Java tutorial
package com.hygenics.parser; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import mjson.Json; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileNotFoundException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import com.hygenics.exceptions.DataCountException; import com.hygenics.exceptions.InvalidPath; import com.hygenics.exceptions.MissingData; /** * This is an insertion script. It inserts table counts and column counts for a * given schema. I decided to separately look for and report on data drops that * may not be within the acceptable parameters in a more in depth reporting * mechanism via Python and Pandas. This will save on emails and provide an * easier way to summarize data. The reports should run weekly to be most * effective. * * Some basic QA processes are included though. Photographs are checked for, * and, if there is an * * I am getting inundated with emails and this is causing some issues. * * @author Andrew Evans * Copyright 2016 * License Free BSD */ public class QualityAssurer { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainApp.class); private getDAOTemplate template; private long termtime = 5000; private int procnum = 2; private int qnum = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); private String notnull = null; private List<String> oneMustMatch; private String filenameRegex; private String dropFolder; private String sourceTable; private String countTable; private String columnCheckTable; private String schema; private String photoFolder; private String photoTable; private String imageReplace = "(?mis)\\.jpg"; private double imageCutoff = -1; @NotNull private String imageColumn = "image_path"; public List<String> getOneMustMatch() { return oneMustMatch; } public void setOneMustMatch(List<String> oneMustMatch) { this.oneMustMatch = oneMustMatch; } // Getters and Setters public String getCountTable() { return countTable; } public String getDropFolder() { return dropFolder; } public void setDropFolder(String dropFolder) { this.dropFolder = dropFolder; } public String getFilenameRegex() { return filenameRegex; } public void setFilenameRegex(String filenameRegex) { this.filenameRegex = filenameRegex; } public double getImageCutoff() { return imageCutoff; } public void setImageCutoff(double imageCutoff) { this.imageCutoff = imageCutoff; } public String getImageColumn() { return imageColumn; } public void setImageColumn(String imageColumn) { this.imageColumn = imageColumn; } public String getImageReplace() { return imageReplace; } public void setImageReplace(String imageReplace) { this.imageReplace = imageReplace; } public String getPhotoTable() { return photoTable; } public void setPhotoTable(String photoTable) { this.photoTable = photoTable; } public void setCountTable(String countTable) { this.countTable = countTable; } public getDAOTemplate getTemplate() { return template; } @Autowired @Required @Resource(name = "getDAOTemplate") public void setTemplate(getDAOTemplate template) { this.template = template; } @Required public String getSourceTable() { return sourceTable; } public void setSourceTable(String sourceTable) { this.sourceTable = sourceTable; } public String getPhotoFolder() { return photoFolder; } public void setPhotoFolder(String photoFolder) { this.photoFolder = photoFolder; } public String getColumnCheckTable() { return columnCheckTable; } @Required public void setColumnCheckTable(String columnCheckTable) { this.columnCheckTable = columnCheckTable; } @Required public String getSchema() { return schema; } public void setSchema(String schema) { this.schema = schema; } private void checkTable() { // check that the tables and schemas exist if (this.columnCheckTable != null) {"Checking " + this.columnCheckTable); String[] splarr = this.columnCheckTable.split("\\."); if (!this.template.checkSchema(splarr[0])) {"Creating Schema " + splarr[0]); this.template.createSchema(splarr[0]); } if (!this.template.checkTable(this.columnCheckTable, splarr[0])) { this.template.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this.columnCheckTable + " (schemaname varchar(128),tablename varchar(128),columnname varchar(128),count integer, date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),constraint column_count_pk PRIMARY KEY(schemaname,tablename,columnname,date))"); this.template.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS column_count_index"); this.template.execute("CREATE column_count_index ON " + this.columnCheckTable + " (schemaname,tablename,columnname)"); } } if (this.countTable != null) {"Checking " + this.countTable); String[] splarr = this.countTable.split("\\."); if (!this.template.checkSchema(splarr[0])) {"Checking " + this.countTable); this.template.createSchema(splarr[0]); } if (!this.template.checkTable(this.countTable, splarr[0])) { this.template.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this.countTable + " (schemaname varchar(128),tablename varchar(128),count integer, date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),constraint table_count_pk PRIMARY KEY(schemaname,tablename,date))"); this.template.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS table_count_index"); this.template.execute( "CREATE INDEX table_count_index ON " + this.countTable + " (schemaname,tablename)"); } } if (this.sourceTable != null) {"Checking " + this.sourceTable); String[] splarr = this.sourceTable.split("\\."); if (!this.template.checkSchema(splarr[0])) {"Creating Schema " + splarr[0]); this.template.createSchema(splarr[0]); } if (!this.template.checkTable(this.sourceTable, splarr[0])) { this.template.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + this.sourceTable + " (schemaname varchar(128),date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),constraint source_count_pk PRIMARY KEY(schemaname,date))"); this.template.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS source_count_index"); this.template.execute("CREATE INDEX source_count_index ON " + this.sourceTable + " (schemaname)"); } } }// checkTable private class SplitPost extends RecursiveAction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5942536165467154211L; private final getDAOTemplate template; private ArrayList<String> json; public SplitPost(final getDAOTemplate template, final ArrayList<String> json) { this.json = json; this.template = template; } @Override protected void compute() { String table = null; ArrayList<String> outJson = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String jstring : json) { Map<String, Json> jmap =; if (table == null || !jmap.get("table").asString().equals(table)) { if (table != null) {"Posting to " + table); this.template.postJsonDatawithTable(outJson); outJson.clear(); } table = jmap.get("table").asString(); } outJson.add(jstring); } if (outJson.size() > 0) {"Posting to " + table); this.template.postJsonDatawithTable(outJson); } } } private void sendToDb(ArrayList<String> json, boolean split) { if (json.size() > 0)"Records to Add: " + json.size()); if (split) { ForkJoinPool f2 = new ForkJoinPool( (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + ((int) Math.ceil(procnum * qnum)))); ArrayList<String> l; int size = (int) Math.ceil(json.size() / qnum); for (int conn = 0; conn < qnum; conn++) { l = new ArrayList<String>(); if (((conn + 1) * size) < json.size()) { l.addAll(json.subList((conn * size), ((conn + 1) * size))); } else { l.addAll(json.subList((conn * size), (json.size() - 1))); f2.execute(new SplitPost(template, l)); break; } f2.execute(new SplitPost(template, l)); } try { f2.awaitTermination(termtime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } f2.shutdown(); int incrementor = 0; while (f2.isShutdown() == false && f2.getActiveThreadCount() > 0 && f2.isQuiescent() == false) { incrementor++; try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"Shutting Down" + incrementor); } l = null; f2 = null; } else { for (String j : json) { boolean valid = false; try {; valid = true; } catch (Exception e) {"ERROR: JSON NOT FORMATTED PROPERLY"); System.out.println(j); } try { this.template.postSingleJson(j); } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to Post"); log.error(j); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } // driver method public void run() { this.checkTable(); // CHECK THAT VARIABLES WHERE specified Correctly if (this.photoFolder != null || this.photoTable != null) { if (this.photoFolder != null ^ this.photoTable != null) { log.error("When specifiying a Photo Table or Photo Folder both variables must be present"); throw new NullPointerException("Photo Table or Photo Folder is missing"); } else { int exists = 0; int nonexistant = 0; // check that the photos folder matches the photo database for (String f : new File(this.photoFolder).list()) { if (this.template.getJsonData("SELECT * FROM " + this.photoTable + " WHERE " + this.imageColumn + " ILIKE '%" + f.replaceAll(this.imageReplace, "") + "%'").size() > 0) { exists++; } else { nonexistant++; } } if (exists == 0 || (imageCutoff > -1 && nonexistant > 0 && exists / nonexistant < imageCutoff)) { try { throw new DataCountException( "Photo Counts too Low!\nRation: " + Double.toString(exists / nonexistant)); } catch (DataCountException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } } } java.sql.Timestamp date = new java.sql.Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); File[] files = new File(this.dropFolder).listFiles(); //check that a file that at least one of the following is present if (oneMustMatch != null) { for (String r : oneMustMatch) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(r); boolean found = false; for (File f : files) { Matcher m = p.matcher(f.getName()); if (m.find()) { found = true; } } if (!found) { try { throw new FileNotFoundException("The file " + r + " Must Be Present!"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } } } // check file naming convention if (this.filenameRegex != null || this.dropFolder != null) { if (this.filenameRegex != null ^ this.dropFolder != null) { log.error( "If Drop Folder is Specified or File Name Regex is specified, the other must also be specified."); throw new NullPointerException("Drop Folder or File Name Regex Not Specified"); } if (files != null) { for (File f : files) { if (f.isFile() && !f.getName().contains(".zip") && f.getName().replaceAll(filenameRegex, "").length() != 0) { log.error("File Name Was Not Appropriately Specified"); try { throw new InvalidPath("File Name Not Specified Properly. " + f + " must conform to " + this.filenameRegex); } catch (InvalidPath e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } } } else { try { throw new FileNotFoundException("No Directory %s found!".format(this.dropFolder)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(255); } } } // Insert Column Counts into QA Table int recCount = 0; ArrayList<String> jsons = this.template.getJsonData( "SELECT table_schema as schema,table_name as table,column_name as column FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema LIKE '" + this.schema + "'"); ArrayList<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); if (jsons.size() > 0) { // get column count for (String json : jsons) { Map<String, Json> jmap =; if (!tables.contains(jmap.get("table").asString())) { // get table counts and add to appropriate jsons String tquery = "SELECT count(*) FROM " + jmap.get("schema").asString() + "." + jmap.get("table").asString(); int tcount ="count") .asInteger(); recCount += tcount; this.template.execute("INSERT INTO " + this.countTable + "(schemaname,tablename,count) VALUES('" + jmap.get("schema").asString() + "','" + jmap.get("table").asString() + "','" + tcount + "')"); tables.add(jmap.get("table").asString()); } String query = "SELECT count(\"" + jmap.get("column").asString() + "\") FROM " + jmap.get("schema").asString() + "." + jmap.get("table").asString() + " WHERE \"" + jmap.get("column").asString() + "\" IS NOT NULL AND length(trim(cast(\"" + jmap.get("column").asString() + "\" as text))) > 0"; int count ="count").asInteger(); this.template.execute( "INSERT INTO " + this.columnCheckTable + "(schemaname,tablename,columnname,count) VALUES('" + jmap.get("schema").asString() + "','" + jmap.get("table").asString() + "','" + jmap.get("column").asString() + "','" + count + "')"); } this.template.execute( "INSERT INTO " + this.sourceTable + " VALUES('" + this.schema.replaceAll("[0-9]+", "") + "')"); } // if no records are discovered, error if (recCount == 0) { log.error("No Data Found in Tables. Terminating!"); try { throw new MissingData("No Data Found In Tables"); } catch (MissingData e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } // If all checks succeed, insert into the source table this.template.execute("INSERT INTO " + this.sourceTable + " VALUES('" + this.schema + "')"); }// run }