Java tutorial
package com.hyperiongray.rcmp; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.tika.exception.TikaException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.aspose.pdf.TextExtractionOptions; import; import com.hyperiongray.rcmp.extract.DataKey; import com.hyperiongray.rcmp.extract.OutputColumns; import com.hyperiongray.rcmp.extract.Type1Extractor; import com.hyperiongray.rcmp.extract.Type2Extractor; /** * * @author mark */ public class ReportExtractor { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReportExtractor.class); private static final boolean OBFUSCATE_NAMES = true; public static final String SEPARATOR = "#separator"; public static final String PARAGRAPH = "#paragraph"; private final String[] key_fileColumns = { "Person name", "Report/Ticket number", "Officer name", "Offender name", "Unique key " // spaces for Excel cell formatting }; private String outputFile; private String inputDir; // not lazy initialization, to avoid threading problems private static final ReportExtractor instance = new ReportExtractor(); private int docCount; private final static String separator = "|"; public static ReportExtractor getInstance() { return instance; } private ReportExtractor() { // singleton initAsposeLicense(); } public void doConvert() throws IOException {"Preparing to convert here: {}, output results there: {}", inputDir, outputFile); createOutputFiles(); // for each report, add extracted information to the appropriate target files File[] files = new File(getInputDir()).listFiles(); for (File file : files) { try { if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.length() > 4 && ".pdf".equalsIgnoreCase(fileName.substring(fileName.length() - 4))) { ExtractedData data = extractInfo(file); String personName = getPersonNameFromSummary(data.getData().get(DataKey.SUMMARY)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(personName)) { // type2 case if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getData().get(DataKey.FIRST_NAME)) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getData().get(DataKey.LAST_NAME))) { personName = data.getData().get(DataKey.FIRST_NAME) + " " + data.getData().get(DataKey.LAST_NAME); } } String ticketNumber = data.getData().get(DataKey.REPORT_NO); String officerName = data.getData().get(DataKey.OFFICER_NOTES_ISSUING_OFFICER); String offenderName = data.getData().get(DataKey.OFFICER_NOTES_OFFENDER); KeyEntry keyEntry = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ticketNumber)) { keyEntry = new KeyEntry(personName, ticketNumber, officerName, offenderName); KeyTable.getInstance().put(keyEntry); } else { logger.warn("No person name or ticket number found for file " + fileName); } if (keyEntry != null && OBFUSCATE_NAMES) { obfuscate(data, DataKey.FIRST_NAME, keyEntry.getHashKey()); obfuscate(data, DataKey.LAST_NAME, keyEntry.getHashKey()); obfuscate(data, DataKey.OFFICER_NOTES_ISSUING_OFFICER, keyEntry.getHashKey()); obfuscate(data, DataKey.OFFICER_NOTES_OFFENDER, keyEntry.getHashKey()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getData().get(DataKey.SUMMARY))) { String value = data.getData().get(DataKey.SUMMARY); data.getData().put(DataKey.SUMMARY, value.replaceAll(keyEntry.getPersonName(), keyEntry.getHashKey())); } } saveData(data); ++docCount; } } } catch (IOException | TikaException e) { logger.error("Problem converting file {}", file.getName(), e); } } writeKeyFile(); } private void obfuscate(ExtractedData data, DataKey key, String hash) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getData().get(key))) { data.getData().put(key, hash); } } private void createOutputFiles() throws IOException { new File(getOutputFile1()).delete(); Files.append(flatten(converToColumnNames(OutputColumns.TYPE_1), separator), new File(getOutputFile1()), Charset.defaultCharset()); new File(getOutputFile2()).delete(); Files.append(flatten(converToColumnNames(OutputColumns.TYPE_2), separator), new File(getOutputFile2()), Charset.defaultCharset());"Will output into two files: {} and {}", getOutputFile1(), getOutputFile2()); } private void writeKeyFile() throws IOException {"Writing the key file: {}", getOutputKeyFile()); new File(getOutputKeyFile()).delete(); Files.append(flatten(key_fileColumns, separator), new File(getOutputKeyFile()), Charset.defaultCharset()); Map<String, KeyEntry> keyTable = KeyTable.getInstance().getKeyTable(); Iterator<String> iter = keyTable.keySet().iterator(); String[] values = new String[5]; while (iter.hasNext()) { KeyEntry entry = keyTable.get(; values[0] = entry.getPersonName(); values[1] = entry.getTicketNumber(); values[2] = entry.getOfficerName(); values[3] = entry.getOffenderName(); values[4] = entry.getHashKey(); Files.append(flatten((String[]) values, separator), new File(getOutputKeyFile()), Charset.defaultCharset()); } } private String[] converToColumnNames(DataKey[] dataKeys) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++) { ret.add(dataKeys[i].fieldName()); } return ret.toArray(new String[ret.size()]); } public ExtractedData extractInfo(File file) throws IOException, TikaException { String pdfText = extractWithAspose(file); int fileType = determineFileType(pdfText); ExtractedData extractedData; List<String> tokens = extractTokensWithAspose(file); if (fileType == 1) { extractedData = new Type1Extractor().extractData(tokens, pdfText); } else if (fileType == 2) { extractedData = new Type2Extractor().extractData(tokens); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown file type " + fileType); } logger.debug("File: {}", file.getPath()); logger.trace(pdfText); return extractedData; } private List<String> extractTokensWithAspose(File file) { com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(file.getPath()); com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentAbsorber tfa = new com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentAbsorber(); TextExtractionOptions teo = new TextExtractionOptions(TextExtractionOptions.TextFormattingMode.Raw); tfa.setExtractionOptions(teo); pdfDocument.getPages().accept(tfa); // create TextFragment Collection instance com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentCollection tfc = tfa.getTextFragments(); List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 1; i <= tfc.size(); i++) { String text = tfc.get_Item(i).getText(); String token; if (text.trim().isEmpty()) { token = " "; } else { token = text.trim(); } if (i > 1 && Utils.isProbablySameWord(tfc.get_Item(i - 1).getRectangle(), tfc.get_Item(i).getRectangle())) { token = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1) + token; tokens.remove(tokens.size() - 1); } else if (i > 1 && Utils.isProbablyNewLine(tfc.get_Item(i - 1).getRectangle(), tfc.get_Item(i).getRectangle())) { boolean newParagraph = Utils.isProbablyNewParagraph(tfc.get_Item(i - 1).getRectangle(), tfc.get_Item(i).getRectangle()); tokens.add(ReportExtractor.SEPARATOR); if (newParagraph) { tokens.add(ReportExtractor.PARAGRAPH); } } if (!Utils.isIgnoreWord(token)) { tokens.add(token); } } for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { if (!tokens.get(i).isEmpty() && !(tokens.get(i).charAt(0) == '\n')) { tokens.set(i, tokens.get(i).trim()); } } return tokens; } private void saveData(ExtractedData data) throws IOException { String typedOutputFile = data.getFileType() == 1 ? getOutputFile1() : getOutputFile2(); DataKey[] columns = data.getFileType() == 1 ? OutputColumns.TYPE_1 : OutputColumns.TYPE_2; List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { String value = null; if (data.getData().containsKey(columns[i])) { value = data.getData().get(columns[i]); } values.add(value != null ? value : ""); } Files.append(flatten((String[]) values.toArray(new String[0]), separator), new File(typedOutputFile), Charset.defaultCharset()); } private String extractWithAspose(File file) { String extractedText = "Text from file " + file.getPath() + " could not be extracted"; try { com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfDocument = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(file.getPath()); com.aspose.pdf.TextAbsorber textAbsorber = new com.aspose.pdf.TextAbsorber(); pdfDocument.getPages().accept(textAbsorber); extractedText = textAbsorber.getText(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Problem extracting PDF from " + file.getPath(), e); } return extractedText; } private void initAsposeLicense() { com.aspose.pdf.License license = new com.aspose.pdf.License(); try { license.setLicense(ReportExtractor.class.getResourceAsStream("/Aspose.Pdf.lic")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Aspose license problem", e); } } private String flatten(String[] values, String separator) { logger.debug("Flattening {} keys", values.length); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String value : values) { logger.debug(Utils.notNull(value).trim()); builder.append(Utils.notNull(value).trim()).append(separator); } if (values.length > 0) { builder.delete(builder.length() - 1, builder.length()); } return builder.toString() + "\n"; } /** * @return the outputFile */ public String getOutputFile() { return outputFile; } /** * @return the outputFile of type 1 */ public String getOutputFile1() { int dot = outputFile.lastIndexOf("."); return new StringBuffer(outputFile).insert(dot, 1).toString(); } /** * @return the outputFile of type 2 */ public String getOutputFile2() { int dot = outputFile.lastIndexOf("."); return new StringBuffer(outputFile).insert(dot, 2).toString(); } /** * @return the outputKeyFile */ public String getOutputKeyFile() { int dot = outputFile.lastIndexOf("."); return new StringBuffer(outputFile).insert(dot, "key").toString(); } /** * @param outputFile the outputFile to set */ public void setOutputFile(String outputFile) { this.outputFile = outputFile; } /** * @return the inputDir */ public String getInputDir() { return inputDir; } /** * @param inputDir the inputDir to set */ public void setInputDir(String inputDir) { this.inputDir = inputDir; } /** * @return the docCount */ public int getDocCount() { return docCount; } /** * @param docCount the docCount to set */ public void setDocCount(int docCount) { this.docCount = docCount; } private String getPersonNameFromSummary(String value) { if (value == null) { return ""; } int nameStart = value.indexOf(" -"); if (nameStart >= 0) { nameStart += 2; String name = Utils.getUpperCase(value, nameStart); return name; } return ""; } private int determineFileType(String pdfText) { return !pdfText.contains("TICKET NO:") ? 1 : 2; } }