Java tutorial
/* * Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.bson.Document; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; public class Load implements DT3Schema { static PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); public static void init(PrintWriter out) { Load.out = out; } public static void dropCollections(TxDatabase client) throws Exception { MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase(); for (String colName : new String[] { COL_HOLDING, COL_QUOTE, COL_ACCOUNT, COL_ACCOUNTPROFILE, COL_ORDER }) { out.println("drop " + colName); MongoCollection<Document> col = db.getCollection(colName); if (col != null) col.drop(); } } public static void populate(TxDatabase client) throws Exception { client.setInt(new Document(ATTR_SEQ_KEY, COL_ACCOUNT), -1); client.setInt(new Document(ATTR_SEQ_KEY, COL_ORDER), -1); client.setInt(new Document(ATTR_SEQ_KEY, COL_HOLDING), -1); createCollections(client.getDatabase()); Map<String, Document> quotes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); out.println("populate quotes"); out.flush(); populateQuotes(client, quotes); out.println("populate users"); out.flush(); populateUsers(client, quotes); out.println(); out.println("populated."); out.flush(); } private static void createCollections(MongoDatabase db) throws Exception { db.createCollection(COL_QUOTE); db.createCollection(COL_HOLDING); MongoCollection<Document> holdingCol = db.getCollection(COL_HOLDING); holdingCol.createIndex(new Document(H_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, true)); db.createCollection(COL_ACCOUNTPROFILE); db.createCollection(COL_ACCOUNT); MongoCollection<Document> accountCol = db.getCollection(COL_ACCOUNT); accountCol.createIndex(new Document(A_PROFILE_USERID, true)); db.createCollection(COL_ORDER); MongoCollection<Document> orderCol = db.getCollection(COL_ORDER); orderCol.createIndex(new Document(O_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, true)); } public static Document register(TxDatabase client, Map<String, Document> userId2Account, String userId, String password, String fullname, String address, String email, String creditCard, double openBalance, double balance) { MongoCollection<Document> accounts = client.getDatabase().getCollection(COL_ACCOUNT); MongoCollection<Document> accountProfiles = client.getDatabase().getCollection(COL_ACCOUNTPROFILE); Document accountData = new Document(); int accountId = client.incrementAndGetInt(new Document(ATTR_SEQ_KEY, COL_ACCOUNT)); long creationDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastLogin = creationDate; int loginCount = 0; int logoutCount = 0; accountData.put("_id", accountId); accountData.put(A_ACCOUNTID, accountId); accountData.put(A_CREATIONDATE, creationDate); accountData.put(A_OPENBALANCE, openBalance); accountData.put(A_BALANCE, balance); accountData.put(A_LASTLOGIN, lastLogin); accountData.put(A_LOGINCOUNT, loginCount); accountData.put(A_LOGOUTCOUNT, logoutCount); accountData.put(A_PROFILE_USERID, userId); accounts.insertOne(accountData); Document accountProfile = new Document(); accountProfile.put("_id", userId); accountProfile.put(AP_USERID, userId); accountProfile.put(AP_PASSWD, password); accountProfile.put(AP_FULLNAME, fullname); accountProfile.put(AP_ADRRESS, address); accountProfile.put(AP_EMAIL, email); accountProfile.put(AP_CREDITCARD, creditCard); accountProfiles.insertOne(accountProfile); userId2Account.put(userId, accountData); return accountData; } private static Document createClosedOrder(TxDatabase client, Document accountData, Document quoteData, Document holdingData, String orderType, double quantity, String userId) throws Exception { Document order = new Document(); long currentDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); // private static final String createOrderSQL = "insert into orderejb " // + "( orderid, ordertype, orderstatus, opendate, quantity, price, orderfee, account_accountid, holding_holdingid, quote_symbol) " // + "VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?)"; int orderId = client.incrementAndGetInt(new Document(ATTR_SEQ_KEY, COL_ORDER)); order.put("_id", orderId); order.put(O_ORDERID, orderId); order.put(O_ORDERTYPE, orderType); order.put(O_ORDERSTATUS, "closed"); order.put(O_OPENDATE, currentDate); order.put(O_QUANTITY, quantity); order.put(O_PRICE, (Double) quoteData.get(Q_PRICE)); order.put(O_ORDERFEE, (Double) quoteData.get(Q_PRICE)); order.put(O_ORDERFEE, TradeConfig.getOrderFee(orderType).doubleValue()); order.put(O_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, (Integer) accountData.get(A_ACCOUNTID)); if (holdingData != null) order.put(O_HOLDING_HOLDINGID, (Integer) holdingData.get(H_HOLDINGID)); order.put(O_QUOTE_SYMBOL, quoteData.get(Q_SYMBOL)); client.getDatabase().getCollection(COL_ORDER).insertOne(order); return order; } private static Document createHolding(TxDatabase client, int accountId, String symbol, double quantity, double purchasePrice, String userId) throws Exception { Document holding = new Document(); long purchaseDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); int holdingId = client.incrementAndGetInt(new Document(ATTR_SEQ_KEY, COL_HOLDING)); holding.put("_id", holdingId); holding.put(H_HOLDINGID, holdingId); holding.put(H_PURCHASEDATE, purchaseDate); holding.put(H_PURCHASEPRICE, purchasePrice); holding.put(H_QUANTITY, quantity); holding.put(H_QUOTE_SYMBOL, symbol); holding.put(H_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, accountId); client.getDatabase().getCollection(COL_HOLDING).insertOne(holding); return holding; } public static void populateUsers(TxDatabase client, Map<String, Document> quotes) throws Exception { Map<String, Document> userId2Account = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < TradeConfig.getMAX_USERS(); i++) { String userId = "uid:" + i; if ((i + 1) % 100 == 0) { out.print("....." + userId); out.flush(); if ((i + 1) % 1000 == 0) { out.println(); out.flush(); } } String fullname = TradeConfig.rndFullName(); String email = TradeConfig.rndEmail(userId); String address = TradeConfig.rndAddress(); String creditcard = TradeConfig.rndCreditCard(); double initialBalance = (double) (TradeConfig.rndInt(100000)) + 200000; if (i == 0) initialBalance = 1000000; // uid:0 starts with a cool million. double balance = (double) initialBalance; int holdings = TradeConfig.rndInt(TradeConfig.getMAX_HOLDINGS() + 1); // 0-MAX_HOLDING (inclusive), avg holdings per user = (MAX-0)/2 List<Document> holdingQuotes = new ArrayList<>(); List<Double> holdingQuantities = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < holdings; j++) { String symbol = TradeConfig.rndSymbol(); Document quoteData = quotes.get(symbol); holdingQuotes.add(quoteData); double quantity = TradeConfig.rndQuantity(); holdingQuantities.add(quantity); double price = (Double) quoteData.get(Q_PRICE); double orderFee = (Double) quoteData.get(Q_PRICE); balance = quantity * price + orderFee; } Document accountData = register(client, userId2Account, userId, "xxx", fullname, address, email, creditcard, (double) initialBalance, balance); if (accountData != null) { if ((i + 1) % 10000 == 0) { out.println( "Account#" + accountData.get(A_ACCOUNTID) + ", " + accountData.get(A_PROFILE_USERID)); out.flush(); } // end-if for (int j = 0; j < holdings; ++j) { Document quoteData = holdingQuotes.get(j); String symbol = (String) quoteData.get(Q_SYMBOL); double quantity = holdingQuantities.get(j); Document holdingData = createHolding(client, (Integer) accountData.get(A_ACCOUNTID), symbol, quantity, (Double) quoteData.get(Q_PRICE), userId); createClosedOrder(client, accountData, quoteData, holdingData, "buy", quantity, userId); } // end-for if ((i + 1) % 10000 == 0) { out.println(" has " + holdings + " holdings."); out.flush(); } // end-if } else { out.println("<BR>UID " + userId + " already registered.</BR>"); out.flush(); } // end-if } // end-for out.println(); } public static Document createQuote(TxDatabase client, String symbol, String companyName, double price) throws Exception { MongoCollection<Document> quotes = client.getDatabase().getCollection(COL_QUOTE); Document quoteData = new Document(); double volume = 0.0, change = 0.0; quoteData.put("_id", symbol); quoteData.put(Q_SYMBOL, symbol); // symbol quoteData.put(Q_COMPANYNAME, companyName); // companyName quoteData.put(Q_VOLUME, volume); // volume quoteData.put(Q_PRICE, price); // price quoteData.put(Q_OPEN1, price); // open quoteData.put(Q_LOW, price); // low quoteData.put(Q_HIGH, price); // high quoteData.put(Q_CHANGE1, change); // change quotes.insertOne(quoteData); return quoteData; } private static void populateQuotes(TxDatabase client, Map<String, Document> quotes) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < TradeConfig.getMAX_QUOTES(); i++) { String symbol = "s:" + i; String companyName = "S" + i + " Incorporated"; Document quoteData = createQuote(client, symbol, companyName, TradeConfig.rndPrice()); quotes.put(symbol, quoteData); if ((i + 1) % 1000 == 0) { out.print("....." + symbol); out.flush(); if ((i + 1) % 10000 == 0) { out.println(); out.flush(); } } } out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI("mongodb://")); MongoClient client = new MongoClient("localhost"); TxDatabase txDB = new LatestReadCommittedTxDB(client, client.getDatabase("trade")); dropCollections(txDB); populate(txDB); client.close(); } }