Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2016. All Rights Reserved. * Project name: Object Generator * This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE. */ package; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; /** * A cli for managing Object Generator object files * * @since 1.0 */ public class ObjectFile { private static final Logger _consoleLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ConsoleLogger"); private ObjectFile() { } public static void main(final String[] args) { final ObjectFileGetOpt getopt = new ObjectFileGetOpt(); final Cli cli = Application.cli("object-file", getopt, args); if (cli.shouldStop()) { if ( { cli.printUsage(); } else if (cli.version()) { cli.printVersion(); } else if (cli.error()) { cli.printErrors(); cli.printUsage(); Application.exit(Application.TEST_ERROR); } Application.exit(0); } final File input = getopt.getInput(); final boolean write = getopt.getWrite(); final boolean read = getopt.getRead(); final boolean filter = getopt.getFilter(); final boolean upgrade = getopt.getUpgrade(); final boolean split = getopt.getSplit(); final int splitSize = getopt.getSplitSize(); final String output = getopt.getOutput(); final long minFilesize = getopt.getMinSize(); final long maxFilesize = getopt.getMaxSize(); final int minContainerSuffix = getopt.getMinSuffix(); final int maxContainerSuffix = getopt.getMaxSuffix(); final Set<Integer> containerSuffixes = getopt.getContainerSuffixes(); try { final InputStream in = getInputStream(input); final OutputStream out; if (write) { out = getOutputStream(split, splitSize, output); write(in, out); } else if (read) { out = getOutputStream(output); read(in, out); } else if (filter) { out = getOutputStream(split, splitSize, output); filter(in, out, minFilesize, maxFilesize, minContainerSuffix, maxContainerSuffix, containerSuffixes); } else if (upgrade) { out = getOutputStream(split, splitSize, output); upgrade(in, out); } else if (split) { // Order matters here - write, filter, upgrade must be above out = getOutputStream(split, splitSize, output); split(in, out); } else { // Default case - just output the same file out = getOutputStream(output); ByteStreams.copy(in, out); } if (!out.equals(System.out)) { out.close(); } } catch (final IOException e) { _consoleLogger.error("", e); Application.exit(Application.TEST_ERROR); } Application.exit(0); } public static InputStream getInputStream(final File input) throws FileNotFoundException { InputStream in =; if (input != null) { in = new FileInputStream(input); } return new BufferedInputStream(in); } public static OutputStream getOutputStream(final boolean split, final int splitSize, final String output) throws FileNotFoundException { if (split) { int maxObjects; if (splitSize > 0) maxObjects = splitSize / RandomObjectPopulator.OBJECT_SIZE; else maxObjects = RandomObjectPopulator.MAX_OBJECT_ARG; return new ObjectFileOutputStream(output, maxObjects, RandomObjectPopulator.SUFFIX); } else { return new BufferedOutputStream(getOutputStream(output)); } } public static OutputStream getOutputStream(final String output) throws FileNotFoundException { if (output != null) { return new FileOutputStream(output); } return System.out; } public static void write(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException { checkNotNull(in); checkNotNull(out); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, Charsets.UTF_8)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { final String[] components = line.split(","); checkArgument(components.length == 3, "Invalid record - %s", line); final String objectString = components[0].trim(); final long objectSize = Long.parseLong(components[1].trim()); final int containerSuffix = Integer.parseInt(components[2].trim()); final ObjectMetadata objectName = LegacyObjectMetadata.fromMetadata(objectString, objectSize, containerSuffix); out.write(objectName.toBytes()); } } public static void read(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException { checkNotNull(in); checkNotNull(out); BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, Charsets.UTF_8)); final byte[] buf = new byte[LegacyObjectMetadata.OBJECT_SIZE]; while (readFully(in, buf)) { final ObjectMetadata objectName = LegacyObjectMetadata.fromBytes(buf); writer.write(String.format("%s,%s,%s", objectName.getName(), objectName.getSize(), objectName.getContainerSuffix())); writer.newLine(); } } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.flush(); } } } public static void filter(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out, final long minFilesize, final long maxFilesize, final int minContainerSuffix, final int maxContainerSuffix, final Set<Integer> containerSuffixes) throws IOException { checkNotNull(in); checkNotNull(out); checkArgument(minFilesize >= 0, "minFilesize must be >= 0 [%s]", minFilesize); checkArgument(minFilesize <= maxFilesize, "minFilesize must be <= maxFilesize [%s, %s]", minFilesize, maxFilesize); checkArgument(minContainerSuffix >= -1, "minContainerSuffix must be >= -1 [%s]", minContainerSuffix); checkArgument(minContainerSuffix <= maxContainerSuffix, "minContainerSuffix must be <= maxContainerSuffix [%s, %s]", minContainerSuffix, maxContainerSuffix); final byte[] buf = new byte[LegacyObjectMetadata.OBJECT_SIZE]; final MutableObjectMetadata object = new MutableObjectMetadata(); while (readFully(in, buf)) { object.setBytes(buf); if ((object.getSize() >= minFilesize && object.getSize() <= maxFilesize) && (object.getContainerSuffix() >= minContainerSuffix && object.getContainerSuffix() <= maxContainerSuffix)) { if (!containerSuffixes.isEmpty() && containerSuffixes.contains(object.getContainerSuffix())) { out.write(object.toBytes()); } else if (containerSuffixes.isEmpty()) { out.write(object.toBytes()); } } } } public static void split(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException { checkNotNull(in); checkNotNull(out); final byte[] buf = new byte[LegacyObjectMetadata.OBJECT_SIZE]; final MutableObjectMetadata object = new MutableObjectMetadata(); while (readFully(in, buf)) { object.setBytes(buf); out.write(object.toBytes()); } } public static class MutableObjectMetadata extends LegacyObjectMetadata { public MutableObjectMetadata() { super(ByteBuffer.allocate(OBJECT_SIZE)); } public void setBytes(final byte[] bytes) { this.objectBuffer.position(0); this.objectBuffer.put(bytes); } public void setSize(final long size) { this.objectBuffer.position(OBJECT_NAME_SIZE); this.objectBuffer.putLong(size); } public void setContainerSuffix(final int suffix) { this.objectBuffer.position(OBJECT_NAME_SIZE + OBJECT_SIZE_SIZE); this.objectBuffer.putInt(suffix); } } public static void upgrade(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException { // oom size final int legacySize = 18; final byte[] buf = new byte[legacySize]; final MutableObjectMetadata object = new MutableObjectMetadata(); object.setSize(0); object.setContainerSuffix(-1); while (readFully(in, buf)) { object.setBytes(buf); out.write(object.toBytes()); } } // adapt Bytestreams.readFully to return a boolean rather than throwing an exception public static boolean readFully(final InputStream in, final byte[] b) throws IOException { try { ByteStreams.readFully(in, b); } catch (final EOFException e) { // FIXME deal with the case where bytes not divisible by b.size, rather than regular EOF return false; } return true; } public static class ObjectFileOutputStream extends OutputStream { private final String prefix; private int index; private int written; private final int maxObjects; private final String suffix; private OutputStream out; public ObjectFileOutputStream(final String prefix, final int maxObjects, final String suffix) throws FileNotFoundException { this.prefix = checkNotNull(prefix); this.index = 0; this.written = 0; checkArgument(maxObjects > 0, "maxObjects must be > 0 [%s]", maxObjects); this.maxObjects = maxObjects; this.suffix = checkNotNull(suffix); this.out = create(); } private OutputStream create() throws FileNotFoundException { return new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(String.format("%s%d%s", this.prefix, this.index, this.suffix))); } @Override public void write(final byte[] b) throws IOException { if (this.written >= this.maxObjects) { this.index++; this.out.close(); this.out = create(); this.written = 0; } this.out.write(b); this.written++; } @Override public void write(final int b) throws IOException { throw new IOException("ObjectFileOutputStream.write(b) should not be called"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { this.out.close(); } } }