Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2009. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; // TODO: find a better home // package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class provides the interface to drive Jaql from within R. * TODO: A list of features that need to be supported. * <ul> * <li>Support for Binary objects to be returned from Jaql to R.</li> * <li>Support for Jaql Date type. </li> * <li>Add more options for the existing interface methods.</li> * </ul> */ public class RJaqlInterface extends Jaql { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RJaqlInterface.class); public static final String FORMAT_DELIM = "csv"; public static final String FORMAT_DEFAULT = "default"; public static final String FORMAT_TEMP = "temp"; private static Pattern splitPattern = Pattern.compile(","); public RJaqlInterface() { super(); stopOnException(true); } public RJaqlInterface(String input) { super(input); stopOnException(true); } @Override public void setInput(String jaqlQuery) { if (jaqlQuery.endsWith(";")) super.setInput(jaqlQuery); else super.setInput(jaqlQuery + ";"); } /** * This method takes a Jaql query and executes it in the present context. * The returned value is an array of two elements. The first element is always * a JsonLong and is used to interpret the meaning of the next element. The goal * of this function is to transfer huge amount of data from Jaql to R either as * a table or a vector. As a result, this function will handle only simple data types * and will fail for complicated and fancy structures. * * <ul> * <li> If the query evaluates to an array of records such that it can be formatted as a table, * then the first element is set to 2, and the second * element is the name of the file where the contents of the table are written in CSV * format.</li> * <li> If the query evaluates to an array of primitive types, it is formatted as a data * frame with a single column such that it can be converted to a vector in R. The value * of the first element is set to 3 and the formatted contents are put in a file, whose * name is passed as the second argument.</li> * <li> If the query evaluates to an array of arrays, this method tries to format it as a * data frame where the individual constituents array become a row. Again, only atomic types * are allowed. The value of the first element is set to 4, and the formatted contents are * put in a file whose name is passed as the second argument. </li> * <li> Fails for all other cases.</li> * </ul> * * @param input the Jaql query string. * @param schemaString the expected schema of the result of the query. If not null, then this * argument overrides the schema inferred by Jaql. * @return and array of two items, which are interpreted as described earlier. Returns null * either if the expression does not need evaluation, or if there is some error. */ public JsonArray jaqlTableRowwise(String input, String schemaString) { setInput(input); Expr expr; try { expr = prepareNext(); if (expr == null) {"Nothing to evaluate for query: " + input); return null; } JsonIterator iter; Schema schema; if (schemaString != null) { schema = SchemaFactory.parse(schemaString); } else { schema = expr.getSchema(); } if (, JsonType.NULL).always()) { iter = expr.iter(context); } else { throw new IOException("Serialization Failed: Expression not an array."); } return serializeIterator(iter, schema, new RUtil.Config()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error in evaluation of query: " + input, e); return null; } } /** * This method takes a Jaql query and executes it in the present context. * The returned value is record specifying how to interpret the result. * The field named "mode" specifies how to interpret the returned value. The goal * of this function is to transfer huge amount of data from Jaql to R either as * a table or a vector. As a result, this function will handle only simple data types * and will fail for complicated and fancy structures. * * <ul> * <li> If the query evaluates to an array of records such that it can be formatted as a table, * then mode is set to 2, and the "path" field is the directory containing files 1,2...,nColumns * which contains the contents of the columns of the data.</li> * <li> If the query evaluates to an array of primitive types, it is formatted as a * single column such that it can be converted to a vector in R. The value * of mode is set to 3 and the formatted contents are put in a file, whose * name is passed as the field "path".</li> * <li> If the query evaluates to an array of arrays, this method tries to format it as a * data frame where the individual constituents array become a row. Again, only atomic types * are allowed. The value of mode is set to 4, and the "path" field is the directory containing files 1,2...,nColumns * which contains the contents of the columns of the data.</li> * <li> Fails for all other cases.</li> * </ul> * * @param input the Jaql query string. * @param schemaString the expected schema of the result of the query. If not null, then this * argument overrides the schema inferred by Jaql. * @return a record containing information on how to interpret the result. Returns null * either if the expression does not need evaluation, or if there is some error. */ public JsonRecord jaqlTable(String input, String schemaString) { setInput(input); Expr expr; try { expr = prepareNext(); if (expr == null) {"Nothing to evaluate for query: " + input); return null; } JsonIterator iter; Schema schema; if (schemaString != null) { schema = SchemaFactory.parse(schemaString); } else { schema = expr.getSchema(); } if (, JsonType.NULL).always()) { iter = expr.iter(context); } else { throw new IOException("Serialization Failed: Expression not an array."); } return RUtil.serializeIterator(iter, schema, new RUtil.Config()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error in evaluation of query: " + input, e); return null; } } /** * This method takes a Jaql query and executes it in the present context. * The returned value is an array of two elements. The first element is always * a JsonLong and is used to interpret the meaning of the next element. The goal * of this function is to allow passing flexible and fancy Json objects into R. * This is geared to flexibility, and not performance. This function can handle data * with arbitrary nesting and structure as allowed by Json, and generates R-Code * to create lists. * * <ul> * <li> If the query evaluates to a primitive type, then it is passed directly as the * primitive type which is then converted in R into the appropriate R type. In this case, * the first value is set to 0, and the second item is the actual value.</li> * <li> Otherwise, it generates R code for creating nested lists. The first argument * is set to 1 and the 2nd argument is a JsonString that contains the RCode generated.</li> * <li> Not expected to fail for any case.</li> * </ul> * * @param input the Jaql query string. * @return and array of two items, which are interpreted as described earlier. Returns null * either if the expression does not need evaluation, or if there is some error. */ public JsonArray jaqlValue(String input) { try { setInput(input); Expr expr = prepareNext(); if (expr == null) { return null; } return evaluateAsValue(expr); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error in evaluation of query: " + input, e); return null; } } /** * This method provides the functionality of saving simple R objects into HDFS in one of * the formats supported by Jaql so that it can be directly read into Jaql. * @param localPath * @param hdfsPath * @param schemaString * @param format * @param header * @param vector * @return */ public boolean jaqlSave(String localPath, String hdfsPath, String schemaString, String format, boolean header, boolean vector) { if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_DELIM)) {"Format: " + FORMAT_DELIM + ", saving to HDFS loc: " + hdfsPath); return RUtil.saveToHDFS(localPath, hdfsPath); } try { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024; int bufferSize = conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localPath), bufferSize); LongWritable key = new LongWritable(0); long count = 0; Text value = new Text(); BufferedJsonRecord options = new BufferedJsonRecord(2); BufferedJsonArray headerArray = null; if (header) { String headerString = reader.readLine(); String[] headers = splitPattern.split(headerString); headerArray = new BufferedJsonArray(headers.length); for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { headerArray.set(i, new JsonString(StringUtils.strip(headers[i], "\""))); } count++; } Schema schema = null; if (schemaString != null) { schema = SchemaFactory.parse(schemaString); } if (headerArray != null) { RecordSchema recordSchema = (RecordSchema) schema; // construct new matching schema List<Field> fields = new LinkedList<Field>(); for (JsonValue fieldName : headerArray) { Field field; if (recordSchema == null) { field = new Field((JsonString) fieldName, SchemaFactory.stringSchema(), false); } else { field = recordSchema.getField((JsonString) fieldName); if (field == null) throw new NullPointerException("header field not in schema: " + fieldName); // FIXME: schema fields that are not in the header are currently consider OK } fields.add(field); } // and set it schema = new RecordSchema(fields, null); } if (schema != null) options.add(DelOptionParser.SCHEMA_NAME, new JsonSchema(schema)); KeyValueImport<LongWritable, Text> converter = null; if (vector) { converter = new FromLinesConverter(); } else { converter = new FromDelConverter(); }"Initializing Converter with options: " + options); converter.init(options); Schema tmpSchema = converter.getSchema(); tmpSchema = SchemaTransformation.removeNullability(tmpSchema); if (!, JsonType.RECORD, JsonType.BOOLEAN, JsonType.DECFLOAT, JsonType.DOUBLE, JsonType.LONG, JsonType.STRING).always()) { throw new IOException("Unrecognized schema type: " + schema.getSchemaType()); } JsonValue outValue = converter.createTarget(); JsonHolder outKeyHolder; JsonHolder outValueHolder; if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_DEFAULT)) { HadoopSerializationDefault.register(conf); outKeyHolder = new JsonHolderDefault(); outValueHolder = new JsonHolderDefault(outValue);"Registered serializer for Default format."); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TEMP)) { // TODO: There should be a better way of doing this. HadoopSerializationTemp // now does it in an ugly way. BufferedJsonRecord tmpOptions = new BufferedJsonRecord(); BufferedJsonRecord outOptions = new BufferedJsonRecord(); outOptions.add(new JsonString("schema"), new JsonSchema(schema)); tmpOptions.add(new JsonString("options"), outOptions); conf.set(ConfSetter.CONFOUTOPTIONS_NAME, tmpOptions.toString()); HadoopSerializationTemp.register(conf); outKeyHolder = new JsonHolderTempKey(null); outValueHolder = new JsonHolderTempValue();"Registered serializer for HadoopTemp format."); } else { throw new IOException("Unrecognized serialization format requested: " + format); } FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); Path outputPath = new Path(hdfsPath); Writer writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, outputPath, outKeyHolder.getClass(), outValueHolder.getClass()); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { key.set(count++); value.set(line); outValue = converter.convert(key, value, outValue); outValueHolder.value = outValue; writer.append(outKeyHolder, outValueHolder); }"Transferred " + count + " line(s)."); reader.close(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) {"Error in saving object.", e); return false; } return true; } private JsonArray evaluateAsValue(Expr expr) throws Exception { JsonArray returnVal = null; JsonValue[] returnValues = new JsonValue[2]; JsonValue val = expr.eval(context); if (val instanceof JsonRecord) { returnValues[0] = new JsonLong(1); returnValues[1] = new JsonString(RUtil.serializeRecord((JsonRecord) val)); } else if (val instanceof JsonArray) { returnValues[0] = new JsonLong(1); returnValues[1] = new JsonString(RUtil.serializeArray((JsonArray) val)); } else { returnValues[0] = new JsonLong(0); returnValues[1] = val; } returnVal = new BufferedJsonArray(returnValues, false); return returnVal; } private JsonArray serializeIteratorAsArray(JsonIterator iter, RUtil.Config config, String file) throws IOException { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file), 4 * 1024)); boolean firstRow = true; JsonType expect = null; long count = 0L; for (JsonValue cur : iter) { String line; if (cur instanceof JsonAtom) { if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; expect = cur.getType(); } JsonType obtained = cur.getType(); if (config.strict) { if ((expect.isNumber() && !obtained.isNumber()) || (!expect.isNumber() && !expect.equals(obtained))) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, file); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: At row index " + (count + 1) + ", cannot serialize " + obtained + ", expecting " + expect); } line = RUtil.convertToRString(cur); } else { if ((expect.isNumber() && !obtained.isNumber()) || (!expect.isNumber() && !expect.equals(obtained))) { line = RUtil.rNullString; } else line = RUtil.convertToRString(cur); } } else { if (config.strict) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, file); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Array is a mix of JsonAtom " + "and other JsonValue instances. Found: " + cur.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } else line = RUtil.rNullString; } count++; writer.println(line.toString()); } + " entries written to file: " + file); writer.close(); JsonValue[] values = new JsonValue[2]; values[0] = new JsonLong(3); values[1] = new JsonString(file); JsonArray returnVal = new BufferedJsonArray(values, false); return returnVal; } private JsonArray serializeIteratorAsRecords(JsonIterator iter, RecordSchema recordSchema, RUtil.Config config) throws IOException { String filename = RUtil.getTempFileName(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename), 4 * 1024)); boolean firstRow = false; if (config.inferSchema || config.strict) firstRow = true; JsonString[] fieldNames = new JsonString[0]; List<JsonString> names = new ArrayList<JsonString>(); Map<JsonString, JsonType> typeMap = new HashMap<JsonString, JsonType>(); StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); for (Field field : recordSchema.getFieldsByName()) { names.add(field.getName()); if (header.length() != 0) header.append(RUtil.fieldSeparator); header.append(field.getName().toString()); } if (!firstRow) { fieldNames = names.toArray(fieldNames); writer.println(header.toString());"Header: " + header.toString()); } long count = 0L; for (JsonValue cur : iter) { if (cur instanceof JsonRecord) { JsonRecord curRecord = (JsonRecord) cur; if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; for (Entry<JsonString, JsonValue> entry : curRecord) { JsonString fieldName = entry.getKey().getImmutableCopy(); if (config.inferSchema && !names.contains(fieldName)) { names.add(fieldName); if (header.length() != 0) header.append(RUtil.fieldSeparator); header.append(entry.getKey().toString()); } if (entry.getValue() != null) typeMap.put(fieldName, entry.getValue().getType()); //"Field: " + fieldName + ", Type: " + entry.getValue().getType()); } fieldNames = names.toArray(fieldNames); writer.println(header.toString());"Header: " + header.toString()); } StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); for (JsonString field : fieldNames) { JsonValue value = curRecord.get(field, null); if (line.length() != 0) line.append(RUtil.fieldSeparator); if (value == null) { line.append(RUtil.rNullString); } else if (value instanceof JsonAtom) { JsonType expect = typeMap.get(field); JsonType obtained = value.getType(); if (expect == null) { typeMap.put(field, obtained); expect = obtained; } if (config.strict) { if ((expect.isNumber() && !obtained.isNumber()) || (!expect.isNumber() && !expect.equals(obtained))) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: At row index " + (count + 1) + ", cannot serialize " + obtained + ", expecting " + expect); } line.append(RUtil.convertToRString(value)); } else { if ((expect.isNumber() && !obtained.isNumber()) || (!expect.isNumber() && !expect.equals(obtained))) { line.append(RUtil.rNullString); } else line.append(RUtil.convertToRString(value)); } } else { if (config.strict) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Cannot handle non-atomic types."); } else { line.append(RUtil.rNullString); } } } writer.println(line.toString()); count++; } else { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Array is a mix of JsonRecord " + "and other JsonValue instances.Found: " + cur.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } writer.close(); + " record(s) written to file " + filename); JsonValue[] values = new JsonValue[2]; values[0] = new JsonLong(2); values[1] = new JsonString(filename); JsonArray returnVal = new BufferedJsonArray(values, false); return returnVal; } private JsonArray serializeIteratorArrayAsFrame(JsonIterator iter, RUtil.Config config) throws IOException { String filename = RUtil.getTempFileName(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename), 4 * 1024)); boolean firstRow = true; Map<Integer, JsonType> fieldTypes = new HashMap<Integer, JsonType>(); long count = 0L; JsonType expect; int expectedLength = 0; int index; for (JsonValue val : iter) { if (val instanceof JsonArray) { StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); JsonArray arr = (JsonArray) val; Iterator<JsonValue> arrayIter = arr.iterator(); JsonValue cur; for (index = 0; arrayIter.hasNext(); index++) { if (line.length() > 0) line.append(RUtil.fieldSeparator); cur =; if (cur == null) { line.append(RUtil.rNullString); } else if (cur instanceof JsonAtom) { JsonType obtained = cur.getType(); if (firstRow) { fieldTypes.put(index, obtained); } expect = fieldTypes.get(index); if (expect == null) { fieldTypes.put(index, obtained); expect = fieldTypes.get(index); } if (config.strict) { if ((expect.isNumber() && !obtained.isNumber()) || (!expect.isNumber() && !expect.equals(obtained))) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: At row index " + (count + 1) + ", cannot serialize " + obtained + ", expecting " + expect); } line.append(RUtil.convertToRString(cur)); } else { if ((expect.isNumber() && !obtained.isNumber()) || (!expect.isNumber() && !expect.equals(obtained))) { line.append(RUtil.rNullString); } else line.append(RUtil.convertToRString(cur)); } } else { if (config.strict) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Array is a mix of JsonAtom " + "and other JsonValue instances. Found: " + cur.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } else line.append(RUtil.rNullString); } } count++; writer.println(line.toString()); if (firstRow) expectedLength = index; else if (expectedLength != index) { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Found rows of varying " + "length. Expecting: " + expectedLength + ", found: " + index); } firstRow = false; } else { RUtil.doCleanup(writer, filename); throw new IOException( "Serialization failed: Found a non array type: " + val.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } } writer.close(); + " row(s) written to file " + filename); JsonValue[] values = new JsonValue[2]; values[0] = new JsonLong(4); values[1] = new JsonString(filename); JsonArray returnVal = new BufferedJsonArray(values, false); return returnVal; } private JsonArray serializeIterator(JsonIterator iter, Schema schema, RUtil.Config config) throws IOException { schema = SchemaTransformation.restrictToArray(schema); if (schema == null) { throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Expression is not an array."); } Schema elements = SchemaTransformation.compact(schema.elements()); elements = SchemaTransformation.removeNullability(elements); switch (elements.getSchemaType()) { case RECORD: return serializeIteratorAsRecords(iter, (RecordSchema) elements, config); case ARRAY: return serializeIteratorArrayAsFrame(iter, config); case BOOLEAN: case LONG: case DOUBLE: case DECFLOAT: case STRING: return serializeIteratorAsArray(iter, config, RUtil.getTempFileName()); default: throw new IOException("Serialization failed: Unsupported schema type: " + schema); } } }