Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2008. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.cli2.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli2.DisplaySetting; import org.apache.commons.cli2.Group; import org.apache.commons.cli2.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli2.OptionException; import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.ArgumentBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.DefaultOptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli2.builder.GroupBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli2.commandline.Parser; import org.apache.commons.cli2.util.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli2.validation.NumberValidator; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Parser for arguments of JaqlShell. */ public class JaqlShellArguments { static final String DEFAULT_HDFS_DIR = "/tmp/jaql/dfs"; static final int DEFAULT_NUM_NODES = 1; static final boolean DEFAULT_BATCH_MODE = false; boolean useExistingCluster = false; String[] jars = new String[0]; OutputAdapter outputAdapter; String[] searchPath = null; String hdfsDir = DEFAULT_HDFS_DIR; int numNodes = DEFAULT_NUM_NODES; ChainedReader chainedIn = new ChainedReader(); boolean batchMode = DEFAULT_BATCH_MODE; OutputAdapter logAdapter; private JaqlShellArguments() { }; /** * Enable or disable the output to console. It is in effect only if running * Jaql shell in batch mode with mini clusters. It means to disable console * print in batch mode. It is used to disable console print in * <code>MiniHBaseCluster</code>, <code>MiniHBaseCluster</code> and * <code>MiniDFSCluster</code>. Among these classes, * <code>MiniDFSCluster</code> prints startup information to stderr. * * @param enable <code>true</code> to enable output to stdout and stderr; * <code>false</code> to disable to output to stdout and stderr. * * @see ConsolePrintEnabler */ public void enableConsolePrint(boolean enable) { if (batchMode && !useExistingCluster) ConsolePrintEnabler.enable(enable); } /** * Adds an input stream to the chained input stream. * * @param in An input stream */ private void addInputStream(InputStream in) { try { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"); if (!batchMode) { Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8"); reader = new EchoedReader(reader, writer); } chainedIn.add(reader); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { JaqlUtil.rethrow(e); } } /** * Adds STDIN to the chained input stream. */ private void addStdin() { try { chainedIn.add(new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { JaqlUtil.rethrow(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static JaqlShellArguments parseArgs(String... args) { // option builders final DefaultOptionBuilder obuilder = new DefaultOptionBuilder(); final ArgumentBuilder abuilder = new ArgumentBuilder(); final GroupBuilder gbuilder = new GroupBuilder(); // create standard options Option optHelp = obuilder.withShortName("h").withShortName("?").withLongName("help") .withDescription("print this message").create(); Option optJars = obuilder.withShortName("j").withLongName("jars") .withDescription( "comma-separated list of jar files to include user defined expressions or data stores") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("args").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1).create()).create(); Option optSearchPath = obuilder.withShortName("jp").withLongName("jaql-path") .withDescription("colon seperated list of all search path entries") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("args").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1).create()).create(); Option optBatch = obuilder.withShortName("b").withLongName("batch") .withDescription("run in batch mode (i.e., do not read from stdin)").create(); Option optOutOptions = obuilder.withShortName("o").withLongName("outoptions") .withDescription("output options: json, del and xml or an output IO descriptor. " + "This option is ignored when not running in batch mode.") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("outoptions").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1).create()).create(); Option optEval = obuilder.withShortName("e").withLongName("eval") .withDescription("evaluate Jaql expression") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("expr").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1).create()).create(); // create mini-cluster options Option optCluster = obuilder.withShortName("c").withLongName("cluster") .withDescription("use existing cluster (i.e., do not launch a mini-cluster)").create(); Option optNumNodes = obuilder.withShortName("n").withLongName("no-nodes") .withDescription("mini-cluster option: number of nodes to spawn") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("arg").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1) .withValidator(NumberValidator.getIntegerInstance()).create()) .create(); Option optDir = obuilder.withShortName("d").withLongName("hdfs-dir") .withDescription("mini-cluster option: root HDFs directory") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("arg").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1).create()).create(); Group clusterOptions = gbuilder.withName("Cluster options").withOption(optCluster).withOption(optDir) .withOption(optNumNodes).create(); // create input files option Option optInputFiles = abuilder.withName("file").withDescription("list of input files").withMinimum(0) .create(); Option optLog = obuilder.withShortName("l").withLongName("log") .withDescription("log options: json, del and xml or an output IO descriptor. ") .withArgument(abuilder.withName("arg").withMinimum(1).withMaximum(1).create()).create(); // combine all options Group options = gbuilder.withName("options").withOption(optHelp).withOption(optJars) .withOption(optSearchPath).withOption(optBatch).withOption(optLog).withOption(optOutOptions) .withOption(optEval).withOption(optInputFiles).withOption(clusterOptions).create(); // parse and print help if necessary CommandLine cl; try { Parser parser = new Parser(); parser.setGroup(options); cl = parser.parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { printHelpAndExit(e, null, options); return null; } if (cl.hasOption(optHelp)) { printHelpAndExit(null, options); } // validate arguments JaqlShellArguments result = new JaqlShellArguments(); // mini-cluster options if (cl.hasOption(optCluster)) { result.useExistingCluster = true; } if (cl.hasOption(optDir)) { if (result.useExistingCluster) { printHelpAndExit("Options " + optCluster.getPreferredName() + " and " + optDir.getPreferredName() + " are mutually exclusive", options); } result.hdfsDir = (String) cl.getValue(optDir); } if (cl.hasOption(optNumNodes)) { if (result.useExistingCluster) { printHelpAndExit("Options " + optCluster.getPreferredName() + " and " + optNumNodes.getPreferredName() + " are mutually exclusive", options); } result.numNodes = ((Number) cl.getValue(optNumNodes)).intValue(); } // jar files if (cl.hasOption(optJars)) { result.jars = ((String) cl.getValue(optJars)).split(","); for (String jar : result.jars) { if (!new File(jar).exists()) { printHelpAndExit("Jar file " + jar + " not found", options); } } } // search path directories if (cl.hasOption(optSearchPath)) { result.searchPath = ((String) cl.getValue(optSearchPath)).split(":"); for (String dir : result.searchPath) { if (!new File(dir).exists() || !new File(dir).isDirectory()) { printHelpAndExit("Search-path entry " + dir + " not found or is no directory", options); } } } if (cl.hasOption(optBatch)) { result.batchMode = true; if (cl.hasOption(optOutOptions)) { String format = (String) cl.getValue(optOutOptions); try { result.outputAdapter = getOutputAdapter(format); } catch (Exception e) { printHelpAndExit(e, "\"" + format + "\" is neither a valid output format nor a valid IO descriptor", options); } } } // input if (cl.hasOption(optEval)) { String eval = (String) cl.getValue(optEval); if (!eval.endsWith(";")) eval += ";"; result.addInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(eval.getBytes())); } if (cl.hasOption(optInputFiles)) { List<String> files = (List<String>) cl.getValues(optInputFiles); for (String file : files) { try { result.addInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { printHelpAndExit(e, "Input file " + file + " not found", options); } } } // error log if (cl.hasOption(optLog)) { String path = (String) cl.getValue(optLog); try { BufferedJsonRecord logFD = new BufferedJsonRecord(); logFD.add(Adapter.TYPE_NAME, new JsonString("local")); logFD.add(Adapter.LOCATION_NAME, new JsonString(path)); OutputAdapter oa = (OutputAdapter) JaqlUtil.getAdapterStore().output.getAdapter(logFD); result.logAdapter = oa; } catch (Exception e) { printHelpAndExit(e, "\"" + path + "\" invalid", options); } } if (!result.batchMode) { result.addStdin(); } return result; } private static OutputAdapter getOutputAdapter(String outOptions) throws Exception { if (outOptions.equals("")) outOptions = "jsonStream"; // special casing here, to enable shortcut notation if (outOptions.equals("json") || outOptions.equals("del") || outOptions.equals("xml")) { outOptions += "Stream"; } // construct json record for json, del and xml if (StringUtils.isAlpha(outOptions)) { outOptions = "{" + Adapter.TYPE_NAME + ": '" + outOptions + "'}"; } outOptions += ";"; // get output adapter JaqlQuery query = new JaqlQuery(); query.setQueryString(outOptions); JsonRecord options = (JsonRecord) query.evaluate(); OutputAdapter oa = (OutputAdapter) JaqlUtil.getAdapterStore().output.getAdapter(options); if (oa == null) throw new NullPointerException(); else return oa; } private static void printHelpAndExit(String message, Group options) { printHelpAndExit(null, message, options); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void printHelpAndExit(Exception e, String message, Group options) { if (message != null) System.err.println(message); if (e != null) e.printStackTrace(); HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.setShellCommand("jaqlshell"); hf.setGroup(options); hf.getFullUsageSettings().remove(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_GROUP_EXPANDED); hf.getLineUsageSettings().add(DisplaySetting.DISPLAY_ARGUMENT_BRACKETED); hf.print(); hf.printHelp(); System.exit(1); } }