Java tutorial
package com.hygenics.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveAction; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Resource; import mjson.Json; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject; /** * Parses with Xpath or CSS. But also allows for Regular Expressions to be Used * to Narrow Down the Values. When narrowing, an xmlns header is added by * default but the header can be respecified. * * These classes keep RAM usage down while efficiently using the processor by * maximizing garbage collection capabilities, This code ensuring that * references to referents are actually broken when not in use, doesn't keep * large strings in memory long enough for them to pass to the older generation, * utilize StringBuilders to avoid String Pools,etc. * * @author Andrew Evans * Copyright 2016 * License Free BSD */ public class ParseJSoup { // /VARIABLES/// private String checkstring; private int maxchecks; private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainApp.class.getName()); private int commitsize = 100; private String mustcontain; private String cannotcontain; private String notnull; private String column = "html"; private int timeout = 10000; private String pullid; private String header; private String footer; private String pagenarrow; private String targetTable; private String replace; private String replaceSequence; private String extracondition; private int offset; private String select; private int qnums = 4; private int procs = 1; private Map<String, String> singlepaths; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> multipaths; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> recordpaths; @Autowired private getDAOTemplate template; // /INNER CLASSES FOR DATABASE ACCESS /*** * Post Data to the Database Across Multiple Threads. BE CAREFUL. * * @author aevans * */ private class SplitPost extends RecursiveAction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5942536165467154211L; private final getDAOTemplate template; private ArrayList<String> json; public SplitPost(final getDAOTemplate template, final ArrayList<String> json) { this.json = json; this.template = template; } @Override protected void compute() { String val = null; String table = null; String sql = null; ArrayList<String> outlist = new ArrayList<String>(); int numvals = 0; if (this.json != null) { for (String str : this.json) { Map<String, Json> jmap =; if (table == null) { // CASE IS THAT no table has been added Set<String> keys = jmap.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); String fname = null; // create statement (a repeat due to comparison against // a null condition [just to be careful null is used]) table = jmap.get("table").asString().trim(); sql = "INSERT INTO " + table + " ("; val = "VALUES("; // hopefully a smaller loop saves time for (int vals = 0; vals < keys.size(); vals++) { fname =; if (fname.compareTo("table") != 0) { if (vals > 0) { val += ","; sql += ","; } val += "?"; sql += fname; } } numvals = keys.size(); sql += ")"; val += ")"; sql = sql + " " + val; if (str.trim().compareTo("NO DATA") != 0) { if (notnull != null) { if (jmap.get(notnull.trim()).asString().trim().length() > 0) { outlist.add(str); } } else { outlist.add(str); } } } else if (table.compareTo(jmap.get("table").asString().trim()) != 0 | jmap.size() > numvals | jmap.size() < numvals) { // case is that table is different or the number of // values differs which would cause sql to throw an // error Set<String> keys = jmap.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); String fname = null; // send current data if the waiting list is greater than // 0 if (outlist.size() > 0) { this.template.postJsonData(sql, outlist); outlist = new ArrayList<String>(); } // reset information table = jmap.get("table").asString().trim(); sql = "INSERT INTO " + table + " ("; val = "VALUES("; // hopefully a smaller loop saves time for (int vals = 0; vals < keys.size(); vals++) { fname =; if (fname.compareTo("table") != 0) { if (vals > 0) { val += ","; sql += ","; } val += "?"; sql += fname; } } sql += ")"; val += ")"; numvals = keys.size(); sql = sql + " " + val; if (str.trim().compareTo("NO DATA") != 0) { if (notnull != null) { if (jmap.get(notnull.trim()).asString().trim().length() > 0) { outlist.add(str); } } else { outlist.add(str); } } } else { // case is that no table is different and the number of // values does not differ from the previous ammount if (str.trim().compareTo("NO DATA") != 0) { if (notnull != null) { if (jmap.get(notnull.trim()).asString().trim().length() > 0) { outlist.add(str); } } else { outlist.add(str); } } } jmap = null; } // send remaining strings to db if (outlist.size() > 0) { this.template.postJsonData(sql, outlist); } sql = null; val = null; outlist = null; json = null; } } } /** * For Multithreaded Grabbing of Data from a database. This works only * because the proper DAO Template method is set to work asynchronously. * * @author aevans * */ private class SplitQuery implements Callable<ArrayList<String>> { private final String select; SplitQuery(String select) { = select; } @Override public ArrayList<String> call() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return template.getJSonDatawithQuotes(select); } } // /INNER CLASSES FOR FJP/// /** * Parses a Single Attribute from an HTML Document * * @author aevans * */ private class ParseSingle implements Callable<ArrayList<String>> { private final String header; private final String pagenarrow; private final Map<String, String> xpaths; private final String html; private final String replace; private final String replaceSequence; private final String offenderhash; private final String footer; ParseSingle(String offenderhash, String header, String footer, String pagenarrow, Map<String, String> xpaths, String html, String replace, String replaceSequence) { this.header = header; this.pagenarrow = pagenarrow; this.xpaths = xpaths; this.html = html; this.replace = replace; this.replaceSequence = replaceSequence; this.offenderhash = offenderhash; this.footer = footer; } @Override public ArrayList<String> call() throws Exception { // TODO return the parsed XPath String with narrowing Effects. // Single String matchhtml = html; JsonObject jobject = new JsonObject(); Document jsoup; ArrayList<String> retarr = new ArrayList<String>(1); // add the offenderhash and table to the record jobject.add("table", xpaths.get("table")); jobject.add("offenderhash", this.offenderhash); // Limit the HTM and re-add the header if (this.pagenarrow != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(this.pagenarrow); Matcher m = p.matcher(this.html); if (m.find()) { if (header != null) { matchhtml = ( == false) ? header + "\n" + :; } else { matchhtml =; } } } jsoup = Jsoup.parse(matchhtml); // Get each Attribute and build the appropriate Json String for (String key : xpaths.keySet()) { if (key.toLowerCase().trim().compareTo("table") != 0) { // force error on purpose --> unchecked // ArrayIndexOutOfBounds and NullPointerException String[] atvals = xpaths.get(key).trim().split("="); Elements els = jsoup.getElementsByAttributeValue(atvals[0], atvals[1]); if (els.size() > 0) { jobject.add(key.trim(), ((this.replace != null) ? els.get(0).text().trim().replaceAll(this.replace, this.replaceSequence) : els.get(0).text().trim())); } else { jobject.add(key.trim(), ""); } } } matchhtml = null; jsoup = null; retarr.add(jobject.toString()); return retarr; } } /** * An Added function that, with the increased integrity of rows with * attributes, parses each row. * * @author aevans * */ private class ParseRows implements Callable<ArrayList<String>> { private final String header; private final String pagenarrow; private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> xpaths; private final String html; private final String replace; private final String replaceSequence; private final String offenderhash; private final String footer; ParseRows(String offenderhash, String header, String footer, String pagenarrow, Map<String, Map<String, String>> xpaths, String html, String replace, String replaceSequence) { this.offenderhash = offenderhash; this.header = header; this.pagenarrow = pagenarrow; this.xpaths = xpaths; this.html = html; this.replace = replace; this.replaceSequence = replaceSequence; this.footer = footer; } @Override public ArrayList<String> call() throws Exception { // TODO Get Records Row By Row String matchhtml = html; ArrayList<String> jsons = new ArrayList<String>(); Document jsoup; Pattern p; Matcher m; // Limit the HTM and re-add the header if (this.pagenarrow != null) { p = Pattern.compile(this.pagenarrow); m = p.matcher(this.html); if (m.find()) { if (header != null) { matchhtml = ( == false) ? header + "\n" + :; } else { matchhtml =; } if (footer != null) { matchhtml += footer; } } } // Get Rows // Input format is Map<table,Map<key,attr>> for (String key : xpaths.keySet()) { if (xpaths.get(key).containsKey("narrow")) { p = Pattern.compile(xpaths.get(key).get("narrow").trim()); m = p.matcher(matchhtml); if (m.find()) { if (header != null) { matchhtml = ( ? : header + "\n" +; } else { matchhtml =; } if (footer != null) { matchhtml += footer; } } } if (matchhtml != null) { if (xpaths.get(key).containsKey("rows")) { p = Pattern.compile(xpaths.get(key).get("rows")); m = p.matcher(matchhtml); while (m.find()) { // parse found rows JsonObject jobject = new JsonObject(); jobject.add("table", key); jobject.add("offenderhash", this.offenderhash); String jstring; // add the header // force error on purpose --> unchecked // ArrayIndexOutOfBounds and NullPointerException if (header != null) { jstring = (( == false) ? header + "\n" + :; } else { jstring =; } if (footer != null && jstring != null) { jstring += footer; } jsoup = Jsoup.parse(jstring); // add attribute-value mapping for each record for (String innerkey : xpaths.get(key).keySet()) { if (innerkey.compareTo("narrow") != 0 && innerkey.compareTo("rows") != 0) { String[] atvals = xpaths.get(key).get(innerkey).trim().split("="); Elements els = jsoup.getElementsByAttributeValue(atvals[0], atvals[1]); if (els.size() > 0) { jobject.add(innerkey.trim(), ((this.replace != null) ? els.get(0).text().trim() .replaceAll(this.replace, this.replaceSequence) : els.get(0).text().trim())); } else { jobject.add(innerkey.trim(), ""); } } } // add json record to arraylist jsons.add(jobject.toString()); } } } } jsoup = null; p = null; m = null; // return json records return jsons; } } /** * Acts in the Same Way as the Regular Expression Version by Pipe Separating * Values and inserting the result into a column. * * @author aevans * */ private class ParseLoop implements Callable<ArrayList<String>> { private final String header; private final String pagenarrow; private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> xpaths; private final String html; private final String replace; private final String replaceSequence; private final String offenderhash; private final String footer; ParseLoop(String offenderhash, String header, String footer, String pagenarrow, Map<String, Map<String, String>> xpaths, String html, String replace, String replaceSequence) { this.header = header; this.pagenarrow = pagenarrow; this.xpaths = xpaths; this.html = html; this.replace = replace; this.offenderhash = offenderhash; this.replaceSequence = replaceSequence; this.footer = footer; } @Override public ArrayList<String> call() throws Exception { // TODO return the Parsed XPath String with any narrowing effects. // Looped String matchhtml = this.html; ArrayList<String> jsons = new ArrayList<String>(); Document jsoup; // narrow page if requested if (this.pagenarrow != null) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(this.pagenarrow.trim()); Matcher m = p.matcher(this.html); if (m.find()) { if (header != null) { matchhtml = ( ? header + "\n" + :; } else { matchhtml =; } if (footer != null) { matchhtml += footer; } } } // narrow // get the splittables // splittables are defined in Map<table,Map<key, value> for (String key : xpaths.keySet()) { if (xpaths.get(key).containsKey("narrow")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(this.pagenarrow.trim()); Matcher m = p.matcher(this.html); if (m.find()) { matchhtml = ( ? header + "\n" + :; if (footer != null) { matchhtml += footer; } } } jsoup = Jsoup.parse(matchhtml); JsonObject jobject = new JsonObject(); jobject.add("table", key.trim()); jobject.add("offenderhash", this.offenderhash.trim()); String elements = null; String ikey = null; for (String innerkey : xpaths.get(key).keySet()) { if (ikey == null) { ikey = innerkey; } if (key.compareTo("narrow") != 0) { String[] attr = xpaths.get(key).get(innerkey).split("="); Elements els = jsoup.getElementsByAttributeValue(attr[0].trim(), attr[1].trim()); for (Element el : els) { elements = (elements == null) ? el.text() : elements + "|" + el.text(); } } } jobject.add(ikey.trim(), ((this.replace == null) ? elements.trim() : elements.trim().replaceAll(this.replace, this.replaceSequence))); jsons.add(jobject.toString()); } jsoup = null; return jsons; } } // //GETTERS AND SETTERS/// public String getHeader() { return header; } public String getCheckstring() { return checkstring; } public void setCheckstring(String checkstring) { this.checkstring = checkstring; } public int getMaxchecks() { return maxchecks; } public void setMaxchecks(int maxchecks) { this.maxchecks = maxchecks; } public String getNotnull() { return notnull; } public void setNotnull(String notnull) { this.notnull = notnull; } public int getTimeout() { return timeout; } public void setTimeout(int timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } public void setHeader(String header) { this.header = header; } public String getPagenarrow() { return pagenarrow; } public void setPagenarrow(String pagenarrow) { this.pagenarrow = pagenarrow; } public String getTargetTable() { return targetTable; } @Required public void setTargetTable(String targetTable) { this.targetTable = targetTable; } public String getSelect() { return select; } @Required public void setSelect(String select) { = select; } public String getReplace() { return replace; } public void setReplace(String replace) { this.replace = replace; } public String getReplaceSequence() { return replaceSequence; } public void setReplaceSequence(String replaceSequence) { this.replaceSequence = replaceSequence; } public String getExtracondition() { return extracondition; } public void setExtracondition(String extracondition) { this.extracondition = extracondition; } public int getQnums() { return qnums; } public void setQnums(int qnums) { this.qnums = qnums; } public int getProcs() { return procs; } public void setProcs(int procs) { this.procs = procs; } public Map<String, String> getSinglepaths() { return singlepaths; } public void setSinglepaths(Map<String, String> singlepaths) { this.singlepaths = singlepaths; } public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getMultipaths() { return multipaths; } public void setMultipaths(Map<String, Map<String, String>> multipaths) { this.multipaths = multipaths; } public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getRecordpaths() { return recordpaths; } public void setRecordpaths(Map<String, Map<String, String>> recordpaths) { this.recordpaths = recordpaths; } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(int offset) { this.offset = offset; } public getDAOTemplate getTemplate() { return template; } public void setTemplate(getDAOTemplate template) { this.template = template; } public String getPullid() { return pullid; } @Required public void setPullid(String pullid) { this.pullid = pullid; } public String getColumn() { return column; } public void setColumn(String column) { this.column = column; } public String getMustcontain() { return mustcontain; } public void setMustcontain(String mustcontain) { this.mustcontain = mustcontain; } public String getCannotcontain() { return cannotcontain; } public void setCannotcontain(String cannotcontain) { this.cannotcontain = cannotcontain; } public int getCommitsize() { return commitsize; } public void setCommitsize(int commitsize) { this.commitsize = commitsize; } public String getFooter() { return footer; } public void setFooter(String footer) { this.footer = footer; } // SUPPORT METHODS private void createTables() { // TODO Build Tables at Startup"Creating Tables @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); if (this.singlepaths != null) { // no internment of strings executed once if (this.singlepaths.containsKey("table")) { if (this.singlepaths.size() > 0) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("CREATE TABLE " + this.singlepaths.get("table") + " (offenderhash text,"); Iterator<String> it = this.singlepaths.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase("table")) { builder.append(key + " text"); if (it.hasNext()) { builder.append(","); } } } builder.append(")"); template.execute(builder.toString()); } }"Finished Creating Tables @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); } if (this.multipaths != null) { if (this.multipaths.size() > 0) { Iterator<String> it = this.multipaths.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("CREATE TABLE " + key + " (offenderhash text,"); Iterator<String> inneriterator = this.multipaths.get(key).keySet().iterator(); while (inneriterator.hasNext()) { String ik =; builder.append(ik + " text"); if (inneriterator.hasNext()) { builder.append(","); } } builder.append(")"); template.execute(builder.toString()); } } } if (this.recordpaths != null) { if (this.recordpaths.size() > 0) { for (String key : this.recordpaths.keySet()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("CREATE TABLE " + key + " (offenderhash text,"); int it = 0; for (String attr : this.recordpaths.get(key).keySet()) { it++; builder.append(attr + " text"); if (it < this.recordpaths.get(key).keySet().size()) { builder.append(","); } } builder.append(")"); template.execute(builder.toString()); } } } } // //RUN THE PROGRAM//// /** * Runs the Program */ public void run() { int its = 0; = Properties.getProperty(; this.extracondition = Properties.getProperty(this.extracondition); this.column = Properties.getProperty(this.column); createTables();"Starting Parse via JSoup @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); ForkJoinPool fjp = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * procs); Set<Callable<ArrayList<String>>> collection; List<Future<ArrayList<String>>> futures; ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>((commitsize + 10)); ArrayList<String> outdata = new ArrayList<String>(((commitsize + 10) * 3)); int offenderhash = offset; boolean run = true; int iteration = 0; int currpos = 0; do { collection = new HashSet<Callable<ArrayList<String>>>(qnums);"Getting Data"); // get data currpos = iteration * commitsize + offset; iteration += 1; String query = select; if (extracondition != null) { query += " " + extracondition; } if (extracondition != null) { query += " WHERE " + extracondition + " AND "; } else { query += " WHERE "; } for (int i = 0; i < qnums; i++) { if (currpos + (Math.round(commitsize / qnums * (i + 1))) < currpos + commitsize) { collection.add(new SplitQuery((query + pullid + " >= " + Integer.toString(currpos + (Math.round(commitsize / qnums * (i)))) + " AND " + pullid + " < " + Integer.toString(currpos + (Math.round(commitsize / qnums * (i + 1))))))); } else { collection.add(new SplitQuery((query + pullid + " >= " + Integer.toString(currpos + (Math.round(commitsize / qnums * (i)))) + " AND " + pullid + " < " + Integer.toString(currpos + commitsize)))); } } if (collection.size() > 0) { futures = fjp.invokeAll(collection); int w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() == false && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; } for (Future<ArrayList<String>> f : futures) { try { // TODO Get Pages to Parse data.addAll(f.get()); } catch (NullPointerException e) {"Some Data Returned Null"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } collection = new HashSet<Callable<ArrayList<String>>>(data.size()); // checkstring if (data.size() == 0 && checkstring != null && its <= maxchecks) { its++; collection.add(new SplitQuery(checkstring)); futures = fjp.invokeAll(collection); int w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() == false && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; } for (Future<ArrayList<String>> f : futures) { try { // TODO Get Pages to Parse data.addAll(f.get()); } catch (NullPointerException e) {"Some Data Returned Null"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (data.size() == 0) { // set to stop if size is0"No Pages to Parse. Will Terminate"); run = false; } else { // parse"Starting JSoup Parse @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); for (String json : data) { // faster json reader is minimal json but faster parser is // Simple Json Map<String, Json> jMap =; if (jMap.containsKey("offenderhash")) { // string to int in case it is a string and has some // extra space offenderhash = Integer.parseInt(jMap.get("offenderhash").asString().trim()); } boolean allow = true; if (mustcontain != null) { if (jMap.get(column).asString().contains(mustcontain) == false) { allow = false; } } if (cannotcontain != null) { if (jMap.get(column).asString().contains(cannotcontain)) { allow = false; } } // this is the fastest way. I was learning before and will // rewrite when time permits. if (allow == true) { if (jMap.containsKey("offenderhash")) { if (this.singlepaths != null) { collection.add(new ParseSingle(Integer.toString(offenderhash), header, footer, pagenarrow, singlepaths, StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(jMap.get(column).asString()), replace, replaceSequence)); } if (this.multipaths != null) { collection.add(new ParseRows(Integer.toString(offenderhash), header, footer, pagenarrow, multipaths, StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(jMap.get(column).asString()), replace, replaceSequence)); } if (this.recordpaths != null) { collection.add(new ParseLoop(Integer.toString(offenderhash), header, footer, pagenarrow, recordpaths, StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(jMap.get(column).asString()), replace, replaceSequence)); } } } offenderhash += 1; } // complete parse"Waiting for Parsing to Complete."); if (collection.size() > 0) { futures = fjp.invokeAll(collection); int w = 0; while (fjp.isQuiescent() && fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0) { w++; }"Waited for " + Integer.toString(w) + " Cycles!"); for (Future<ArrayList<String>> f : futures) { try { outdata.addAll(f.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }"Finished Parsing @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); int cp = 0; // post data"Posting Data @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); if (outdata.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < qnums; i++) { ArrayList<String> od = new ArrayList<String>( ((cp + (Math.round(outdata.size() / qnums) - cp)))); if (cp + (Math.round(outdata.size() / qnums)) < outdata.size()) { od.addAll(outdata.subList(cp, (cp + (Math.round(outdata.size() / qnums))))); } else { od.addAll(outdata.subList(cp, (outdata.size() - 1))); } fjp.execute(new SplitPost(template, od)); cp += Math.round(outdata.size() / qnums); } int w = 0; while (fjp.getActiveThreadCount() > 0 && fjp.isQuiescent() == false) { w++; }"Waited for " + Integer.toString(w) + " cycles!"); }"Finished Posting to DB @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); // size should remain same with 10 slot buffer room data.clear(); outdata.clear(); } // my favorite really desperate attempt to actually invoke garbage // collection because of MASSIVE STRINGS System.gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } while (run);"Shutting Down FJP"); // shutdown fjp if (fjp.isShutdown() == false) { fjp.shutdownNow(); }"Finished Parsing @ " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); } }