Java tutorial
/** ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 IBM Corporation and other Contributors. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Sathiskumar Palaniappan - Initial Contribution ***************************************************************************** */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.cloudant.client.api.*; // .CloudantClient; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.ChangesResult; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.ChangesResult.Row; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This sample showcases various ReST operations that can be performed on Watson IoT Platform to * initiate/get/delete one or more device management operations. */ public class ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample { private final static String PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "/"; // Define a sequence to help obtaining the change set private String firmwareDBSequence; private Database firmwareDB; private String username = null; private String password = null; private String documentId = null; private String attachmentName = null; private String deviceFwVersion = "1.0.2"; private String dbName; private String deviceType; private String deviceId; // document Id containing the latest firmware image private String currentFirmware = "iot_1.0-2_armhf.deb"; private static String latestFirmware; private String latestFirmwareVersion; private static URL url = null; ManagedDevice dmClient; protected final static JsonParser JSON_PARSER = new JsonParser(); private APIClient apiClient = null; public ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample() { /** * Load device properties */ Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)); } catch (IOException e1) { System.err.println("Not able to read the properties file, exiting.."); System.exit(-1); } deviceType = trimedValue(props.getProperty("Device-Type")); deviceId = trimedValue(props.getProperty("Device-ID")); username = trimedValue(props.getProperty("User-Name")); password = trimedValue(props.getProperty("Password")); dbName = trimedValue(props.getProperty("Repository-DB")); try { //Instantiate the class by passing the properties file this.apiClient = new APIClient(props); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("https://").append(username).append(":").append(password).append("@").append(username) .append(""); System.out.println(sb); CloudantClient client = new CloudantClient(sb.toString(), username, password); System.out.println("Connected to Cloudant"); System.out.println("Server Version: " + client.serverVersion()); firmwareDB = client.database(dbName, false); System.out.println("Value of Cloudant DB is " + firmwareDB); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IoTFCReSTException { ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample sample = new ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample(); sample.getDeviceFwVersion(); while (true) { try { // Check on Cloudant DB to see if any latest firmware is available // If yes, then, Initiate Firmware Download, else, wait and check again after SLEEP time elapses if (sample.checkIfNewFirmwareImage()) { if (sample.initiateFirmwareDownloadRequest()) { // Wait for the Download to complete and receive an acknowledgement from the Device sample.waitForRequestToFinish(); // Once the acknowledgement on the completion of Firmware Donwload comes in, initiate Firmware Update if (sample.initiateFirmwareUpdateRequest()) { // Wait for the Firmware Update action to complete and receive an acknowledgement from the Device sample.waitForRequestToFinish(); // call getDeviceFwVersion to get the latest firmware version details from the device sample.getDeviceFwVersion(); } } } // SLEEP for the defined time, if the Cloudant DB has the Firmware of same version, as available on the Device Thread.sleep(1000 * 60); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * The following method helps initiated Device Management Request * Firmware Update, being triggered from Application and initiated * through Watson IoT Platform * @return */ private boolean initiateFirmwareUpdateRequest() { try { clearAllDMRequests(); } catch (IoTFCReSTException e1) { System.out.println("Cleared all the Device Management Requests, to start clean"); e1.printStackTrace(); } // Prepare the Device Action as Firmware Update String updateRequest = "{\"action\": \"firmware/update\", \"devices\": [{\"typeId\": \"" + deviceType + "\",\"deviceId\": \"" + deviceId + "\"}]}"; JsonObject update = (JsonObject) new JsonParser().parse(updateRequest); System.out.println(update); boolean response = false; try { response = apiClient.initiateDeviceManagementRequest(update); } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(response); return response; } private void clearAllDMRequests() throws IoTFCReSTException { JsonElement response = this.apiClient.getAllDeviceManagementRequests(); if (response.getAsJsonObject().get("results") != null) { JsonArray requests = response.getAsJsonObject().get("results").getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) { JsonElement request = requests.get(i); String requestId = request.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString(); this.apiClient.deleteDeviceManagementRequest(requestId); } } } /** * The following method showcases steps to construct the URL to download the * latest Firmware from the Cloudant NoSQL DB and helps create the Device Management * request 'Firmware Download'. * @return */ public boolean initiateFirmwareDownloadRequest() { try { clearAllDMRequests(); } catch (IoTFCReSTException e1) { System.out.println("Cleared all the Device Management Requests, to start clean"); e1.printStackTrace(); } // Construct the URL to download the Debian Package from the Cloudant NoSQL DB String buildURL = ("https://" + username + "" + dbName + "/" + documentId + "/" + attachmentName); try { System.out.println("Building the URL ..."); url = new URL(buildURL); System.out.println("Value of url is " + url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Prepare the Device Action as Firmware Download, passing the constructed URL String downloadRequest = "{\"action\": \"firmware/download\", \"parameters\": [" + "{\"name\": \"version\", \"value\": \"" + latestFirmwareVersion + "\" }," + "{\"name\": \"name\", \"value\": \"" + attachmentName + "\"}," + "{\"name\": \"uri\",\"value\": \"" + url + "\"}" + "],\"devices\": [{\"typeId\": \"" + deviceType + "\",\"deviceId\": \"" + deviceId + "\"}]}"; JsonObject download = (JsonObject) new JsonParser().parse(downloadRequest); System.out.println(download); boolean response = false; try { response = apiClient.initiateDeviceManagementRequest(download); } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(response); return response; } /** * The following method sends an acknowledgement from Device to Application, * mentioning the status of the execution of Device Action, as triggered * by the Application through Watson IoT Platform * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ private void waitForRequestToFinish() throws IoTFCReSTException { JsonElement response = this.apiClient.getAllDeviceManagementRequests(); JsonArray requests = response.getAsJsonObject().get("results").getAsJsonArray(); JsonElement request = requests.get(0); String requestId = request.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString(); int count = 0; while (count++ <= 3600) { // wait for an hour, before giving it up JsonObject details = this.apiClient.getDeviceManagementRequest(requestId); System.out.println(details); if (details.get("complete").getAsBoolean() == true) { break; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static String trimedValue(String value) { if (value == null || value == "") { return ""; } else { return value.trim(); } } /** * The following method snoops the Cloudant NoSQL DB to see, if there's a newer version * of Firmware, whose version is greater than that of the Firmware, that is currently * active on the Device. If yes, it triggers Firmware Download action. Else, it waits * till the Sleep time elapses and does the check again. * @return */ public boolean checkIfNewFirmwareImage() { ChangesResult changes = null; if (this.firmwareDBSequence == null) { changes = firmwareDB.changes().includeDocs(true).getChanges(); } else { changes = firmwareDB.changes().includeDocs(true).since(firmwareDBSequence).getChanges(); } firmwareDBSequence =; String version = deviceFwVersion; boolean firmwareAvailable = false; if (changes.getResults().size() != 0) { List<ChangesResult.Row> rows = changes.getResults(); for (Row row : rows) { JsonObject attachment = row.getDoc(); if (attachment != null) { if (attachment.get("_deleted") != null && attachment.get("_deleted").getAsBoolean() == true) { continue; } if (attachment.get("version") != null && attachment.get("_attachments") != null) { System.out.println(attachment); String retrievedVersion = attachment.get("version").getAsString(); System.out.println(retrievedVersion); if (isVersionGreater(version, retrievedVersion)) { firmwareAvailable = true; String docId = row.getId(); documentId = docId.toString(); // // System.out.println("Value of docId is " +docId); latestFirmwareVersion = retrievedVersion; version = retrievedVersion; JsonObject obj = attachment.get("_attachments").getAsJsonObject(); Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> entrySet = obj.entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<String, JsonElement>> itr = entrySet.iterator(); if (itr.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonElement> entry =; setLatestFirmware(entry.getKey()); attachmentName = entry.getKey(); System.out.println("Setting latest firmware to " + entry.getKey()); // attachmentName = entry.getKey().toString(); } } } } } } return firmwareAvailable; } /** * This method checks whether the retrieved version is higher than * the deviceVersion. */ private static boolean isVersionGreater(String deviceVersion, String retrievedVersion) { String[] retrieved = retrievedVersion.split("\\."); String[] device = deviceVersion.split("\\."); try { for (int i = 0; i < device.length; i++) { int retInt = Integer.parseInt(retrieved[i]); int deviceInt = Integer.parseInt(device[i]); if (retInt > deviceInt) { return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } protected String getCurrentFirmware() { return currentFirmware; } protected void setCurrentFirmware(String currentFirmware) { this.currentFirmware = currentFirmware; } protected static String getLatestFirmware() { return latestFirmware; } protected void setLatestFirmware(String latestFirmware) { ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample.latestFirmware = latestFirmware; } /** * This sample showcases how to get device details using the Java Client Library. * @throws IoTFCReSTException */ private void getDeviceFwVersion() throws IoTFCReSTException { try { Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(ApplicationFirmwareRequestSample.class.getResourceAsStream(PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)); } catch (IOException e1) { System.err.println("Not able to read the properties file, exiting.."); System.exit(-1); } String deviceID = trimedValue(props.getProperty("Device-ID")); String deviceType = trimedValue(props.getProperty("Device-Type")); System.out.println("get device --> " + deviceID); JsonObject response = this.apiClient.getDevice(deviceType, deviceID); // JsonElement if (response.get("deviceInfo") != null) { JsonObject deviceInfo = response.get("deviceInfo").getAsJsonObject(); System.out.println(deviceInfo); if (deviceInfo.get("fwVersion") != null) { deviceFwVersion = deviceInfo.get("fwVersion").getAsString(); } } else { System.out.println("Device Info is Null, Considering the default criteria!"); } System.out.println(response); } catch (IoTFCReSTException e) { System.out.println("HttpCode :" + e.getHttpCode() + " ErrorMessage :: " + e.getMessage()); // Print if there is a partial response System.out.println(e.getResponse()); } } }