Java tutorial
package com.hygenics.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import com.eclipsesource.json.Json; import com.hygenics.exceptions.MissingData; import com.hygenics.exceptions.NoDataException; import com.hygenics.exceptions.SQLMalformedException; import com.hygenics.exceptions.TableMissingException; import com.hygenics.jdbc.jdbcconn; /** * Takes in a series of attributes and dumps them based on their specifications. * This is useful for maintaining common schemas. * * Input is a Map<table<Map<attribute type/table name, attr/table name>> * * Types of keys are the name of the table as a string combined with the * filename as table | filename attr - common attr as String * * Specifications for attributes distinct-for concacting distinct part of query * not0-for specifiying that the length must be greater than 0 in the WHERE * clause group-for grouping the attribute not null-for specifying that the attr * cannot be null * * @author Andrew Evans * Copyright 2016 * License Free BSD */ public class SpecDumpWithReference { private final static String datestamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString().trim().replaceAll(":|\\s", ""); private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainApp.class); private ArrayList<String> tablesMustHave = null; private String baseschema; private String baseFile; private String delimiter = "|"; private String replacedel = ";"; private String url; private String user; private String pass; private boolean unicoderemove = true; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> tables; @Autowired private getDAOTemplate template; private String extracondition; private boolean archive = true; public String getReplacedel() { return replacedel; } public void setReplacedel(String replacedel) { this.replacedel = replacedel; } public void setBaseschema(String baseschema) { this.baseschema = baseschema; } public ArrayList<String> getTablesMustHave() { return tablesMustHave; } public void setTablesMustHave(ArrayList<String> tablesMustHave) { this.tablesMustHave = tablesMustHave; } public boolean isArchive() { return archive; } public void setArchive(boolean archive) { this.archive = archive; } public SpecDumpWithReference() { } public String getBaseschema() { return baseschema; } public String getBaseFile() { return baseFile; } @Required public void setBaseFile(String baseFile) { this.baseFile = baseFile; } public String getreplacedel() { return replacedel; } public void setreplacedel(String replacedel) { this.replacedel = replacedel; } public boolean isUnicoderemove() { return unicoderemove; } public void setUnicoderemove(boolean unicoderemove) { this.unicoderemove = unicoderemove; } public String getExtracondition() { return extracondition; } public void setExtracondition(String extracondition) { this.extracondition = extracondition; } public String getDelimiter() { return delimiter; } public void setDelimiter(String delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public String getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } public String getPass() { return pass; } public void setPass(String pass) { this.pass = pass; } public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getTables() { return tables; } /** * Set the tables and attributes * * @param tables */ public void setTables(Map<String, Map<String, String>> tables) { this.tables = tables; } protected class ToFile extends RecursiveAction { private final String sql; private final String file; public ToFile(final String sql, final String file) { this.sql = sql; this.file = file; } @Override public void compute() { jdbcconn conn = new jdbcconn(url, user, pass); conn.CopyOut(sql.trim(), (file.trim() + datestamp + ".txt").trim()); } } /** * Runs the Dump */ public void run() { if (archive) { Archiver zip = new Archiver(); String[] barr = baseFile.split("\\/"); String basefile = ""; for (int i = 0; i > barr.length - 1; i++) { basefile += (i == 0) ? barr[i] : "/" + barr[i]; } if (basefile.trim().length() > 0) { zip.setBasedirectory(basefile); zip.setZipDirectory(basefile + ""); zip.setAvoidanceString(".zip|archive"); zip.setDelFiles(true);; } } int dumped = 0;"Tables Found: " + tables.size()); ForkJoinPool fjp = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()); boolean checkedTables = (this.tablesMustHave == null); for (String tf : tables.keySet()) { String[] split = (this.baseschema + "." + tf + "|" + this.baseFile + tf).split("\\|");"Dumping for " + split[0]); String schema = null; try { schema = split[0].split("\\.")[0]; if (!checkedTables) { ArrayList<String> mustHaveTemp = (ArrayList<String>) this.tablesMustHave.clone(); ArrayList<String> existingTables = this.template.getJsonData( "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema ILIKE '%" + schema + "%'"); for (String tdict : existingTables) { String table = Json.parse(tdict).asObject().get("table_name").asString(); if (mustHaveTemp.contains(table)) { mustHaveTemp.remove(table); // get count if (this.template.getCount(schema + "." + table) == 0) { try { throw new MissingData( "Data Missing from Required Table: " + schema + "." + table); } catch (MissingData e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (tablesMustHave.contains(table)) { log.error("Critical Table Missing Data! Terminating!"); System.exit(-1); } } } } } if (mustHaveTemp.size() > 0) { log.error("Drop Schema " + schema + " is missing the following tables:\n"); for (String table : mustHaveTemp) { log.error(table + "\n"); } try { throw new TableMissingException(); } catch (TableMissingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { try { throw new SQLMalformedException("FATAL ERROR: Table name " + split[0] + " malformed"); } catch (SQLMalformedException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } }"Checking table: " + split[0] + "&& schema: " + schema); if (template.checkTable(split[0], schema)) { // check if there are records if (template.getCount(schema + "." + split[0].replace(schema + ".", "")) > 0) { dumped += 1; Set<String> keys = tables.get(tf).keySet(); String sql; String select = "SELECT "; String distinct = null; String attrs = null; String where = null; String group = null; String order = null; /** * SET THE ATTRIBUTES WHICH CAN BE SPECIFIED WITH * distinct-for concacting distinct part of query not0-for * specifiying that the length must be greater than 0 in the * WHERE clause group-for grouping the attribute not * null-for specifying that the attr cannot be null * orderby-for specifying our one order attr */ for (String k : keys) { if (k.toLowerCase().contains("distinct")) { distinct = (distinct == null) ? "distinct on(" + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") : distinct + "," + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", ""); } if (k.toLowerCase().contains("group")) { group = (group == null) ? "GROUP BY " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") : group + "," + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", ""); } if (k.toLowerCase().contains("not0")) { if (k.contains("not0OR")) { where = (where == null) ? "WHERE length(" + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + ") >0 " : where + "OR length(" + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + ")"; } else { where = (where == null) ? "WHERE length(" + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + ") >0 " : where + "AND length(" + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + ")"; } } if (k.toLowerCase().contains("notnull")) { if (k.toLowerCase().contains("notnullor")) { where = (where == null) ? "WHERE " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + " IS NOT NULL" : where + " OR " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + " IS NOT NULL"; } else { where = (where == null) ? "WHERE " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + " IS NOT NULL" : where + " AND " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + " IS NOT NULL"; } } if (k.toLowerCase().contains("order")) { if (k.toLowerCase().contains("orderdesc")) { order = (order == null) ? "ORDER BY " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + " ASC" : order; } else { order = (order == null) ? "ORDER BY " + tables.get(tf).get(k).replaceAll("\\sas.*", "") + " DESC" : order; } } String field = tables.get(tf).get(k); if (k.toLowerCase().contains("attr")) { if (unicoderemove == true) { field = "regexp_replace(trim(replace(regexp_replace(cast(" + field + " as text)" + ",'[^\\u0020-\\u007e,\\(\\);\\-\\[\\]]+',' '),'" + this.delimiter + "','" + this.replacedel + "')),'[\\r|\\n]+',' ','gm') as " + field; } else { field = "regexp_replace(trim(replace(cast(" + field + " as text),'" + this.delimiter + "','" + this.replacedel + "')),'[\\r|\\n]+',' ','gm')"; } attrs = (attrs == null) ? field : attrs + "," + field; } } select = (distinct == null) ? select : select.trim() + " " + distinct.trim() + ")"; select += " " + attrs.trim(); select += " FROM " + split[0].trim(); select = (where == null) ? select : select.trim() + " " + where.trim(); select = (group == null) ? select : select.trim() + " " + group.trim(); select = (order == null) ? select : select.trim() + " " + order.trim(); if (extracondition != null) { select += (select.contains(" WHERE ") == true) ? " AND" + extracondition : " WHERE " + extracondition; } select = select.trim();"Dump Select Command: " + select); sql = "COPY (" + select + ") TO STDOUT WITH DELIMITER '" + delimiter.trim() + "' NULL as '' CSV HEADER"; fjp.execute(new ToFile(sql, split[1].trim())); select = "SELECT "; distinct = null; attrs = null; where = null; group = null; order = null; } else { try { throw new NoDataException("WARNING: Table " + split[0] + " has no Data"); } catch (NoDataException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (tablesMustHave != null && tablesMustHave.contains(split[0])) { log.error("Table is a Must Have Table by has not Data. Terminating!"); System.exit(-1); } } } } else { try { throw new SQLMalformedException("WARNING: Table " + split[0] + " is missing"); } catch (SQLMalformedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } try { fjp.awaitTermination(60000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); fjp.shutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (dumped == 0) {"No Data Found in any Table"); System.exit(-1); } } }