Java tutorial
package; /* ****************************************************************** * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * WebSphere Commerce * * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 All Rights Reserved. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with * IBM Corp. ******************************************************************* * ******************************************************************* * The sample contained herein is provided to you "AS IS". * * It is furnished by IBM as a simple example and has not been * thoroughly tested * under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee its * reliability, serviceability or functionality. * * This sample may include the names of individuals, companies, brands * and products in order to illustrate concepts as completely as * possible. All of these names * are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by * actual persons * or business enterprises is entirely coincidental. ******************************************************************* */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.util.Log; import; import; /** * <code>SearchSuggestionsProvider</code> creates the search suggestions and * recent search queries. */ public class SearchSuggestionsProvider extends SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider { private static final String LOG_TAG = WCHybrid.LOG_TAG; private static final String CLASS_NAME = SearchSuggestionsProvider.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int MAX_RECENT_TERM = 5; private static final int HTTP_TIME_OUT = 3000; private static final String[] COLUMNS = { BaseColumns._ID, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_ICON_1, /* remove comment to add the second suggestion line*/ // SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_ACTION, SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_SHORTCUT_ID }; /** * The fully qualified class name of the search suggestion provider */ public static final String AUTHORITY = SearchSuggestionsProvider.class.getName(); /** * The database mode for the search queries */ public static final int MODE = SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider.DATABASE_MODE_QUERIES; /** * @see SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider#onCreate() */ public boolean onCreate() { final String METHOD_NAME = CLASS_NAME + ".onCreate()"; boolean loggingEnabled = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG); if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "ENTRY"); } setupSuggestions(AUTHORITY, MODE); if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "EXIT"); } return super.onCreate(); } /** * Performs the search by projections and selection arguments * @param uri The URI to be used * @param projection The string array for the search * @param selection The selection string * @param selectionArgs The selection arguments * @param sortOrder The sort order * @return The cursor containing the suggestions */ @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { final String METHOD_NAME = CLASS_NAME + ".query()"; boolean loggingEnabled = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG); if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "ENTRY"); } int id = 1; MatrixCursor suggestionCursor = new MatrixCursor(COLUMNS); Cursor recentSearchCursor = null; try { recentSearchCursor = super.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); // get search history if (recentSearchCursor != null) { int searchTermIndex = recentSearchCursor.getColumnIndex(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1); while (recentSearchCursor.moveToNext() && id <= MAX_RECENT_TERM) { suggestionCursor.addRow(createRecentRow(id, recentSearchCursor.getString(searchTermIndex))); id++; } } } finally { if (recentSearchCursor != null) { recentSearchCursor.close(); recentSearchCursor = null; } } // get search suggestion if (selectionArgs[0] != null && !selectionArgs[0].equals("")) { List<String> suggestionList = getSearchTermSuggestions(selectionArgs[0]); if (suggestionList != null) { for (String aSuggestion : suggestionList) { suggestionCursor.addRow(createSuggestionRow(id, aSuggestion)); id++; } } } if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "EXIT"); } return suggestionCursor; } /** * Creates the search result row * @param id * @param suggestWord * @param icon * @return */ private Object[] createRow(Integer id, String suggestWord, int icon) { return new Object[] { id, suggestWord, icon, suggestWord, Intent.ACTION_SEARCH, SearchManager.SUGGEST_NEVER_MAKE_SHORTCUT }; } /** * Create a search result suggestion row * @param id * @param aSuggestion * @return The search suggestion row object */ private Object[] createSuggestionRow(int id, String aSuggestion) { return createRow(id, aSuggestion, android.R.drawable.ic_menu_search); } /** * Create a recent history suggestion row * @param id * @param aSuggestion * @return The recent search history row object */ private Object[] createRecentRow(int id, String aSuggestion) { return createRow(id, aSuggestion, android.R.drawable.ic_menu_recent_history); } /** * Retrieves the search suggestion JSON array and constructs the search suggestions list * For example, the JSON array would follow a similar structure, using a search on the * term 'dress': * * {'terms': * [ * {'dress':'766'}, * {'dress empire':'62'}, * {'dress empire waist':'62'}, * {'dress layered':'57'}, * ... * ] * } * * @param string The query term input into the search dialog * @return The list of search term suggestions */ private List<String> getSearchTermSuggestions(String query) { final String METHOD_NAME = CLASS_NAME + ".getSearchTermSuggestions"; boolean loggingEnabled = Log.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG); if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "ENTRY"); } List<String> suggestionList = null; if (query == null || query.equals("")) { return suggestionList; } WCHybridApplication wcHybridApp = WCHybridApplication.getInstance(); String requestUrl = wcHybridApp.getSearchSuggestionUrl(query).toString(); String suggestionJsonString = null; HttpParams httpParams = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, HTTP_TIME_OUT); HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParams); try { suggestionJsonString = httpClient.execute(new HttpGet(requestUrl), new BasicResponseHandler()); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "Error getting search suggestion JSON: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "Error getting search suggestion JSON: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { httpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } if (suggestionJsonString != null && !suggestionJsonString.equals("")) { try { if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "Suggestion JSON string: " + suggestionJsonString); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(suggestionJsonString); JSONArray suggestions = json.getJSONArray("terms"); if (suggestions != null) { suggestionList = new ArrayList<String>(suggestions.length()); for (int i = 0; i < suggestions.length(); i++) { suggestionList.add(suggestions.getJSONObject(i).names().getString(0)); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "Error parsing search suggestion JSON: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } if (loggingEnabled) { Log.d(METHOD_NAME, "EXIT"); } return suggestionList; } }