length; i++) {
            processParticle(spc[i], xmlc, mixed);
            if (mixed && i < spc.length - 1)

    private void processWildCard(SchemaParticle sp, XmlCursor xmlc, boolean mixed) {
        if (!skipComments)
            xmlc.insertComment("You may enter ANY elements at this point");
        // xmlc.insertElement("AnyElement");

     * This method will get the base type for the schema type

    private static QName getClosestName(SchemaType sType) {
        while (sType.getName() == null)
            sType = sType.getBaseType();

        return sType.getName();

    private String printParticleType(int particleType) {
        StringBuilder returnParticleType = new StringBuilder();
        returnParticleType.append("Schema Particle Type: ");

        switch (particleType) {
        case SchemaParticle.ALL:
        case SchemaParticle.CHOICE:
        case SchemaParticle.ELEMENT:
        case SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE:
        case SchemaParticle.WILDCARD:
            returnParticleType.append("Schema Particle Type Unknown");

        return returnParticleType.toString();

    private void addElementTypeAndRestricionsComment(SchemaLocalElement element, XmlCursor xmlc) {

        SchemaType type = element.getType();
        if (typeComment && (type != null && type.isSimpleType())) {
            String info = "";

            XmlAnySimpleType[] values = type.getEnumerationValues();
            if (values != null && values.length > 0) {
                info = " - enumeration: [";
                for (int c = 0; c < values.length; c++) {
                    if (c > 0)
                        info += ",";

                    info += values[c].getStringValue();

                info += "]";

            if (type.isAnonymousType())
                xmlc.insertComment("anonymous type" + info);
                xmlc.insertComment("type: " + type.getName().getLocalPart() + info);

    public void setTypeComment(boolean b) {
        typeComment = b;

    public void setIgnoreOptional(boolean b) {
        ignoreOptional = b;