Java tutorial
package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; public class ShowConfirmation extends AccountBaseAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private ReconWorkspaceService reconWorkspaceService; private Recon recon; private String runon; private boolean automated; private boolean manual; private Long installedSoftwareId; private String comments; private String[] availableLicenseId; private String maxLicenses; private String per; private List<ReconWorkspace> list; @Autowired private LicenseService licenseService; @Autowired private AllocationMethodologyService allocationMethodologyService; private List<License> licenseList = new ArrayList<License>(); private List<AllocationMethodology> allocationMethodologies; private String[] selectedLicenseId; private boolean disabled; private List<Report> reportList; private List<LicenseFilter> filter; public List<LicenseFilter> getFilter() { return filter; } public void setFilter(List<LicenseFilter> filter) { this.filter = filter; } public List<Report> getReportList() { return reportList; } public void setReportList(List<Report> reportList) { this.reportList = reportList; } @Override @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public void prepare() { super.prepare(); if (getPer() == null || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("PVU") || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("HWGARTMIPS") || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("LPARGARTMIPS") || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("HWLSPRMIPS") || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("LPARLSPRMIPS") || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("HWMSU") || getPer().equalsIgnoreCase("LPARMSU")) { disabled = true; } setAllocationMethodologies(allocationMethodologyService.findAll()); } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String cancel() { return "cancel"; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String addAvailableLicenses() { List<Report> lReport = new ArrayList<Report>(); lReport.add(new Report("License baseline", "licenseBaseline")); setReportList(lReport); setFilter(this.getFilter()); List<License> llLicense = getRecon().getLicenseList(); boolean lbFoundLicense = false; if (llLicense == null) { llLicense = new ArrayList<License>(); } for (String lsLicenseId : availableLicenseId) { lbFoundLicense = false; for (License llTemp : llLicense) { if (llTemp.getId().compareTo(Long.valueOf(lsLicenseId)) == 0) { lbFoundLicense = true; break; } } if (!lbFoundLicense) { llLicense.add(getLicenseService().getLicenseDetails(Long.valueOf(lsLicenseId))); } } if (llLicense.size() > 0) { getRecon().setLicenseList(llLicense); } recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); if (getMaxLicenses() != null && getMaxLicenses().trim().length() > 0) { recon.setMaxLicenses(new Integer(maxLicenses)); } recon.setPer(per); return "license"; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String deleteSelectedLicenses() { List<License> llLicense = getRecon().getLicenseList(); ListIterator<License> lliLicense = null; License llTemp; List<Report> lReport = new ArrayList<Report>(); lReport.add(new Report("License baseline", "licenseBaseline")); setReportList(lReport); if (llLicense == null) { llLicense = new ArrayList<License>(); } for (String lsLicenseId : selectedLicenseId) { lliLicense = llLicense.listIterator(); while (lliLicense.hasNext()) { llTemp =; if (llTemp.getId().compareTo(Long.valueOf(lsLicenseId)) == 0) { lliLicense.remove(); break; } } } getRecon().setLicenseList(llLicense); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); if (getMaxLicenses() != null && getMaxLicenses().trim().length() > 0) { recon.setMaxLicenses(new Integer(maxLicenses)); } recon.setPer(per); return "license"; } public List<License> getReconLicenseList() { return getRecon().getLicenseList(); } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String manualAllocation() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); recon.setComments(comments); if (maxLicenses != null && !"".equals(maxLicenses)) { recon.setMaxLicenses(new Integer(maxLicenses)); } recon.setPer(per); licenseList = getRecon().getLicenseList(); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String customerOwned() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String included() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); recon.setComments(comments); recon.setInstalledSoftware(getReconWorkspaceService().getInstalledSoftware(installedSoftwareId)); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String altPurchase() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); recon.setComments(comments); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String breakRecon() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String breakLicenseRecon() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String assign() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); recon.setComments(comments); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String unassign() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); recon.setComments(comments); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String enterpriseAgreement() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); recon.setComments(comments); return SUCCESS; } @UserRole(userRole = UserRoleType.READER) public String pendingCustomerDecision() { getData().setList(recon.getList()); recon.setAutomated(automated); recon.setManual(manual); recon.setRunon(runon); return SUCCESS; } @Override public void validate() { // Find which button was pressed by finding the method name that was // called Map<String, Object> lmParameter = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters(); Set<String> lsParameterKey = lmParameter.keySet(); Iterator<String> liParameterKey = lsParameterKey.iterator(); String lsKey = null; String lsMethod = null; if (recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 1) { List<Report> lReport = new ArrayList<Report>(); lReport.add(new Report("License baseline", "licenseBaseline")); setReportList(lReport); } while (liParameterKey.hasNext()) { lsKey =; if (lsKey.startsWith("method:")) { lsMethod = lsKey.substring(7); } } if (recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 3 || recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 4 || recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 10 || recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 11 || recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 13) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(comments)) { addFieldError("comments", "You must enter a comment, less than 255 characters"); } else if (StringUtils.length(comments) > 255) { addFieldError("comments", "comment must be less than 255 characters"); } } else if (recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 1) { if (lsMethod != null && lsMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("addAvailableLicenses")) { if (availableLicenseId == null || availableLicenseId.length == 0) { addFieldError("availableLicenseId", "You must select at least one available license"); } else { if (hasSameCapacityType(availableLicenseId, getRecon().getLicenseList()) == false) { addFieldError("availableLicenseId", "You have selected two or more licenses with different capacity types. Please ensure that all selected licenses have the same capacity type"); } } } else if (lsMethod != null && lsMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteSelectedLicenses")) { if (selectedLicenseId == null || selectedLicenseId.length == 0) { addFieldError("selectedLicenseId", "You must select as least one selected license"); } } else { if (getRecon().getLicenseList() == null || getRecon().getLicenseList().isEmpty()) { addFieldError("licenseId", "You must select at least one license"); } else if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("PVU") && !isAllPvuLicenses()) { addFieldError("licenseId", "You must select license(s) with a Capacity type of PROCESSOR VALUE UNIT"); } else if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCESSOR") && !isValidProcessor()) { addFieldError("per", "LPAR proc must be active and greater than zero"); } else if ((per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWGARTMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARGARTMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWLSPRMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARLSPRMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWMSU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARMSU")) && !isAllGSLMLicenses(per)) { addFieldError("licenseId", "You must select license(s) with a Capacity type of Mainframes"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(maxLicenses) && !(per.equalsIgnoreCase("PVU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWGARTMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARGARTMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWLSPRMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARLSPRMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWMSU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARMSU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWIFL"))) { addFieldError("maxLicenses", "You must enter the number of license to apply for each LPAR or processor"); } else if (!(per.equalsIgnoreCase("PVU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWGARTMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARGARTMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWLSPRMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARLSPRMIPS") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWMSU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARMSU") || per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWIFL")) && (!StringUtils.isNumeric(maxLicenses) || Integer.valueOf(maxLicenses).intValue() < 1)) { addFieldError("maxLicenses", "Number of licenses must be an integer greater than zero"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(per)) { addFieldError("per", "You must enter an allocation methodology"); } } } if ((recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 1 || recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 13 || recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 14) && (!manual || !automated)) { list = recon.getList(); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { boolean manualMessage = false; boolean automatedMessage = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ReconWorkspace rw = list.get(i); if (rw.getReconcileTypeId() != null) { ReconcileType rt = reconWorkspaceService.findReconcileType(rw.getReconcileTypeId()); if (rt.isManual()) { if (!manualMessage && !manual) { addFieldError("manual", "You must check \"Overwrite manual reconciliations\" option"); manualMessage = true; } } else { if (!automatedMessage && !automated) { addFieldError("automated", "You must check \"Overwrite automated reconciliations\" option"); automatedMessage = true; } } } if (manualMessage && automatedMessage) break; } } } if (hasFieldErrors() || (recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 1 && lsMethod != null && (lsMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("addAvailableLicenses") || lsMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteSelectedLicenses")))) { if (recon.getReconcileType().getId() == 1) { List<LicenseFilter> filterlist = (List<LicenseFilter>) ActionContext.getContext().getSession() .get("filters"); licenseService.freePoolWithParentPaginatedList(getData(), getUserSession().getAccount(), getStartIndex(), getData().getObjectsPerPage(), getSort(), getDir(), filterlist); } list = recon.getList(); } } private boolean isAllPvuLicenses() { boolean lbAllPvuLicenses = true; for (License llTemp : getRecon().getLicenseList()) { if (llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode().intValue() != 17) { lbAllPvuLicenses = false; break; } } return lbAllPvuLicenses; } private boolean isValidProcessor() { boolean isValidProcessor = true; for (ReconWorkspace reconWorkspace : recon.getList()) { if (!reconWorkspace.getHwLparEffProcessorStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("ACTIVE")) { isValidProcessor = false; break; } else if (null == reconWorkspace.getHwLparEffProcessorCount() || reconWorkspace.getHwLparEffProcessorCount() <= 0) { isValidProcessor = false; break; } } return isValidProcessor; } private boolean isAllGSLMLicenses(String per) { boolean lbAllGSLMLicenses = true; for (License llTemp : getRecon().getLicenseList()) { if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWGARTMIPS") && llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode() != 70) { lbAllGSLMLicenses = false; break; } if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARGARTMIPS") && llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode() != 70) { lbAllGSLMLicenses = false; break; } if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWLSPRMIPS") && llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode() != 5) { lbAllGSLMLicenses = false; break; } if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARLSPRMIPS") && llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode() != 5) { lbAllGSLMLicenses = false; break; } if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("HWMSU") && llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode() != 9) { lbAllGSLMLicenses = false; break; } if (per.equalsIgnoreCase("LPARMSU") && llTemp.getCapacityType().getCode() != 9) { lbAllGSLMLicenses = false; break; } } return lbAllGSLMLicenses; } public ReconWorkspaceService getReconWorkspaceService() { return reconWorkspaceService; } public void setReconWorkspaceService(ReconWorkspaceService reconWorkspaceService) { this.reconWorkspaceService = reconWorkspaceService; } public Recon getRecon() { return recon; } public void setRecon(Recon recon) { this.recon = recon; } public boolean isAutomated() { return automated; } public void setAutomated(boolean automated) { this.automated = automated; } public boolean isManual() { return manual; } public void setManual(boolean manual) { this.manual = manual; } public String getRunon() { return runon; } public void setRunon(String runon) { this.runon = runon; } public Long getInstalledSoftwareId() { return installedSoftwareId; } public void setInstalledSoftwareId(Long installedSoftwareId) { this.installedSoftwareId = installedSoftwareId; } public String getComments() { return comments; } public void setComments(String comments) { this.comments = comments; } public String[] getAvailableLicenseId() { return availableLicenseId; } public void setAvailableLicenseId(String[] availableLicenseId) { this.availableLicenseId = availableLicenseId; } public String getMaxLicenses() { return maxLicenses; } public void setMaxLicenses(String maxLicenses) { this.maxLicenses = maxLicenses; } public String getPer() { return per; } public void setPer(String per) { this.per = per; } public LicenseService getLicenseService() { return licenseService; } public void setLicenseService(LicenseService licenseService) { this.licenseService = licenseService; } public List<ReconWorkspace> getList() { return list; } public void setList(List<ReconWorkspace> list) { this.list = list; } public List<License> getLicenseList() { return licenseList; } public void setLicenseList(List<License> licenseList) { this.licenseList = licenseList; } public String[] getSelectedLicenseId() { return selectedLicenseId; } public void setSelectedLicenseId(String[] selectedLicenseId) { this.selectedLicenseId = selectedLicenseId; } public boolean isDisabled() { return disabled; } public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; } public List<AllocationMethodology> getAllocationMethodologies() { return allocationMethodologies; } public void setAllocationMethodologies(List<AllocationMethodology> allocationMethodologies) { this.allocationMethodologies = allocationMethodologies; } private boolean hasSameCapacityType(String[] selectedLicenseIds, List<License> licenseListInReconWorkspace) { boolean sameCapacityTypeFlag = true; if (selectedLicenseIds != null) { List<License> selectedLicenseArray = new ArrayList<License>(); for (String selectedLicenseId : selectedLicenseIds) { if (selectedLicenseId != null && !"".equals(selectedLicenseId.trim())) { License selectedLicense = getLicenseService() .getLicenseDetails(Long.valueOf(selectedLicenseId.trim())); selectedLicenseArray.add(selectedLicense); } } if (licenseListInReconWorkspace != null && licenseListInReconWorkspace.size() > 0) { selectedLicenseArray.addAll(licenseListInReconWorkspace); } for (int index = 1; index < selectedLicenseArray.size(); index++) { if (selectedLicenseArray.get(0).getCapacityType().getCode().intValue() != selectedLicenseArray .get(index).getCapacityType().getCode().intValue()) { sameCapacityTypeFlag = false; break; } } } return sameCapacityTypeFlag; } }